by Tiece
ShaKita sniffed in between crying. She was sad that Bianca’s boyfriend had lost his life, but grateful that her sister survived. It was definitely a hard pill to swallow because nobody won. Someone lost a son, a brother, an uncle, and her niece lost a father. It was devastating to say the least and the hardest part was to tell Bianca that her boyfriend and baby’s father was dead.
Kerry stood in the hallway alone. She just wanted to get herself together. The devastating news could have easily been about her sister and it shook her to the core. She and Bianca had gotten really close over the two years that she lived with her. It wasn’t until she asked her to move out that Bianca started resenting her a little, but even still she loved her a great deal and had been looking forward to sharing the night with her to reconnect.
If only she had come to the party like she said that she would, she thought wiping her tears. The thought of her being unconscious was devastating to her. She’d do anything to bring her sister back. She just wanted to silently pray for her mental return and hopefully she’d be a changed person when this was all over with.
She looked inside the waiting room through the glass window and saw the pain that their father felt. For some reason, Bianca always seemed to be his favorite. Maybe it was because she was the troubled one and all he wanted to do was make things right. It didn’t’ make it any better that she’d been taken advantage of by a man that was fifteen years older than her when she was only thirteen and had gotten her pregnant. She was too far gone by the time they had found out and nine months later, at the age of fourteen, she was having her first son.
Mrs. Ware stepped inside the small private room where Bianca lay with tubes going down her throat and machines hooked to her body monitoring her vitals. Just the sight of this made her want to fall to her knees and cry. She loved her baby more than anything in the world and it hurt like hell to see her in this way.
She gradually walked over to her bed, placing her hand on top of Bianca’s warm hand and cried like a baby. She couldn’t understand how a child that was so loved from the moment she’d been conceived could turn out the way she did. She was like her tyrant, the rotten child, the rebellious one that always did what she wanted to do. She wasn’t crazy about authority and didn’t take advice very well. It was almost like they owed her something, but how could they owe a person that they’d already given so much too.
Mrs. Ware stood over her daughter and wept for her. She was only thirty-two years old and had already gone through more than anyone she’d known. At the age of fourteen she’d had her first child and by the age of thirty-two she’d had her filth one, a daughter that was now just four months old.
Mrs. Ware heavily sighed. “Bianca, how could you get yourself tied up in so many things that haven’t been good for you?” She asked leaning down and kissing her on the forehead. “Lord knows that we’ve tried our best to steer you in the right direction, but you’ve always had a mind of your own. I knew that you were going to be a handful when you were only five years old and I asked you good not to touch my wine in the refrigerator. Your bad ass went against anything I ever told you,” she said with a mere smile on her face. “When Kerry yelled out that you were sitting on the kitchen floor with my Pinot Grigio between your legs and had drunk half the bottle, I almost died. Can you imagine my face when I walked into the kitchen? I could not believe that a child so young could even stand the bitter taste of wine let alone drink it as if I’d be cool with it.” She said then pulled up a chair beside the bed and sat down as she continued talking.
“I pray that you wake up from this and be a changed woman. Lord, knows that I’ve always wanted nothing but the best for you and your sisters. Y’all girls had it easy. You just chose to make it hard. I could never understand why you’d do things to push your sister’s buttons or to make me so upset with you. We took you to counseling, we took you to church, and we allowed you freedom just like your sisters. But, anything good that we’ve ever did always backfired on us when it came down to you.” She sadly shook her head as the tears started to fall again. “I just want you to be a better person Bianca. I want you to keep your kids, because they love you so much. You have a baby girl that will need you more than ever. You know your dad and I will always be there for them just as we’ll always be there for you, but you need to step up and be a mother now. Things happen for a reason and I hate that this is the outcome, but I pray that you’ll get well. Lord, how I pray for that. I don’t know how your dad and I can go on if we lost you. Your sisters would be devastated, Bianca. My God, It’s not supposed to be this way.” She cried. “I’ve always imagined that y’all would bury us first, not the other way around.” She wiped her tears and looked over at the machine that pumped air in and out of her baby’s body to help keep her breathing. She felt lost, not knowing what to do to help her. “It’s not supposed to be this way.” She said with her head hung low as she sobbed. All of a sudden she could feel the touch of her husband’s warm hands caressing her shoulders. She looked up at him with the saddest eyes he’d ever seen.
“Lena, please take a break. Go sit with your other daughters because they need you too. They’re hurting just as much as we are.” He reminded her as he leaned down and softly kissed her on the lips. He loved his wife since they were in high school and never was there another that turned his attention away from her. She was and would always be the love his life and their girl’s would always come first.
“You’re right Love,” Mrs. Ware spoke. She was hurt, but she knew that he was telling the truth. The other girls must’ve been going crazy not knowing what the outcome of Bianca’s condition would be.
