Murphy's Law

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Murphy's Law Page 9

by Lori Foster

  She said it like an awful confession, making Ashley laugh. “You’ve been a wee bit busy, toots.”

  “I’m never too busy for you. You know that.”

  Emotion lumped in Ashley’s throat. What had she ever done to deserve such a wonderful friend? “You’re getting married, May.” Never mind Elton’s ill-timed threat; Ashley’s heart swelled with happiness. “Today. In about five minutes, in fact. We can save the catch-up chitchat for when you get back from Japan.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t. I can tell something’s going on, and no way am I going to wait a month to find out what it is.” She folded her newly manicured hands over her lap and started tapping her silk slipper. “So fess up. What’s Quinton done now?”

  They did have a few minutes to spare, so what the hell? Deciding to tease, Ashley said, “Well, he kissed me again.”


  “Several times.” She peeked at May, saw her rapt expression, and fought a grin. “I kissed him back.”

  May’s eyebrows shot up, and a smile curled her mouth. “Tell me more.”

  “He’s asked me out, too.”

  “And you finally accepted?”

  Ashley nodded her head toward the floor-to-ceiling windows that faced the backyard. “Actually, he’s here with me today.”

  May’s mouth fell open, then she whispered, “You’re kidding?”

  “Denny didn’t tell you I was bringing him?”

  “That rat never tells me anything.” May rose from the bed and headed for the window, saying on a whisper, “I’ve been dying to see the man who has you all tied up in knots.”

  Ashley trotted as fast as a woman could trot in pink high-heeled satin sandals and put herself in May’s path. “Oh, no, you don’t. Jude might see you. Isn’t it bad luck or something for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?”

  “That’s what they say.” May frowned, but gave up. “I suppose I can wait a few more minutes.” She studied Ashley, half pleased, half concerned. “I’ll give him points for determination. He stuck with it until he wore you down.”

  “Yeah, well, the man’s nothing if not stubborn. But he’s gorgeous, too. And smart. And funny. And he’s an indescribable kisser…”

  With dawning awareness, May said, “You sound half in love, Ash.”

  Ashley’s heart dropped into her stomach. She went cold, and then hot. As if she’d just stumbled onto some great discovery, May all but clapped her hands.

  “You are! You’re falling for him.”

  Ashley tried to laugh, but ended up choking. “Bite your tongue.”

  May’s expression softened with sympathy. “Come on, hon. Would falling in love really be so bad?”

  It’d be catastrophic. But rather than say so, Ashley smiled. “If he turned out to be half as wonderful as Jude, then no. But how many guys like Jude can there be? Surely they broke the mold after that one?”

  Sudden tears filled May’s eyes. “Oh, Ash, he really is wonderful.”

  Uh-oh. “ Don’t ,” Ashley warned, laughing as she turned her back on May. “If you cry, I’ll cry. That’s how it’s always been and you know it.”

  On a watery gulp, May said, “I know, I know.”

  “We are such a sorry pair.” Ashley thought fast. She needed to get May laughing so she could laugh, too. “Do you remember that time in biology when you started crying over that stupid dead frog?”

  “You were going to cry, too,” May accused.

  “But instead I started snickering at you. Mostly out of nervousness. But then you started snickering, and we ended up laughing so hard, we got hiccups and both got sent to the principal’s office.”

  “And instead of going straight home, we went to the creek.”

  Ashley’s mouth twitched with the memory. “And we saw frogs everywhere,” she said around a giggle.

  “And within minutes, I was sobbing just from remembering that poor dead frog.”

  “And that got me sobbing.” Ashley turned to face her. “Which is why you absolutely can not get weepy on me now.”

  May flapped her hands in front of her face, laughing and breathing fast to stop the tide of tears. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I feel so lucky to have him.”

  “I know.” Ashley fetched a tissue from the dressing table and dabbed at the trail of tears beneath May’s eyes. “But he’s a lucky cuss, too.”

  “Jude’s been so busy with a million things. Not only did he organize the entire wedding and the honeymoon, he ran interference with my family. And he had to appease his agent over that movie deal he turned down. And the SBC has been on the line with him a dozen times a day, setting up deals and cementing plans. And still…”

  “He’s found plenty of time to coddle you.”

