Rogue (McCallan Brothers Book 1)

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Rogue (McCallan Brothers Book 1) Page 9

by Lea Hart

  “Girl, for such a smart woman, you sure are dumb. You and the boss are all but head over heels with each other and the sooner y’all accept it, the better.”

  “How are things going with Jazzy?” Looking up, she saw an indecent smile light up her friend’s face. “Did you take my suggestion?”

  “I sure as hell did and we’ve had two coffee dates this week and tomorrow we’re having lunch after church.” He rocked back on his heels and grinned. “She feels it’s important that I truly appreciate Cervantes, so she sits nice and close as we discuss the book.”

  “I’m so happy for you two.”

  “Thanks for the suggestion.” He bent down and kissed her cheek. “I think this woman could be it for me.”

  “Don’t be kissing my woman,” Cole barked out as he strode up.

  “I’m not your anything.”

  Terrence looked between them and shook his head. “You two are idiots; I’m out.”

  Shaking off Cole’s arm as he tried to wrap it around her waist, she let out a huff. “What has gotten into you?”

  “I don’t know.” Looking around the crowded room, he shrugged. “I’ve never been this possessive of another person in my life. It’s as uncomfortable as shit, but I can’t seem to make it go away.” Taking her hand, he tugged her closer. “I want to fucking mark you in some way, so you quit resisting me.”

  Looking up, she saw his frustration. “Quit pushing, and I’ll stop resisting.”



  He let out a long breath and nodded. “Okay.

  “See? That wasn’t so hard.”

  “If you say so.” He brushed his lips over her cheek and nodded toward the table filled with food. “Are you hungry?”

  “Absolutely. Did Rollin’ Smoke cater the food?”

  “Yes, and there’s plenty of it.”

  “Good because it’s my favorite.” Feeling his hand move to her back as they crossed the room, she wondered if they were going to survive one another.


  Cole sat on the patio that overlooked his pool and glanced at Zach. “Hell of a party.”

  “Absolutely,” Zach said as he drained his beer. “With the second UFC contract, it couldn’t have come at a better time.”

  “Now, all we have to do is find ten men to join us, and we’ll be set.”

  “We should look for some women, too. With the high-value fans the UFC attracts, there are going to be situations where having women on the team is going to be necessary.”

  Sitting up, he nodded. “Good point.” Seeing Kelly walk past, he wondered if she was going to swim. When she pulled her dress off and dropped it on a chair, he had his answer. He looked around and saw that it was only his brothers left, so he relaxed. “Don’t look.”

  “Not possible,” Zach replied with a laugh.

  Seth strolled up with three glasses of bourbon and let out a whistle. “Damn.”

  “Close your eyes,” Cole said on a low growl.

  “No way,” Seth replied.

  The sun was descending, and it washed Kelly in a soft yellow haze as she stood at the edge of the pool. Her curvy figure was backlit, and her red bikini looked like it was on fire. No longer able to resist, he stood. “You two should go home.”

  “But we haven’t finished our drinks,” Zach said.

  “Take them to go ‘cause I need some private time with my girl.”

  “You claiming her?” Seth asked.

  “Yeah, I sure as hell am.”

  “About damn time,” Zach replied as he stood. Looking at Seth, he shrugged. “You want to watch the game at my house or yours?”

  “Yours since mine is farther.”

  “Don’t let the door hit your asses on the way out,” Cole said as he took a step toward the pool. Hearing his brother’s laughter as he stalked across the patio, he watched Kelly dive into the pool.

  Following her in, he swam after her, and they both crested the water at the same time. He planted his feet and pulled her close as she pushed her hair out of her face. “We’re finally alone.”

  Looking around, she put her hands on his shoulders. “Where did your brothers go?”


  “I thought they were going to hang out for a while.”

