Fern Michaels' Godmothers Bundle: The Scoop, Exclusive, Late Edition, Deadline & Breaking News

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Fern Michaels' Godmothers Bundle: The Scoop, Exclusive, Late Edition, Deadline & Breaking News Page 87

by Michaels, Fern

  Out of the blue, Deputy Short said, “I would swear I’ve seen this young lady before.”

  Deputy Tall replied, “I think I have, too. You think she’s one of those call girls we brought in last month?” He looked at his partner.

  Chris grabbed Laura so fast it startled her. “Shhh,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I’m not sure, maybe we ought to take her in and run her fingerprints. Just in case.”

  That was going a bit too far. Chris knew he’d best speak up before the backwater deputies decided to take matters into their own hands.

  “Have either of you seen Bloody Hollow?”

  Chris saw the recognition as they stared at Laura. He smiled. Maybe the guys had teenagers, had watched the gory movie with them.

  “You’re that actress!” Deputy Tall exclaimed.

  “I’ll be damned. Carrie Sue would give just about anything for your autograph. She’s got posters of you all over her bedroom walls. Just got her a T-shirt for her birthday last week. It’s your face, but you got blood running out of your mouth. Her mom didn’t think she should wear something like that, said it was sacrilegious,” Deputy Short told them, a strange excitement glistening in his eyes.

  Laura’s demeanor went from smart-ass to sweet actress immediately. “I’ll do better than that. If you have a cell phone with a camera, I’ll pose with you. I bet your daughter would like that. She could brag to her friends.”

  “Damn right! I will take you up on your offer.” Deputy Short fumbled around in his heavy parka for his personal cell phone. The two deputies took turns taking their picture with Laura. She was all smiles, and they were giddy as two pigs in a mud bath.

  “Want me to snap one of the three of you together?” Chris asked.

  “If Miss Laura doesn’t mind,” Deputy Tall said.

  “Laura?” Chris asked, even though he knew she was eating up every second of the attention the deputies showered on her.

  “Of course not. I would be honored,” she said in her fake/nice voice.

  Chris took the outdated cell phone, surprised it actually had a camera. “Okay, on the count of three, I want everyone to smile. One, two, three!” He clicked the photo, checked to make sure it wasn’t blurry, then took a second shot. “That ought to please all the guys at the sheriff’s department.”

  Chris gave the deputy his phone. The two admired their photo, and he knew before the night was over it would be plastered on Facebook, Twitter, and maybe the front page of the local paper. Laura would love that.

  Wanting to get out of there now that all the niceties were over, Chris figured if he didn’t remind the pair of deputies why they’d actually come in the first place, it wouldn’t surprise him if they’d opt to spend all night taking pictures and listening to Laura tell them about all the actors and actresses she was friends with.

  Grinning mischievously, Chris said, “I guess I’d better put out the fire and get things ready to go. I know Laura wants to get back to her fans.”

  “Yes, I do. I have movies to make and fans to entertain, so, yes, we had better get ready to go.” Again, she used her fake/nice voice.

  Chris had to admit that she could act. She was too young and too spoiled to realize her childish behavior was going to cut her acting career short. Maybe this would teach her a lesson. Maybe she wouldn’t be so quick to throw temper tantrums and threaten the studio that kept her employed. Time would tell. Right now, he just wanted to get off the mountain. And more than anything, he wanted to see Abby.

  He needed to see Abby because, when he did, he would tell her how he felt. He would tell her he loved her.

  Chapter 19

  They’d consumed four pots of coffee, and Toots was as wired as the Energizer Bunny. Ida and Mavis said they were going to stay up in case there was news of Chris, and were in the den watching Mildred Pierce for the hundredth time. Sophie and Goebel lounged on the deck. Abby was asleep in Toots’s bedroom, with Chester and Coco. Toots was alone in the kitchen when her house phone rang.

  Scrambling to answer before the machine picked up the call, Toots said, breathlessly, “Hello.”

  “Is this Theresa Loudenberry?” a male voice asked.

  Instant warning. No one, and she meant absolutely no one, called her Theresa. This couldn’t be good. “Yes, this is she.”

  “Please hold,” the male voice said.