  More tears fell as May nodded. “Denny hasn’t done too badly either. Between the two of them, I feel like a princess.”

  “And why not?” Ashley asked. “You look like a princess today.”

  “Damn right,” Denny stated from behind them.

  They both turned to see him lounging in the doorway, shamelessly eavesdropping. Never mind that they’d locked the door. Denny wasn’t a man hampered by a mere lock or social graces or, when you came right down to it, anything as subtle as discretion.

  He looked resplendent in a dashing tuxedo that did nothing to diminish his hard-edged capability, especially when he flashed his patented wolf’s smile.

  Ashley frowned at him. “You were listening in to very private girl talk.”

  He shrugged. “More like girl whining, from what I heard. You two watering pots will have everyone thinking it’s a forced marriage, instead of a match made in heaven.”

  Ashley made a face. “What do you want, Denny?”

  “I came by to fetch you. Your beau is pacing a hole in the lawn. But after finding out more about him, I’m not surprised.”

  Annoyance snapped her spine straight and brought down her brows. “What are you talking about?”

  “Calm down, baby girl—”

  Already on edge, Ashley took exception to infantile terms. “Woman,” she corrected through her teeth.

  He shrugged. “Calm down, woman.”

  That made her growl and had Denny laughing. Ash wanted to smack him. “Have you been down there grilling Quinton all this time?”

  “Of course not.”

  She started to relax.

  “That’s not the best way to get to the truth. People can lie. Records rarely do.”

  Worse and worse. “You checked him out?”

  “Yeah. Did a whole background on him. He’s clean as a whistle. Unlike Jude, he was born to money, but that hasn’t made him a slacker, and from what I could tell, he doesn’t abuse his position of wealth.”

  Slapping her hands over her ears, Ashley said, “I do not want to hear this.” It was bad enough that Denny had invaded Quinton’s privacy. She wouldn’t add to that intrusion by listening to his findings.

  May freaked on her, saying, “Ashley, your hair!”

  “Oh yeah.” Her hair was coifed in the same loose, casual high twist as May’s. They even wore matching jewelry, thanks to Jude, except that May had white pearls and Ashley had pink. “Sorry.”

  “You both look exceptionally fine,” Denny noted with the fond affection of a favored uncle. “The men will drop their eyeballs.”

  When Ashley scowled at him, he carefully cupped her face. “I’m sorry you disapprove of my concern, but—”

  “But you’re not sorry enough to butt out of my business?”

  Now he scowled, too. “Kill a man for caring, but I thought you’d be happy to know Quinton’s wealthy and generous and—”

  “I already knew all that, thank you very much.” She crossed her arms to match his stance. “It doesn’t matter to me.”

  Through his teeth, Denny said, “It should.”

  She threw up her hands in disgust. “Why? Is Quinton supposed to pick up my bills now? You expect me to be a kept woman?”

  “No! I neve
r said that.”

  “Then why should I care how much money he has?”

  Nose to nose with Ashley, he growled, “At least he can provide you with some free entertainment, damn it.”

  May started laughing. When both Ashley and Denny swung around to look at her, she laughed harder. “You two kill me. You’re both so much alike.” She plucked another tissue from the dresser and again dabbed at her eyes. “Now knock it off before I ruin my makeup. And Denny, isn’t that the music I hear starting?”

  His graying eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “Well, shit. It is.” And after that uncouth epitaph, he struck a gallant pose and held out his arm. “Ladies?”

  Ashley rolled her eyes. Time to get the show on the road. At least the argument with Denny had helped to quell her nervousness and restore her bravado.

  She picked up her flower arrangement, handed the bridal bouquet to May, and sashayed out the door.

  Chapter 6

  Stuart was waiting when they entered the yard moments later. Wearing his tux and a charming smile, May’s father looked every inch the proud papa.

  Ashley wasn’t fooled.

