Second Chances: Aidan's Bride (The McKenzie Series #1)

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Second Chances: Aidan's Bride (The McKenzie Series #1) Page 10

by Lynn Coppersmith

  Aidan joined her and between the two of them, they quickly finished unloading the items she had purchased from the wagon.

  She watched as he lifted several parcels wrapped in brown paper and carried them into the cabin as well. “What on earth have you been up to? I thought those things were for you.”

  Aidan gave her a secretive smile. “I wanted to get a few things for you.”

  Naomi eyed the things he had brought with interest. When he left yet again, Naomi laughed.

  “More stuff?”

  “One more thing. Hold the door open, please.”

  Aidan rolled back a tarp to reveal a large mattress. He lifted it from the wagon bed and hauled it into the cabin. He carried it to the bed and waited for her to remove the pallet of blankets before smoothing it out.

  “Aidan,” she exclaimed, “it’s a feather mattress. Where did you get it?”

  “From town. There’s a woman there who makes them. She always has one or two in her spare bedroom, ready for sale.”

  “Oh Aidan, thank you. That was so thoughtful. How much did it cost? I’ll get you the money.”

  “Consider it a housewarming present,” he said with a grin.

  Naomi put her hands on her hips and shook her head. The look of determination in her eyes and the stubborn set of her jaw warned him that she might be touchy when it came to the subject of being self sufficient.

  “I can’t do that Aidan. I have money, and I would have gone into town myself to purchase a mattress soon. I just hadn’t thought about it yet. You must let me pay you. I’m not some charity case.”

  “I know,” he said gruffly. He pulled her against him and silenced her protests with another thorough kiss. When he judged her mood to be suitably softened, he raised his head and waited for her eyes to flutter open. “I don’t think you are a charity case, Naomi. But I wanted to buy you a few gifts. Accept them graciously, and let me enjoy watching you open them.”

  “But Aidan, it’s not proper for you to buy me a mattress.”

  “Who is to know? Besides, I plan to make use of it too.”

  Naomi raised one delicate brow, but she didn’t seem nearly as outraged as she had before. “That’s pretty presumptuous. I didn’t invite you to share my bed,” she teased.

  “Didn’t you?” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her until her head was reeling. “Your lips have been promising all manner of things since I picked you up this morning.”

  Naomi giggled. She was thrilled by his answer. She smoothed the cloth of his shirt over his broad chest while she nibbled coquettishly at her bottom lip. “Alright then, I will accept your gifts with sincere thanks for your thoughtfulness. But only if you promise to make use of all the things you brought me, starting with that mattress.”

  Aidan’s grin widened as he lowered his head for another kiss. Just before his lips met hers, he murmured a husky oath.

  “I promise, Naomi.”

  He sealed his promise with a kiss that left them both a bit breathless. He tucked a stray strand of her hair behind one dainty ear and smiled down at her.

  “Now, go and open the parcels.”

  Aidan had purchased two fluffy pillows, and a set of soft, white cotton sheets. Naomi beamed as if he had given her diamonds.

  “Thank you,” she said with a smile.

  She immediately began making the bed with the sheets. As Aidan watched her bending to smooth the sheets over the mattress, he could hardly resist the urge to take her in his arms at that moment. But he wanted her to open her last gift, so he waited as patiently as he could.

  Naomi unwrapped the last parcel and held up a small hand mirror, hairbrush and comb set. They were silver and obviously expensive. An exquisite rose design had been finely wrought on their handles. She sighed with pleasure, but setting them down on the table, she looked at Aidan with a disapproving frown.

  “Aidan, these are far too extravagant. I can’t accept them.”

  “Of course you can,” he said firmly. He came to stand behind her as he gripped her waist and nibbled on her neck. “I plan to enjoy them as well.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you remember me saying that I couldn’t sleep last night because I was thinking of you?” When she nodded, he grinned down at her. “Well, while I was lying awake, I kept fantasizing about you and hoping that, one day, you will satisfy those fantasies.”

  “What does that have to do with these gifts?” she asked with a frown.

