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by Barbara Ehrlich White

Rathbone, Eliza, et al. Impressionists on the Seine: A Celebration of Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party. Exh. cat. Washington, DC: Phillips Collection; Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint, 1996.

  Redon, Odilon. Lettres d’Odilon Redon, 1878–1916. Pref. M. A. Leblond. Paris and Brussels: G. van Oest, 1923.

  Régnier, Henri de. Renoir, peintre du nu. Paris: Bernheim-Jeune, 1923.

  Renoir, Claude. Seize aquarelles et sanguines de Renoir accompagnées de ‘Souvenirs sur mon père’. Paris: Quatre Chemins – Éditart, 1948.

  —. ‘Renoir, sa toile à l’ombre d’un parasol’. Repr. in Renoir: Exposition du cinquantenaire (1919–69). Exh. cat. Les Collettes, Cagnes-sur-Mer, 1969, n.p.

  Renoir, Edmond. ‘Cinquième Exposition de “La Vie Moderne”’. La Vie moderne 11 (19 June 1879). Repr. in Venturi, Archives de l’impressionnisme, vol. 2, pp. 334–8.

  Renoir, Jean. Écrits 1926–1971. Paris: Pierre Belfond, 1974.

  —. Lettres d’Amérique. Paris: Presses de la Renaissance, 1984.

  —. My Life and My Films. Trans. Norman Denny. New York: Atheneum, 1974; Ma vie et mes films. Paris: Flammarion, 1974.

  —. Jean Renoir Letters. Trans. Craig Carlson, Natasha Arnoldi and Michael Wells. Ed. David Thompson and Lorraine LoBianco. London and Boston, Mass.: Faber & Faber, 1995. French edn: Jean Renoir, Correspondance 1913–1978. Ed. David Thompson. Paris: Plon, 1998.

  —. Renoir, My Father. Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown, 1958; ‘Renoir My Father’. Look 26 (6 November 1962): 50–68; repr. Renoir, My Father. Trans. Randolph and Dorothy Weaver, intro. Robert L. Herbert. New York Review of Books, 2001; French edn, Renoir. Paris: Hachette, 1962; repr. Renoir, mon père. Paris: Gallimard, 1981.

  —. Renoir on Renoir: Interviews, Essays, and Remarks. Cambridge University Press, 1989.

  —. ‘Pour tout vous dire’. Interview by Jean Serge. Ina/Radio France, 1958.

  Renoir, Paul, and Marie-Paule Renoir. Pierre Auguste Renoir: photographies de sa vie privée, avec des textes de Paul Renoir, à l’occasion du 150ème anniversaire de la naissance de Renoir. Dortmund: Galerie Utermann; Hasselt, Belgium: Galerij Philippe Fryns, 1991.

  —. Si Renoir m’était conté. Hasselt, Belgium: Galerij Philippe Fryns, 1991.

  Renoir, Paul, Michel Guino and M. G. Roy. Pierre Auguste Renoir/Richard Guino, sculptures et dessins. Nice: Imprimix, 1974.

  Renoir, Paul, and Stefano Pirra. 125 dessins inédits de Pierre Auguste Renoir. Turin: Edizioni d’Arte Pinacoteca, 1971.

  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste. Articles by date:

  [signed ‘Un Peintre’]. ‘Lettre au directeur de “L’Impressionniste”’. L’Impressionniste: journal d’art (14 April 1877). Repr. in Venturi, Archives de l’impressionnisme, vol. 2, pp. 321–2. See also Herbert, Renoir’s Writings on the Decorative Arts.

  —. ‘L’Art décoratif et contemporain’. L’Impressionniste: journal d’art (28 April 1877). Repr. in Venturi, Archives de l’impressionnisme, vol. 2, pp. 326–9. See also Herbert, Renoir’s Writings on the Decorative Arts.

  —. ‘La Société des Irrégularistes’. May 1884. Repr. in Venturi, Archives de l’impressionnisme, vol. 1, pp. 127–9. See also Herbert, Renoir’s Writings on the Decorative Arts.

  —. ‘Lettre d’Auguste Renoir à Henri Mottez’. In Cennino Cennini, Le Livre de l’art ou traité de la peinture. Ed. Henri Paul Mottez. Paris: Bibliothèque de l’Occident, 1910, pp. v–xii. Rev. and expanded edn of Le Livre de l’art ou Traité de la peinture par Cennino Cennini. Ed. and trans. Victor Mottez. Paris: 1858. See also Herbert, Renoir’s Writings on the Decorative Arts.