  Better than most, she knew that he was a self-centered, wasteful, and irresponsible womanizer who had never put his family first. He blamed others for his own shortcomings, and he’d raised Tim to be in his image. When things fell apart, he expected May to put the pieces back together again.

  For a lot of reasons, Ashley detested him.

  But May was a better person than she’d ever be. May hadn’t walked out on her family. She stood behind them and did what she could to help them. And now they were all gathered together for the wedding, while Ashley hadn’t seen her folks in years. But she didn’t care. She didn’t want to see them. She didn’t want to live with their lies.

  As far as Ashley was concerned, they should set May up for sainthood.

  Standing in the yard waiting for her cue, Ashley took note of the clear blue sky, the fragrance of flowers in the air, and the murmuring of family and a few friends. Near the pond stood a large white gazebo adorned with orange blossoms and trailing ribbons that fluttered in the breeze, reminding Ashley of the beauty of a fairy tale.

  “Knock ’em dead,” Denny whispered near Ashley’s ear. He patted her hand for reassurance and strolled off to take his place near Jude and the minister.

  It was time.

  Knowing everyone watched her, Ashley’s heartbeat tripped and her palms felt sweaty, but she slowly made her way down the path. She never missed a step and she kept her chin up, her eyes straight ahead.

  With relief, she finally reached the gazebo and took up her rehearsed position.

  Too handsome for words, Jude’s expression was hard and filled with anticipation as he watched Stuart walk May down the petal-strewn path to the beat of the wedding march. When she reached him, Jude’s eyes glittered with possessiveness, and the corners of his mouth relaxed.

  Stuart took his seat with May’s family.

  May’s snowy white dress was in the same style as Ashley’s pink gown, but layered in lace and pearls, and fuller in the skirt. Unlike Ashley, May filled out the bodice to overflowing. She really did look like a princess—a lush, sexy, over-the-moon-in-love princess.

  A sigh lifted from the intimate audience when Jude took May’s hand. Together they faced the minister, and the ceremony began.

  Seeing their love made Ashley feel weepy again. She knew if she started crying, she wouldn’t be able to stop. She needed a diversion, and bad.

  While everyone watched the bride and groom, Ashley subtly looked around. Denny stood to the side of Jude, and damned if he didn’t look ready to weep, too. He kept nodding, smiling, sighing. Only a true badass would be secure enough to put on such an emotional display in front of others.

  Ashley wished she could be as secure in her feelings.

  Then again, Denny didn’t have to worry about mascara running down his face.

  Off to the side, Ed Burton took his exclusive photos as prearranged with Jude. The sun was bright enough that no flash intruded. There was only the quiet click of the camera, barely discernible over the minister’s deep voice.

  Tim fidgeted in his seat, trying to get Ashley’s attention. Unwilling to encourage him, she glanced right past him.

  Beside Tim sat Olympia. May’s mother, as ill-mannered as ever, drew on a cigarette while looking bored. Ashley briefly shut her eyes, saying a quick prayer that Olympia wouldn’t do anything to cause a scene.

  Next, Ashley looked at Stuart, and caught him eyeballing the women in Jude’s family. Hadn’t that bastard done enough damage with his unfaithful ways? Would he never learn? Or did he even know of the repercussions of his adultery?

  Luckily, Jude’s family was too enraptured by the ceremony to pay Stuart any mind. They remained unaware of his lecherous scrutiny.

  She liked Jude’s family a lot. They’d been thrilled to meet May and, by extension, Ashley. They were polite and kind, smiling with genuine pride and happiness. They were, in fact, the total opposite of May’s family, and so far from her own folks that Ashley felt immediate respect for them.

  Quinton sat off by himself, and the second her gaze found him, she was snared. He watched Ashley, or more precisely, devoured her with his eyes. A warm flush washed over her, making her almost lightheaded. He was openly admiring, making no pretense about liking what he saw.

  The dress was beautiful, but it had taken a sturdy push-up bra for her to fill out the bodice and keep it in place. The seamstress had altered it as much as possible without ruining the lines of the dress. With the bra, everything fit just right—except that it left her at risk of falling out.

  And wouldn’t that just put a damper on the festivities?

