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Levi Page 8

by Simone Grey

  “But I have some at home.” I’ve had it for a while. I bought a few sets years ago, but I’ve never worn them because I’ve never had anyone to wear them for.

  Imani scoffs. “Girl, that stuff is old. You need some new fresh stuff. Especially if you want to do this the right way.

  I sigh, she’s right I know she is. Levi and I have been together every night for the past week. Every night since the situation with Lincoln, we’ve slept together whether it be at his place or mine. And we haven’t gone all the way yet. I’m ready.

  Actually, I’m more than ready. But he keeps holding back.

  So, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands. I know he’s attracted to me, that much has become blatantly clear. I just need to nudge him a little in the right direction so that he knows I’m ready.

  I told Imani and Mya what I was thinking about and the Seduction Plan, as Imani dubbed it was born. It was her idea to take me lingerie shopping, although I suspect that part of the reason, she’s thrown herself into helping with this is to avoid her own problems with Max.

  She said he apologized for his behavior and took her out to dinner, but I don’t think she’s happy with him anymore.

  We step into the lingerie shop and a tall woman with long red hair and killer curves greets us with a smile.

  “Hello ladies, Can I help you with anything?”

  “Yes,” Mya says. “She needs some sexy lingerie to surprise her man with.”

  My face flushes. Geez could she be any more obvious?

  The saleswoman eye me up and down and I grow slightly uncomfortable.

  “Hmm. I think I have some things you’ll love. Follow me.”

  We follow her to a row of scantily clad undergarments, and she starts making a pile, picking this and that up.

  “Try these to start, and if you don’t like any of that, I’ll grab some more.” She thrust the pile at me.

  I take the lingerie and go to the dressing room and begin trying the stuff on.

  The first set is red lacy thong and bra that makes my boobs look bigger than they really are. I have to admit I like it.

  “Well how does it look?” Mya calls from the other side of the curtain.

  “Um…okay I guess.”

  She yanks the curtain back and then whistles. Girl you look hot if I do say so myself.

  “You think so?”

  Imani nods in agreement “I know so. Levi will flip his shit when he sees you in that.”

  I try on the next set. A dark blue number and the next and the next and with each piece of clothing my confidence begins to grow.

  Just then my phone beeps with a message. I dig it out of my jeans to see Levi’s sent me a message

  LEVI: Hey baby girl, are we hanging at your place or mines tonight.

  I bite my lip as I type a quick message back.

  ME: Mines. I have a surprise for you.

  LEVI: Oh yeah? Is it a good surprise?

  ME: I think so. I hope you like it when you see it too.

  LEVI: I’m intrigued. I’ll see you at seven.

  ME: Can’t wait

  I drop my phone a smile gracing my face as I look at myself in the dark purple set I have on. Levi won’t know what hit him.


  You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. Don’t chicken out.

  I repeat to myself as I stand in the mirror staring at myself in my purple lingerie set.

  Just then a knock sounds on my door and my heart starts beating erratically. I quickly grab the trench coat and throw it on over my lingerie and head to the door.

  I take one last deep breath as I swing the door open.

  Levi’s leaning against the door jamb, a smile gracing his face when he sees me.

  “Hey baby girl.” He steps into my apartment pressing a kiss to my lips as he passes by me.

  “Hey,” I say sounding slightly out of breath.

  I close the door and find him standing eyeing my trench coat.

  “Are we going out somewhere?” he asks.


  “Then why do you have a coat on?”

  “Um, because, um, this is part of the surprise,” I say twisting the ties of the coat in my hands.

  Levi raises an eyebrow at me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why do you ask?”

  “You seem a little nervous.”

  “I’m not nervous.”

  Now both his eyebrows inch up his forehead.

  “Okay. Maybe I am just a little. I don’t know if you’re going to like the surprise.”

  His eyes soften. “I’m sure I will. Come on let’s sit down and then you can show it to me.”

  He turns to head towards the couch and I don’t know what possesses me to do what I do next except that I know if I don’t do this now, I’ll lose my nerve.

  I untie the trench coat and drop it.

  “You don’t need to sit on the couch to get your surprise.”

  “Oh yeah why is th—” the words die on his lips as he turns back to me. His eyes bulge as they sweep down my body.

  He stares at me for so long and so hard without saying anything that I start to grow nervous.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything?” I say shifting from one foot to the other.

  His eyes take their time returning to my face and when they do the lust and arousal, I see in them is clear.

  “Does this mean what I think it means?” he asks, his voice huskier and rougher than I’ve ever heard it.

  “If you think it means that I’m ready to take it to the next level with you then yes.”

  He’s in front of me in seconds.

  His hands cup my face gently his eyes drilling into mine.

  “Are you sure, Mia. Because if I start now. I don’t think I’ll be able to stop, because you in this outfit…. goddamn…” he trails off as though at a loss for word.

  My heart jumps.

  “I’m way past ready.” I barely get the words out before his mouth is on mine. He hands squeeze my ass as he hoists me up. I lock my legs around his waist as he heads straight for my bedroom. His mouth trails hot wet kisses down the side of my neck.

