Cutlass Sharpened

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Cutlass Sharpened Page 51

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  Renee smiled and comfortably put her head back over his chest to listen to the steady rhythm of his beating heart. From it she knew he wasn’t intending the words in any sexual reference, nor did it skip during a lie. He was too honest to begin with, but she said “Stop being all mushy, but I guess I kind of like it coming from you. You think we have time for me to chop some morning wood?”

  A moaning groan left Oliver’s lips as cool, slender hands slid down his abs to stroke his thick member which jumped the moment it knew it was going to receive her attention. “Stars, Red… you’re evil.”

  She could not hide a smirk. “And your point being? I can’t help myself when I’ve got a cock this big to go along with my horny nature.” Renee’s desires had her throw the sheet off them and flipped herself around to kneel across his chest and take him with her mouth to taste the remnants of herself from before they fell asleep exhausted.

  Only she wasn’t as in control as she believed when a long tongue lapped her slit till her swollen nub of concentrated nerves found his teeth graze over them to send a tingle up her spine stronger than the constant gathering she always did to hide thoughts. Oliver could not help feasting on such a delicious spread put right in front and thoroughly enjoyed her loud moans and quivering her body does when he finds the right spot. But before he was in full control, she consumed him to the base, his shaft deep down her throat as her tongue rolled around before her own teeth grazed the flesh all the way up before loudly making a sucking sound.

  Not to be outdone he hooked his middle and ring fingers in her channel to get her screaming and soaked in a few well timed moves before she turned around and drove her pussy straight down his cock that had her green eyes roll all the way up till all that remained was white. Oliver loved how her fingers curled and drug her perfectly shaped nails down his chest. He was again struck by her beauty as she did squats, joined to him in carnal bliss. She panted “So good… Olly, please take care of my nipples.” He was right there and she threw her head back as he began to suckle and tease her most sensitive parts. Her hands rubbed his short hair before she looked down to be even more aroused as he knew just what to do to her aching nipples wanting his undivided attention.

  In twenty minutes she unlocked her ankles, but didn’t get off his lap as she licked the sweat off his neck. “Stars, you sure can fuck me senseless.” Renee rubbed her abdomen where he still filled her deep.

  “More like the other way around.” He nipped her swollen lips and she stole his lips a few more times. “I think we need to clean up before you chop down the forest.”

  She chuckled and ran her fingers along the scratches down his chest. “Olly, it is a good thing trees can grow big and tall again. But you’re right. If I take another orgasm I won’t be able to walk for an hour minimum. Stars, I love your cock.” She squeezed her channel.

  He groaned “Evil little woman.”

  “Don’t you forget it.” She gave him a quick kiss and used his wide shoulders as a brace as she got her feet under and stood, making him slide all the way out of her vagina’s loving embrace. “Quick shower. Come on.” She curled one finger as she walked off the edge of the bed.

  And a quick shower it was before they willed clothes on. Oliver in black pants and a snug blue shirt as Renee chose red pants so tight it hugged her peach shaped ass and sculpted long legs. A white blouse covered her top and showed just enough cleavage to be classy, but a black lacy bra under the white material was just enough to attract Oliver to what was his.

  “Papa, were here!” Renee called out as they crossed into the pirate king’s private treasure room on the bridge level. The first level and floor.

  “About time, Lass. What were ye doing?” Jake’s giant form stood in the hallway. The moment he saw his daughter’s swollen lips and flushed cheeks he held up a hand “Never mind. I got the picture.”

  “What was so damn important I couldn’t sleep after more than two days awake… when you know I’ve been up doing all those tests on the seeding solution?” Renee was irritable, but sex had help release most of it.

  “Jessica and I have traded shifts listening to that Alleia AI and knew ye need to see this.” Jake said in Scottish brogue. As he spoke Jessica’s auburn head poked out of Jake’s study and holographic room. She grinned the moment she noticed Renee’s sex flushed cheeks and winked at the young couple in feisty love. “This is important and ye need to hear this.” Jake spun and Jessica went back inside before being trampled by her overgrown brother.

  Amber eyes looked down and Oliver shrugged his shoulders when Renee looked up in confusion.

  They stepped into the spacious study where Jessica sat down in a chair with a hand on the crystal saying “Playback video and audio at eighteen hundred hours, fifty three minutes, eleven point six three two four five one six seconds. Play at one million, three hundred thousand sixteenth’s normal speed.”

  A two dimensional display of Alleia appeared in the middle of the room. The pretty woman spoke seemingly normally. “… and negate feelings. Now that the personal profiles of my crew manifest is complete I will begin explanation on the birthing worlds. Though only one remains in my uncorrupted records, I know it is standardized among them all. This” she lifted a hand to show the pyramid shaped building with open sides and levels. “is normal as far as our buildings are constructed. The pyramid shape is much more robust and sturdy than squared or cylindrical. It has a lower center of gravity and is stable for planetary buildings. The shape I’m holding on display is the most sacred to my creators. New life is precious. Especially to Aqua. Males are not allowed inside, for only pregnant females or those with dependant young are allowed in. Males surround birthing centers to celebrate, protect and not be overwhelmed due to their heightened sense of smell. Mainly males do not go because if their female is ready to give birth and accidently touches another female, she will lose control and kill the female with all she can muster. To eliminate the chance of new mother’s dying, males are forbidden and must let their partner be tended by other females. Only without the stress of territory to keep their males away from females, will they allow other women to help deliver if there is need.

