The Fall of Gods (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 2)

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The Fall of Gods (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 2) Page 30

by Template, Con

  Casting an unreadable gaze over to Tae Hyun, who was listlessly leaning against the elevator wall, the brothers gave another hidden smile and waved goodbye to Yoori, who was too sleepy to notice that any strange interaction had occurred. Once they reached the apartment, Yoori directed Tae Hyun, who still seemed like he was having trouble walking on his own, to the shower so that he could wash up and perhaps clear his drunken mind.

  Yoori changed into her black tank top and her drawstring pink and white plaid pants while Tae Hyun showered in the bathroom. While brushing her teeth over the kitchen sink, Yoori cast her thoughts back to the naughty kiss she stole from Tae Hyun. She bit her lips, feeling the remnants of the heavenly fire she felt when she gave him a quick peck. She was so drunk and she couldn’t even deny it anymore. Why the heck would she steal a kiss from Tae Hyun if she weren’t drunk?

  She frowned and scolded herself. She was such a bad girl. She was thankful that the night was ending. They could just sleep and have everything return to normal in the morning. Who knew what a sexually deprived Yoori would do to a fox like Tae Hyun if the night continued on? She would probably continue to take advantage of him…that much was for sure.

  “Hey!” Yoori shouted, knocking on the bathroom door when she felt that Tae Hyun was in there for far too long. “Are you okay in there?”

  “Yeah,” he answered through the door. He switched off the shower.

  Relieved that he was okay, Yoori walked back into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She reached in to grab a water bottle for the night. Just as she drank from the water bottle, she heard the bathroom door open. Tae Hyun walked out with a white towel wrapped around his waist.

  Yoori felt the perversion in her eyes grow at the fleeting sight of this. Shaking her head like she was shaking the sinful bug off of her, Yoori turned back to the fridge, closed it, and sat on the sofa. She drank from the water bottle and waited to make sure she gave Tae Hyun enough time to change into his pajamas before she walked into the bedroom and prepared for bed.

  “Hey!” she hollered, tossing the water bottle back into the fridge. She took a couple of strides forward and waited in the hall for his answer. “Are you done changing?”

  “Come in,” he answered through the closed door.

  “Okay.” She turned the doorknob and walked in.

  Boy oh boy was she ready for bed—OH MY GAWD!

  Yoori nearly had a heart attack when she walked into the bedroom and saw that Tae Hyun was still dressed (or underdressed) in his white towel. He was standing beside the window, his arm lifted up as he dried the short strands of his hair with another white towel.

  Yoori’s eyes instinctively ran over his deliciously sculpted arms, his marvelously chiseled chest and rock hard abdomen. He stood before her in obliviousness of the perversion enrapturing her mind. It didn't help that his entire body was still misty from the shower he just took.

  She was still so drunk, she was sure of it. She was sure of it because she couldn’t even be subtle and take her eyes off of him.

  My goodness…Yoori fought for breath, her eyes feasting on the sight before her.


  Kwon Tae Hyun was made for sex.

  She swallowed convulsively at the living aphrodisiac that was now staring at her with curiosity. He no longer appeared drunk, merely amused with her unabashed gaping.

  Good lord, she thought desperately.

  How would she survive this?

  “Err, are – are you feeling better?” she stammered clumsily, trying so hard to act normal.

  Why? Why didn’t he change? Why must he torture her like this? Didn’t he know that she wasn’t a good girl? There was no innocence in her eyes whenever she gaped at him!

  “A lot better,” he answered easily. He tossed the towel he was using to dry his hair aside. The muscles on his body rippled teasingly when he did this. It nearly drove Yoori insane.

  Making his way toward her, there was a look of concern, coupled with amusement, on his face.

  “Yoori, are you okay?” he asked delicately, clearly noticing how odd she was behaving.

  He reached her before she was able to back away. She could’ve sworn his eyes were sultry, teasing even. She thought about it again and quickly vetoed the idea that he was giving her the “sexy bedroom eyes.” She was just going crazy because he was half naked and she was still drunk with perversion.

