Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear

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Complete Bear Creek and Bear Bluff Box Sets: Including brand new exclusive book Best Man Bear Page 6

by Harmony Raines

She smiled through gritted teeth. "Now that you mention it, I didn't exactly dress for the outdoors." She swayed towards him, and he wanted to wrap his arms around her protectively. Perhaps he should carry her home instead. Then he remembered the state he was in. He needed a good shower.

  "You go with Will. He'll get you home safely."

  "Are you sure?"

  "Yes. He can take it as payment."

  She looked at him questioningly. "Payment? How exactly will I be paying him?"

  "When you get on that bike, he will know how hard it'll be for me to watch you go with him. To him, that's better than money. Not that he needs money; he comes from one of the richest families in Bear Creek."

  "So you are asking me to ride off into the night on the back of a bike with a millionaire."

  "More of a billionaire. But he won't overstep the mark. You'll be safe."

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. "Don't take long," she said. Reluctantly, she went over to Will's bike, slipping on behind him but not holding on too tight.

  He smiled. He liked Abbi. It was one thing to be mated to another, but it didn't always mean you were happy. If you asked Will, that was exactly what he would tell you.

  Watching her go was still hard for Brad. But he returned to Sam and Daryl; Hal had already disappeared into the night. He didn't know how to behave in groups of more than two or three. He would probably already be back at his cabin in the mountains. Unless he had decided to chase down any stray trespassers.

  "Let's go. I'm starving," said Daryl.

  "Nothing like a good fight to work up an appetite," joked Sam. "Although I think our sheriff might have worked up a different kind of appetite."

  Before he could answer, they had changed, and were already lumbering off into the dark night. Brad took a moment, before following, to take in everything that had happened. How things had changed in the space of twenty-four hours, he would never believe.

  But they had. His whole life was now on a different path. He might even be a father by the end of the year. He always dreamed of having little cubs to share things with. Fishing, hunting, and sitting in deep, cool ponds on hot days.

  "You've gone soft already," he said to himself and, grinning, turned into his bear. As he loped off after his friends, he still had a big bear grin on his face.

  Chapter Sixteen – Abbi

  The ride back was a little hair-raising. The bikers sped along, whooping, their adrenaline-fuelled mood contagious. They stopped at the point in the road where Brad's truck was still firmly planted in the bushes.

  "I forgot to tell him about that," Abbi said.

  "Don't worry about it. He'll forgive you anything." Will throttled his bike and they lurched up the track leading to Brad's house. She had to hold on tighter, and she was sure she felt his chest rumble with laughter. Perhaps he was hoping Brad would already be back at his house. Then he could watch them pull up, with Abbi desperately clinging to Will.

  She needn't have worried, the bears could not travel that fast. So she got off the bike, and stood catching her breath. "Thanks, that was exhilarating."

  "Any time. If things don't work out with the sheriff, you know, if you find him too straight for you..." He winked. "I'll be more than happy to teach you some bad ways."

  "Don't you have a mate?" she asked, hoping that would remind him she was spoken for. At least as far as she knew, she was spoken for. She wasn't a hundred percent sure how the whole thing worked.

  "I did. I do. Let's just say we don't see eye to eye."

  "I'm sorry. This is all new to me. A few weeks ago I had no idea about any of this world."

  "Some say that we all have fated mates. I think that sometimes the fates like to have a joke. And other times they are romantics." He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it.

  She looked into his eyes and saw sorrow there, before he laughed. Behind him stood a menacing bear. Brad was home.

  Will winked at her. "Time to hit the road."

  He climbed onto his motorbike. Kick-starting the loud rumbling engine, he drove off down the track into the darkness. While the engines grew quieter in the distance, Brad and Abbi simply stood still, neither of them knowing what to say.

  "I'm sorry about your truck," she said at last.

  "My truck?"

  "I crashed it into the bushes on the road. I had to swerve to miss the motorcycles."