  Toots had visions of medical examiners, morgues, and drawers that were really freezers with lifeless bodies inside. Please, she silently prayed, do not let this be one of those phone calls. No! She could not bear it if something happened to Chris. He was her son; she didn’t care who’d given birth to him. She loved him as much as she loved Abby. Images of funerals, events, flashed before her eyes.

  “Toots? Can you hear me?”

  Jolted out of her macabre thoughts, Toots said, “Chris? Is this really you?” She crossed her fingers.

  “You weren’t expecting this call, I take it?” A deputy had to make the call, make sure I wasn’t calling Germany or Italy.” Chris laughed, and it felt good.

  “Oh, Chris, I have been so worried about you! We thought you were dead or that something else terrible had happened. Abby has been crying her eyes out. She doesn’t think I know that, but she has. Goebel is here. We called him because the media said you did something vile, or rather they implied you did something vile to that silly actress, and I said there was no way. You’re a man of integrity—”

  “Toots! Stop, slow down. I’m fine. Really. I’m at the sheriff’s department in Mammoth Lakes.”

  All of a sudden Toots felt as light as a feather, carefree, as though the weight of the world had been removed from her shoulders. “Oh, Chris, thank God you’re all right. I won’t ask anything. As long as you’re safe, that’s all that matters. When are you coming home?”

  “Good question. It’s still snowing like crazy. I’m without a vehicle, and the closest airport is in San Francisco. They tell me there’s only one flight a day to LA and that it doesn’t leave until four in the afternoon. If I can hitch a ride to San Francisco, I’ll be home tomorrow. Actually later tonight.”

  Toots glanced at her watch. It was after three in the morning. “I can send a private jet to pick you up. You’ll be home much earlier.”

  “Thanks, but I can wait. It’s been damn near a week, and another day won’t matter.”

  “Chris, it will matter. I take it you haven’t watched the news or had Internet access?”

  “Not where I was, no. Why? Is there something I should know?”

  Toots took a deep breath. Hating to be the bearer of bad news, she spoke quietly, hoping to soften her words. “The media thinks you’re involved with Laura Leigh’s disappearance.” There was no other way to say it.

  “What? What disappearance?”

  Toots heard the shock in his words. “The police say you’re the last person she was seen with.”

  “Of course I was. The little brat is right here next to me. If I hadn’t followed her, she would’ve either killed herself or someone else. She was smashed. She told me she was going to blow up World Con because she didn’t get the role in Bloody Hollow, Two. She was supposed to meet her agent; I think he was going to deliver the bad news, but she knew it already. Someone let the cat out of the bag. I called her while I was following her, convinced her to pull over. I had to get her the hell out of Dodge before she acted on her threat. Took her to Johnathan Kline’s cabin. My intentions were to drop her off, let her stew for a few days, then, when I returned from my conference in San Francisco, I planned to take her back to Los Angeles, let her face the music.”

  For the second time in a matter of minutes, Toots felt as if she were floating on air. Maybe she would be like those puffy images of Bing Crosby and Aaron Spelling she’d seen hovering at her bedside two years ago.

  “Toots? Are you there?” Chris’s voice was laced with concern.

  “Yes, yes. I think I should send the jet. The sooner you and Laura Leigh are back in town, the
sooner we can put this nightmare behind us.”

  “I guess you’re right. I can’t believe this silly spoiled girl has caused so much trouble. It’s no wonder World Con won’t hire her for the second gig. I’ll ask the deputies to drive me to San Francisco. If they won’t, then I’ll see if I can borrow a car.”

  “Ask them while I have you on the phone,” Toots instructed.

  “Hang on.” Chris covered the mouthpiece, but Toots could hear him.

  When he came back on the line, he said, “They’ll drive me, but it will take a few hours. Why don’t you have the jet waiting at say, nine in the morning?”

  “I’ll make it happen,” Toots said. “Where will you stay tonight?”

  “This is a tourist town. There’s all kinds of hotels, according to the deputies who rescued us. By the way, thanks. I knew I could count on you, Toots. I tried for days to call and never could get a signal. When I finally saw those bars, you were the only person I knew who would get the ball rolling. I can’t thank you enough. This girl is out of control. It’s a miracle I didn’t strangle her.”

