Second Chances: Aidan's Bride (The McKenzie Series #1)

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Second Chances: Aidan's Bride (The McKenzie Series #1) Page 4

by Lynn Coppersmith

  Her lips were so full and luscious. He wondered what they would taste like. Why don’t you kiss her and find out. I bet she tastes sweet and soft. He focused his eyes on his bowl and tried to ignore the ache in his loins.

  After Aidan had finished a second bowl of stew, he politely refused her offer of coffee. “No thank you, Naomi. I can barely breathe.” The smile he gave her made her stomach do back flips. “I do appreciate the lunch, but I really should be heading home. I still have chores to do today.”

  Naomi averted her eyes to hide her disappointment. “Of course. It was my pleasure. And thank you for escorting me to church.”

  Aidan rose and offered his hand to help her up from her chair. Suddenly, they stood face to face with bare inches between them. Naomi’s heart pounded in her breast. She was certain he was about to kiss her, and she held her breath.

  Aidan wanted to kiss her. He eyed her lush lips, and he could sense that she might not mind. The only thing that held him back was that he wanted a serious relationship with her. He didn’t want to give the impression that he thought she was an easy conquest. It would be much better to bide his time and get to know her better. He reluctantly turned away and retrieved his hat.

  “Thank you again, Naomi. I’ll come first thing in the morning to get started on your garden. Would that be alright with you?”

  “Yes, of course. I insist that you let me make breakfast for you though.”

  Aidan flashed her a grin of acceptance. “That’s a deal. Would seven o’clock be too early?”

  “Not at all. I’ll see you then.”

  Aidan snagged her hand and brushed another kiss over the backs of her fingers. When his dark brown eyes met hers, she could swear they smoldered with passion. A pang of desire shot through to her loins, and she swallowed hard.

  “Until tomorrow then,” he murmured.

  With that, he left. She watched as he quickly hitched the horses to the wagon and climbed to the seat. Her chest felt tight as he gave her a final wave and turned his wagon toward the road.

  Once he had driven out of sight, she went inside and closed the door. As she undressed, her mind was busy. She reviewed every moment that they had spent together. They barely knew each other, but she would swear that Aidan was just as attracted to her as she was to him. Her womanly instincts were insisting that he had hesitated, and he had almost kissed her. She wondered why he hadn’t. She realized, with some surprise, that she would have gladly accepted his advances.

  Aidan was so very different from her late husband. Richard had been old enough to be her father. In retrospect, his behavior toward her had sometimes been more similar to a father than a husband. On the other hand, Aidan was young and vigorous, a man in his prime. He left no doubt when he looked at her; he saw a mature and very desirable woman rather than a young girl.

  Richard had always been very particular about her clothes, wanting Naomi to dress in a way that would reflect well on him. Aidan looked at her like he wanted to get her out of her clothes.

  Richard had always treated her with affection, but he had always remained somewhat reserved. Aidan was anything but reserved. She had the impression that he wanted to gobble her up. In fact, she could swear that he was struggling as much as she was to hide the depth of his desire.

  Remembering the smoldering heat in Aidan’s eyes just before he left, Naomi shivered with an answering hunger. He was not alone in his fascination. She felt every bit as drawn to him as he seemed to be to her. She was almost certain that if she gave the word, he would be all too eager to make love to her.

  Having such lustful thoughts came as a shock to Naomi. She had never had such lustful thoughts about her husband. In fact, lovemaking had never been all that pleasurable for her during her five year marriage. Richard had always been gentle when he came to her bed, but he had taken his pleasure swiftly, with minimal fuss.

  Richard had only come to her in the dark of night. He never undressed and he rarely kissed or caressed her. He simply climbed between the sheets, lifted the hem of her gown, and thrust into her a few times. It never took more than a couple of minutes for him to reach his climax. Then, he would deposit his seed inside her, thank her with a kiss on her brow, and return to his own bedroom to sleep.