  Aidan squeezed her waist. “One fantasy I had involved you brushing out your beautiful silky hair before you joined me in bed.” As he spoke, he continued to punctuate his words with nibbling kisses behind her ear. “I could picture you all soft and tempting, with your hair shining in the candle light. I bought these in the hope that someday you will fulfill that fantasy for me.”

  Naomi shivered and dropped her head onto his shoulder to give him better access to the tender flesh he was exploring. “Would today be soon enough?” she asked softly.

  He grinned down at her. “Take your hair down for me, Naomi. I love it when it’s soft and flowing all around your shoulders.”

  She smiled shyly, but she reached up to unpin the long braids, and she began to unfasten them.

  While her arms were raised, Aidan took full advantage. He slid his hands up to cup her breasts, and she moaned as he kneaded their fullness. He worked the buttons open on her bodice and chemise and spread the two halves as he continued to kiss her neck. She shook out her lovely hair, and he buried his face in the soft tresses. He breathed deeply of her clean smell and sifted several strands through his fingers.

  He gently brushed her hair to the side and resumed kissing her neck as he returned to exploring her breasts. She was fully exposed to his hands and eyes, and her nipples stood erect, as if they were begging for his attention. Aidan squeezed hard on the tender nubbins, twisting them until she moaned with pleasure and stroked the backs of his hands in encouragement.

  “Ah,” he teased, “another fantasy fulfilled. I dreamed about you being warm and willing in my arms last night. Your breasts were so soft and full, and I wanted nothing more than to suckle them.”

  Naomi turned in his arms to face him, with a seductive smile. “I have some fantasies to fulfill too, you know.” She began to unbutton his shirt and spread her hands over his wide chest. “I have yet to see you totally naked.”

  Aidan grinned down at her as she started unbuckling his belt. “I’m completely at your disposal, ma’am. Feel free to indulge any fantasy you might have about me.”

  She gave him a flirtatious smile from beneath her lashes as she unbuttoned his breeches. “Anything I want?”

  Aidan could feel the hot blood throbbing in his loins as she trailed her fingertips over the head of his aching erection. “Anything you want. I’m your willing slave.”

  Naomi laughed with delight as she clasped his hand and tugged him toward the bed. She pressed down on his shoulders, and he obligingly sat on the side of the bed. As she tugged his boots off and set them aside, he enjoyed the sight of her pert breasts, visible between the open halves of her bodice. She pulled off his socks and brushed his unbuttoned shirt down his arms. Then, she pulled his hands, urging him to stand once more while she peeled his breeches down over his legs. He stepped out of them and stood naked before her.

  Naomi’s eyes were alight with passion as she walked in a small circle around him, touching him softly with her hands. She admired his beautiful physique, and she could feel moisture pooling between her thighs at the sight of him.

  The breath was tight in his chest as Aidan waited, submitting to her bold inspection with outward calm. Inside, he was trembling with need. She traced the line where his deeply tanned back met the white flesh of his bottom. She caressed the firm globes, making him shiver from the warmth of her hands. She measured the width of his shoulders with her palms. She mapped out each muscle and sinew of his arms, right down to his fingertips. By the time she circled back in front of him, he
could barely breathe.

  “You’re beautiful,” Naomi whispered reverently. She met his eye and raised a challenging brow. “Now in my fantasy, you aren’t allowed to move unless I say so.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he agreed, wondering what she would do next.

  As he watched, she shrugged out of her dress and tossed it onto the pile of his clothes. She kicked off her shoes and untied her pantalets and stepped out of them as well. Beneath his burning gaze, she lifted one foot onto the edge of the bed, flipped up the hem of her chemise, and slowly rolled her stocking down her leg. She took her time, caressing the silky flesh of her thigh, calf and ankle as she went. She gave him a sidelong smile and repeated the process with the other stocking, relishing the fire in his eyes as he watched her.

  Finally, she stood before him in only her chemise. He had unbuttoned it halfway to her waist, making the bodice hang precariously over her breasts. Her nipples were straining against the thin material, and he could see their dark outline through the sheer white fabric. He reached to take her in his arms, but she held up a hand to stop him.

