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Levi Page 6

by Simone Grey

  This is going to be a long night of trying to keep my thoughts out of sex territory. Thankfully, we pull up to our destination a few seconds later. Mia perks up, her hand on my thigh tightening, although I don’t think she even realizes she’s doing it.

  “You brought me to the carnival!” The excitement in her eyes matches that in her voice.

  I shrug. “Yeah, I know how much you enjoyed it the last time we came, but that was back when we were teenagers. I figured it would be a good place for a first date.”

  The smile she gives me would surely bring me to my knees if I weren’t already seated. She unclicks her seatbelt before throwing her arms around me. My hands instinctively go to her hips. Her fruity scent surrounds me, and I breathe it in.

  “It’s perfect,” she says before pulling back slightly. “Thank you.”

  My hands spasm on her hips, instinctively pulling her closer. She’s close. The thin thread of control I’m holding onto is so close to snapping.

  You have to do this right, Levi.

  Her darkening eyes and the slight speeding up of her breath, don’t help at all. Instead of devouring her like I want to I place a soft kiss on her lips and pull back.

  “Come on. Let’s go hit some of these rides.”

  And that’s what we do, a few hours later we’ve hit all the big rides including the Ferris Wheel. I’ve won her a huge teddy bear playing a game where you use a bean bag to knock a bunch of pins over. Now we’re making our way up the stairs of her apartment building and I’m having a helluva time keeping my eyes off her ass. Once we get to her door, she peeks up at me from under her eye lashes.

  “That was the best date ever. Thank you.”

  Tucking a curl behind her ear, I smile down into her eyes.

  “It was the best date I’ve ever been on too.”

  And I’m not lying. I’ve been to operas, fancy restaurants, and a bunch of other places with different women over the years, yet nothing was as satisfying as talking, laughing and playing games with Mia over the past few hours.

  Her joy at something as simple as me winning her a teddy bear was refreshing. We’ve hung out so many times over the years, but this felt different. A better kind of different.

  She looks at me skeptically. “Really? This was the best date you’ve been on?”

  I nod, looking at her seriously. “Yeah, because it was with you.”

  A blush stains her cheeks and I can’t flight it anymore I cup her cheeks in my hands, lean down and fasten my mouth to hers. Her arms circle my neck as my hands trail over her ass to the backs of her thighs hoisting her up.

  She gasps when she feels my hardening erection poking her in the stomach. I groan pressing her into the door as her hands dig into my hair. I angle my head at a different angle as our tongues twist, and twirl together.

  “Hey, get a room,” someone yells jolting me out of the spell she’s cast on me. Mia jerks away hiding her face in my chest as a guy passes by us and it’s then I realize that we’re still standing in the hallway outside of her apartment.

  “Fuck,” I mutter leaning my chin against the top of her head as I try to catch my breath. After a moment, I reluctantly lower her to her feet, waiting until she’s steady before releasing her.

  “D-do you want to come in?” she murmurs looking up at me with lust filled eyes.

  “I want to…” I trail off.

  “But?” she says tilting her head to the side.

  Running a hand through my hair. “But I want to do this right, Mia. I don’t want you to think I’m just after sex because I’m not. So, I think…and I can’t even believe I’m saying this. I think we should wait a little while.”

  Oh…okay.” She frowns sucking her plush lower lip between her teeth. My eyes get hung up there. Images of her on her knees between my legs as she sucks my dick into her mouth play like a highlight reel in my mind.

  Fuck, I need to get out of here now.

  “Go inside Mia, before I break that promise.”

  Her eyes trail down and widen when she sees the bulge in my pants. A flush steal across her cheeks.

  “Now,” I practically growl.

  Her eyes come back to mine and she must see the barely leashed restraint in them because she turns to open the door.

  It takes her two tries before she gets it unlocked.

  “Goodnight, Levi.”

  “Goodnight. Lock the door.”