  Naomi remembered feeling frustrated and wondering whether there something crucial she was missing. She would sometimes hear Richard snoring contentedly from the next room while she was left feeling hollow, hungry, restless, and confused. She had always felt there was something more, but she didn’t know what. And she never felt confident enough to discuss it with her husband. There had been many nights when she had cried herself to sleep.

  However, when she asked, her women friends had always confirmed that the marriage bed was only pleasurable for the man. Lovemaking was something men enjoyed and women endured, they said. Not knowing any different, Naomi had accepted their collective wisdom.

  About a year after her husband’s death, Naomi had overheard two of the maids whispering about having sexual relations with men. Naomi’s cheeks had burned as she eavesdropped. The two girls had sounded vastly more experienced than she was. Some of the things they described didn’t even sound plausible. But, the two maids had spoken as if making love was fun and something to be enjoyed. In fact, they indulged frequently, because it apparently brought them so much pleasure.

  Naomi had been intrigued, wondering once again whether she had missed out on something. However, at the time, she had felt she would never be with another man, so she had pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. There was no point in speculating, since her lovemaking days were behind her.

  However, since meeting Aidan, Naomi was growing increasingly curious about the possibilities to be had between a woman and a man. With just a heated look or a touch of his hand on hers, he made her ache with desire. For the first time in her life, she was truly tempted by a man.

  With Aidan, she felt desire all the time, and the intensity of her desire was almost frightening. In fact, she found it difficult to focus on anything but her lust whenever she was with him. She desperately wanted to know what it would be like to have Aidan make love to her.

  Would the strength of her feelings make it more enjoyable, or would they lead to even greater frustration and longing? For some reason, she felt confident that Aidan would know how to satisfy her hunger and not leave her wanting. Naomi frowned thoughtfully as that instinct turned more and more into a certainty.

  Naomi had come to Oregon to start a new life. She had no intention of ever marrying again. She had her reasons, apart from dissatisfaction in the marriage bed. Her reasons were valid ones and would not change. Marriage was simply not an option.

  Still, she didn’t relish the idea of living a lifetime of loneliness. She was only twenty four years old. Should she have to spend the remainder of her days as a lonely widow? Perhaps she could enjoy physical intimacy, as her two maids had obviously done. Aidan had shown up on her doorstep by fluke. Was it so very wrong to consider having a temporary physical relationship with him?

  The thought of taking a lover had never crossed her mind in the past. However, she had never been faced with a man as handsome and charming as Aidan. She had never felt an attraction this strong. She had never burned for a man’s touch. Her late husband had inspired her admiration but never her desire, and that realization caused her pangs of guilt.

  Still, she couldn’t deny that she was terribly drawn to Aidan. She had been sorely tempted to throw herself in his arms and kiss him while they were saying their goodbyes.

  Had Aidan not left of his own accord, she might very well have embarrassed herself. She had wanted him to kiss her. In fact, she wanted him to do much more than kiss her. She wanted to know whether Aidan could satisfy the desires that had been buried inside her for so long. The thought made her gasp, but even as color flooded her cheeks, a slow grin spread across her face.

  The thought of taking a lover was beginning to take root more firmly in her mind. She waited
for her conscience to rail at her or for a terrible sense of guilt to wash over her. Instead, she only felt a building sense of excitement and anticipation.

  Why shouldn’t she take a lover? She didn’t want a husband, but there was no reason not to enjoy a man’s touch, especially when that man was as desirable as Aidan McKenzie. Men took lovers all the time. Why shouldn’t she? Who would be harmed by it?

  Delicious fantasies of Aidan flitted through her mind. Did she truly have the courage to seduce him? What if he rejected her? It would be terribly humiliating if he walked out the door and never returned. Still, she had little to lose and a lot to gain. Her womanly intuition was telling her that he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him. The way he devoured her with his eyes certainly seemed to attest to that.

  Naomi began washing the dishes as she planned for the following day. When Aidan returned in the morning, she was determined to make her desires clear. If Aidan wanted her half as much as she thought he did, it should be a simple matter to entice him into her bed. A throbbing ache settled between her thighs, and she moaned softly. It was promising to be a long, lonely, frustrating night.


