Conquest: Rise of the Fifth Horseman (The Fifth Horseman Series Book 1)

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Conquest: Rise of the Fifth Horseman (The Fifth Horseman Series Book 1) Page 20

by Richard M. Mulder

  “But I did everything you asked!” Michael held his hands above his head in surrender, “I presented your blueprints as my own, and they took the bait! We’re in the Beta testing stage now!”

  “Yes, you served your purpose well.” Timur cocked the gun, “But I can’t take any chances. I’ve worked too hard for this. Letting you live is too much of a risk.”

  Lily heard a loud gunshot as Michael’s body spun from the force of the bullet. The screen went blank, and the look on Timur’s face betrayed how disturbed he was by the fact that this video had come to the surface.

  “So that’s his big secret!” Lily slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand as the vision faded away, “Timur developed the GFID Nano technology and cunningly tricked the NSA into disbursing it to the public! But why? What’s his motive?”

  I know not what thou dost mean by jee-eff eye-dee tek knowledge.

  “Sorry.” Lily corrected herself, “GFID is an acronym for Gamma-Ray Frequency Identification.”

  Alas, I doth understand thee now. Yea, the gamma ray ‘tis the same method by which the great transportation machines doth use to communicate with the beacons.

  Lily’s eyebrows raised, “That can’t just be an ironic coincidence.”

  Suddenly Lily’s eyes blurred again, and it was daytime in the vision. A loud humming sound was emanating from inside the penthouse. She turned to see a steady stream of blue light coursing from inside the penthouse to a giant blue orb connected to the building’s main spire. From there, millions of beams of light were coursing across the sky toward unknown destinations.

  Lily could hear a loud murmur of screams and chaos from the streets below. She looked over the balcony just in time to see a woman get hit with one of the many beams of light, and then she completely disappeared.

  “Oh my gosh… he’s reconfigured the machine to lock on to human GFID signatures instead of beacons!” Lily panicked, “We have to stop him!”

  But it was too late.

  Something whizzed past her ear, and she felt Timur jolt. She then saw the elephant tranquilizer dart embedded in Timur’s thick skin. Timur staggered, and fell over.

  “Timur!” Lily screamed in panic.

  Several hooded men surrounded them with guns drawn.

  “Lillian Thatcher,” one of them spoke up, “don’t worry, we won’t hurt you. Come with us.”

  Chapter Forty Seven: Wedding Crashers

  For God didst endow the ancient powers of the Malakhim unto man to create certain Seraphim, who wouldst protect the inhabitants of the Earth from suffering destruction by means of the Leviathan…

  – Methuselah 13:2 –

  Allan was sitting on the mobile throne inside his royal tent when the scouts returned. John stood a ways off, contemplating to himself.

  “Thine Holiness,” they bowed in reverence.

  “What’s your report?”

  “Alas, the gates art unguarded.” one of the scouts spoke up.

  “Are you sure?” Allan’s eyebrow raised in confusion, “No guards at all?”

  “Verily, my lord.” he nodded, “We didst infiltrate the walls, insomuch that we were able to reach the center gates of the Great City. They art in preparation for a wedding.”

  “This is great news!” Allan smiled, “We can attack them while they’re distracted.”

  “I don’t like it.” John suddenly spoke up, “Something’s off.”

  Allan was starting to get annoyed with John’s advice. Ever since they left yesterday, all he had done was complain.

  “This is our perfect opportunity.” Allan argued and then turned back to the scouts, “Alert the Generals. We’re going in.”

  John shook his head and approached the throne, “I’m afraid the power and prestige of the throne is going to your head.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Allan scoffed, “Crowning me King was your idea, not mine.”

  “Yes, but I thought you were going to act in the best interest of the people. Not lead them to their deaths for your own selfish purposes.”

  “Selfish? Excuse me?” Allan spat, “I’m saving that man’s daughter.”