  Ashley had known both Jude and May wanted a very simple service, but before she even realized it, the wedding had ended, and the minister pronounced them husband and wife.

  The air filled with cheers.

  Startled, Ashley realized that she hadn’t heard a single word. Her very best friend in the whole world was now a married woman.

  The tears came, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. Jude scooped May into his arms and kissed her silly. That negated Ashley’s need to adjust May’s train, and she laughed, celebrating with everyone else.

  Denny’s voice rose above the others. “Hang around, everyone. The reception’s right here. Food will be out in a minute and the band will get things started.”

  Ashley followed Jude and May off the dais, and everyone surged forward with congratulations. Suddenly Quinton was at her side.

  While the others laughed and talked, Quinton’s long, hard fingers wrapped around Ashley’s bare upper arm, and his warm breath teased her ear. “You look beautiful.”

  Shivers ran up and down her spine. She turned her face up to his, and he pulled her into his arms.

  “Quinton,” she whispered, trying to juggle both bouquets. “What are you doing?”

  “Doing?” His gaze went from her contrived cleavage to her mouth, and finally to her eyes. “I suppose I’m doing this.”

  And to Ashley’s bemusement, he kissed her right there in front of the wedding guests.

  “Well, this is rude.”

  Ashley freed herself with a laugh. Tim stood over them, close to enraged and ready to challenge. The twit. She smiled at Quinton, thrust the bouquet into his hands, and said, “Excuse us a moment, please.”

  Startled, Quinton could do no more than graciously agree.

  Ashley caught Tim’s sleeve and dragged him off to the side.


  Pleased for an opportunity to have Ashley’s isolated attention, Tim went along willingly. He’d tried forever to get closer to her, but she always pushed him away.

  Unfortunately, now was no different. Ash only hauled him a few feet before turning on him.

  Trying to be slick, he bent to steal a kiss and got her palm smashed into his face instead. “Oof.”

  “Knock it off, Casan

  Tim was so captivated by her appearance, he barely heard her. He’d seldom seen her in a dress, never a formal, and never in everything that matched. She was actually pretty. And her slim figure had turned miraculously feminine. “You look awesome.”

  “Oh, for crying out loud.” She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and thrust out a hip in a typical I’m-going-to-kick-your-ass pose. “I don’t even like you, Tim. Why can’t you get that?”

  He tried not to be hurt. “What’s not to like?” he asked, hoping for a joking tone. “I’m a decent-looking guy.”

  She took his question literally. “You’re not stone ugly, no. I’d even call you handsome. But it doesn’t make any difference when inside you’re spoiled and whiny and selfish. You’re a user, Tim, weak and dishonorable and—”

  “Jesus, Ash.” Her vehemence stunned him, and he laughed nervously. “Cut my throat, why don’t you?”

  “There’ve been times I wanted to. The way you’ve always treated May…”

  “But I’m changing that.”

  For a single second, he thought she might regret her remarks. Then her scowl darkened. “Look, Tim, get it through your thick—” She stopped on a snarl and smacked him upside the head, making his ears ring. “Look at my face, Tim, not my chest.”

  “Sorry.” He rubbed at his temple but couldn’t quite pull his gaze from her body. “Till today, I didn’t know you had a chest.”

  Another snarl, but at least she didn’t slug him again. “Denny tells me you’re working really hard to get in shape for an SBC competition. I think you’re nuts, but hey, more power to you. I wish you a lot of luck. But we’ll get along better if you just focus on that and keep me entirely out of your thoughts.”

  He started to tell her he couldn’t when he noticed Denny approaching, dark as a thundercloud and twice as menacing. He did not want to tangle with Denny when he was in one of his moods, and around Ashley, he always seemed in a mood of one sort or another. “Shit. Gotta run, Ash. See ya around.”

  He heard Denny call his name, but he didn’t slow down. He heard Ashley laugh but didn’t care. At a fast clip, he left the crowd far behind. Maybe flirting with Ashley wasn’t such a great idea. Denny was real prickly about that, warning him off in every other breath. Why, Tim didn’t know for sure. Probably Denny figured Ash was too good for him.


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