  "I'll go down in the morning and take a look at it. It's pretty solid, so there won't be much damage. Are you OK? You didn't hurt yourself?"

  "No. Not really. I don't know how bad your house is either. They broke the back door down."

  "Let's go see." He held out his hand, and she took it. Together they walked around the back and stepped over the smashed wood that was once the door. Inside there was more damage, but most of it was a mess where furniture had been tipped over. "Nothing too bad. Although if they ever show their faces around here again, I will tear their throats out."

  "Have you ever done that? Torn someone's throat out?"

  He looked at her, his anger dissipating. "No. That's not who I am."

  "I had to ask." She felt stupid. He was the sheriff; he would never condone murder, surely. But she realised just how much she didn't know about him and his other side.

  "If you stay, we have a whole lot of time in which to get to know each other. I don't want to rush you. I'll sleep on the sofa for as long as you like."

  "Brad. I don't understand a whole lot right now. But I do know how I feel about you. Please don't sleep on the sofa. Not for one night."

  "I am so glad to hear you say that." He bent his head down and she held her breath. This was it; he was going to claim her. She wanted it to be special, for her naiveté not to let her down. She needed to trust herself, and Brad.

  This was going to be good, and if not, he was right; they had the rest of their lives to practice. That thought made her tingle inside, or maybe it was the press of his lips against hers. A warmth filled her, followed by an ache to know what it was like to be with a man. An experience she had denied herself for so long. She had spent the last few weeks of her life running from this. It was hard to believe it was about to happen.

  He took her hand, kissing her cheek as he led her upstairs. They went to his bedroom, and he cursed the way it had been desecrated. Letting her go, he began to pick up the sheets from the bed, which were trampled onto the floor. The vase, too, had been knocked to the floor, the contents spilled out across the rug.

  "Hey, listen," she said. "You go take a shower, you really need to put something on those scratches, and I'll tidy up."

  He looked down at his chest; the blood had dried, and the scratches had already begun to heal. "Are you sure?"

  "Yes. Absolutely. I don't want you to get infected."

  "OK." He came to her and gathered her to him. "I won't be long."

  "I'll be right here."

  "Promise. Or shall I tie you to the bed? Because last time I left you, you gave me your word. But you ran away."

  "There are some things you have to run from. But this is one thing I think I would run to."

  "Now who's being corny?"

  "I was going for romantic. But I'm new to all this. So it might take me a while to get the hang of it." And other things. Was she delaying the inevitable by sending him to the shower? Had she the courage to go through with this? Sex with a man. A man she had only just met.

  "I'll be right back." He kissed her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Oh, yes. Definitely the right man and the right time.

  She busied herself making the bed. It seemed to be the most important thing to do. Considering that was where they were going to be spending the next few hours. Or more.

  She needed to stop thinking like that; it made her feel so nervous. What if she really disappointed him? He must have had his fair share of women. What if she didn't live up to his expectations and he was stuck with her because she was his mate?

  "That is so much better." He walked back in
to the room, rubbing his hair with a towel. Wrapped around his hips was a matching towel, leaving little to the imagination. She swallowed her growing panic.

  "I made the bed," she spluttered nervously.

  "So I can see. Now I'd like to unmake it." He came to her, throwing the wet towel on the floor, his arms going around her waist. Pulling her into his arms, he fisted her hair, drawing her head back. His lips pressed against the soft, vulnerable skin of her exposed neck. So gentle, it was hard to reconcile the man with the bear who had fought for his mate only an hour ago.

  She closed her eyes, enjoying the way he felt, the way he smelt, and the way he made her feel. His hands roamed her body, feeling the swell of her bottom. They moved up to cup her breasts, his thumb flicking over her nipple until she could bear it no longer. Her fingers slid up and along his chest. Fingertips touching his skin, rubbing his nipples, wanting him to feel some measure of her pleasure. He groaned and moved her back towards the bed.