  “You can’t fool me.” John countered, “The only reason why we’re here is to save Lily. You couldn’t even care less about finding Adonai’s daughter.”

  “I’d make the time.”

  “But you’re not denying it either.”

  “So-what if I save Lily in the process?” Allan huffed, “Timur’s torturing her!”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve heard her screams! I’ve seen him torturing her!” Allan confessed, “He’s killing her! I have to save her! Now!”

  John’s eyes narrowed as he bore his eyes into Allan’s. After a minute, he turned away.

  “Your mind is still clouded by the Leviathan.” John sighed, “He’s influencing your dreams by showing you false visions.”

  “How could you possibly know what I’m seeing isn’t real?”

  “The Leviathan will make you see what he wants you to see in order to fulfill his purposes.” John insisted, “He clearly wants you to enter the city. I’m afraid we’ll be walking straight into a trap.”

  “You’re too paranoid.” Allan shook his head in disagreement, “You heard the scouts. The gates are unguarded. This is our perfect opportunity to get inside.”

  John sighed heavily, “If you insist on doing this, there’s only one way you can defeat him.”

  “Do tell.”

  “Wait here.” John stepped out of the tent.

  After several minutes, John returned holding a long spear.

  “You’re going to need this.”

  “I’d rather use a sword.” Alan scoffed, “It would inflict more damage.”

  “This isn’t just any spear.” John explained, “The staff is mounted with is the Spearhead of Destiny.”

  Allan raised a dubious eyebrow, “The spearhead of what?”

  “This spear is stained with the blood of Christ. It is the only weapon that is worthy of challenging the Holy War Sword of the Scythians.”

  Their eyes met, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  It didn’t take long to make their way to the Temple at the center of the city. Allan stared at the scene in disbelief as the words that were painted on the wall of the underground pump room came back to haunt him.

  You will find her at the altar of the Temple in the city of the Ancients…

  “And dost thou, Lillian from Earth, take Timur, King of the Holy Lands of Enoch, to be thine lawfully wedded husband?” the priest recited.

  “I do.”

  This can’t be happening!

  “Then by the powers vested in me, I doth pronounce thee…”

  “Timur!” Allan jumped out of hiding and stumbled forward from the bottom of the grand staircase, “I’m here as you requested. Release her at once!”

  “You think I’ve taken her prisoner, do you?” Timur chuckled, “On the contrary, she’s about to be my Queen.”

  “That’s ludicrous.” Allan stammered as he began to climb the staircase with the Spear of Destiny in tow.

  “Is it now?” Timur chided, “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”

  Allan turned to face her, but no words came out of his mouth. She looked absolutely stunning in that white dress. It had only been a week ago that he had daydreamed of her in such a dress… but under much different circumstances.

  “Lily, my darling.” Timur grinned as he bore his eyes into hers, “Why don’t you tell Allan how you feel about me?”

  “Yes, Master.” she turned to face Allan, “Allan. I’m sorry to tell you this, but I love Timur dearly.”


  An intense pain overwhelmed him. He could feel the darkness pushing its way back into his mind as the voice gained volume and intensity.

  “Is this why you never accepted my proposal?” Allan stared at her in shock, “You’re with him?”

  “Yes, she is.” Timur pushed her aside and raised both
hands in the air, “And I intend to fight to the death for her honor.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Allan saw a strange sight. His own shadow seemed to be growing and taking tangible form. It rose from the ground and morphed into a massive creature. His mind reeled in confusion as more of the ugly creatures composed almost entirely of tentacles rose from hidden shadows. Before he could comprehend what was going on, screams erupted from the crowd of onlookers behind him.

  Fear coursed through his veins as he watched the creatures spring out from every direction. The massive creature that had sprung from his own shadow loomed ominously like a cobra ready to strike.

  “You dare to think that you can defeat me?” Timor bellowed, “You are weak!”

