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Second Chances: Aidan's Bride (The McKenzie Series #1)

Page 8

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “Hmm,” Aidan said, “Liam is sort of a combination between the two of us. He looks like a younger version of me, but he has Brian’s charm and sense of humor. He also loves to play and joke, but he is not as devilish as Brian. Liam is often the peacemaker in the family. He sometimes acts as a buffer between me and Brian, and we both look after him, because he’s the baby.”

  Naomi gave him a teasing grin. “Let me guess, he is equally popular with the ladies?”

  Aidan returned her grin. “Definitely. Every time he goes to town, he practically has to beat the girls off with a stick.”

  “Well, that certainly explains some of the looks I received at church. I thought some of those young ladies were going to scratch my eyes out just because you were with me.”

  “In case you didn’t notice, you were drawing a fair bit of attention yourself, Naomi. Don’t be surprised when the single young men start showing up around here. It’s only a matter of time. Anytime a new woman comes to the area, she’s sure to draw interest, if only because eligible men far outnumber eligible women. But with your beauty, you are sure to draw men like bees to honey.”

  Naomi laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She leaned back on her arms and stared up at the summer sky. “It must be nice to have brothers. I was an only child, but I always wanted siblings.”

  Aidan was happy to finally be given a tidbit of personal information about Naomi. He gently probed for more. “Did you move to San Francisco from back east?”

  “I was born in Tennessee. My parents moved to San Francisco when I was ten. I don’t remember much about living anywhere else. Until just recently, San Francisco was only a small town, but it has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years.”

  “I’m surprised that your parents would allow you to move to Oregon all by yourself. Aren’t they worried about you?”

  Naomi gave him a peeved frown. His questions were beginning to make her feel uneasy. She had come here to escape the past, not to rehash it. “My parents died when I was twelve. I really prefer not to talk about it.”

  “I’m sorry, Naomi. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  Naomi felt tears burning the backs of her eyes, and she blinked rapidly to avoid spilling them. His questions brought painful memories of all the people who had questioned her decisions during her lifetime.

  “Didn’t you?” She shot him a sharp glance, but seeing his frown, she relented. “Let’s just say I would rather not talk about the past and leave it at that, alright?”

  When she would have scrambled down from the wagon, Aidan caught her hand in his much larger one. He saw raw emotion in her eyes, but he couldn’t tell what she was thinking or feeling. He only knew he didn’t like the pain he had glimpsed.

  “Alright. I really didn’t mean to upset you, Naomi. I just want to get to know you better. I find you utterly fascinating, and I want to learn all about you.” He kissed her softly on the mouth and then raised his head with a sigh. “Don’t be angry with me, please.”

  Naomi softened as she looked up at him. In the face of his warmth and obvious contrition, it was impossible to stay annoyed at him. She ventured a small smile and smoothed her hands over his well muscled chest.

  “I’m not angry, Aidan. I just don’t want to discuss my past. I came here for a fresh start, and dredging up old memories is painful for me. Can you understand that?”

  Aidan searched her face. She must have loved her husband very much, and she didn’t want to think about the fact that she had lost him. That thought bothered Aidan, but he had no right to be jealous, and he didn’t want to cause her additional pain.

  He was dying to know more about her so that he could move forward with their own relationship, but he was willing to be patient and give her time to trust him. He hoped that she would eventually open up, once she got to know him better.

  He brushed another soft kiss on her upturned mouth. “I understand. Now, we had better get back to work.”

  She sighed, releasing the last of her irritation. “You’re right, of course.” She let him lift her down from the wagon, and once again, she retreated into the cabin with the dishes from their lunch.

  Aidan felt preoccupied through the afternoon, thinking about their brief conversation. She had seemed so vulnerable and hurt, but he had no idea who or what had hurt her. One thing was clear. Questioning her was not the right way to gain the information he needed. He would have to find some other way to make her open up to him.

