SEALed (A Standalone Navy SEAL Romance) (A Savery Brother Book)

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SEALed (A Standalone Navy SEAL Romance) (A Savery Brother Book) Page 47

by Niles, Naomi

  “Good morning, Principal Jones.”

  “I have a few things for you to do this morning. They are a bit last minute, so I hope you don’t chew my head off because of it.”

  I smiled. “That is not a problem, sir. That is what I am here for.” I stood up and followed him out of my office. For the rest of the morning, I had to set up decorations around the school for a talent show that we had coming up. That, along with my normal work, took up all of my day, and before I knew it, it was time for me to leave the office and head home. I had barely spent more than five minutes alone in my office, but the whole time, Gavin’s name floated around in my mind like a helium balloon. After I left the school, I shot him a text message.

  “Sorry for just now responding, but I’ve been so busy today. And you are such a cornball for using a child to deliver your message! BUT, I will overlook that and accept your offer for another date.”

  “LOL. So, you’re telling me that I didn’t have to use an innocent little kid to deliver my message for you to say yes to another date?”

  “Well – lol – it helped, but no. I would’ve said yes to you with or without the special delivery.”

  “Wonderful. Well, I am talking with Vinny about his day. Can I call you later?”

  “Sure. I am headed over to my friend April’s house, so just call me tonight once you all are settled. If I am busy, I will give you a call right back.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I headed to April’s home. Mark’s truck was parked in the driveway when I showed up, but as soon as I got out of the car, he was making his exit from the house. “Oh, my God, Bethany, am I glad you’re here. That woman in there is going crazy! I swear that her head just spun around on top of her shoulders.”

  I laughed out loud. “What? What are you talking about?”

  “That woman is possessed with something, I swear. She literally got mad at me because of how I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.” He stood near his truck with his arms folded over his chest. His jet black hair was frizzed on the top of his head as if he had just risen up off a pillow. His white t-shirt was wrinkled, and his jogging pants sat loosely on his waist. “I don’t know. She got mad because I put the jelly on before the peanut butter. The fucking JELLY before the fucking PEANUT BUTTER. How the fuck do you get mad at that? I didn’t know there was a right or wrong way to make a fucking peanut butter and jelly sandwich! And to make things worse, it was for me! Not her!”

  I covered my mouth, trying to hide my laughter, but it was no use. He stood with his arms folded across his chest, shaking his head. “Mark, the woman has a baby inside of her, okay? You know she wasn’t like this before. Little things piss her off. Little things that don’t even make sense. You just have to deal with it for now. I mean, she is carrying your baby, and she is going through a lot of changes. I’m sorry, but you just have to deal with it.”

  Moments later, the front door swung open. “Why are you still here, Mark? Can you get some more jelly? You used all of it on your sandwich!”

  He shook his head, then climbed inside of his truck, closed the door, and sped off. April stood at the front door, yelling obscenities with an empty jar of jelly in her hand. I walked closer to her and took it away. “April, seriously? You are making a scene over jelly?”

  “No. Not just jelly. Is that what he told you? He used a whole gob of jelly and slapped it on his bread right in front of me.”

  I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the house, “April. Jesus. Calm down. Did he know that you wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I think that if he knew, he wouldn’t have used all of it. I don’t think Mark is like that, April.”

  She stormed back into the kitchen and slammed a few cabinet doors before she slowed her pace. She looked down at the empty jar of jelly, and all of a sudden, tears fell from her eyes. “Damn it, Bethany. Damn it! I yelled at him like a crazy woman over an empty jar of jelly.” She put her hands on the counter as I walked closer to her. I embraced her as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “It’s okay. You’re pregnant. You get freebies like this. He understands. He has to. You’re carrying his baby. In a way, he made you like this.” As I tried to calm her down, I thought about what things would be like if I had gotten pregnant. I didn’t want to go through the emotional rollercoaster that April was on. After she had settled down, things went back to normal, as if nothing ever happened.