  Allan’s anxiety grew, and a silver light from his eyes began to glow. He felt a surge of warmth growing in his open palm. Glancing down, he saw a ball of light forming in the space above it. Instinctively, he shoved his palm in Timur’s direction and the ball of light released with a massive force.

  Instantly, a shadow leapt in front of Timur and swallowed the fireball. Timur then unsheathed a massive sword, and charged. Allan felt silly as he gripped the spear with both hands and braced for impact. With a swift parry however, Timur lopped off the top of the spear with ease. Allan’s only weapon had been rendered useless before the fight had even begun.

  An excruciating pain crippled him as he felt Timur’s blade slash across his chest. Allan fell to his knees in a pool of blood. The silver aura surrounded him, healing the wound within seconds. But then Allan cried out in pain as Timur attacked again, severing the brachial artery in his right arm. Blood gushed out on the steps as the aura worked harder to heal this larger wound. Then came what should have been a fatal bow, as Timur lunged his sword through Allan’s chest.

  Allan screeched in pain as Timur held his blade in place, twisting every few seconds.

  “You’re like a roach that just won’t die.” Timur seethed and twisted the blade further, “Just give up!”

  Blood sputtered from Allan’s mouth as he tried to breathe. The dark voice in his mind became especially clear: I can save thee. Yield thy soul unto me.

  “But what about Lily?” he choked.

  The voice spoke gravelly: She is dead to you now.

  Allan nodded. The voice was right. It was time to let go.

  “Take me.”

  Chapter Forty Eight: Fresh Fodder

  And God instructed these Seraphim to manifest the ancient powers of the Malakhim to protect both the Earth and Zion. Verily, to instruct the people to follow in the straight and narrow paths of righteousness…

  – Methuselah 13:3 –

  Timur’s eyes flashed alarm when he saw the familiar white flame retreating from Allan’s chest. A dark cloud formed at their feet, and rose to his immediate left. The cloud grew larger as it inhaled the thick smoke emitting from Allan’s soul.

  Unwilling to share his power, he twisted the hilt once again and extracted his sword. Allan fell backward screaming in pain. His body fell in a heap as the aura attempted to heal him. His eyes rolled backward with a faint flash of silver light, and then the aura dissipated as the last few flickers of flame from his soul died out. Timur stared at Allan’s body for several minutes in shock. He kicked the limp body a few times. Blood oozed onto the concrete, but Allan’s body remained lifeless.

  I did it! He’s finally dead!

  At that moment several of the pitiful-looking peasants whom had been required to attend the wedding decided to take the opportunity to make a run for it.

  “Kill them!” he yelled to his priests, “Kill them all!”

  Screams erupted from the crowd as the priests unsheathed their swords and obeyed his command.

  Timur then grabbed Lily by the wrist and towed her back inside, “Come my Queen. It’s time we obtained new subjects to serve our dwindling kingdom.”

  He dragged her inside, and commanded the guards to barricade the heavy doors. He beckoned her to follow him down the corridor until they reached the main chamber. He stopped before the lit fireplace, and twisted the gold lion to the left of the mantle. The fire went out with a huge gust of air and the soot-stained fireplace screeched backward. The dark stairwell revealed itself, and they descended together.

  The room flickered to life with fluorescent lighting that was powered by a series of solar panels he had installed on the roof of the Temple years ago. The server farm hummed as he approached the main console.

  Timur was very pleased that he had finally acquired the NSA’s passcode to access the GFID Nano-chip tracking system. It was the final item he needed fulfill a major part of his master’s plans. By transporting the inhabitants of Earth to Zion, all mankind would become subjects of his kingdom and the Leviathan would have a new source of fodder for all those who were willing to yield their souls unto him.

  Without their precious modern appliances and technologies, they would all be extremely vulnerable and would cower easily to the Leviathan’s will. Without access to any weaponry, they would have no ability to rebel. Eventually all mankind would cower down and worship him as their god.

  It’s time. My glory awaits.