  “I – I’m okay,” she stuttered, nearly keeling over when she felt the warm heat from his body whisper around her.

  He was too close. Too close and it was too damn uncomfortable for Yoori.

  Not believing her, he placed a warm hand over her forehead. She went still. Goodness, if she wasn't exercising so much control, she would’ve ran her hands down his amazing body already. If only he was drunk too…then she probably would’ve taken advantage of him at this moment. But it seemed like he was no longer drunk. It seemed as if—

  “Is it just me, or are you hot right now?” he asked.

  Mystification besieged her.

  The tone of his voice, coupled with the gaze in his eyes, gave it away.

  Yoori gasped mentally when she realized that the sultry gleam in his eyes wasn’t her imagination. He was actually looking at her like that!

  “I – I don’t know,” Yoori replied, moving away from the touch of his hand. She retreated and stopped only when she backed into a wall, not realizing that it may have been a bad idea to trap herself between a wall and Tae Hyun.

  “Yoori…you’re acting really strange,” he commented, tilting his head at her. His voice was supple, sensual even.

  “I – I think I’m really drunk,” she confessed, trembling in her stance.

  Holy crap. What the hell was going on with her?

  “Are you really?” He casually drew closer to her. There was much interest when he asked this.

  She nodded, hiding her hands behind her back to keep from reaching out and molesting Tae Hyun.

  “How do you know you’re drunk?” he inquired.

  “Be – Because…” she answered, her eyes strategically placed on the tiles so she wouldn’t have to look at him. “You look really different to me right now.”

  He smiled uncertainly. “I – I look different?”

  She nodded again, contemplating running into the bathroom so she could take a cold shower. She wanted to but she didn’t want to make a scene. She laughed fretfully, desperately wanting to appease the sudden burst of desire that was scorching through her.

  “Okay, you’re going to laugh when you hear this. Hahaha um…um…right now…I think it’s seriously the alcohol in me…but I don’t know…it feels like you’re hitting on me right now. Which I know is not happening. So I’m just a bit freaked out with myself right now. That’s all…heh, heh, heh – ”

  “I am hitting on you,” Tae Hyun remarked without any hesitation.


  Her eyes nearly fell out of her sockets.

  She did her best to ignore the thumping of her eager heart. “You…you’re joking, right?”

  He shook his head, his body already drawing closer to her. When there was a considerable space between them, he placed a hand on her hip and pulled her just a bit closer to him.

  “I have a confession to make.”

  “Wh – What is it?”

  “I’ve been holding back on you,” he whispered, his free hand running up her bare shoulder. He ran his fingers down from her shoulder, to her arms and all the way to the palm of her hands. He continued this hypnotizing motion as they spoke.

  “Hold – Holding back on what?” she stuttered.

  She was downright stupefied with all that was happening to her. She was going crazy with the enrapturing touch his dancing fingers were performing for her arms. His riveting brown eyes stared deep into hers, the adulation within them making it appear as if his eyes were only made for her. It was then that she knew what it was he had been holding back on. He confirmed her speculations by verbally answering her.

  “All these months…I’ve held back from you. I’ve wanted you for God knows how long, but I’ve held back because I thought it was merely infatuation.” He smiled, stroking her hair before lifting her chin up with his fingers. “I’m seeing things clearly now and I’ve decided that I’m not going to hold back on you anymore.”

  He sighed and rested his hand back on her hips.

  Yoori tried not to whimper in pleasure from his casual touch. With her confused eyes on him, she did her best to maintain the control that she was slowly losing.

  “I’ve decided that I want you, Choi Yoori,” he continued, his expression desirous and serious. “I want your warmth, your body, your essence, your heart – all of you. There will be no more beating around the bushes, no more subtleties. I want you and there’s no more doubt in my mind about that.”

  “This…this is so wrong,” Yoori spluttered out, the socially awkward side of her coming out.