  —. Letters and Interviews:

  —. Correspondance de Renoir et Durand-Ruel. Ed. Caroline Durand-Ruel Godfroy. Vol. 1: 1881–1906; vol. 2: 1907–1919. Lausanne: Bibliothèque des Arts, 1995. [Updated edn of Renoir’s letters in Venturi, Archives de l’impressionnisme, 1939]

  —. Écrits, entretiens et lettres sur l’art. Ed. Augustin de Butler. Paris: Éditions de l’Amateur, Collection Regard sur l’Art, 2002.

  —. Écrits et propos sur l’art. Ed. Augustin de Butler. Paris: Hermann Éditeurs, 2009.

  —. ‘Lettres de Renoir à Paul Bérard (1879–1891)’. Ed. Maurice Bérard. La Revue de Paris (December 1968): 3–7.

  —. ‘Lettres de Renoir à quelques amis’. Ed. Augustin de Butler. In Renoir et les familiers des Collettes, pp. 45–69.

  —. ‘Renoir et la famille Charpentier: lettres inédites’. Ed. Michel Florisoone. L’Amour de l’art 19 (February 1938): 31–40.

  Renoir aux Collettes. Exh. cat. Cagnes-sur-Mer: Musée Renoir, 1961.

  Renoir: Between Bohemia and Bourgeoisie. The Early Years. Exh. cat. Basel: Kunstmuseum; Ostfildern; Hatje Cantz, 2012.

  Renoir et les familiers des Collettes. Exh. cat. Cagnes-sur-Mer: Musée Renoir and Château-musée Grimaldi, 2008.

  Renoir in the 20th Century; Renoir au XXe siècle. Exh. cat. Paris: Galeries Nationales; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Philadelphia Museum of Art; Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2009.

  Renoir Personal Artifacts and Archives Collection. Sale cat. Potomac, MD: Hantman’s Auctioneers and Appraisers, 14 May 2005.

  Rewald, John. Les Aquarelles de Cézanne: catalogue raisonné. Paris: Arts et Métiers Graphiques, 1984.

  —. Cézanne: A Biography. New York: Abrams, 1986.

  —. The History of Impressionism. 4th ed. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1973.

  —. The Paintings of Paul Cézanne: A Catalogue Raisonné. New York: Abrams, 1996.

  —. Post-Impressionism: From Van Gogh to Gauguin. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1962.

  —. Renoir Drawings. New York and London: Thomas Yoseloff, 1958.

  —. ‘Auguste Renoir and his Brother’. Gazette des Beaux-Arts 6, no. 27 (March 1945): 171–88.

  —, ed. Paul Cézanne: Correspondance. See Cézanne.

  Riopelle, Christopher. ‘Renoir: The Great Bathers’. Philadelphia Museum of Art Bulletin 86, no. 367/368 (Fall 1990): 2–3, 5–40.

  Rivière, Georges. Renoir et ses amis. Paris: Floury, 1921.

  —. ‘L’Exposition des impressionnistes’. L’Impressionniste: journal d’art 1 (6 April 1877): 2–6. Repr. in Venturi, Les Archives de l’impressionnisme, vol. 2, 308–14.

  Roberts, Jane. Jacques-Émile Blanche. Montreuil: Éditions Gourcuff Gradenigo, 2012.

  Robida, Michel. Le Salon Charpentier et les impressionnistes. Paris: Bibliothèque des Arts, 1958.

  Roesch-Lalance, Marie-Claude. Bourron-Marlotte: si les maisons racontaient. Bourron-Marlotte: Amis de Bourron-Marlotte, 1986.

  Roger-Marx, Claude. Renoir. Paris: Floury, 1937.

  Schapiro, Meyer. Paul Cézanne. 2nd ed. New York: Abrams, 1962.

  —. Impressionism: Reflections and Perceptions. New York: Braziller, 1997.

  —. ‘The Nature of Abstract Art’. Marxist Quarterly 1, no. 1 (January–March 1937): 2–23. Repr. in Meyer Schapiro, Modern Art: 19th and 20th Centuries, Selected Papers. New York: George Braziller, 1978, pp. 185–211.