  I can feel is erection digging into my stomach between us. We reach my bedroom in record time and he sits me down on the bed.

  I stare breathlessly as his shirt and pants come off in record time. I’ve learned some interesting things about Levi over the last few days. The first is that he likes to go commando a lot. My eyes trail down the length of his body. I’ve seen him naked a few times over the past week and each time the view seems to get better. He really is a work of art. If he didn’t look at me the way he does; the way he is now, I’d worry that I’m not good enough for him.

  That thought doesn’t cross my mind anymore. He makes me feel beautiful and desired and wanted in a way I never have before. The set of his jaw and the look on his face lets me know we’re about to get down to business. I scoot up to the center of the bed as he comes over me.

  “I want to take the time to cherish you. I want to kiss every part of you until you want me as much as you want me,” he murmurs trailing his nose down the side of my cheek.

  I clutch a handful of his hair in my hands. I start to tell him that he doesn’t need to do that. I want him now more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life, but he keeps talking before I can.

  “But that’s going to have to wait for the second time. I don’t think I can wait.”

  “Yes, I want you Levi. Now.” I mutter meeting his eyes. He rids me of my bra and panties quickly. My breath hitches as he runs one finger along my slit before dipping it inside of me.

  A moan crawls out of my throat.

  “Fuck, you’re tight,” he mutters watching my face intently. I start to respond but then he adds a second finger and all rational thought flies from my mind as he stretches me. My eyes roll shut as the pleasure starts to overwhelm me. He plunges his fingers in and out working me over until I’m writhing against his hand. I feel that t
ingling sensation building inside of me but before I can get there, he pulls his fingers out. My eyes snap open. I was so close.

  “I need to be inside of you when you come,” he says ripping open a condom that I didn’t even know was there and rolling it on. He enters me slowly.

  “Levi,” I gasp staring into his eyes as he pushes in a few inches slowly. I’ve never felt this level of intimacy with a person before. His eyes never leave mine as he slowly pushes his way in. I don’t think I could look away if I tried. His eyes are hooded, and his jaw is clenched so tightly, I can see a muscle ticking alongside it.

  “Relax, baby. I’ve got you,” he murmurs kissing the side of my neck. My fingers dig into his shoulders as he pushes the rest of the way in.

  “Goddamn, I’ve never felt anything like it,” he mutters holding himself still as he gives me time to adjust.

  “I’m ready,” I gasp wiggling against him. I want him to move. I need him to relieve the ache he’s created inside of me. He pulls out halfway before rocking forward again. He does this again and again as I start to meet his movements.

  Sensations are building up inside of me at a rapid rate and I know I’m close to exploding.

  “Harder,” I moan.


  Levi pulls all the way out before slamming back inside. I scream my eyes rolling back into my head as he picks up the pace.

  “I’m so close,” I whimper meeting his stare once again. Sweat beads on his temple. The muscles in his shoulders and forearms glisten and flex with every move he makes. It’s riveting.

  His fingers brush over my clit and that’s all it takes. An orgasm slams into me with the force of a freight train and I scream so loudly, I’m pretty sure the whole building can hear me. In this moment I don’t care.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” Levi throws his head back as he empties himself inside of me. He slumps forward breathing heavily. I wrap my arms around him craving the body contact as a blissful sigh leaves me.

  After our breathing returns to normal he tries to move off me. I tighten my arms and legs around him. He chuckles. “I know my weight has to be heavy on you, baby.”

  “I don’t care,” I murmur. I don’t want him to move. He settles back on top of me for a few minutes before rolling us over so that I’m the one on top. We stay tangled together for the rest of the night.

  Chapter Eleven


  I shouldn’t be here. For the second time in less than a month I’m seated in my mother’s presence and to say the tension in the room is thick would be an understatement.

  We haven’t spoken since she called me an embarrassment to the family. The part that really bothered me was that she said she never even called to apologize. It makes me think that she truly means it. My hand tightens around my glass of water as I take a sip.

  We’re seated at The Flamingo, an upscale restaurant on the north side of Chicago.

  “Can you pass the bread Mia?” my father asks pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

  “Sure Daddy,” I say handing the breadbasket to him.

  He smiles in thanks and I’m able to relax marginally.

  He was able to get the day off work to join Mya, mom and I for this brunch. It’s a relief because he is the buffer, I think we need.

  The restaurant is pretty empty for this time of day and there aren’t too many people seated near us which is probably a good thing. When Mya approached me about coming out to this dinner, she said she thought it would be a good thing. She was positive that mom felt bad about her comments and was going to apologize.

  We been sitting here for about thirty minutes and she’s barely even glanced my way.

  God, I wish Levi were here. He had to fly to Los Angeles for a photo shoot a few days ago and I miss him like crazy. Before we started dating, I would miss him when he was gone, but it wasn’t like this. Now that he’s gone, it feels like a part of me is missing.

  He’s had my heart since we were kids, but now it’s like he has my soul as well. Having him here would probably make me a lot calmer.

  We make small talk until our food is brought out with Mya and Mom doing most of the talking. I mostly tune them out, not really interested in what they’re talking about.