  “Chris, whatever you do, don’t let anyone hear you say that. Promise me?”

  He laughed. “I’ll keep those evil thoughts to myself.”

  “Smart man. I’m going to make your arrangements. Will your cell phone work where you’ll be staying?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. It’s dead though, so give me a couple hours to get settled, get it charged. Call me if you can’t arrange for the jet.”

  “Chris Clay, can’t is not a word in my vocabulary. You of all people should know that by now,” Toots admonished in a teasing way.

  “True. Okay, I’m outta here. Oh, one more thing, Toots. When you see Abby, tell her I want to speak with her about something vitally important. Could you do that for me?” Chris’s tone was serious.

  “Consider it done, dear.” Toots clicked off.

  Sophie and Goebel came inside, and both were staring at her.

  “That was Chris! He’s fine, the actress is fine, and he’ll be home as soon as I send a jet to fly him back to Los Angeles.”

  Sophie’s eyes sparkled like jewels. “Hot damn! Was I right? Was he stranded in the mountains?”

  “Yes, you were right, Soph. At his friend’s cabin.” Toots grabbed Sophie by the arms and pulled her in a friendly embrace. “You’re good, Sophie. I knew you were right all along. Now, let’s tell the others.”

  Ida and Mavis were both asleep in the den. Mildred Pierce, aka Joan Crawford, had just told Veda she would kill her when Toots clicked the DVD player off. Sophie clapped her hands together so loudly, Ida and Mavis practically flew out of their chairs.

  “What in the world!” Mavis cried out.

  “You’re going to hell in a handbasket, Sophie Manchester,” Ida said. “Don’t ever do that again. I’m sure to have a heart attack.”

  “They’re right, Soph. Too noisy for us old broads. But I have fantastic news. I just spoke with Chris. He’s fine, the actress is fine, and he’ll be home sometime this evening. Isn’t that the best news you’ve heard in forever?” Toots felt like dancing.

  “Oh, that is wonderful news!” Mavis exclaimed. “That poor young man. Is he all right? Was he in the wilderness?”

  “That is good news. Did he say where he’s been for the past five days?” Ida asked.

  “He was in a friend’s cabin. Apparently he was trying to prevent Laura Leigh from destroying the movie studio. I’m sure he’ll tell us all about it when he gets here.”

  “I can’t wait to hear this.” Sophie stood next to Goebel, his arm casually draped around her waist. Toots couldn’t be happier for her very best friend. But there was one more person she needed to deliver the good news to.


  Toots had a message to give her.

  “What’s going on, Mom? I heard everyone talking.” Fear, absolute terror, stark and vivid, glittered in Abby’s eyes. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “Yes. Chris said he had something to tell you, said it was vitally important,” Toots explained. “He’s coming home tonight.”

  Suddenly, Abby was blissfully happy, glad to be alive, knowing that the sun would shine tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. She’d worry about the details later. Chris was coming home!

  As soon as Toots had told everyone that Chris and Laura had been found, and both were safe, everyone had gone back to bed. Sophie and Goebel had opted to sleep in the den. She had been very specific when she explained to Goebel that he was not allowed in her bedroom, that she wasn’t that kind of girl.

  Ida had muttered, “Yet,” and they’d all had a great laugh.

  Chapter 20

  KABC was the first to break the news, courtesy of a tip from The Informer’s editor in chief. Helen Woods, the reporter Abby trusted, broke through a network game show to share the new information with the public.

  “Missing actress Laura Leigh and her attorney, Christopher Clay, are alive and well. There has been much speculation in the past five days as to their whereabouts. It was first reported the couple were seen together at the popular Los Angeles nightclub, Hot Wired. Later, Mr. Clay’s Toyota Camry was found and towed in by his mechanic. The vehicle was combed for evidence. Nothing incriminating was found in Mr. Clay’s car. A family member hired a private investigator, who immediately jump-started the investigation by checking Mr. Clay’s cell phone for a GPS signal. When it was discovered, the Mammoth Lakes Sheriff’s Department located Mr. Clay and Laura Leigh in a luxury cabin in the mountains. Sources say the couple were happily ensconced inside during what forecasters have been calling the storm of the century. The couple was unharmed, and no further investigation is expected. The two lovebirds will arrive at Los Angeles International Airport sometime before noon ...”