  Naomi stood at the window, watching Aidan work, nibbling on her bottom lip. She had been curt and rude to him, and he didn’t deserve that. He had no way of knowing that she didn’t want to delve into her past with him. He was merely making polite conversation. She had learned that looking to the past or the future was too painful. She wanted to simply enjoy the present with Aidan. Whatever small amount of time she was to be granted with him, she would treasure it and not ask for more.

  The remainder of the day passed quickly, with each of them busy with their labors. By late afternoon, Aidan had finished nearly half of the garden, and Naomi had filled several crates of jars with luscious canned peaches.

  “Those peaches smell delicious,” he said with a grin.

  “Thank you. I hope you and your brothers will enjoy them once you get them home.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure we will. I’ll be back in the morning,” he said. “Not quite as early as this morning though, I have to run into town before I come out. I’m guessing I could be here by nine or ten o’clock.”

  “Oh, would you be willing for me to accompany you into town? There are quite a few things I need to buy, and I’ve been meaning to do so. It would be helpful if you wouldn’t mind showing me around.”

  Aidan smiled down at her. “It would be entirely my pleasure. Why don’t I stop by at around seven again, and I can pick you up?”

  “That would be wonderful. I will be ready and waiting for you.”

  Her words brought back the memories of their morning together, and Aidan felt hot blood flooding his loins. He was tempted to carry her to the bed and make love to her again, but he had other obligations. He reluctantly reached for his hat. “I had best be going.”

  Naomi looked surprised. “Don’t you want to stay for dinner? I made a peach pie for dessert.”

  Naomi eyed him hopefully, but Aidan shook his head. “As much as I would love to stay, I need to get home. I have some work to do that can’t wait.”

  Naomi quelled her disappointment and gave an understanding nod. “Of course. You must take the pie home then. I won’t eat it by myself, and I’m sure your brothers would enjoy having some too.” She wrapped the pie in a clean towel and handed it to him. “I really appreciate all your hard work today.”

  Their eyes met and held, as they both remembered all the events of the day. Aidan set the pie down on the table and slowly drew her into his arms. He tilted her chin up and kissed her gently, his lips warm and tender on hers.

  When he lifted his head, her eyes slowly fluttered open, and she was leaning against him, warm and willing in his arms. He didn’t want to stop with just a kiss. He wanted to peel her clothes off and savor her luscious body all night long. Instead, he gave her a smile and a nod, but when he spoke, the gruffness of his voice betrayed his desire.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Naomi nodded. “Alright, Aidan,” she breathed.

  He picked up the pie, and she walked with him out onto the porch. She watched as he hitched the horses, climbed onto the wagon, and drove away with one more smile and wave. When he had disappeared from sight, a sense of emptiness settled over her, and she heaved a sigh.

  “What is the matter with you,” she scolded herself aloud. “You came here for solitude, remember.”

  She slammed the door with undue force and turned her attention to dinner. The sight of the table, with dishes laid out for two, made her lose her appetite.

  She wandered to the bed and eyed the rumpled blankets, untouched from their mo
rning together. She threw herself onto the bed and sighed again. A teasing fragrance wafted up to her nostrils, and she buried her nose in the fabric to catch the essence. Aidan’s scent clung to the blankets, and she took several deep breaths, savoring the memories of their lovemaking. The night stretched out before her like an endless abyss, and she squeezed her eyes shut as a single tear traced a path down her cheek.


  Aidan sat on the front steps of his cabin, while his brothers Brian and Liam lounged in chairs behind him. The three brothers were all several inches over six feet, and they shared the same muscular build. Liam looked almost like Aidan’s younger twin, with tawny, sun-streaked hair. However, Aidan’s eyes were a deep, soulful brown, and they were usually serious. Liam’s were hazel with green flecks, and they were usually full of teasing laughter. As the youngest, Liam loved to laugh and have fun, and he was the brother people found the most charming.

