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Daimon Page 4

by Pelaam

  He heard Gene racing through the trees, clearly still hoping to stop the final mating of Leland with Randal. As he crashed towards the clearing, Daimon caught him effortlessly and held him.

  He whispered in his ear, "Let them finish what they started, Gene. Look at them with open eyes. They were made for each other."

  "Dai?" Gene asked, his voice a bare whisper of sound. He struggled uselessly, Daimon able to hold even a Lycan.

  "Short for Daimon," Daimon whispered, letting his voice become a dark, vocal caress of Gene's ear. "Watch them, witness them become life-mates. I promise you I would let no harm befall Leland."

  Daimon grinned as Gene sagged in his strong embrace.

  "Are you sure?" Gene asked.

  The question surprised Daimon. He had, in part, expected anger from the silver-haired male. He let Gene squirm enough to be able to gaze into the familiar emerald eyes now filled with anxiety.

  "If I had any doubts I would not have permitted the mating. Leland is young, but this is his mate. Can't you feel it? Put aside your fear for him and of his father's reaction. Let yourself feel what they feel, how right they are."

  The look in Gene's eyes changed, and Daimon smiled at him, receiving an answering smile in return before Gene turned to witness the imminent mating. Daimon could feel the change in the Lycan, but continued to keep his tight hold.


  Looking up at his alpha, his beloved mate-to-be, Leland responded eagerly as Randy reached out to him and pulled him to his feet. Both Lycans whimpered and growled as Randy scented him, checking for injuries. Clearly satisfied that nothing prevented their coupling, Randy manoeuvred Leland to lie on the soft, mossy earth, and his tongue danced over the smaller male's lightly-furred, golden torso before he dropped his head between his lover's out-flung thighs.

  Leland writhed eagerly as Randy licked his erection from root to tip, sucking at the swollen head before turning his attention lower. Leland retained enough awareness to know all Randy's instincts screamed to mount and claim his mate, especially because of their enforced separation. However, to his relief, Randy realised he needed preparation. His tongue slid over Leland's opening. His tightly furled flesh quivered under his lover's increasingly insistent licks.

  Randy penetrated Leland with his supple organ, and Leland gave a joyous howl as he came. He panted heavily as Randy temporarily abandoned Leland's opening to taste his crème. Randy growled his appreciation of Leland's release before resuming his amorous assault at Leland's entrance with unbridled passion. He thrust his tongue again and again, and Leland felt his defences cede to the alpha male as Randy worked diligently to loosen and slick his virginal passage.

  Sitting back, Leland watched Randy stroke his thick, engorged flesh, using copious pre-ejaculate to help lubricate his length. He let Randy guide his legs around his lover's waist and then the bigger male eased forward, pressing the head of his throbbing shaft to Leland's prepared portal. Leland nodded frantically as his lover stopped, clearly seeking the final assurance. At the confirmation Randy used his powerful haunches to push forward. As the head of his lover's cock penetrated him slowly, Leland couldn't prevent soft whimpers from spilling from his lips as he struggled to accept his mate's tumescent organ. He panted shallowly as Randy pressed deeper inside, moving slowly. He nuzzled at Leland's throat, licking and nipping as Leland tossed his head restlessly from side to side.

  Randy didn't just shove forward. Leland smiled at him as his beloved mate eased in slowly, letting Leland adjust to the length and girth of the flesh that united them. He stroked at Leland's flanks and chest, bending down to nibble at Leland's nipples while he squirmed to accommodate his lover's solid rod. Leland's body slowly relaxed, and Randy pumped at Leland's deflated shaft, encouraging it to regain hardness.

  Leland took a couple of moments for the uncomfortable sensation of fullness to give way to pleasure, and he saw in Randy's eyes his lover had recognised it too. Leland whined his need for more, and Randy responded, his hips moving in a steady, deep tempo. Another howl of joy rose into the air as Randy began to thrust against Leland's prostate. Randy reached for Leland's shaft again, and he heard Randy's growl of approval. Leland was fully hard and desperate to come again.

  Leaning forward, Randy's mouth sealed over his. He heard Randy's soft whine of bliss as Leland raked his hands over his mate's back and gripped hard at his buttocks. Their tongues moved with the same deliberate rhythm that echoed their lovemaking. Leland moved his slim hips in counterpoint to Randy's thrusts, and he became lost in their shared joy.