  Schneider, Marcel. ‘Lettres de Renoir sur l’Italie’. L’ge d’or – études 1 (1945): 95–9.

  Schnerb, Jacques- Félix. ‘Visites à Renoir et à Rodin: carnets inédits de Jacques-Félix Schnerb’ (1907–09). Gazette des Beaux-Arts 101, no. 1368–73 (April 1983): 175–6.

  Schulman, Michel. Frédéric Bazille, 1841–1870: catalogue raisonné. Paris: Éditions de l’Amateur, 1995.

  Shiff, Richard. Cézanne and the End of Impressionism: A Study of the Theory, Technique, and Critical Evaluation of Modern Art. University of Chicago Press, 1984.

  Shikes, Ralph E., and Paula Harper. Pissarro: His Life and Work. New York: Horizon Press, 1980.

  Shimada, Hanako. ‘L’Amitié entre Renoir et Umehara’. Association des amis du Musée Renoir 8 (Cagnes-sur-Mer, 2008): 6–15.

  Silke, James R. ‘Jean Renoir on Love, Hollywood, Authors, and Critics’. In Cardullo, Jean Renoir Interviews, pp. 121–36.

  Sowerwine, Charles. France since 1870: Culture, Politics and Society. New York: Palgrave, 200

  Spurling, Hilary. Matisse the Master: A Life of Henri Matisse – The Conquest of Colour, 1909–1954. New York: Knopf, 2005.

  —. The Unknown Matisse: A Life of Henri Matisse: The Early Years, 1869–1908. New York: Knopf, 1999.

  Steinberg, Leo. The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in Modern Oblivion. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1996.

  Stella, Dr Joseph G. The Graphic Work of Renoir: Catalogue Raisonné. London: Graham Johnson/Lund Humphries, 1975.

  Tabarant, Adolphe. Pissarro. Paris: Rieder, 1924; New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1925.

  —. ‘Suzanne Valadon et ses souvenirs de modèle’. Le Bulletin de la vie artistique (December 1921): 626–9.

  Thiébault-Sisson, François. ‘Claude Monet’. Le Temps (27 November 1900). Interview, repr. in Rewald, The History of Impressionism. 4th ed, p. 197.

  Todd, Pamela. The Impressionists at Home. London: Thames & Hudson, 2005.

  Van Claerbergen, Ernst Vegelin, and Barnaby Wright, eds. Renoir at the Theatre: Looking at La Loge. Exh. cat. London: Courtauld Gallery; London: Paul Holberton, 2008.

  Venturi, Lionello. Les Archives de l’impressionnisme: lettres de Renoir, Monet, Pissarro, Sisley et autres. Mémoires de Paul Durand-Ruel. Documents. 2 vols. Paris and New York: Durand-Ruel, 1939; repr. New York: Burt Franklin, 1968.

  —. Cézanne, son art, son oeuvre. 2 vols. Paris: Paul Rosenberg, 1936. Repr., San Francisco: Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, 1989.

  Vollard, Ambroise. Pierre-Auguste Renoir: Paintings, Pastels and Drawings. Paris: Vollard, 1918; repr. San Francisco: Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, 1989.

  —. Tableaux, pastels et dessins de Pierre-Auguste Renoir. 2 vols. Paris: Vollard, 1918.

  —. La Vie et l’oeuvre de Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Paris: Vollard, deluxe edn 1919; standard edn, Auguste Renoir 1841–1919, Paris: Crès & Cie., 1920; repr. 1954.

  Waal, Edmund de. The Hare with Amber Eyes: A Hidden Inheritance. London: Chatto and Windus; New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2010.

  Wadley, Nicholas, ed. Renoir: A Retrospective. New York: Hugh Lauter Levin, 1987.

  Wawro, Geoffrey. The Franco-Prussian War: The German Conquest of France in 1870–1871. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

  White, Barbara Ehrlich. Impressionists Side by Side: Their Friendships, Rivalries, and Artistic Exchanges. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1996. German edn, Die Grossen Impressionisten-Befreundete Rivalen. Munich: Kindler Verlag, 1996.

  —. Renoir: His Life, Art, and Letters. New York: Abrams, 1984; repr. New York: Abradale, 1988; New York: Abrams, 2010. French edn, Renoir. Paris: Flammarion, 1985.

  —. ‘An Analysis of Renoir’s Development from 1877 to 1887’. Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1965.