  I wait until I hear the lock click into place before I hightail it too my car and back home.

  I jog up the stairs and straight into the bathroom. In no time at all I’m jerking off to images of Mia in my mind.

  Chapter Eight


  I type out the last few words before saving the file and closing my laptop. This book is finally starting to take shape into what I want it to be. I know I have a few more rounds of edits to go through before I can send it off to my editor, but things are thankfully trending in the right direction.

  I shoot Imani a text message to check on her. I called her last night after I got home, and she seemed to be in a better state of mind. I’m still worried about her though. I’ve never seen her break down the way she did the other day. But then again, she and Max have been together for over six years now, and I know she’s been waiting for a proposal from him. As far as I can tell he hasn’t even hinted at it. I just want what’s best for her and my instincts are telling me that it may not be Max anymore.

  Getting up from my desk, I stretch before making my way towards the kitchen to find something to eat for dinner. A smile lights up my face when thoughts of my date with Levi last night pop up in my head.

  It was everything I could have asked for and more. The last time we went to a carnival we were sophomore’s in high school, and we had the best time ever. The fact that he took the time to plan a date that he knows I would like felt good.

  I haven’t’ been on that many dates in my life, as I’ve just never been interested in other guys but that was hands down the best date of my life.

  And that kiss…Never have I wanted to drag a man back into my apartment and have my way with them the way I wanted to with Levi last night. It’s only been one date and I’m already struggling with my resolve not to get further attached to him than I already am.

  “I don’t want you to think I’m just after sex because I’m not.”

  Those words reverberate over and over in my mind. The way he said it and the way he looked at me when he said it felt so sincere.

  I believe him, which is dangerous because if this thing blows up in my face, I know the damage it will do to my heart will be irreparable.

  Shaking those thoughts off I rifle through my refrigerator pulling out the things I need to make a turkey sandwich. A knock on my door makes me pause. I frown as I make my way to the door, I hadn’t been expecting any company tonight. I look through the peep hole and my heartbeat picks up when I see who’s at the door. Quickly throwing open the door, I find Levi standing there.

  A smile curves the corners of his lips. “Hey,” he says in that deep, sexy voice of his.

  “Hey,” I say breathlessly. Butterflies swarm in my stomach and I know I have a big goofy smile on my face, but I can’t seem to help myself.

  I saw him less than twenty-four hours ago and yet I’m ridiculously happy to see him now. It’s crazy. He’s dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a white t shirt that stretches enticingly over his muscles.

  His eyes trace over my face before coming back to mines. “Is it crazy that I missed you so much?”

  My heart gallops in my chest and I shake my head.

  “No, I was just thinking about how much I missed you too,” I admit shyly.

  That smirk increases to a full-blown smile. “I bought dinner and a movie.”

  It’s then I realize that he’s holding a brown paper bag and a copy of Bad Boys in his hands.

  Excitement moves through me as the aroma of the food

  “Is that from where I think it’s from?�
�� I move back so he can enter my apartment.

  “If you think it’s from Aida’s Bar and Grill, you’d be correct.” He brushes past me and I close and lock the door before following him farther into my place. Aida’s is a place we started going to when we were kids. They have the best burgers and fries I’ve ever tasted in my life.

  “You put the movie in, and I’ll get our food together,” he says moving around my kitchen pulling plates and cups out of cabinets.

  “Okay.” I grab the movie of the counter where he left it.

  “I see I showed up just in time.” He says motioning to the turkey, cheese, and condiments I have laid out on the counter.

  I grimace “Yeah, I was just about to make a sandwich. I got so caught up in my edits that I forgot to eat.”

  Levi shakes his head “How many times have I told you that you have to take breaks when you’re writing.”

  “I can’t help it when my characters are talking to me. I have to get everything out before the ideas leave me.”

  I put the movie in just as Levi sets a plate filled with fries and a bacon cheeseburger in front of me.