  Aidan once again drove home with his mind in a fog. He had never felt so drawn to a woman before. Naomi was not only beautiful; she was witty, mature, intelligent and charming. He wanted her in the worst possible way.

  He had never had to woo a woman before, and he was somewhat at a loss. Was there some predefined script for courting a woman? Was he supposed to know her for a certain amount of time before he kissed her? Were the rules any different since she was a widow?

  Perhaps the best thing would be to simply spend more time with her. Hopefully, they would figure it out together. He had the sense that she was attracted to him too, although she likely had no idea how intensely he wanted her. He would have to take things slowly so as not to frighten her. However, he was determined to win her for his wife, whatever it took.

  He would have to be careful not to let his desire get out of control. He was ashamed of the lustful thoughts that had plagued him all during church and during lunch afterward. Maybe it had been too long since he had been with a woman.

  He gave a disgusted snort. He knew that his recent abstinence wasn’t what drove his desires. It had only been a couple of weeks since he had visited Harvey’s. The saloon girls were all very pretty, and they wore extremely revealing clothes. Still, none of them excited him like Naomi did when she was dressed as she had been for church. Her modest dress had been buttoned primly all the way to her neck, and yet all that he had been able to think about was unbuttoning it to reveal her lush breasts.

  At least he didn’t think he was alone in his desires. Naomi seemed attracted to him as well. The way she had looked at him just before he left made him think she might be open to more than just friendship. In fact, he could swear he saw desire in her big blue eyes. But maybe he was just seeing what he wanted to see.

  He would find out one way or another soon. He would let her know how he felt. He would court her and woo her until he made her his own. With enough patience, she would become his wife. And then, he would spend the rest of his days loving her and making love to her.

  On that happy note, he turned the wagon into his drive.

  Chapter Four

  The following day, Aidan rushed through his morning chores. He loaded crates of peaches, jars, sugar, and paraffin into his wagon and drove to Naomi’s cabin. She had haunted his dreams. He couldn’t wait to see her again.

  He arrived just at the appointed time, and he jumped down from the wagon. He could see signs of activity from inside the cabin, and he smelled bacon frying. He knocked on the door and heard Naomi’s muffled voice from inside, bidding him to enter. The sight that greeted him as he opened the door drove his breath out of his chest and sent hot blood pounding through his loins. He felt like he had been punched in the gut.

  Naomi was dressed in a white cotton nightgown with only a soft blue wrapper over it, belted at her slim waist. She was bent over pulling a pan of biscuits from the oven. The thin blue cotton molded lovingly to her bottom, and the hem of her gown had risen in the back to give him a tantalizing view of shapely calves, dainty ankles, and delicate bare feet. Her bottom wiggled enticingly as she stepped back with the pan and closed the oven door with one well rounded hip before turning to face him.

  She flashed him a brilliant smile of welcome and set the pan of biscuits on the table beside a platter of steaming bacon and eggs. Aidan ignored the food as his eyes made a slow survey of her from head to toe. He wouldn’t have been able to disguise his lust if his life had depended on it at that moment.

  Her cheeks were rosy, and her hair hung in thick, shimmering auburn waves down her back. Her breasts were soft and unfettered beneath her nightgown, and he paused for a long moment to enjoy the obvious outline of her nipples standing proudly erect. It took every ounce of effort to drag his eyes back up to meet hers.

  Aidan wished fervently that he had been beside her in bed when she woke up looking so tempting and luscious. Naomi stood composed beneath his heated regard and waited for him to meet her eye again before she let her smile deepen.

  “Good morning, Aidan.”

  Aidan had to clear his throat before he could speak. “Good morning. Am I early? I thought we agreed I would be here at seven o’clock,” he said uncertainly.

  “No, not at all. You’re just on time. Come in. Sit down. I made you some breakfast, and I hope you’re hungry.”

  Had he imagined the heat in her gaze? It was inappropriate for him to see her in her nightgown and robe, much less for them to be alone together when she was dressed like this. However, she seemed utterly unconcerned.