  —. ‘The Bathers of 1887 and Renoir’s Anti-Impressionism’. Art Bulletin 55 (March 1973): 106–26.

  —. ‘Renoir’, Portraits 2, no. 7 (Autumn 1992): 1–8.

  —. ‘Renoir et Jean, 1894–1919’. In Lemoine and Toubiana, Renoir/Renoir, pp. 51–9.

  —. ‘Renoir’s Girl Outdoors: A Stylistic and Developmental Analysis’, North Carolina Museum of Art Bulletin (September 1970): 12–28.

  —. ‘Renoir’s Sensuous Women’. In Thomas B. Hess and Linda Nochlin, eds. Woman as Sex Object: Studies in Erotic Art, 1730–1970. New York: Newsweek, 1972, pp. 166–81.

  —. ‘Renoir’s Trip to Italy’. Art Bulletin 51 (December 1969): 333–51.

  —, ed. Impressionism in Perspective. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1978.

  White, Harrison C., and Cynthia A. White. Canvases and Careers: Institutional Change in the French Painting World. New York: John Wiley, 1965.

  Wildenstein, Daniel. Claude Monet: biographie et catalogue raisonné. 5 vols. Lausanne: Bibliothèque des Arts; Paris: Fondation Wildenstein, 1974–91.

  —. Monet: or the Triumph of Impressionism. 4 vols. Cologne: Taschen; Paris: Fondation Wildenstein, 1999.

  Wilson-Bareau, Juliet, ed. Manet by Himself: Correspondence and Conversation. Boston: Bulfinch Press-Little Brown, 1991. French edn, Manet par lui-même: correspondance et conversations. Paris: Éditions Atlas, 1991.

  Wyzewa, Téodor de. ‘Pierre-Auguste Renoir’. L’Art dans les deux mondes (6 December 1890). Repr. with additions in Téodor de Wyzewa, Peintres de jadis et d’aujourd’hui. Paris: Perrin & Cie., 1903.

  Yeatman, Evelyne. Albert André. Paris: Jouvé, 1990.

  Zola, Émile. Ecrits sur l’art. Ed. Jean Pierre Leduc-Adine. Paris: Gallimard, 1991.

  —. Emile Zola: Salons. Ed. E. W. J. Hemmings and Robert J. Niess. Geneva: Librairie Droz; Paris: Librairie Minard, 1959.


  akg-images 85a

  Alamy Jeremy Hoare 355

  Bridgeman Images Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts/Picture Fund 8, 94; The Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois/Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Larned Coburn Endowment; through prior bequest of Annie Swan Coburn to the Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Larned Coburn Memorial Fund; through prior acquisition of the R. A. Waller Fund 278; Musée Marmottan Monet, Paris 42a; Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/Bridgeman Images 86b, 198, 242; Private Collection/Archives Charmet 203; Tallandier 320

  Comité Caillebotte, Paris 172, 174

  Dallas Museum of Art The Wendy and Emery Reves Collection, 1985.R.58. Image courtesy Dallas Museum of Art 87a

  Archives Durand-Ruel Photo Durand-Ruel & Cie 200a

  Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art The Ella Gallup Sumner and Mary Catlin Sumner Collection Fund (1953.251). Photo Allen Phillips/Wadsworth Atheneum 245b

  Los Angeles County Museum of Art ( Gift through the Generosity of the Late Mr. Jean Renoir and Madame Dido Renoir, M.79.40 245a

  New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art The Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg Collection, Gift of Walter H. and Leonore Annenberg, 1998, Bequest of Walter H. Annenberg, 2002 196; Bequest of Stephen C. Clark, 1960 305; Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1970 91

  Philadelphia Museum of Art Purchased with the W. P. Wilstach Fund (W1957-1-1) 133; The Mr. and Mrs. Carroll S. Tyson, Jr., Collection (1963-116-13) 194b

  RMN Musée d’Orsay, conservé au musée du Louvre, Paris. Photo RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay)/image RMN-GP 64; Photo Musée d’Orsay, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais/Patrice Schmidt 86a, 221; Photo RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay)/Jean-Gilles Berizzi 90b; Photo RMN-Grand Palais (musée d’Orsay)/Hervé Lewandowski 195, 200b, 246b

  Richmond, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon 88b (Photo Katherine Wetzel), 244