  Brian, the middle brother, was the odd one out. He had inherited their mother’s raven black hair and translucent green eyes. All three brothers were devilishly handsome, but Brian was the one who made women swoon. His eyes promised all manner of sinful delights, and his lips were usually turned up in a devil-may-care grin. He was the black sheep of the family. He had always marched to a different drummer, and he seemed to thrive on getting into trouble. Still, he had an irresistible charm, and that, combined with his steadfast loyalty and generous nature made it impossible not to love him. His brothers and parents all adored him.

  The three brothers had eaten dinner, and they had enjoyed Naomi’s peach pie for dessert. It had been a rare treat, and his brothers had been effusive in their praises. Aidan stared off in the direction of Naomi’s cabin, wondering what she was doing at that moment.

  “That peach pie was delicious,” Liam said once again. “Please give our thanks to Mrs. Tisdale.”

  “Yes, please do,” Brian agreed. “How did it go over at Mrs. Tisdale’s anyway? Did you get her garden put in?”

  “I’m half finished,” Aidan replied distantly. “I’ll finish tomorrow.”

  “What is she like?” Liam asked. “Is she nice?”

  “She’s fascinating,” Aidan mumbled, clearly distracted by his thoughts.

  Liam and Brian exchanged a startled glance before Liam lowered his chair onto all four legs with a loud thump. “Fascinating? I’ve been picturing a grey-haired old lady. I think you had better tell us all about this new neighbor of ours.”

  Realizing what he had let slip, Aidan gave a frustrated sigh. “You’ll meet her soon enough. For now, all you need to know is that she’s spoken for.”

  “This sounds serious,” Brian said with a grin. “Could it be true that our eldest brother has finally been struck by Cupid’s arrow?”

  “Looks like it to me,” Liam replied with a matching grin. “I’ve never seen him even remotely interested in any other young ladies around here. Now, all of a sudden, he’s referring to our new neighbor as fascinating and warning us away from her. I think you and I should pay our new neighbor a visit and see what all the fuss is about.”

  Aidan pushed off the stairs and turned to stand glaring at his younger brothers with his hands on his hips. “Listen, you two. Tease me all you like, but the last thing I want is for you to go nosing around Naomi’s place asking her lots of questions. She would surely clam up even more than she has already, and I’ll never find out about her past. You two had better stay clear of her until I tell you different. Is that understood?” He gave each of them his most menacing, older-brother look and waited until they had each nodded their agreement. “Good! Now, I’m going to bed. I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.”

  He stomped into the house, leaving his brothers with astonished looks on their faces. Brian released a low whistle and then started to laugh softly. It was only a moment before Liam joined him. When they finally sobered, Brian shook his head and grinned.

  “Man, he’s got it bad.”

  “I’ve never seen him like this,” Liam agreed. “He usually runs in the opposite direction any time a young lady tries to catch his eye.”

  “We all do,” Brian agreed with a nod. “The last thing I want is to be leg shackled to some woman who will need constant coddling. Who has time for that?”

  “None of us,” Liam muttered. It was obvious that the thought of matrimony was distasteful to him as well. “We’ve got years before we have to think about getting married. I still have some wild oats to sow.”

  Brian snorted in agreement. “Wild oats are the only kind I know how to sow, little brother,” he said with an unrepentant grin. “But Aidan has always been more serious than us. Maybe he’s ready to settle down. And if that’s the case, I wish him all the happiness in the world.”

  “Maybe,” Liam said uncertainly. “Still, Mrs. Tisdale must be pretty special to have Aidan so interested this quickly. He only met her a few days ago. I hope he knows what he’s doing. If he gets tangled up with the wrong kind of woman, she could break his heart. Like you said, he’s got it bad.”

  Brian gave him a positively wicked grin. “Or maybe he’s got it good. Come to think about it, he didn’t look the least bit frustrated. In fact, he looked like a man who’s been well satisfied recently. That could explain why he went to bed when it’s still light outside.”