  “Wait! This is my fantasy, remember? Don’t rush me. I want to enjoy touching you for a few more minutes.”

  Aidan released a pained groan, and her sultry chuckle made him tremble with need. Naomi gripped his shoulders and stepped close, until her breasts were barely brushing his chest. She stretched up to kiss him softly on the lips. Her mouth was feather light as she teased him with unsatisfying, brief kisses. When he groaned again, she smiled and trailed kisses down to the hollow of his neck, where she licked him with her hot tongue. Her kisses drifted over his chest, paying homage to both of his nipples along the way. When she began to kiss the ridges of his well-muscled abdomen, his eyes widened.

  “Naomi, what are you doing?” he gasped.

  “Just stand still,” she murmured. “I didn’t have a chance to really look at you yesterday, much less to touch you. I want to explore your body while I have a chance.”

  Naomi had overheard her maids talking about how they had pleasured their lovers with their mouths. They had made it sound as if that was a special treat for their lovers, and she was keen to try it on Aidan. She wanted to bring him pleasure in every possible way.

  Naomi sank to her knees before him and gripped his thighs as she studied his cock. It was standing proudly erect, throbbing against his belly. She gripped it lightly in both hands, realizing that her fingers couldn’t close around its girth. She stroked it slowly, exploring every pulsing vein with her trembling fingers. It was long and thick. It was menacing. It was captivating. It was mouth watering. She met his eye and smiled.

  “You’re beautiful,” she repeated. “I knew you would be.” She looked up at him with huge, innocent eyes. “Teach me how to pleasure you, Aidan. I know there are other ways, I just don’t know how. Teach me.”

  It was the most potent temptation Aidan had faced in his life. The sight of her on her knees before him made hot blood pound through his erection. “You’re already on the right track,” he growled, his voice gravelly with passion. He guided her hands slightly. “Yes, just like that,” he groaned.

  Naomi was clearly fascinated by his shaft. She explored it leisurely, watching closely as Aidan responded to various techniques. He was obviously enjoying her efforts, and his moans and gasps thrilled her. She had never felt so wanton. It was incredible, and she wanted to pleasure him even more.

  She remembered some of the things she had overheard her maids talking about. They had bragged about pleasing their men all sorts of ways, and Naomi wanted to do the same for Aidan.

  “What else do you like?” she whispered, still stroking him.

  “Naomi, you don’t have to do this.”

  He made as if to lift her to her feet, but Naomi shook her head. “No, I want to,” she insisted. “I want you to teach me all the ways I can bring you pleasure. I know there’s more. Teach me.”

  Aidan swallowed hard. She was offering to fulfill one of his deepest desires, and he couldn’t resist her offer. “You can pleasure me with your mouth,” he murmured softly.


  “Pull back the skin and suck me deep into your mouth. Just be careful not to scrape me with your teeth.”

  Aidan held his breath as she nodded. She pulled his foreskin down, baring the sensitive tip where drops of fluid had begun to flow. She licked him tentatively, collecting the drops with her tongue.

  Aidan gasped, clenching his hands into fists to keep from touching her. She was driving him insane with desire, but he stood still as she gently took him into her mouth and suckled. He closed his eyes, savoring each flick of her silky tongue on the underside of his cock.

  “I thought you were going to act out one of your fantasies,” he gritted through clenched teeth.

  Naomi chuckled low in her throat, and the vibrations made Aidan moan with pleasure. He stroked her hair. He was completely mesmerized by the sight of her plump lips squeezing his cock.

  “Your mouth feels incredible, Naomi. Take me a bit deeper if you can.”

  She worked him deeper and deeper, until finally the tip of his cock was hitting the back of her throat with every thrust of her mouth.

  “You’re going to kill me,” he groaned. “God, woman. Yes, just like that.”

  Naomi inwardly smiled. Following his instructions, she stroked the base of his cock with her hand while she used her other hand to massage his balls. She took it as a very good sign when he gripped her head and thrust deep, groaning in ecstasy. She must be doing something right. He was so obviously enjoying her efforts.