  “I told them to leave.” Running his nose along her cheek, he felt her tremble and knew it wasn’t because she was cold. Their bodies were flush, and there was no mistaking the effect she had on him. He was a hard as a bat and, considering his size, there was no way she didn’t know how she affected him.

  The sexual tension between them had gotten stronger and stronger as the afternoon wore on, and he prayed she was ready to do something about it.

  Desire and lust swirled through his veins, and he wanted nothing more than to show her how willing he was to make her happy.

  All she had to do was surrender and give herself over.

  Hoping it possible, he licked his lips and tried to memorize how perfect her soft curves felt pressed against his aching cock. “Are you ready?”

  Nodding, she looked up and the last of the evening light allowed him to see the desire in her eyes. Her tempting lips parted, inviting him to taste her sweetness, and he groaned. Her breaths came quickly, making her breasts lift and quiver as the anticipation escalated. “Can we start this thing between us?”

  Exhaling, she let out a shuddering breath and nodded. “Might as well, considering you won’t give me a moment’s peace until you get your way.”

  He bent down and grinned. “Mind telling what I did to get you to agree?”

  “You gave me a little room and kept your hands on me at the same time.”

  “Is that something I’m ever going to understand?”

  “Not likely.”

  Lifting her mouth, she pressed her lips to his, and a feeling he never knew existed exploded in his chest.

  Control slipping, he locked gazes and knew she could see his overwhelming need. Feeling exposed and vulnerable, he gripped her tighter and fused their mouths, taking possession of her in a hard kiss.

  When she melted into his hold, it settled something deep in his soul and lit the fire of need flaming between them. Lifting his mouth, he sucked in a breath. “Going to need to take this inside because the filthy things I’m about to do to you are best done in private.”

  “How filthy?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Enough to get us arrested in at least three states.” Holding her tightly, he walked toward the beach entry of the pool.

  “I can walk, Cole.”

  “I like having you in my arms.”

  She ran her mouth over his chest and pressed a kiss to his skin. “This whole macho man thing you’ve got going on may have advantages I never considered.”

  “Babe, when you’re on your fifth orgasm, you’ll know for sure.”

  Her head popped up as he walked into the house and he saw her disbelief. “What?”

  She patted his chest and laughed. “I’d be happy with one.”

  Grinning, he took long strides down the hall. “You’re going to pass out from all the pleasure I’m about to give you.”

  He watched her close her eyes as she buried her face in his neck and laughed.

  Nothing had ever sounded better.


  Cole walked into the bathroom and set Kelly on her feet, never letting his hands leave her body. Which is what he’d been doing from the moment she walked into his house hours ago.

  He’d kept her within a handspan for most of the day, and she knew it was his way of letting her know he wasn’t going to give up the hunt, no matter how many roadblocks she put in his path.

  Unfortunately, she didn’t hate it.

  All the years of men’s ambiguity had left her craving someone who would, in no uncertain terms, do anything to get ahold of her.

  And Cole had been doing it beautifully, as he’d assaulted her with lingering touches, making the last of her resistance fade with each
affectionate gesture.

  Which is why she was standing in his bathroom, trying to figure out what filthy thing he wanted to start with.

  “Shower or bath?”

  Blinking, she wondered if it was a trick question. “I thought we were going to…”

  “We have all night, and the last thing I want to do is rush. I’ve thought about this privilege for a long time, so we’re feasting on one another slowly. No way is this going to be some quick fuck, so get ready to lose your inhibitions.”

  “Then I guess we should start with a shower.”

  “Perfect,” he replied with a devilish grin.

  The single-minded intensity he uttered those words with, warned her that whatever she was in for was bound to be a lot more than pleasant.

  Could she handle it?

  Feeling goosebumps skid across her skin, belly flutters fill her stomach, and heat pool between her thighs, she knew, she’d die trying.

  She stepped back, let her eyes slowly graze over his body. “You’ve seen me, but I haven’t seen you.” Lifting her hand, she rested it on the tab of his board shorts. “May I?”