  We sat in the front room, and as we flipped through the television channels, I told her about my ex. “I think I saw my ex the other day that we went shopping for your maternity clothes.”

  She wrinkled her eyebrows, “Your ex? Like, you think you saw his face? You saw him here?”

  I exhaled as we both sat on the couch. “No, I didn’t see his face, but I know what kind of car he drives. Well, SUV, I should say. It looked just like one of his. Now, I don’t know for sure if it was him, but I haven’t seen any SUV like that here in Roanoke before. It wouldn’t be a big shock if he found me because he has found me before.”

  “Did you call the police?”

  “And tell them what? That I saw a truck that looks like my ex-boyfriend’s? They would laugh me to shame. I don’t have anything to prove it was him.”

  “Damn it, Bethany. Well, listen, I think you need to be more careful now, especially since he could be lurking around here. Maybe even buy a weapon. A real weapon. Not just pepper spray.”

  “A gun?”


  That was the last thing I wanted in my possession. I was terrified of guns, especially when my ex showed them to me. I didn’t want anything to do with them, even if it meant it could protect me when I needed it most. I just had to trust that what I saw was just an aberration, and if it wasn’t, I was just going to have to go to the police and pray for the best. That was all I could do, and right now, I could only hope that it would be enough.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I went straight home after work to pick up Vinny. Mike asked us to come over so we could try out some brisket that he was going to cook on his new grill. As soon as I got home, I blew the horn for Vinny to come out of the house. He walked out with his bookbag still on his shoulders. I laughed at him when he got in the car. “What are you bringing your books for? You’ve got work to do?”

  “Yeah.” He closed the door behind him. “Mrs. Henderson said that there might be a pop quiz tomorrow, so I just wanted to read over my chapter to make sure I understood everything. I want to make sure I make A-honor roll this year.”

  “I see.”

  He pulled his seatbelt across his body and right after he snapped it, we drove to Mike’s house. “So, you know I am going out with Miss Bethany this weekend, right?”

  “Yeah, I know. I figured that was what the note was about.”

  “Oh, really? How did you know?”

  “Um, just a guess.” I narrowed my eyes at him. A wide smile jetted across his face, “Dad, I swear I didn’t read the note!” My eyebrows lifted to the middle of my forehead. He exhaled. “Okay, okay. Maybe I read a little tinsy, winsy bit of it, but that’s it. I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t say anything bad in it.”

  “Bad? Like what?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, I know what Ms. Pope likes, and I know what she doesn’t like.”

  We arrived a stop sign. “Oh? And how do you know that?”

  “Because I pay attention. I know that she likes flowers. She really likes those. Oh, and chocolate candy. Maybe you should get those things for her before you go out on the date. She likes that kind of stuff.”


  “Yes. I’ve seen flowers on her desk before, and anytime somebody gives her something as a gift, she always smiles when they give her flowers. And she smells them, then puts them on her desk. So, I know that she likes those things.”

  I eased my foot onto the gas pedal, then eased through the intersection. “Okay, Vinny. I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice.

  “You’re welcome, Dad.”

  We drove a little longer, then parked in front of Mike’s house. The sun was on its way down on the horizon, but it still held onto its yellowish glow before it completely disappeared. “Vinny, I need to ask you something.” He twirled his thumbs as he waited for me to continue. “I know that you like Ms. Pope, but I also know how you feel about your mother. Well, about the possibility of me getting back with your mother. I just want you to know that it will not happen. Now, knowing that, are you completely okay with me seeing Ms. Pope?”

  He took a deep breath, then exhaled. His gaze remained fixed on the tree just to our right. I valued what he thought about this situation in particular because I didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable or forced into something that he didn’t want to be in. “I know, Dad. I mean, I wanted you two guys to be together, but like you said, we don’t always get what we want in life. So, I am okay with it. I really like Ms. Pope, and if you’re not going to be with mom, then my next vote would be her.”