  Leland could no longer determine where he ended and Randy began. They were no longer two separate, individual entities. They moved as one, incrementally rising towards their shared climax.

  Leland felt his release begin at cell level. Heat permeated his body; breathing almost forgotten as he arched his back, mouth open in a silent scream. His lover began to piston his hips with a primal ferocity as Randy sought to come inside his mate. Randy's seed jettisoned deep into Leland in powerful bursts. His howl of completion, a primitive sound of passion and possession, rent the air. Leland echoed it scant seconds later, and his own semen decorated their heated bodies.

  As the last of his seed pulsed into Leland, Randy bit hard at Leland's shoulder, an outward mark to show that Leland was taken. Leland gave a soft moan of approval even as his claws scratched at Randy's shoulder. Leland's mark for Randy to wear with pride, a sign that he, too, was mated.

  The two Lycans slowed their movements, gentleness replacing the earlier frenetic movements. They kissed and stroked, nipped and nuzzled, joy evident on both faces. Randy grinned down at Leland as he looked up at his mate with elation.

  "I love you, Leland. You're mine now, just as I'm yours," Randy said, pride and satisfaction evident in his tone.

  "Love you too, Randy," Leland confessed. "I was so afraid you wouldn't come for me."

  "I would have searched the world to find you," Randy replied, dropping kisses to the upturned face. "You're my mate. No one and nothing would have stopped me finding and claiming you."


  "Did you feel it, Gene?" Daimon whispered as he watched the lovers kiss. His solid arousal rubbed insistently at the buttocks of the Lycan he held.

  "Unity," Gene whispered back. "Two as one."

  Daimon suddenly vanished, leaving Gene to stagger and cough from the close proximity of Daimon's sulphur.

  Daimon watched Gene look around with a mix of hurt and confusion in his eyes until the Lycan saw where he was.

  Daimon stood a few feet away from the mated Lycans, another werewolf struggling furiously in his grasp. Daimon saw the recognition in Gene's eyes.

  "Jerard!" Gene shouted.

  Daimon watched from behind the angry Lycan as Randy surged to his feet to stand protectively over his new mate, snarling savagely. Aware of Gene rushing over, he hoped that between them they could ensure Leland's father accepted the new life-pairing.

  "They are mated, Jerard," Gene said. "Didn't you feel how right it was? They are made for each other, my friend."

  Daimon saw the alpha male look over at Leland, shock in his eyes, as the blond rose to his feet.

  "When did your boy become such a beautiful young man?" Daimon whispered in Jerard's ear. "How many years has it been since you really took note of what was happening in Leland's life? What he wants? How he feels?"

  For a few seconds Jerard seemed to not let the words sink in. Then Daimon felt the alpha male sag, and he carefully unwrapped his arms from the powerful form. He remained alert, however.

  "It was for your own good," Jerard said, his voice a deep, ominous growl. "I wanted to protect you. I know nothing of this… this other. I wanted you to make a suitable match. One befitting your status as my son."

  Ready to act if needed, Daimon watched Leland peer from behind the safety of his mate's powerful body.

  "I remember Mama saying that you were told a human wasn't suitable as a mate," Leland said. "She was always so pr
oud that your love for her won and that you disregarded what others saw as a more suitable match."

  "It's not the same," Jerard started dismissively, but Daimon grinned with pride as Leland stood his ground.

  "It is the same, Papa. You don't know Randy, but I do. I know him here," Leland said, striking over his heart. "I knew it from the day we met. He is my life-mate, and we are bonded. If that makes you unhappy, you have to deal with it."

  "He's right, Jerard," Gene said. "I saw them. They're bonded. Unity. If you can't accept that bonding, then I can't remain in your pack."

  The silver-haired Lycan had moved to stand by Daimon and the demon let his tail snake around Gene's waist, letting his lover feel his support… his love.

  "I don't know what to say, Leland." Jerard's words were choked with emotion.

  Daimon saw that Leland had heard the raw sound of grief and seen the infinite sadness in his father's eyes, and felt himself swell with pride as the young Lycan acted. Daimon grinned as Leland took hold of Randy's hand firmly and led his still growling mate to his father.