  “Never ask, babe. Just take because I’m here to make your dreams come true.”

  Pulling the tab, the sound of the Velcro separating bounced off the walls, and she let out a nervous laugh. She slid her hands against his warm hard abs and pushed the shorts over his hips, sucking in a breath when his erection came free and bobbed eagerly in greeting. She’d suspected he was well endowed, but seeing his girth and length left her more than a little breathless.

  How it was going to fit, she had no idea. “Well…”


  She ran her hands slowly over his length and heard him growl as his hips moved in response. Feeling him pulse in her hand, she swallowed hard, her mind spinning. “I feel like I over-ordered and won’t be able to handle what’s been served.” His rich laughter filled her ears, and she looked up to see his blue eyes dance. “It wasn’t supposed to be funny.”

  “You make me so fucking happy.”

  Joining him, she let out a giggle and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Thank God because I can’t even pretend to be cool about this.”

  “If you could, then I’d worry this didn’t mean as much to you as it does to me.”

  She ran her hand down his face and nodded. “Not possible.” Feeling his strength, she enjoyed his big warm hands on her hips as he slowly pushed her bikini bottoms down and knew this was going to be a night to remember.

  “This is how we’re going to spend our free time together for the foreseeable future.”

  “In your bathroom?”


  Letting her fingers play over his corded arms, she traced his tattoo. “I don’t have any objections.”

  “Wouldn’t matter if you did ‘cause it’s going to take more than a minute before I’m sated.”

  “So, you want this to happen more than once or twice?” she asked as his thumbs lazily grazed over her breasts, making her nipples pebble hard enough to ache.

  “A day? Absolutely!” Lifting her, he deposited her on a chair in the corner. “Look what you do to me,” he muttered as ran his palm up and down his erection and grinned. “Spread those legs, babe, because I want to see that pretty pussy of yours. I only got a peek last week, and I need to get my face in there and get acquainted.”

  Feeling shy, she watched him stroke himself and decided it was silly. Slowly, she opened her legs and watched him lick his lips, as he got down on his knees.

  “So pretty,” he murmured.

  He spread her wide open with his big hands and blew a warm breath on her damp folds. “Cole…”

  And then the ability to speak disappeared as he swiped his tongue along her sex. Moaning, her head fell back as he began teasing her in earnest. He licked her outer lips and then worked his way inward, sliding his tongue up and down.

  Everywhere except the tight bundle of nerves that needed his attention the most.

  He lifted his head, licking his lips. “I love the way you taste, babe. I’m going to need it on my tongue every time I bury myself in your body.”

  Waving her hand, she murmured, “Mmmkay.” Falling back on her elbows, she knew she would agree to whatever he said as long as he put his mouth back where it was. “Please, Cole.”

  “You need something?”

  “You,” she whispered.


  He slid a finger inside, found the spot she hadn’t been sure existed, and sucked on her clit. “Ooohhh!” Arching her back, she pushed herself against his lips, pleading for release. Pushing his magical tongue deep inside, she felt him slide it in and out, making stars appear behind her eyes.

  He moved faster, his tongue swirling harder and quicker as the world disappeared. Gasping for air, she shattered and flew to the edge, falling over with white light clouding her vision.

  Easing her down from her peak, he turned his hard licks to nibbles and then softer strokes. Soothing her with soft flicks, his grip tightened as she slumped back.


  He’d done it with his mouth, and she wasn’t sure if she could take whatever else he had planned.

  “One more, babe.”

  He dove back in, and she came again within minutes. Raising her head a millimeter, she saw him grin.

  “I love eating you out; probably going to have to do it a couple of times a day.”

  She let her head fall against the chair and let out a strangled laugh. “Miracles do exist.”


  Having Kelly fall apart against his mouth was maybe one of the ten best things he’d ever experienced in his life and they’d barely gotten started. He rubbed his mouth along her thigh and loved her dazed expression.