  “According to General Mantiv’s knowledge of Human math, I have adjusted the pregnancy timeframe and in it from the moment of conception, in only three months and a week’s time will the woman give birth on average.” Renee’s mind seemed to just stop, though she continued listening. “Unlike the gestation period of human pregnancy which is closer to ten months, my creators’ offspring will be unable to move under their own power, but will not leave their mother’s side for the first three years. The size of the child at birth is averaged at ten centimeters from head to foot. They will be partially formed and rely on the mother’s milk primarily for the first year, but will have teeth able to feast on meat if the mother isn’t around within six months. Children are timid till their third year and then become aggressive to other children to assert themselves. The gathering building allows this and teaches the young the skills necessary to hunt on their own, using each other as practice. Only on the rarest conditions will a child die, but that happens only if the child had an incurable defect that affected one out of two trillion young on average.”

  “Pause.” Jessica said and did. “This next part is why we brought you.”

  “What could be more crazy? She just said if I had a kid it will fit in the palm of my hand. That is too premature to live. Hell, it can’t be right… Papa, I read Ma’s notes. Her pregnancy with me was a full term thirty nine weeks.”

  “Because she was human.” Jake stated slowly. “When Isabelle and I were pregnant ye were slow growing till the Beast cravings kicked in. Her human DNA couldn’t infuse ye as quickly as you needed. Later, look at yer scans from week one through eleven. Ye barely grew. When she started eating, yer cellular division increased by nine hundred percent. Isabelle had to administer…”

  “The 612 prenatal solution… of course.” She looked at the confused Oliver. “It�
�s usually given to women at risk for miscarriages or for late term pregnancies when the child’s movements are too much and usually crack a mother’s ribs. Ma had dozens of fractures from me before she… you know.”

  “Aye. Isabelle had to slow ye down because her body wasn’t through forming ye… because ye needed more than she could give. I have no doubt that when ye finally make me a grandfather, it’ll be a quick pregnancy and relatively painless due to the fetus size.”

  “Papa, was that a twinkle in your eye perhaps?” Renee teased.

  “Nay, a trick of the light.” He waved her off. Her grin grew wolfish.

  “I don’t get it.” Oliver admitted.

  Jessica grinned as her brother suddenly got uncomfortable. She couldn’t resist making his cheeks as red as his braided beard. “Jake’s over a millennia old and all he has to show for it is Renee. He’s from a time when it was dreamed of to be a grandfather during the war against the Keptl. He’s long been ready to be a grandfather. Please squeeze a couple out in the next decade. It’s embarrassing when he suggests Steph and I go get a donor to have one just so he can play Papa again.”

  “Papa, you didn’t do that did you?” Renee glared.

  Evidence of guilt was written all over the burly Scotsman. It was hard to imagine a giant suddenly embarrassed, but Jake Dorgen was. “Don’t ye lasses have anything better to do than bust me chops?”

  “Like you need to ask.” Jessica’s rhetorical tone said it was a favorite pastime.

  “Bah to the lot of ye.” He gruffly waved his meaty hands.

  After a few chuckles Renee said “It’ll be alright, Papa. You’ll get your grandchildren now that I know I won’t lose my figure, but I also have a new discovery to tell you.” This had him raise a thick, bushy eyebrow. “As a test yesterday waiting on results, I unfroze my fertility cycle after theorizing why my fallopian tubes squeeze shut. I found that without the block on my brain I can consciously release a chemical in my brain that will dislodge an egg to go to my womb. I won’t get periods like human women, but I can make sure when I want a child, I’m in control of when to have one. The sex will still be up to Oliver’s load, but I’m in charge of pregnancy. Until I have all the facts and he and I are truly ready, I’m not going to have a child.”

  “Lucky little tramp. You can have kids and not lose your figure.” Jessica snorted.

  “Well then you should know I’m trying to manipulate human genes into Solarian and this bit of information is needed.” Renee added.

  This made Jake and Jessica sputter. The latter asked “You can do that?”

  “Possibly. I’m years from human trials, but preliminary efforts using Oliver’s code and mine are promising. We’ll have a child or two to create a baseline on how our genetics differ from everyone else’s. I’ve got a shitload of experiments to set up and trials to run, but eventually my goal is to allow anyone the chance to become at least, part Solarian. I still can’t replicate how his immortal sperm carries to the next generation while our own methods require the therapy injection near the beginning of puberty.” Renee let known a secret.

  “We’ll get back to this idea, I want to put some time into it.” Jake said and his intelligence would certainly be a great help. “Ye lasses know I hate diverting the subject. Sister, please continue.”

  “Resume play.” She said.