Mrs. Ware stood up and kissed Bianca on the lips. To see her child laying there hurt deeply. “I will not leave this hospital until you’re leaving with me. Okay, baby. I promise,” she said turning to her husband with a heartbreaking stare then exiting the room to give him time with his favorite girl.
Mr. Ware stood strong as he watched his wife close the door behind her then he turned to face his daughter. The tears wailed up in the corner of his eyes as his heart ached for Bianca. He always tried to protect her but she was always against it. Whooping his girls was always out of the question, but he’d certainly had thoughts about giving Bianca a good old fashioned ass cutting a few times. Maybe if he did she would’ve turned out better.
He watched her as she unconsciously slept. Even with a few scars on her face she was still pretty. He rubbed lightly across her jaw with the back of his hand and cried. There was nothing that he could do to make her better. The only thing they could rely on was prayer and the rest would be left up to Bianca. He wept for what seemed like forever before he could gather his composure and get it together.
“You gotta fight for daddy, okay. If it were left up to me I wish that my girls could live forever. God knows that I’d take your place right now if it brought you back.” He closed his weeping eyes thinking back at all the trouble that Bianca had gotten in and all the lies she’d tell just to have her way. As his thoughts reflected back it only made him angry. He was angry because he’d tried so many times to save her, but she wouldn’t let him.
At early ages he taught the girls what it was like to have a real man around the house that paid the bills and took care of home. He taught them how a man should treat a woman by respecting their mother and giving her the attention that she needed. He was a very active father that was always at every sports event and at every award recognition program that they had in school. Anything that involved his daughters he always made time to be there to show his support. It seemed like his other four daughters appreciated his presence but Bianca always had something to say about it. She felt that he was smothering them. He felt that it was love. She felt that he was always in their business. He felt like he was protecting them.
“Bianca, sometimes I wish I would’ve just knocked some sense into you.” He said, but it wasn’t out of anger. It was out of hurt and wishing he could right her
wrongs. “You probably would have never gotten involved with that Teacher of yours. Lauren told me how you’d be in his face even after I had you removed from his class. Your mom and I even went so far as to have him completely removed out of the school system because the things we would hear from your sisters just wasn’t behavior that a grown man should’ve displayed around teenage girls.” He disappointedly shook his head. “But you still found a way to hang around this man. I just don’t get it Bianca; I never could.” He said thinking back. “Don’t you know that it broke my heart into a million pieces after you argued with me that it was a sign from God that you be with this pedophile after getting pregnant. I was blown away by that. You’re so lucky that the police had already made it to his house before I got there or he would’ve been dead instead serving twenty years behind bars.”
Mr. Ware heavily sighed, just wanting to calm his spirits. He didn’t want to get upset thinking about Bianca’s past. He just wanted her to wake up in hopes that she would start fresh and learn from it. If only she would see fit to be a better mother for her kids and make wiser decisions she’d be alright. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the cheek just as the doctor stepped in the room.
“Mr. Ware, I’m glad you’re in here.” He said.
“Hey Doctor,” Mr. Ware spoke. “Is there anything that you can tell me about my daughters condition that can help me shed a little light on what’s going on here?” He asked.
“Bianca I do believe will be okay. However, it can be a touch and go situation. I always hope for the better and me and my staff will do everything in our power to make sure that she is as comfortable as possible.”
“We appreciate that,” Mr. Ware said wiping his tears.
“Your daughter is lucky that she had on her seatbelt or she wouldn’t be here. The guy that was driving was thrown from the car and sustained massive head injuries that killed him instantly.” Mr. Ware shook his head at just the thought of thinking it could’ve been his daughter. He stood there with a heavy heart for his granddaughter’s father. He didn’t care for the guy but he never wished death on anyone.
“My advice would be to talk with her, bring her favorite music and play it. You can even bring headphones and put them over her ears. Encourage the rest of the family whom she’s close with to come spend time with her.”
“That’s if my wife allows anyone else to be here, because I’m sure that she’s not going to wanna leave from by her side.”
“I understand,” the doctor said. “Because she has severe head trauma we will be continuing to run test on her brain just to make sure that everything is functioning as it should. At this point it’s gonna be strictly up to her and her will power to live. I honestly can see us taking her off that breathing machine soon, but some people are just stubborn. I say that those are the ones that have lived a hard life and just want to give up. I can see from your love and support that this one has had a good life. I don’t see why she shouldn’t want to fight for it.”
Mr. Ware merely smiled, but couldn’t help but think if his daughter found it fit to fight or if she’d feel it better to let go. He glanced back at his daughter and prayed that the good Lord wouldn’t give her the opportunity to choose her fate, because if it was up to Bianca no telling which way she’d go. And knowing her she’d probably choose to leave them just to get some kind of emotional reaction to see her gone.