  Liam and he shared a chuckle, and then Liam shook his head ruefully. “Well, whatever you do, don’t mention it to Aidan. He’s as prickly as a porcupine, and I don’t think he would take kindly to being teased about his relationship with our new neighbor.”

  “You’re right,” Brian said. “Still, it promises to be quite amusing. You and I should sit back, watch and learn little brother. Sooner or later, it will be our turn to face the noose, and we might learn a thing or two from Aidan’s mistakes.”

  Liam nodded and they shared another companionable laugh.

  Chapter Six

  Naomi barely slept, between staying awake thinking of Aidan and waking from heated dreams about him. Several times she woke up, trembling with need and reaching for him, only to find the space beside her empty. By the time morning arrived, she was frustrated, tired and exasperated with herself.

  She had always slept alone for years, even during her marriage. It had never been a problem before. Now, just one day of passion in Aidan’s arms had her feeling lonely and restless.

  Naomi rose and washed before donning a clean dress of yellow calico trimmed in white lace. She braided her hair and wound it into a knot at her crown. She wished she had a mirror so she could check her appearance, but at least she knew she was clean and presentable. She ate a hurried breakfast, washed the dishes, and tidied the cabin while she waited for Aidan to arrive.

  She kept glancing out the window, and by the time it was approaching seven o’clock, she was finding it hard to do anything but watch for his arrival.

  Finally, she spotted him coming through the trees with his wagon. She ran to the door and threw it open, greeting him with a glowing smile of welcome.

  “Hello,” she called with a laugh.

  Her enthusiasm was infectious, and Aidan laughed in response. “Hello yourself.” He hopped down from the wagon and removed his hat as he approached to stand in front of her. He pulled her slowly against him and scanned her shining face. “I thought it was a beautiful morning, but the shine in your eyes puts the sun to shame.”

  Naomi giggled with pleasure and stretched up to kiss him. She had meant to give him a fleeting kiss, but he would have none of it. He kissed her long and thoroughly, letting her know that he had missed her. By the time he raised his head, hers was spinning.

  “I couldn’t wait to do that,” he murmured, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “I couldn’t sleep for thinking about you.”

  “Me neither,” she blurted, and then blushed when he gave a smile full of masculine satisfaction.

  “It’s tempting to take you inside, peel this dress off, and finish what you just started,” Aidan murmured, brushing a thumb along he
r lower lip.

  Naomi’s heart was pounding in her chest. “Nothing is stopping you.”

  Her eyes were full of promise, and Aidan could feel his erection pressing against his breeches. He gave her another lingering kiss before releasing her with a regretful sigh.

  “That will have to wait until we return from town. If we don’t go now, we won’t go at all.” He grinned when he saw her look of supreme disappointment. “Don’t worry, Naomi. I intend to make love to you again just as soon as we get back. Now, are you ready to leave?” he asked.

  “Yes. Just let me grab my reticule.”

  As he waited for her to do so, he remembered her saying that very same thing when he had picked her up to take her to church. So much had changed in the span of two days.

  She reappeared and flashed him another brilliant smile as she joined him beside the wagon. He swung her up to the seat and climbed up beside her. As he steered the horses onto the road, they chatted companionably.

  “So your farm is that direction?” Naomi asked, pointing behind them.

  Aidan nodded. “Yes, the turnoff to our farm is about a mile and a half from yours if you follow this road. It’s only about a mile or so if you take the shortcut, but you can’t take a wagon through there. There’s a trail through the woods if you are walking or riding horseback though. I’ll show it to you when we get back.”

  “I would love to see your farm sometime.”

  “I would love that too. You will have to visit soon,” Aidan said with a grin. “But first, I think we should focus on getting you set up. Winter is just a few months away, and there is quite a bit of work to be done around your place.”

  Naomi’s brow crinkled and she nodded. “Yes, I suppose there is.”

  Aidan frowned thoughtfully. “I was thinking that once your garden is finished, I could start working on getting the other buildings repaired and ready for winter.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Naomi said eagerly. “I would be happy to pay you for your services.”


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