  "Papa, meet Randal, my life-mate. Randy, this is Jerard, my papa. I love you both. Please find a way to get on together."

  Daimon nodded his approval as Leland stood still while Jerard reached hesitantly for him. Jerard enfolded Leland in a tight hug, and Daimon realised the father was scenting his son. He knew that bonded Lycans' scents subtly altered, reflecting their status as newly mated. Jerard released Leland as he extended his hand to the brunet who stood observing like a silent sentinel.

  "I was wrong to do as I did," Jerard said. "I forced a good man to behave out of character. I made my own child a prisoner. I was so busy with my pack, I failed to see my child become a man, and I acted without thinking. I am so very sorry. I am pleased and proud to welcome you into my pack."

  To Daimon's delight, Randal slowly accepted the hand and gave a curt nod.

  "If you had checked a little further into my family, you would have found that my youngest aunt is married to Cameron Elders. I am second in charge of his pack."

  "It should not have mattered what your pack was," Jerard said and shook his head. "I should have left mine in Gene's hands to come to France when I was told you and Leland had met and there was likely to be a permanent relationship. I don't know when my baby became a man. I feel I have missed so much."

  "Then perhaps the three of you should spend the rest of the night together to get to know the man your son has become and the mate he has taken," Daimon suggested. "I'm sure Leland would welcome the opportunity."

  "Please, Papa, Randy. I would like that very much," Leland said.

  Daimon smirked at Leland who had an arm around the waist of each powerful alpha. He felt sure the petit blond was already the one in charge. Leland grinned over at Daimon who winked back.

  Daimon snaked his arms around Gene's waist. There was no threat to Leland, and he remained achingly aroused from the sight and scent of the mating Lycans. He also needed to speak to Gene.

  "You know where my home is, Leland. Bring everyone tomorrow… at a decent hour?" Daimon spoke as he dematerialised, Leland's delighted laughter fading away as he took a speechless Gene with him.


  When Daimon rematerialised, he knew Gene would be a little disorientated and held tight to the sliver-haired Lycan.

  "I'm sorry I deceived you over what I was in the gazebo," he said. "But I didn't fake any of our lovemaking. That was real. I… I felt something from the moment we met. Can we start over?"

  "I felt it too," Gene replied. "But my concern was Leland. The drug was to ensure he didn't hurt himself trying to escape. It tormented me that I'd done it, but it would have torn a hole in my soul if he'd been lost like his mother. I'd like to start over too."

  "Good," Daimon growled.

  Daimon eased Gene from his arms and attacked the Lycan's shirt, yanking it apart, buttons flying as Daimon flung it aside, baring the torso that haunted his dreams. He used mouth and nails to tease Gene's nipples as he manoeuvred him towards the bed. He laughed at the Lycan's gasp as Daimon lifted him easily to lay him in the centre and straddled his body.

  "I'm a lot stronger than I appear, my love," he whispered, his voice husky from arousal.

  He heard the guttural growl as he began to tease Gene's groin with the tip of his tail.

  "All mine," Daimon whispered. He ran his hands over the muscular, furred torso. "Whatever I want this time."

  "Whatever you wish of me," Gene conceded.

  Seconds later, Daimon had fully stripped his lover and gazed down at him as if he were a feast. Daimon's tongue licked over his lips and Gene groaned, hips rising, his erection already hard and dripping. Daimon knew exactly where his lover would want his tongue.

  "I think I need to take the edge off first," Daimon said, grinning lasciviously.

  The demon shifted his weight, freeing one hand to reach between them, long fingers catching both their shafts in his grasp. Gene panted as Daimon stroked them both, the demon's hand a perfect torment on his own flesh as much as that of his lover's as it slid from root to tip, pressing their swollen flesh together.

  Daimon took Gene repeatedly to the edge and back, groaning and thrashing beneath him. He then stopped, and waited for Gene's eyes to open and stare at him as his lover came back from incipient release and then resumed stroking, very lightly, maintaining their arousal, stretching it out. He slid his tail under Gene and pulled their lower bodies together, making Gene writhe.

  It aroused Daimon even more to see the Lycan throw his head back, throat working, growls and whines his only sounds. He heard Gene make a noise of primitive approval as Daimon ground himself shamelessly into his lover.