  I glanced to my left. I hated that our original family had been torn apart, but this was the next best thing that I could offer him. The chance to have a blended family and, hopefully, Bethany would fill the gaps that his mother left in our lives. I put my hand on his head, “Alright, Vinny. Thanks, son. I appreciate you more than you know.”

  Just then, Mike stepped out of the house. “What the fuck? Are you guys gonna stay in that car all night? The meat is goin’ on the grill! Bring your asses in here!”

  I shook my head, then tapped Vinny’s leg, “Come on, kid, let’s go before I have to punch your uncle in the face for cursing so much.” He reached for the handle, but I grabbed his arm, “I love you, Vinny. And again, I am sorry for not being the father that you needed me to be earlier.”

  “It’s okay, Dad. I forgive you. Let’s move on.”

  “Yeah,” I said with a smile, “let’s move on.”

  We walked inside of Mike’s house. The smell of barbecue danced in my nose as soon as I closed the door behind me. Vinny went to the back room while I followed the smoky, barbecue smell out on to Mike’s patio. “Look at this baby. Gas grill. It cost upwards of one-thousand dollars, but I didn’t give a fuck. I had to have this bad boy. Here,” he stabbed a piece of meat with his fork, then handed it to me, “Taste that and tell me what you think.”

  I took the meat off the fork, then popped it into my mouth. The juices swirled around on my tongue as soon as I bit into it. “Wow, this really is good. This grill must make your cooking better because I swear your barbecue didn’t taste like this before.”

  He grabbed a beer off the table, “Ha, fuck you, man! My barbecue has always been exquisite.” He dipped his head back and threw a few gulps of beer down his throat, then placed it back onto the table. “Anyways, take a seat out there. Make yourself at home. Where is the boy at?”

  “I sent him to the back room to play video games.”

  “Hell, the way that kid acts, you might as well have told him to come out here and grab a beer. Shit. He seems like he is already 21.”

  “Nah, man. I need to enjoy him at his age right now before he gets that old. I don’t need him growing up any faster than he already is. I can’t believe I missed out on so much of his life. I mean, he is only seven years old, but still, you know? Canceled dates. Broken promises. I was a shitty ass father, but luckily, he is forgiving.”

  “Yeah man, kids forget shit and get over it a lot quicker than adults. I envy that sometimes, you know? Maybe things would’ve worked out with my wife if I’d learned that at a younger age.” He grabbed his beer and took another swig before continuing, “But fuck it! I’m fuckin’ single now and lovin’ every minute of it. But you?” he glared at me, shaking his head, “You are finding yourself going backwards, and I can’t understand why, for the love of God. Why would you willingly lock yourself in prison?”

  I snapped the cap off a beer bottle, then propped my leg up on his table. “Like I said, man, I just want to see what that life is like. I want to experience life as a married man.”

  “Let me help you out. It is bullshit, mixed with a little bit of sex, but a lot more bullshit on top of that. In the end, you get shitted out just like everything else you swallow. It’s a waste of time and money, but hey, I guess every man needs to experience that on his own.”

  Smoke billowed out of his barbecue grill as he flipped some of the strips of meat on the other side. With his fork, he stabbed a pile of brisket and slid it onto a plate just to his left. He had a good reason to be hard-hearted on the issue of marriage because, from what I could remember, the relationship between him and his wife was hell. I remembered the times he would come over my house seething after something she did. Somehow, it all went to shit, but in my opinion, the two of them were a bad fit from the beginning. It didn’t feel that way with Bethany. The chemistry we had between each other was there from day one, and I was anxious to see how much further it would go between us.

  “So, speaking of that, I need you to watch Vinny for me tomorrow night. I’m taking Bethany out again.”

  “Oh, yeah? Sounds good. You need the house to yourself, huh? Have you two done the do yet?” he asked with a smile coated in beer.

  “Nah, we haven’t. Not yet.”