  “Thank you,” I say curling up on the couch as he goes back to the kitchen and grabs two cans of iced tea before coming back and sitting down beside me.

  We dig into our food as the movie starts. Once we’ve finished, I pause the movie long enough to dump our food before heading back to the couch. I go to sit down where I was when Levi arches a brow at me. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “What?” I ask confused.

  He simply reaches for my hand and pulls me forward until I tumble into his lap.

  “Levi!” I gasp.

  He adjusts us so that his back is to the couch and my front is pressed up against him. One strong arm is draped over my stomach and he wedges one of his legs between mine.

  By the time he’s done my heart is beating erratically in my chest.

  “Are you finished?” I ask breathlessly.

  He guides my head back onto his chest. “Now I am. Start the movie,” he whispers in my ear.

  Goosebumps break out on my arms and those butterflies are going crazy in my stomach as I do as he says.

  The movie starts back up and I try to get into. It shouldn’t be hard; Bad Boys is one of my favorite movies of all time. I can practically recite the lines from memory, yet I can’t seem to concentrate. The feel of Levi’s body pressed up against mine, his scent surrounding me, and his breath in my ear is driving me to distraction.

  About halfway through the movie his hand that was lying dormant on my stomach shifts slightly until his fingers are splayed out on the skin of my stomach. I freeze my breathing picking up speed before I shift against him.

  This time he freezes, and I feel him hardening against my back. Arousal slams into me hard and quick. His fingers are now drawing little circles on the skin of my stomach causing goosebumps to prickle there. I want him more than just his hands on me now.

  Before I can stop myself, I’m grinding back into him.

  He grunts, his hand stilling on my stomach as he presses his palm flat against it.

  “Behave,” he murmurs in my ear.

  “What if I don’t want to behave,” I say wiggling against him.

  “Mia.” I hear the warning clear in his voice, but I don’t listen. Instead I turn my head slightly to find his lust filled eyes staring back at me, I don’t hesitate to press my lips to his.

  He stiffens and this time instead of breaking away, his control seems to snap. Before I know it, I’m flat on my back and he’s hovering over me.

  His usually light green eyes appear darker as they regard me lazily.

  “Are you sure?” he murmurs as his eyes hold me. Trapped in his gaze, I feel like I’ve been struck mute, so I nod.

  “I need words baby,” he says.

  “Yes, I want you.” My voice sounds different even to my own ears.

  His eyes close briefly before reopening and locking onto mines. He’s wearing a different expression than I’ve ever seen on him. It’s a mixture of determination and lust wrapped up in one package and it’s all for me.

  Confidence surges inside of me. I lift up and he meets me halfway as our lips lock. It starts slow and sweet before quickly transforming into a mess of lips and tongues. My heart starts racing as his hands wander down the sides of my body before locking my legs around his waist.

  Luckily my couch is big enough to accommodate the movements or else we surely would have fallen on the floor by now. We kiss and kiss and kiss until I have to break away to pull in a lungful of oxygen. His lips immediately latch onto my neck trailing open mouth kisses down the column of my throat. Arousal unfurls deep in my stomach as I wiggle against him trying to create friction.

  I’ve never felt this level of want and need. I feel out of control, like I’m seconds away from coming out of my skin.

  “Fuck,” Levi grunts when I roll my hips against his growing erection.

  “Levi,” I moan as one big hand engulfs my breast over my shirt.

  “I’ve got you,” he murmurs. He rears up ripping his shirt over his head. My shirt and bra come off so quickly, I should be surprised but I’m past the point of caring. His lips latch onto one breast and he sucks. Hard.

  “Oh!” I moan. Sensations ricochet through my body as my fingers clench his hair tightly. He goes back and forth between both breast before trailing a path of slow open mouth kisses down my stomach until he gets to the edge of my pants.

  He looks up at me as he grabs a hold of them. I barely breathe as I stare transfixed. He slowly pulls both my pants and panties down at the same time. I kick them off and realize that I’m naked in front of him for the first time. I fight the urge to cover my nudity as his eyes track over me.