  He smiled seductively, anticipating her being uncomfortable with his forward nature. He lightly grabbed her shaking hand and laid it above his bare chest, over his heart.

  Yoori fought for air when he did this.


  Where the hell did all the air go?

  If Yoori thought Tae Hyun was good at seduction before, she was in for a hell of a show now…

  “Was it wrong when we kissed at the lake house?” he asked delicately, dipping down and nipping his nose with hers, never kissing her yet attracting her lips like magnets. His warm breath lingered around her, enticing her further.

  Yoori restrained herself when she saw that her lips were following his as his nose nipped hers upward. She could feel her lips yearning for his. No. It was burning for him.

  Damn her weak lips, she cursed in her head. Damn her weak body!

  He continued, his voice smooth and sexy, stroking over her senses. It was like his voice was just made for her and her alone.

  “Was it wrong when we were about to kiss on the bridge?” He nuzzled his chin against her neck, leaving her with the strongest desire to bring her hands up and just hold him there. He moved his lips against her ears. “The only thing that’s been wrong,” he began, his warm breath caressing her skin, “is us denying each other all these months.”

  “This…this is only infatuation,” Yoori struggled to answer. She combated the urge to wrap her arms around him and kiss him until the fire burned her alive. “Your words right now are just infatuation.”

  “It’s not.”

  “Yes, yes it is!” she yelled, wondering why she had no strength to just push him away. “This…this isn’t right, Tae Hyun. We’re not meant for each other.”

  If her words spiked any pain within him, he surely didn’t show it. In lieu of saying anything, he merely held the wrist of her hand, which was still pressed firmly above his chest – above his heart.

  “This…” he began, never flickering his gaze from her, “is all yours.”

  She could feel the heat from his skin and the beating of his heart, and she wondered if it was true.

  As if anticipating her doubt, he moved her hand downward, slowly – very slowly – past the muscles of his chest, past his breathing abdomen and stopping only when her hand reached the hem of the towel that wrapped around his waist.

  “All of this…is entirely yours.”

  With her hand still hanging over his towel, he released his hold on her and allowed her to make her own decision on what she wanted to do next.

  “Make the first move, Yoori,” said Tae Hyun, his voice fine and smooth like seductive chocolate. His voice, however seductive it was, was also veiled with a light of apprehension. He wasn’t going to force her to do anything she didn’t want to do. It was her choice. All her choice…

  “Just let me know,” he stated gently, his desire for her driving her crazy as well. “Let me know that you want me just as much as I want you and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  He smiled warmly at her, taking her breath away with the mere handsomeness of his stare.

  It was working, he was breaking through the barriers of her senses and he was commanding the attention and desire of every fiber on her body. All she wanted to do now was rip off his towel.

  Damn him, she thought. Damn him for making her lose control. Damn him for making her do what she was about to do. Damn this hot bastard for making her give into her temptations, especially with the last of his words that drove her over the edge.

  “I promise it’ll all be worth it. Every splendid, euphoric and magical moment of it will be worth it. You’ll have me, baby...all of me.”

  Dazed with disjointed thoughts, Yoori found herself mindlessly touching his abdomen, her shaky fingers floating around the towel for God knows how long. The silky heat of his skin embraced her touch and warmed her senses. Her fingers murmured over the tight packs of his stomach, moving up and down between each packs. Breathing was definitely becoming an issue for her. Trying to breathe regularly while also trying to stay alive from the hormones raging through her was suffocating her. Then, as the fire seared within her, she traced her fingers over his torso, the journey of which led her eyes back to the hem of his towel and the little knot that held it up.

  She could only imagine what lied beneath all that cloth.

  All the while she did this, Tae Hyun stood still, his body breathing quietly, encouraging a still dazed Yoori to continue. His voice was barely audible, yet she could hear him say, “Touch all you want…”

  How much longer could a girl resist the temptations of a guy who had driven her crazy since she first met him? Yoori wanted to think that she could hold out longer because she didn’t want to be that weak girl who gave in so easily, especially to guys like Tae Hyun who had more than his share of beautiful girls. She wanted to be guarded, but her mind’s desires and her body’s desires were two separate things that were at war at the moment.