  Abby clicked the television set off, more than a bit ticked at Helen Woods for implying Chris and Laura were two lovers purposely hiding from the public. “I shouldn’t have told her. Let them do their own investigation. This is a cruddy business to be in, too much competition.”

  “I never thought I’d hear those words coming from your mouth,” Toots said. “Are you going with me to the airport? Chris did say he wanted to talk with you. I think he said his words were ‘vitally important.’ I wonder what’s so important. Aren’t you the least bit curious?”

  “No, I have to get back to the paper. I can’t let Josh run the place forever. Tell Chris I’m glad he’s okay.” Abby’s voice betrayed her emotions.

  “Abby, let’s wait to hear from Chris. You don’t know that he’s involved with Laura Leigh, and I know damn well that’s what you’re thinking. I believe it’s just as he said. That news anchor didn’t know what she was talking about. I heard the implications in her report and saw the smirk on her face as she reported it. She isn’t as straight up as you said.”

  Toots knew Abby was anguished over Chris, was uncertain what he felt for her. She would bet the contents of her bank accounts that Chris was head over heels in love with Abby. Toots couldn’t voice the words because they weren’t hers to say. She could only offer her daughter love and a shoulder to cry on if that was what it came down to.

  “Yeah, and it’s the last time I’ll ever share a tip with her.”

  “Do you think you could manage to get away for a celebratory dinner tonight? We could go to Moonshadows, that new place on the Pacific Coast Highway. The reviews are good, and of course it’s on the beach.” Toots wanted to celebrate, kick up her heels, shout to the world because her son was alive and well. It was her new mission for the day—to bring Abby and Chris together.

  “I don’t know, Mom. It depends on the paper, what’s going on there.”

  “Call me if you can make it. I think we’ll need to make a reservation.”

  “Okay. Think Mavis would care if I leave Chester again?” Abby asked her mother, then turned around when she heard Mavis enter the kitchen.

  “Chester can stay as long as he likes. Coco is so smitten
, I’m sure her little heart will break when he goes home.” Mavis gave Abby a hug, then proceeded to make another pot of coffee.

  “Not that organic stuff today, okay? It kills me. And Sophie hates it, too.” Toots grinned.

  Mavis filled the coffeemaker with spring water. “You girls should have told me. To be quite honest, I’m not that fond of it myself. We’ll go back to the Maxwell House.” She busied herself searching through the cupboards for the coffee as, behind her back, Toots gave Abby a thumbs-up.

  “Will you at least stay for breakfast?” Toots asked her daughter. “It’s early. I’ve plenty of time to get to the airport.”

  “I can stay for breakfast. No fruit, Mavis. My system can’t take it,” Abby said, smiling.

  Toots burst out laughing. “That’s what we’ve been trying to tell her. While very healthy for your body, too much isn’t, if you know what I mean.”

  “I get it, Mom.”

  Toots laughed again.

  A tired but happy-looking Sophie entered the kitchen. “Did I hear the word coffee? I think I’ve slept about twenty minutes. You can’t imagine ... never mind. Where’s the coffee?”

  “No, no! Don’t you dare tell me something, then not tell me anything.” Toots cried. “Does that make sense?” she asked Abby.

  “Yes to me, no to the rest of the world,” Abby replied.

  The coffeemaker made its final gurgling sound to indicate the pot was finished. Mavis removed six cups from the cupboard. Following her lead, Sophie removed the half-and-half from the refrigerator, saw the sugar bowl in its normal position—the center of the kitchen table.

  Toots, Sophie, Mavis, and Abby gathered around the kitchen table, each sipping her coffee. Goebel and Ida were nowhere to be found.

  “Exactly how long have we been sitting here?” Sophie asked out of the blue.

  Abby looked at her watch. “Three minutes.”

  “Why do you want to know that?” Toots asked.

  “Duh. Has anyone seen Ida? Goebel was just getting out of the shower when I came into the kitchen.”


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