  “You are…” he trails off shaking his head and my heart spasms in my chest. His eyes come back to mine. “You are everything.”

  I’m struck speechless, not really knowing what to say. Fortunately, he doesn’t seem to be looking for a response because he shifts to the floor between my legs positioning me so that my legs are over his shoulders.

  He kisses up my thigh until he gets to the juncture between them. I’m so wet, it’s almost embarrassing especially when his stare is focused right there. His fingers part me and the first brush of his tongue against my folds has me jerking slightly. He groans and the vibration causes me to gasp again. I’ve written about this same act countless times but never have I experienced it like this. His tongue should be freaking illegal.

  “Oh god,” I gasp when his tongue circles my clit once, twice, three times before sucking deeply. My back comes off the couch and I’m pretty sure I would have bucked him off had his hands not been clamped onto my thighs holding me in place.

  I’m panting and writhing against his mouth. He eats me like he’s starving. It’s heady and intoxicating. My orgasm builds quickly, so quickly that when it hits it briefly renders me motionless. My mouth opens but no sound comes out. I think I hear Levi groan but I’m not sure over the rush of blood in my ears.

  Slowly I drift back to earth and open my eyes to find him hovering over me again. The look of awe and adoration on his face makes my breath to hitch again.

  “You have no idea what it does to me to see you lose your inhibitions like that. It’s sexy as hell.”

  I flush my hands going to his chest. He inhales sharply when my hands land on the hard ridges and planes of his chest. I look down the length of his body to see his erection straining against his pants and I know exactly what I want to do.

  My hand reaches for him immediately.

  “Mia,” he says in that same tone he had when we started. I look back up at his face. His jaw is clenched so tightly, I can see a muscle pulsing. I know he’s barely hanging onto his control.

  “I want to…” I trail off.

  “You want to what?”

  I gather up all the courage I have and hold his stare. “I want to suck your cock.”

  His pu
pils dilate and I shriek as he moves suddenly so that I’m on top of him.

  “Have at it,” he murmurs regarding me under hooded eyes. God, he looks so sexy sprawled out on my couch. His lips swollen and his hair mussed from my fingers. He is the epitome of every man I’ve ever written about.

  I don’t hesitate to slide off his lap. I go for his pants dragging them down his muscular thighs. I’m shocked when he springs free nearly slapping me in the face. I look up at him in surprise.

  He shrugs a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. “I like to go commando sometimes.”

  That smirk is wiped off his lips when I wrap my hand around him. His lips part on a sharp inhale. The power I have over him is intoxicating. I stroke him up and down a few times and watch as he starts to pant slightly. His eyes never leave mine.

  “You have no idea how good your hand feels. Goddamn.”

  I swallow thickly as my eyes reluctantly leave his to focus on what I’m doing. A spurt of precum leaks from the tip and I bend down to lick it.

  “Fuck,” he mutters. I take as much of him into my mouth as I can. He jerks panting heavily.

  I wrap my hand around the base and start to jack him off as I continue to suck him as deeply as I can. His breathing becomes erratic and from the way his muscles tense I can tell he’s close.

  “I’m gonna come. Mia, you need to move.” The words sound stilted like he has to force them out. I’m doing this to him. My confidence surges as I suck harder and move my hand faster. I want to see him unravel. He shudders hard as his hands grabs two fistfuls of my hair. The first spurt is followed closely by the second as a string of curse words fly from his lips. I stay with him until he slumps back against the couch.

  His eyes are closed, and he looks relaxed; more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him. I crawl onto the couch next to him and without opening his eyes he reaches for me pulling me onto his lap. I snuggle up to him and he opens his eyes kissing me. We fall asleep soon after.

  Chapter Nine


  “Watch your step,” I say as I guide Mia by her hands into our reserved room. Her grip on my hands tightens as she follows my lead.


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