  “This…this is all a dream, isn’t it?” Yoori asked, her heart growing heavy. There was a tremendous surge of hope soaring through her, telling her it was actually happening. Nevertheless, with a heavy heart, Yoori pushed those thoughts aside. There was just no way this could be real. No possible way.

  How was it possible that Kwon Tae Hyun was throwing himself at her and how was it possible that she was ready to accept this offer?

  “It’s a dream, Yoori,” he confirmed, his head nodding steadily.

  Her heart dropped to her stomach at the news. It was a dream after all.

  He reached out to her and began to run his fingers through her hair, his expression adorned with longing.

  Yoori bit her lips in agony. Even if he only was a figment of her perverted imagination, he definitely knew how to make a girl go crazy just by staring at her.

  Yet…something was unsettling for her as she felt him stroke her hair.

  “Really?” she asked again, her voice soft with remnants of melancholy.

  But something was odd. His touch felt so real.

  He nodded again, causing all the hope to deteriorate from her confused body. “This is all a dream, Yoori. None of this is really happening.”

  Her breath lodged in her throat after hearing his reply. She knew it. It was because she was too drunk.

  “So what’s the harm in us doing what comes naturally if this is all a dream, right?” he suggested seductively.

  Yoori was ready to nod in agreement when she detected a certain mischief in Tae Hyun’s voice. What the? Without another thought, she abruptly lifted her groping hand off the silk of his abs and grabbed a handful of his right bicep. Granted there was no fat for her to pinch, there was enough muscle for her to at least squeeze as hard as she could. And that was what Yoori did, she pinched Tae Hyun like he was a cute fat kid.

  “Ow!” he roared, pulling his tensed bicep away from her pinch. “What are you doing?”

  “I was making sure if this was a dream or not!”

  He gaped at her incredulously. “What the hell? Why didn’t you pinch yourself?”

  “‘Cause I didn’t want to hurt myself!” she shouted back, realizing now that everything was truly happening and that Tae Hyun was lying to her. She gaped at him with a mixture of horror, disbelief and drunkenness. “You…you…” She pointed accusingly. “You were trying to trick me!”

  A smile graced the sexy curves of his lips. He tilted his head at her with guiltless charm. “You think, babe?”

  Yoori’s heart fluttered at the smile he presented her. Why did he have to appear so dashing whenever he called her “babe”?

  “Why’d you try to trick me?” she asked, trying to sound infuriated when she was only confused.

  He shrugged carelessly. Sighing with boredom, he reached a hand out and started playing with the pink strings that held her pajama pants up. She froze instantly, afraid that the slightest movement would have her pajama pants falling faster than the speed-of-light.

  “Wouldn’t you be more inclined to follow your inner desires if this was a dream?” he asked ingeniously, slowly undoing one string. One string was left to work alone as the puny knot helplessly held up her pants.

  “So you were telling me it was a dream so I’d ripped your towel off?” she asked, pushing herself against the wall like he was holding a gun to her stomach. Of course, she wouldn’t dare say that a gun would turn her on as much as Tae Hyun.

  “No,” he replied, tugging at the final string that held the knot for her pants. “I was telling you it was a dream so I could rip your clothes off.”

  Oh no! Yoori gasped inwardly, feeling the tingle stream through her quivering body. That really turned her on!

  And then, much to her horror, he did it. He pulled the other string, his eyes glittering as if he was expecting his birthday present to appear before him.

  Yoori held her breath, expecting a whiff of cool air to touch her skin. Surprisingly, all she felt was the same reserved warmth. Confused, she stared down. She saw that the elastic band was still sturdy enough to hold her pants up.

  “What the fuck, Yoori,” Tae Hyun complained, clearly pissed that the pants didn't fall according to plan. “You should cut those strings if they don’t even help hold your pants up. It’s misleading...”


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