  The aroma of the steak from my plate wafts up to me making my stomach growl. I’m just cutting into it when I hear my mother say

  “So, Mia, Mya tells me you’re dating Levi.”

  I pause and shift my gaze to Mya shooting her an accusing glare. She looks back at me apologetically.

  Straightening my spine, I meet my mother’s gaze. “Yes, we’ve been dating for a few weeks now.”

  Her lips turn downward, and I can already tell I’m not going to like whatever she has to say.

  She breaks eye contact to pour dressing on her salad. “Do you think it’s wise to date somebody like him?”

  “Martha,” Daddy murmurs warningly.

  It’s too late my hackles are already rising.

  “What does that mean somebody like him?” I say putting my fork down.

  She puts hers down as well. “Somebody who travels all the time around the world. He’s a model for heaven’s sake. He sees beautiful women all the time.”

  I clench my hands into fist beneath the table.

  “Mom, Levi loves Mia very much. I’ve seen the way he is with her,” Mya says.

  I want to tell her that Levi hasn’t told me he loves me yet, but I bite my tongue. It will only add fuel to my mother’s argument. I think he loves me; his actions certainly tell me that he does. He just hasn’t said the words yet. I know I’m in love with him. I’m just waiting for the right time to tell him.

  Mom rolls her eyes “Oh please. He travels a lot, am I right?”

  “What does his travel schedule have to do with his faithfulness to me?” I demand scooping up a forkful of mashed potatoes and shoving them into my mouth.

  I need to do something to stop myself from jumping across the table and trying to shake some sense into her.

  My palms grow sweaty and I start to tap my foot restlessly. I knew I shouldn’t have come here.

  “It has a lot to do with it. All the boys in that family are rich and successful. Do you really think he’s going to be able to stay faithful with women throwing themselves at him?”

  I feel a slight tingle in my throat, so I clear it before glaring across the table at my mother. “I trust him. He would never do that to me.”

  The look she gives me is pitying, like she feels sorry for me and it only pisses me off further.

  “Martha, if Mia is happy with Levi that’s all that matters, now let’s drop it,” my dad says.

  The tingling in my throat increases making it harder to concentrate. I clear my throat several times in a row.

  Mya looks over at me in concern. “Are you alright?”

  I nod my head although suddenly I’m starting to feel hot.

  She turns on him her mouth agape. “Honestly Dave, how can you be okay with this? She doesn’t need to be dating a model. She needs a man that will be around. That’s why I set that party up with those men and- “

  “Men that you handpicked for me, without my consent. Do you understand how humiliating that was to be in a ro-. Woah.” I mutter as I sway to the side suddenly dizzy.

  “What’s wrong?” Mia says shifting towards me.

  I look at her and suddenly there are two of her.

  It’s becoming increasingly difficult to breathe.

  “I-I don’t know” I break off as a sharp pain moves through my abdomen.

  I try to take a deep breath, but it gets stuck. I wheeze as panic starts to set in.

  Something is wrong. Like really really wrong.

  “Oh my God! Somebody calls 911!” I hear Mya yell.

  “What’s happening?” my mother says.

  “Mia, look at me” my dad says crouching down in front of me. I look up at him as pain clutches my insides.

  “I-I…” I can’t get any word
s out.

  I can’t breathe.

  It feels like all my airways have been blocked and an elephant is sitting on my chest.

  “I’ve got you. Focus on me,” he says. His voice is calm, but I see the pure panic in his eyes.

  “Try to stay calm, sweetie. An ambulance is on its way.”

  It feels like the walls are closing in on me.

  The pain in my stomach is so excruciating that I wish for anything to take it away.

  I wish for Levi, because I’m pretty sure I’m dying or at least that’s what it feels like.

  The last thing I see is a stretcher over my dad’s shoulder before everything goes black.


  The insistent beeping of a monitor rouses me from my sleep.

  The first thing I notice is something or somebody holding my right hand as I lay flat on my back. The next thing I notice is something under my nose. I peel my eyes open and go to yank whatever it is away.

  “Oh no you don’t” a hand catches mine before I can yank the thing away from my nose. I look to my right and find Levi sitting in a chair next to my bed.

  “Levi?” I say and my throat sounds scratchy to my own ears. A cough escapes me.

  The relief in his eyes is palpable.

  “Thank God you’re awake. Here let me get you some water before I call the nurse” he says pressing a kiss to the hand he’s still holding.

  He gets up and walks over to a table that has cups and a pitcher of water.

  After filling the cup and helping me sit up I take a few sips. The water feels good going down my throat.

  I frown as I look around trying to figure out why I’m lying in a hospital bed.

  “What….” And then it all slams back into me. The brunch, the argument with my mother and then nothing.

  “I passed out?” I ask shifting my eyes back to Levi. It’s then that I get a good look at his appearance. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days. His clothes are rumpled, his hair is sticking up all over the place and there are bags under his eyes.

  I’ve never seen him look like this.

  “Are you okay?” I rasp.

  He looks at me incredulously. “You’re the one lying in the hospital bed and you’re asking me if I’m okay.” He shakes his head.


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