  “God damnit! You’re getting soft on me, man! The Gavin I knew would’ve been had her spread out in his bed by now at least a handful of times. What the fuck is going on with you?”

  I took another swig of beer. “It’s not like that this time. I mean, I want to cross that line with her, but I don’t want to pressure her into doing it. I don’t want to treat her like I treated women before. If I feel like this is going to be different, I have to treat her like it’s different.”

  “I have to treat her like it’s different,” he said in a tone full of mockery. “Look, man, I’ll watch the kid for you, but to me, he may as well come along with you two if you don’t plan on taking her down afterward. Seriously.” He glared at me as smoke billowed from the grill in an oblong shape. I took another drink of my beer just as Vinny walked outside. “Heey, buddy,” Mike said with a wide grin as he extended his hand. “Slap me five, buddy!”

  Vinny slapped the palm of his hand into Mike’s. Seconds later, Mike put his arm around his shoulder and eased him closer to the grill. “Now, let me teach you something that your old man doesn’t have any business trying to show you. Uncle Mike is gonna teach you how to grill. Lesson one,” he looked at me, “make sure you don’t act like your father when you grow older. He doesn’t really know how to, um, handle his meat.”


  He laughed out loud. “What? I’m teaching this boy some valuable lessons. He’s got to learn how to handle himself if he wants to have success with this. Anyways,” he looked back at Vinny and continued showing him the ropes of grilling.

  I kept my feet propped up on the table as I leaned back in my chair. I knew Mike would give me a hard time about my decision to not only take it slow with Bethany, but lean towards settling down with her permanently, but that didn’t matter to me. This was my life, and I had to make the best decision for me and Vinny, and right now, this seemed like the best one out there for the both of us.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I stood in my mirror, getting ready for my date with Gavin. I had been looking forward to this date ever since Vinny passed me the note a few days ago. I wanted to tell Gavin about the potential trouble with my ex just so he would be prepared for it in case something happened. A part of me felt like he had to know, just for his own safety, but I was afraid that it would push him further away from me. As I brushed my hair, I knew I was going to tell him. I could only hope that it wouldn’t be enough to make him walk away.

  Just then, the doorbell rang. I put my brush down, tied my hair up, and went to answer it. Gavin stood on the other side dressed in jeans and a collared shirt. He had a bouquet of roses in his hand and in the other, a small heart-shaped box of choc
olates. “Awwww, Gavin. Thank you so much! White roses are my absolute favorite!” I took the roses from his hand, then embraced him.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “You know?”

  He smiled as he stepped inside my home. “I would love to take the credit for this and just chalk it up to being observant, but I can’t. Vinny gave me a little insight on the things that you liked, so I had a little help with it all.”

  I closed the door behind him. “Vinny. My, he is such a sweetheart.”

  “Yeah. He really likes you, though. He has been talking about you ever since we all went bowling together.”

  “Yeah. I had fun that day. Sorry I clobbered you two, though, but what can I say? I’ve been a good bowler for a while now.”

  He took a seat on the couch while I grabbed a vase from the kitchen, then placed the roses front and center on the living room table. “Yeah. It makes me wonder what else you are good at, you know? What other hidden talents do you have festering inside of you? What kinds of things did you do before you met me?”

  His question jolted me as I sat down beside him on the couch. I shuddered when I thought about telling him that I used to be a stripper. The way he carried himself now, I didn’t think that he would ever want to be associated with somebody who had my lifestyle in the past. Gavin was an upper-class gentleman, someone who probably looked down upon people who had to strip or had some unfortunate issues in their past. “Well, that is kind of what I wanted to talk to you about right now.”

  His smile dropped from his face. “Oh? Okay. What is it?” He put his arm on the back of the couch and positioned himself towards me. I looked straight ahead as I folded my hands on my lap. “Sweetheart, you can tell me anything. I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide something from me. Whatever it is, I am sure that I can handle it.”


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