  Aidan had had dozens of women flirt with him over the years and offer him their favors. He didn’t want to misinterpret her intent, but unless he was grossly mistaken, Naomi was offering him far more than just breakfast.

  He eyed her carefully. “Perhaps I should wait outside while you get dressed.”

  “Nonsense. I’m perfectly decent,” she said with a smile. “Don’t you think so?”

  She raised her eyebrows questioningly. She stood still before him, inviting him … no, practically daring him to take another look at her body. Aidan couldn’t resist the offer, and he subjected her to another lengthy inspection. His heated gazed lingered on her many curves, especially her charmingly displayed breasts, her tiny waist, and her sweetly rounded but slender hips. She was absolutely stunning. His cock throbbed in his breeches.

  Naomi’s gaze dropped to his obvious erection, and she didn’t seem alarmed in the least, even when he closed the door and deliberately dropped the bar in place while giving her a pointed stare. He took several steps toward her, stopping with only a few inches between them.

  Naomi suddenly felt at a loss. She had hoped that by letting Aidan see her so scantily dressed, her message would be clear. She was his for the taking … if he wanted her. But she felt her confidence slipping in the face of his searching gaze.

  Their eyes met and held for several long moments. Aidan watched her for any sign that he may have misunderstood, but she continued to stand calmly before him. Did she know how close she was to being ravished?

  Naomi cleared her throat nervously. “Please, have a seat and let me get you some coffee. You must be starving.”

  She turned aside to reach for the coffee pot, but Aidan caught her hand in his and turned her back to face him. He hadn’t planned to make a bold pass at her, but the sight of her in her nightgown had pushed his good sense to the very back corner of his mind. If she was offering everything he thought she was, he wasn’t about to refuse her offer.

  He pulled her slowly toward him, giving her ample opportunity to resist if she wanted. Instead, she came willingly into his arms and sank against him, pressing her succulent breasts against his chest. He tried to read her eyes, but all he could see was anticipation in their cornflower blue depths. Could it be that she wanted him as badly as he want
ed her? He cupped her cheek in his palm and caressed the side of her neck as he held her gaze.

  “I am starving, Naomi, but not for food,” he whispered, letting his gaze dip to the tantalizing view of her breasts. “I feel like a feast has just been laid before me. Unless it is your intention to land naked on your back on that bed over there, I suggest you put some clothes on while I wait outside. I’m afraid my self-restraint is sorely strained right now, and I’m finding it almost impossible to behave like a gentleman.”

  Naomi was thrilled by his response. His reaction was everything she could have hoped for, and her own body was desperate for his touch. She shocked him when she stretched onto her tiptoes to kiss his jaw where it met his neck. She traced a molten path with her tongue to his ear, and her voice was sinfully delightful as she whispered in his ear.

  “I’m willing to satisfy any appetites you might have, Aidan. I’m just as hungry as you are. I couldn’t sleep at all last night for thinking about you.”

  Her words sealed their fate. With a low growl, Aidan cupped her bottom in his palm and bent to devour her lips. Naomi felt as if she had been caught in a hurricane as he plundered the depths of her mouth. She encouraged him to feast, and she responded with her own hunger. Heat welled between them as their mouths melded, and their tongues tangled.

  This was different from any kiss Naomi had experienced before. Her husband had given her chaste pecks on the lips, cheek or forehead. Aidan devoured her mouth, thrusting his tongue between her lips and inflaming her lust. Every fiery stroke of his tongue caused a jolt of hunger in her loins, and she clung to him, doing everything she could to encourage him to ravish her. Her responsiveness made Aidan ache for her, and he deepened the kiss, letting their passions ignite.

  Naomi fed the flames, stroking the hair at his nape and pressing her body intimately against his. Her low moan seemed to inflame him even further, and he ground his hips against her. The feeling of his rampant erection cradled against her soft belly only intensified Naomi’s need, and she moaned again. This was so different from anything she had ever experienced, and she wanted more!


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