  Releasing her, he began to undo the buttons of her borrowed shirt. One by one, until her breasts were exposed to him. He lowered his head and licked each nipple in turn before sucking one into his mouth. She thought she would climax right then. How could something feel so good? A pleasure with a hint of pain as his teeth grazed her hardened bud.

  He slipped his free hand down over her stomach. Then he moved lower, to rub across her clit, briefly, before moving away. It was like a bolt of lightning through her body. She ached for him to do it again, to touch her there, and to tease her there.

  When his hand moved away, she opened her legs for him, and he rewarded her. His fingers slid across her clit and then further back, along the length of her sex. He pushed into her, the barrier of her panties stopping him from penetrating her.

  Moving forward, he sat her down on the edge of the bed. She lifted her hips up, as he tucked his fingers into the elastic of her panties, easing them down over her thighs. One by one, she lifted her feet, allowing him to remove them. She knew they were sodden; her juices had soaked the fabric. She was so aroused. So ready for him.

  Suddenly shy of him, she closed her legs, but he pushed his hands gently against her knees. "Open for me, please."

  She turned her head away, and slowly parted her thighs, embarrassed as she imagined him looking at her so intimately. When he kissed her thighs she jumped, her nerves so on edge. He didn't stop. Instead, working his way higher up her thighs while his hands pressed her knees further apart. Then his mouth covered her clit, his tongue flicking over the engorged flesh. Her breath hissed, and she was drawn to him. Needing to look, to watch his head as it moved in a slow, steady rhythm between her thighs. Licking, nipping her, before sliding his thick tongue inside her sex. Her hands balled the covers of the newly made bed as she fought for control of her senses.

  His mouth was incredible, his tongue wonderful. She was going to come. The way he alternated his technique. Lavishing attention on her clit, before pressing deep into her sex. This was unlike anything she could have imagined. She had always thought she would only feel this way when he was inside her.

  Her hand went to his hair, pulling it as she came. She thrust herself onto his face and cried out. Not caring if the whole forest heard her. Brad didn't stop. Not until she was completely drained. Slumping down over him, kissing the top of his head, while her sex throbbed in the after-throes of ecstasy.

  Eager now, he stood, his towel dropping to the floor. Abbi couldn't take her eyes of his proud, erect cock. He was so big, and she couldn't imagine he would fit inside her without hurting her. Mesmerised, she reached out her hand and touched him, feeling the hardness of him. So aroused, so in need of release. His hand clamped down over hers.

  "I want to come inside you, Abbi. I'm so close already; if you touch me, I'll explode."

  She didn't say a word, only scooted back so that she could lie down. Then she looked at him in such a way, he couldn't miss the silent invitation for him to join her. The bed dipped under his weight, his body warm next to hers.

  She traced the scratches on his chest, already beginning to fade. He truly was a miraculous being. Full of surprises, making her feel completely ordinary. Until he kissed her breasts, and then she felt extraordinary in the most incredible way.

  However, he quickly moved between her thighs. His eagerness making her arousal return quicker than she thought possible. His fingers slipped inside her, testing her readiness for him. She writhed against him, wanting to tell him she had been waiting a long time for this moment. Only managing to sigh in contentment while he stroked her inner walls.

  "Fuck," he said. "I need you now."

  He guided himself towards her wet sex and pressed the head of his cock against her entrance. She tensed, ready for the pain that she had heard followed being penetrated for the first time. Brad looked into her eyes. "Don't worry. I'll go slow. I still have some control left."

  She tried to smile, but she was too nervous. Instead, she pressed her head back down onto the bed and closed her eyes. Every part of her concentrated on his movements. He eased forward, breaching her outer lips. Then he moved forward a little more, until the head of his cock was inside her.

  He pulled back out, leaving her with a feeling of emptiness. Again, he pressed forward, her inner walls stretching to allow him to go deeper. Once more, he pulled back, letting her recover before penetrating her again. A sharp pain momentarily made her tense. Then it was gone, replaced by the feel of him sliding in and out of her sex.