  “That was two, plan on a couple more before we’re done with round one.” Her eyes slowly opened and the loopy smile she gave him had him almost stumbling. Before he could think too much about what it meant, he turned the water on in the shower and thought about how much better this Saturday was from the last.

  She was here of her own free will, wanting him and willing to see what the chemistry between them could become.

  He lifted her out of the chair, and then made sure she was steady once her feet hit the floor. “You okay, babe?”

  “I’m delirious and more relaxed than I’ve ever been in my life.” She took his hand and lifted it to her mouth, pressing a kiss against his knuckles.

  “I love making you happy.”

  “Let me see if I can do the same for you.”

  She gave him a saucy smile and then walked past him, letting her soft curves brush against his skin. Biting his lip, he let out a chuckle and followed her in.

  Seemed it was his turn to lose control.

  Watching her sit on the bench and beckon him closer told him he’d be lucky if that’s all he lost. “Need something?”

  “Come closer.”

  Doing as she asked, he stood within an inch of her mouth. She looked up, gave him a wink and then carefully moved his erection away from his stomach. Closing his eyes, he gritted his teeth so he wouldn’t come the moment her mouth touched him.

  She licked the drop of pre-cum from his tip, and he let out a ragged breath. “Fuck, Kelly.” Her tongue slid down his cock in response. Fisting his length, she opened wide and took him all the way to the back of her throat. “God damn!” He slid out, and she sucked the crown.

  Her mouth was both heaven and hell, and he put his hand against the wall as she dictated the pace. Being under her control was devasting as she sucked him in and then out.

  Just when he thought he couldn’t take more, she reached between his legs and palmed his balls. “Fuck, yes!” he shouted as she massaged them until they tightened, and his body shook.

  She’d driven him to the edge.

  “Jesus…” he ground out as she took him to the back of her throat and swallowed around him. “Your mouth is so fucking greedy.” Drawing in quick shallow brea
ths, he felt his shaft pulse as his hips jerked.

  He climaxed with a raw shout as she took all of him. Swallowing his seed, she hummed with pleasure.

  Hanging his head, he tried to get air into his lungs as his body buzzed with pleasure. “Damn, babe, that was mind-blowing.”

  “Don’t move, I want to make sure you’re clean.”

  Letting out a grunt, he watched as she licked up every last drop. Not only had she given him an awesome blow job, but a part of her he never expected to have.

  No doubt, she’d own him before the night was over and how he’d survive it was anyone’s guess. Collapsing next to her on the bench, he took her hand. “This beats the hell out of the shower we had last week.”

  She dropped her head against his shoulder and nodded. “I’d have to agree.”

  Sitting in the steamy box, holding hands, made him realize she already owned him. Twenty minutes of physical intimacy showed him what they could become to one another and he didn’t know if one lifetime together was going to be enough.

  Kelly let out a satisfied sigh as she collapsed on the bed and her head hit the pillow. “Don’t even think about closing those eyes.” He crawled over her, letting their skin slide together as he sat on his knees. “Because I’ve only gotten started.”

  The low light from the bedside lamp illuminated her face enough so he could see a small smile. Sliding a condom on, he braced himself on his arms, so she was caged in. He kissed her cheek, eyes, and nose. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  “You say that because I just blew your…mind in the shower.”

  “No, I’m just stating the obvious.” Her arms went to his shoulders, and she pulled him close. “You ready to get addicted to me?”

  “Maybe I already am.”

  “Then the next thirty minutes will just be an insurance policy.”

  She leaned up and kissed him, letting her hand slowly graze down his face. “You are one beautiful man, Cole McCallan. Inside and out.”

  Choking on the emotion her words elicited, he swallowed and slid into her slowly. “So tight,” he murmured. He let her become accustomed to him and just gave her the tip. “Breathe.” When her hips tilted, he thrust inch by inch into her snug heat. ‘That’s it, babe, take all of me.”


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