  Scala, Florence Christie’s Images, London 180

  Drazen Tomic 6, 7

  Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario Gift of Reuben Wells Leonard Estate, 1954 (53/27) 248b

  Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon (1985.64.35) 82a; Gift of Margaret Seligman Lewisohn in memory of her husband (1954.8.2) 243b

  Williamstown, Massachusetts, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute photos Michael Agee (1955.584) 89; (1955.609) 92b; (1955.589) 194a; (1955.611) 199


  My greatest debt is to Columbia Professor of Art History Meyer Schapiro, my mentor, teacher and inspiration, who in 1961 suggested a Renoir topic for my doctoral dissertation. With no Renoir letter anthology, he proposed I create an archive of copies of published and unpublished letters by, to and about Renoir, which now includes more than three thousand letters.

  The Renoir family aided this letter quest: Renoir’s son Claude (Coco) and his son Paul (who allowed me to Xerox the family letter archive); Jean’s son, Alain; Claude junior’s daughter, Sophie (always generous and helpful); the foster family of Jeanne Tréhot Robinet; Edmond Renoir junior; Julie Manet Rouart; Gabrielle’s son; as well as numerous heirs of Renoir’s artist and patron friends.

  Renoir’s dealers’ heirs provided copies of primary source materials: Charles Durand-Ruel, Flavie Durand-Ruel, Paul-Louis Durand-Ruel, Claire Durand-Ruel Snollaerts and Caroline Durand-Ruel Godfroy. Also, most
helpful were the Bernheim heirs: Guy-Patrice Dauberville and Michel Dauberville.

  My thanks go to many public institutions with letters and photographs, especially Documentation Orsay and numerous archives in the USA, France, Brazil and Holland. Thanks also go to: Georges Alphandéry; Colin B. Bailey; Emily Beeny; Mathieu and Solange Bellanger; Roger Benjamin; Maurice Bérard; Jacqueline Besson; Elisa Bourdonnay; Richard Brettell; Norma Broudy; Augustin de Butler; Aline Cézanne; Philippe Cézanne; Marjorie Cézanne-Justet; M. and Mme Jacques Chardeau; Guy Cogeval; Anne Distel; Claudia Einecke; Alicia Faxon; Isabelle Gaëtan; Philippe Gangnat; Jean-Claude Gélineau; H. Spencer Glidden; Jean Griot; Gloria Groom; Gilbert Gruet; Michel and Corine Guino; Carlos van Hasselt; Jacqueline Henry; Robert L. Herbert; René Herbinière; M. and Mme Christopher Hottinger; John House; Anahid Iskian; Marc Le Coeur; Martha Lucy; J. Patrice Marandel; Paule Monacelli; Sophie Monneret; Delphine Montalant; Linda Nochlin; Monique Nonne; Maryse Olevera; Robert Parker; Sylvie Patry; Bernard Pharisien; Colette Pierreyre; Philippe Piguet; Joachim Pissarro; Katia, Lionel and Sandrine Pissarro; Eliza Rathbone; Cathie Reami; Christian Renaudeau d’Arc; Joseph J. Rishel; Jane Roberts; Denis Rouart; Yves Rouart; Agathe Rouart-Valéry; Manuel and Robert Schmit; Pierre Simon; John L. Slade; Susan Stein; Jennifer Thompson; Serge Toubiana; Jean-Marie and Claire Joyes Toulgouat; Yves Tréton; Bernard Vassor; and Karl Wieck.

  At Tufts University, where I taught from 1965, I have had wonderful student assistants, fluent in French, who helped me with my Renoir letter archive and with my Renoir writings: Zoé E. Bolesta; Bethany Peacemaker-Arrand Bonudei; Erin M. Bruynell; Sarah Elizabeth Ferguson; Jennifer Fidlon-Bugat; Karen R. Gerlach; Julie Rachel Levy; Florence Merle-Strauss; Dalia Palchik; Ruby H. Salter; David Smythe; Anna R. Vanderspek; and Margaret Jane Wiryaman. For three years, Léa Cavat (who had her primary and secondary education in Paris) improved my translations. Tufts staff were helpful: Rosalie Bruno; Amey C. Callahan; Christine Cavalier; Kathleen DiPerna; Ann Marie Ferraro; Joanne M. Grande; and Amy West.

  Two eminent professors, Columbia University’s Theodore Reff and University of Minnesota’s Gabriel P. Weisberg, have been of great support.


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