  Slowly, he impaled her on his cock. Stopping when he was completely inside her. "Did I hurt you?"

  "No," she whispered.

  He kissed her mouth. "I need to stop. Or it’ll be over before I can satisfy you."

  Brad lay very still while her sex ached and throbbed around his hardness. His finger stroked her arms and her neck. His thumb slid softly across her mouth, and then his lips replaced it. "Open your eyes," he whispered.

  She did, seeing his handsome face above her. Abbi stroked his cheek, and then lifted her head to kiss him. His tongue slipped into her mouth, stroking her lower lip. She shivered, and the sensation passed through him, their bodies now joined in the same way their souls were.

  He groaned, and moved inside her. His hand slipping under her bottom, so he could hold her hard against him while he plundered her heated depths. Pulling out, he thrust back into her, his gentleness swept aside in his need to satisfy them both. This first time was supposed to be special, and he used all his skill to make it a wonderful experience for her.

  His lips spread heat through her body, tracing lines of fire along her neck and down to her breasts. He sucked her nipple into his mouth, and she clung to him as her orgasm crested once more. Lifting her knee, he changed the angle of his body and then lunged into her. Harder, quicker, until he threw his head back and cried out. His primal release took her to new heights. She came while he filled her with his seed. She was his in the deepest, most primitive way.

  Her fingers dug into his back as her cries mingled with his, her voice high pitched and needy. Joined together, their mating was complete. She was his and he was hers. The bond eternal.

  He lay inside her, neither wanting to break the magic surrounding them. She rested her head on his chest, and tried to savour this moment. But she was so exhausted she slipped into a deep sleep.

  Only once in the night did she wake. Her heart thumping, the dark all-consuming. For a moment she lay there, worried she was still alone and afraid in the old house. Her fear was compounded by the thought that it had all been a dream. That Brad had never come to her. He had never taken her home and never made love to her.

  His voice in her ear told her he was real. "I'm here, Abbi. You're safe."

  She closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep. She was safe. He had claimed her; the tiger would no longer want her. She was safe. She was his. For eternity.

  The End

  Finding Her Bear

  Kayleigh has never know what it's like to stay in one place for long.
She's never experienced being part of a real family, and has no intention of ever settling down and having kids. In fact, until she arrived in Bear Creek, she had never wanted to stick around for more than a couple of months.

  It was just her luck that her job was coming to an end and she would have to move on whether she wanted to or not. Unless someone gave her a reason to stay...

  Daryl is too shy to ask his mate for a date. When he finds out she is going to have to leave Bear Creek, he knows he's going to have to come out of his shell if he wants to claim her as his own.

  But when your mate has sworn to never settle down and have kids. What's a bear to do?

  This bear has to persuade Kayleigh that she is his eternal mate. He will always be there for her, and he most definitely wants to have lots of bear cubs running around.

  The only problem ... he ends up looking like a weird stalker. Can he change her mind and convince her to marry him and start a family?

  Chapter One - Daryl

  Kayleigh leaned over and set his cup of coffee on the table in front of him. Daryl breathed in her scent, ignoring the smile barely hidden on his brother's face.

  “Thank you, Kayleigh,” Sam said, smiling broadly now. “How are you today?”

  Kayleigh put Sam’s order in front of him. The full English breakfast. Eggs, bacon, sausage and mushrooms. It smelt wonderful to Daryl, but when Kayleigh was around he could barely talk, yet alone eat.

  “I’m doing good, thank you, Sam.”

  “Are you settled here in Bear Creek, Kayleigh?”

  “I am, or at least I was. The holiday season is almost over. I’ve haven't found another job yet, so I guess I’ll be moving along.”

  Daryl nearly choked on his coffee. “You can’t leave.”

  Kayleigh looked a little shocked at this. No wonder: it must appear he could hardly string a sentence together when she was near. Then this outburst.


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