  Entering a few last commands on the keyboard, a loud humming sound began to reverberate off the walls. The floor tremored below them, and a bright beam of blue light erupted from the satellite dish mounted to the floor and shot from the center of the room to the far wall where a dark mirror hung. It’s twin hung inside a similar room in his penthouse. Having infused the mirrors with most of the ashes from his fallen predecessor, he had created two tangible amulets to connect as a portal.

  “Wait here.” he commanded Lily.

  The sickly green aura had already enveloped around him as he rushed across the room and placed both his hands against the frame of the mirror. Focusing all of the power from his core, a sickly green light blasted from his eyes and with a flash of brilliant light the mirror formed into a vortex that swallowed him up.

  Streaks of white light filled his view as he spun through the invisible tunnel. The streaks of light multiplied in quantity and velocity until they formed into a single cluster of brilliant white light. With another flash he crossed through the other side of the portal and landed in a room located in the center of his penthouse where he had erected a similar satellite dish as the receiver. As expected, the bright blue beam of light had connected with the receiving dish and the floor trembled. A loud hum reverberated off the walls, which confirmed to him that this half of the upgraded machine had activated properly. Seconds later another beam of light erupted from the satellite attached to the ceiling and passed back through the portal.

  He turned to face the portal he had just created. The swirling whirlpool looked like shimmering water with sparks of electricity spreading from the center and swirling outward in the form of a spiral. From the center of the spiral both of the bright blue beams of light pulsed with immense energy.

  He left the room and headed toward his balcony to admire his work. In the distance he could see millions of streaks of blue light spreading out across the sky. Distant screams echoed from every direction.

  A wide grin fell across Timur’s lips, “Let the Rapture begin!”

  Chapter Forty Nine: Battle for Atlantis

  And God gave unto these Seraphim a charge to continually seek the pathways of light. But woe be unto the inhabitants of the Earth should a Seraph be led away by the darkness of the Leviathan…

  – Methuselah 13:4 –

  Though it had taken them longer than it would have to simply try to enter the city through the northern gates as Allan desired, John had won the argument. John and the army of rebels had approached the city from a southern canyon and had circled to the west side where there was a break in the mighty wall. The break had long ago been caused by salt corrosion from the mighty Tethys Sea. From there they entered the city from the abandoned underground network of tunnels.

  “How much further, your Majesty?” Adonai asked in the dim

  “I believe we are almost there.” John held out the torch before him, “It has been many years since I last navigated these tunnels, so I’m a little disoriented.”

  “Pray tell, what is this place?”

  “These tunnels compose the great machine that transported this land from earth more than five thousand years ago.” John explained.

  “Verily, my mother hath told me stories of this glorious machine.” he spoke in awe, “I thought the story ‘twas a mere fantasy.”

  “Most fables are derived from true events.” he nodded.

  Suddenly the walls began to tremble with a loud hum.

  “The machine has been activated!” John shrieked over the noise, “We have to get out of here!”

  Several minutes passed before they stumbled out into a chamber with multiple tunnel entrances. Making a quick judgement call, he chose one of the tunnels. As he turned a corner, the tunnel opened up to the control room.

  The room was filled with modern technology from Earth. Rows and rows of servers spanned the walls, and a single computer terminal was stationed in the middle of the room.

  What is Timur doing?!

  A young woman in a white wedding gown lay crumpled to the ground on the opposite side of the room. At first he assumed the woman was among one of many fallen victims from Timur’s wrath, but when he heard her moan he realized she was alive. John approached cautiously and placed a hand on her back. She whipped around in alarm, and stabbed a dagger in his chest. A look of horror crossed her face as she realized that John wasn’t her intended victim.

  “I’m so sorry!” she wiped the tears from her bloodshot eyes, “I thought you were Timur.”

  John winced as he removed the blade. The aura of white light surrounded him and healed the wound instantaneously. Lily stared at him with a mixture of awe and confusion.


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