  The screen moved, the hand still holding up the pyramid. “The center also doubled as an archive connected to all active centers throughout the known galaxies. In it holds the family tree of every bloodline of my creators and their children. Outside access to it must have clearance of general or above. The archives are sacred as the children who come to it. Inside are also the whereabouts of the galactic queens and upper ranking leaders. Any unauthorized access personnel will be destroyed.”

  Alleia’s hand stayed the same, but the tiered and open-sided pyramid became walled with cannons sticking out. “This is the male gathering area and where they defend their females and offspring’s with a zeal known to no other race. Their nature shifts from calm to aggressive during the time their females and young are in danger. It is for a short time till they reunite, but any male that comes too close to their partner will be fought to the death. It is an instinct that cannot be overridden till the mate has their child and finds them. Private rooms are available for the much more dangerous males.”

  “End program.” Jessica said.

  “Looks like we need to keep you isolated too.” Renee quipped.

  “We will not leave each other.” Oliver suddenly felt overprotective and Renee stepped back after seeing his knuckles go white. “We are alone now and I will not leave you vulnerable without me near. It would be different if I could stand among other strong males like myself overlooking you. Knowing what I do will not make me relax thinking of you alone birthing my child. It will not happen.”

  “Okay, okay. Geesh, turn down the alpha male bravado a little.” Renee said, but hearing that made her horny all over again.

  “Did ye two hear what the lass said?” Jake brought them back with a slightly irritated growl. “There is an archive beneath the Tower of Loke. And it can only be opened by a female general.”

  “I’m not an idiot, Papa. I put two and two together. If I can trick Alleia, it stands to reason it’ll do the same on Havannah.” Havannah, being the planet where the nursery tower of Loke still stands.

  “Aye, this is why I had ye come here even though are tired. We’re still going to the Sapphire Nebula, but then we go to Havannah. Get things ready and overlook nothing. Safe over sorry, Lass. Safe over sorry.”

  “Yes, Papa. If that’s all you need to say I’m going back to bed.”

  “Wait.” Jessica called out as Jake nodded. “Oliver, when you get time, Stephanie needs your help with those damn cubes. She can’t figure out what they are nor what they are used for. They are important, but needs another set of hands. Maybe yours will do the trick.”

  “Aaahhhrlight.” He yawned. “Forgive me. I’ll make some time, but Renee has me working on my telekinesis. But I promise it. Tell her for me. I’ve had less sleep than Renee and you know how she is as a teacher. I can’t catch a break.”

  “Sleep deprivation is normal in telekinesis training. Just do your best, Lad. Go rest.”

  Renee elbowed him for his word’s, but wove her finger’s with his and left to get ready for the next part in their adventure together.


  President Chandler of Galicom straightened his tie and suit as he sat down in his office with two busty women coming to sit directly on his lap. “Any word on my side projects, Ladies?” he handsomely smiled while rubbing their bare thighs below short skirts and it make them giggle as always since they were his secretaries as well as mates for the past century.

  A peach-haired woman said “The new rebirth lab is up and running and results are promising. Files from New Wrangler Prison were easily replicated. The biggest news though come from the pathetic little Hunter you planted on the pirate king’s ship.”

  “Oh? Play the message.”

  The other woman with styled sunlight yellow hair placed a dainty finger on a disc and there stood the Hunter’s dark features as his long dreads weren’t tied back. “As I expected, there was a signal blocker put up. I’m taking a chance now that I’m outside the ship’s netting. This update is to inform you that we found a downed Solarian ship, a starship most likely. Chances for some kind of recovery is high. High enough you complete our arrangement. This will be my last ultimatum. If our agreement stands, say ‘Yes’ at the end of this message. If ‘No’, my communicator is set to fracture. I’ve handed you plenty enough information and artifacts over the years. With this final score, even scraps will be enough to have it done. Will the agreement be upheld?”

  The recorded face froze, waiting for an answer. “But of course. I am a man of my word despite all the slanderous accusations. If you found even pieces of metal, our agreement is filled and your desire will be all yours ag
ain.” The screen of Deegen’s face vanished.

  “Poor bastard is clueless.” The peach-haired woman giggled devilishly.

  “My dear loves, I think it’s time we terminate an investment that has lost its value. Be sure to make the necessary arrangements.”

  “You still want to make the ransom plan to knock the king’s esteem down a few pegs?” the other asked.

  “But of course. Oh an make sure the destroyer’s operational. We need it for our ultimate plans while we entertain ourselves with the peons running around at our feet.”

  “We’ll get it done after you entertain us first, Lover Boy.” The blonde one said, closed her eyes and transformed the office into a seductive bedroom.

  “Read my mind. A little pre-celebration before the real one I take it?”

  “But of course.” The women said together and began stripping.

  President Chandler grinned as his plans were at last coming together.

  The legend continues in:

  Void’s Psionics

  Be sure to read other books by this author:

  Balancer’s Cycle

  Balancer’s Soul

  Changer’s Blood

  Keeper’s Knowledge

  Harmonizer’s Evolution

  The Item Trilogy

  Untamed Gift

  Furion’s Trials


  Death Incarnate Saga

  The Grin of Prophecy

  Familiar’s Ancient Throne

  Laugh of Destruction

  Ascension of the Warlock

  Empress’s Endgame


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