  After several minutes of the mind-numbing pleasure, Aidan could feel his cock swelling in her mouth, and he groaned. He didn’t want the experience to end, but he knew his control was slipping.

  “Enough, Naomi,” he gasped. “I can’t hold out any longer.” When she kept going, he pulled out of her mouth. “I’m going to come in your mouth if you don’t stop.”

  She looked up at him with keen interest. “Would that bring you pleasure?”

  “Yes, but you wouldn’t…” Naomi had sucked him deep into her mouth once more. He gasped. “Naomi, stop! You won’t like it if I come in your mouth.”

  She ignored him and sucked all the harder, speeding up the thrusts of her tiny hand. Aidan tried to pull back, but she would have none of it. She gripped his thighs and tightened her lips around his shaft.

  With a hoarse cry, Aidan gripped her head and pumped reflexively into her mouth, no longer able to stop himself. He clutched her to him and bathed her throat with his hot fluid, shuddering with the power of his climax.

  Naomi swallowed his salty fluid with greedy fervor, waiting until the pulsing contractions had ended before she released him from her mouth. She sank onto her heels and grinned up at him.

  She could tell she had pleased him immensely. He was panting, and his hands were still fisted in her hair. She met his eye and raised one delicate brow.

  “Did that bring you pleasure?” she asked with a smile.

  “You know damned well it did, little minx.”

  Naomi laughed and accepted his hand as she rose and twined her arms around his neck. She pressed against him and kissed him. He moaned, tasting his own essence on her tongue.

  “Thank you for teaching me something new.”

  “My turn,” he growled. “There’s so much more for you to learn.”

  Aidan gripped her arms and lifted her. He devoured her lips with ravenous kisses, probing the recesses of her mouth. He gripped her waist and lifted her onto the bed, fluffing both pillows beneath her head and arranging her legs so they were wide apart.

  “What’s sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose,” he teased.

  At her confused frown, he chuckled.

  “Just lay back and enjoy,” he whispered. “Don’t move until I say you can.”

  He explored the underside of her delicate jaw, tracing the sensitive skin with his tongue. He nibbled his way from her dainty earlobe down to the h
ollow of her neck and paused to suckle the pounding pulse there.

  Naomi moaned softly. He trailed kisses along her collarbones and out to each soft shoulder, pausing to brush the straps of her chemise halfway down her arms. The result left the garment barely covering her nipples, making her feel even more wanton and seductive than she would have felt if she were totally naked.

  Aidan paused to savor the sight of her quivering breasts, barely covered by a thin layer of soft cotton. There was a wicked light in his dark eyes as he grinned and resumed his travels. He kissed his way to one taut nipple and suckled it through the chemise. Naomi moaned again, arching her back and wishing desperately that she could thread her fingers through his silky hair. He took his time, alternating strokes of his tongue with nipping pulls of his teeth.

  The pressure he exerted was both pain and pleasure, and her nipple began to ache and throb from his attentions. When Naomi had been reduced to mewling cries of need, he moved to her other breast to repeat the process.

  The friction of the fabric against her tender flesh heightened each sensation. The feeling of Aidan’s calloused hand skimming down to explore her slick womanhood made her shiver with anticipation.

  Her attention torn between his mouth and his hand, she opened her thighs wide, and whimpered in relief when he thrust two broad fingers into her slick sheath. He stroked her into a maelstrom of sensations, reaching deep within her and flicking her clit with his thumb as he tortured her swollen breast. Naomi was already desperate with need, and when Aidan bit down and suckled hard on her nipple, she came apart, crying out as her back arched with her delight.

  Aidan barely let her catch her breath before he began to stroke her again. He pushed her onto a higher plane, where her senses were heightened. He taunted and teased, advanced and retreated until Naomi was writhing and panting before him.

  “Aidan, please,” she gasped, desperately needing him to give her some relief from her tension.

  “Uh, uh, uh,” he said with a wicked grin. “This is my fantasy, remember? I want you mindless with need.”


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