“Thanks,” Mr. Ware said. “We’ll continue to pray that she returns to us in her right state of mind.”
“Prayer is certainly what she needs,” the doctor agreed. “ I didn’t want to disturb your time with your daughter but we are going to run more test on her. If you don’t mind just leaving out the room momentarily and when we’re done she’ll be able to have more company.”
“No problem,” Mr. Ware said then turned to kiss his daughter as he whispered in her ear. “Please Bianca. If you can hear me, please fight for daddy. We love you so much and we need you. Your kids need you, okay,” he said then pecked her on the cheek again before exiting the room.
Kerry walked inside her house and immediately flopped down on the taupe suede sectional in her living room. She was tired after having an hour long workout at the YMCA. Losing weight was one of her main goals after Justin left her for another woman. Of course, he had bitched or commented little slick shit to her concerning how much weight she’d gained over the years of them being together. He didn’t understand that it was quite easy to gain sixty five extra pounds after having four children ranging from the ages of fourteen to six; all of which belonged to his stank ass.
She sighed at the thought of having to look at his little mistress prancing around in front of her wearing a Nicole Miller floral fit and flare dress. The same dress she’d just saw recently on the internet and wished she could have, but due to her unfaithful husband leaving her, it wasn’t in the budget.
“If only she knew,” she spoke aloud, rolling her eyes. All she wanted to do was get back down to size so she could flaunt her sexy ass in front of the both of them. Nothing would please her more than to show him what he was missing and to give his slut of a girlfriend something to think about.
She balled up on the sofa, too tired to even shower. All she wanted to do was relax before Justin dropped the kids off at home. A week had passed and there were still no updates on Bianca’s recovery. She was still unresponsive and it had certainly taken a toll on them. They each took turns around the clock to sit with her in hopes that when she awakened someone would be sitting by her side waiting for that moment.
She closed her eyes just taking advantage of the quiet time, because it definitely wasn’t going to last long once the kids made it home. She sighed as her mind wandered off to Bianca’s state of being. It was hard for her to wrap her mind around the things that had taken place in just a week’s time, but so little could happen so quickly. As she lay there her phone began to ring.
“There goes my quiet time,” she whispered looking at the caller ID on her cell phone. It was Janay calling so she anxiously answered it. “Hello my beautiful sister.”
“Hey sis,” Janay responded back. “How are you feeling? You sound tired.”
“I am. I just left the gym girl.”
“No wonder. Are you seeing any results yet?” Janay asked knowing that her sister’s self-esteem had dropped over the years about her weight gain.
“I’ve been sticking with it for six weeks now and I can tell that I’m finally losing something.” She grinned. “I’m down to one hundred and ninety three pounds. Mind you, I was two hundred and twenty pounds before I got started.”
“Damn Kerry, that’s good.” Janay was proud of her sister. “Honestly, I couldn’t even tell that you weighed that much. All your weight is solid and lands in your hips and thighs.”
“Yeah but I’d started getting a lil gut too and you know that I’ve never had that,” she stated.
“You’re right,” Janay agreed. “But even with a little gut your stomach is still pretty. Mine looks all swollen like I’m about to burst. I think it’s screaming FEED ME as we speak.” They laughed.
“You’re crazy girl.” She said. “Oh before I forget, I thought it was really sweet of Finn to take time out of his busy schedule to come see Bianca. Mom said that he prayed with her and dad while they stood around Bianca’s bed. I tell you, that truly made Mom feel better.”
“That’s my husband. He definitely has his way with people and Mom and Dad have always loved him for being so considerate.” She spoke then moved on. “How is Mom doing anyway? I called and spoke with her the night before last and she broke down over the phone. I hadn’t called her since because I feel so helpless.”
“I know. It’s been hard on her.” Kerry responded. “We’ve been taking turns sitting with Bianca to try and relieve her some, but she’s so stubborn that she’ll hardly leave her side. Daddy has had to make her go home every day just to wash her butt.”
“You know how your mama is; espec
ially about her two baby girls.” She teased. “Speaking of baby girl, how is Kita doing?”
“You know Kita is the emotional one. She’ll dog the hell outta Bianca but they have a special relationship and she loves her so much. As a matter of fact, she stayed the night with her last night because daddy talked mama into going home and sleeping in her own bed since she hadn’t had a good night’s rest since it happened.”
“I hope she got herself some sleep, because I’m sure she needed it.” Janay said.
“Hell, I doubt it because Kita said that she was back at five this morning. She refuses to stay gone too long.”
“That’s a mama’s love for you.” Janay said as she thought about her unborn. “Let’s face it. She is not gonna leave Bianca’s side until she opens her eyes.”
“You’re right,” Kerry agreed thinking that she’d be the same way about her kids. “Are you still coming home this weekend? We miss you, plus mom and dad need to see you. They need you here with us.”