  "You feel so good," Daimon said, his voice a sensual rasp of sound.


  "Yes," Daimon whispered as Gene came hard, convulsing under Daimon and clearly almost lost in his ecstasy. Gene's eyes opened and Daimon was pleased Gene watched him come, his face reflecting his own pleasure as his seed pulsed, further slicking their shafts. Gene's hips jerked uncontrollably as Daimon worked them both perfectly through their mutual climax.

  As Gene sagged, evidently replete, his chest heaving, Daimon heard a low, rumbling purr as he licked down his lover's body, cleaning him of their joint release with slow, sensuous motions of his long tongue. His gaze locked with Gene's and Daimon let the Lycan see something deeper than just surface gratification in his eyes.

  He smiled as Gene reached his hands down to caress Daimon's head, and then Gene urged Daimon up and claimed his lips in a deep, searing kiss that left them both panting heavily.

  Smiling sultrily, Daimon rolled a quiescent Gene onto his stomach, taking a moment to look at and admire the powerful, furred, muscular form. Daimon lifted the hair off Gene's nape to nip at bared skin, and he enjoyed the way Gene's warm, hirsute back felt on his smooth chest. He urged the Lycan to his knees, and Gene pushed his firm cheeks back against Daimon's already fully resurgent cock, sending a flame of urgency to consume them both.

  Daimon's fingertips caressed the length of Gene's half-hard shaft, making him gasp and moan. Daimon kept stroking him slowly… so slowly, until Gene shook, his body damp with sweat that Daimon kept licking off his back with low purrs of approval. Daimon curved his tail around a thigh to nudge against Gene's sac. He probed at and rubbed over his lover's entrance with it, making Gene buck.

  Lost in his pleasure, all Daimon heard Gene murmur was a continual babble, a mindless, breathless, confused litany of Daimon's name and "yes" and "please." His lover moaned and writhed as Daimon kept circling his opening with his tail, teasing mercilessly, never going where the Lycan so desperately wanted.

  "Mine," Daimon declared with an air of finality. Among his kind, Gene might be alpha, but at that moment Daimon knew he held dominance.

  The sounds Gene made and the salt-sweet taste of him had taken root in Daimon's mind and whetted his salacious appetite. Gene pushed against his tail and into his hands l
ike it was everything he wanted. He also knew Gene was his, just as Daimon belonged to Gene, with Gene. Gene's body silently screamed for Daimon's possession as the Lycan shook under Daimon's hands, responding to him. Daimon sensed that Gene had always been the top. This vulnerability was new to the Lycan and still he responded.

  Kneeling behind his lover, Daimon palmed the furry ass cheeks, spreading them open, drowning in the scent and taste of Gene's essence. Ignoring the Lycan's loud howl, Daimon licked repeatedly across Gene's entrance, fascinated by the alternate tightening and loosening under his insistent tongue. The purely carnal act inflamed both males. Daimon felt Gene's resurgent sex hanging heavily against Daimon's tormenting fingers, and his lover's furry balls were drawn up high and hard.

  "Daimon, please, yes, yes," Gene begged and Daimon obeyed.

  The demon's entire body thrummed at the way Gene fell apart at his touches. Daimon slicked his tail with the lube he kept under his pillows and slid it into Gene's heated depths. Working the agile appendage past the guardian muscle, he groaned at Gene's inner heat, so much hotter than he expected.

  "I've never bottomed for another," Gene confessed as Daimon worked his mate's body. "I'm an alpha, and never found my mate, but I want this. I want you."

  "I have had many in my bed," Daimon whispered. "But none held my heart as you do. Trust me. I'll take care of you. Now and always."

  Daimon relished every whimper and shudder as he worked more of his tail inside his lover, his tail thickening, opening Gene farther. All the time his tail penetrated his lover, Daimon roamed his hands over Gene's body; fondling his cock and balls, pinching and tugging at his nipples, every touch evidently inflaming Gene even more.

  Daimon echoed Gene's howl as his tail brushed over his lover's prostate. The tight sheath contracted around him, and the pleasure shot hot sparks behind Daimon's eyes. Dimly he heard Gene's voice, a raw, desperate tone.

  "Now, Daimon, now! Want you in me. Need you in me!"


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