The Fall of Gods (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 2)

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The Fall of Gods (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 2) Page 32

by Template, Con

  Resentment adorning his visage, he narrowed his furious eyes onto her. “You know what? I’m going to un-slut myself.” He motioned his hands up and down his body. “I take it back. None of this is yours,” he declared angrily. “There. I’m a prude just like you now.”

  Yoori’s mouth hung open. Possessiveness overpowered her, acting like gasoline to the fire already scorching within her. She pointed at him in outrage. “Y—You can’t take it back. You gave me that – all of that. It’s mine.”

  He was no longer listening to her. He simply drew past her and headed straight for the drawer that held his pajamas. “It’s cold. I’m getting dressed.”

  Her angry eyes followed him like a hawk. “Kwon Tae Hyun! Don’t you dare put on your clothes while you’re talking to me!”

  “Try and stop me, Princess,” he dared with male arrogance. He pulled the top drawer open and reached in for his clothes.

  “KWON TAE HYUN!” Yoori shouted with rage.

  Any sense of her control obliterated at Tae Hyun’s dare. Whipping around with wrath, the next thing that happened occurred so fast that Yoori didn’t even realize it happened. Before she could stop herself, she had already sprinted toward Tae Hyun, lifted herself in the air and then jumped on him.

  As if expecting her to do this, he easily caught her as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

  This was the part where Yoori knew that she had lost her mind. Encircling her arms around his neck, she dove her lips for his and instantly felt a tsunami of pleasure overtake her. A flash of white-hot sensation cascaded over her as she kissed Tae Hyun like there was absolutely no tomorrow.

  A victorious grin waltzed across Tae Hyun’s face. He held her against him with eagerness.

  “You know I was kidding right, babe?” he asked in between their ardor kisses, subtly revealing that he had purposely planned this argument with her to get her fired up. “Everything’s still yours.”

  “Mine,” she stated territorially, not even listening to him. Her fingers combed through the short strands of his hair in fervor. “All mine,” she continued, apparently not only getting drunk off the bottles of alcohol she drank earlier, but more so off Tae Hyun’s addicting kisses.

  “All yours,” he vehemently agreed, their kiss becoming more intense. He held her tighter against him. “Only yours.”

  It was only minutes later, when she felt her lips grow numb, did she pull out of the kiss. Revelation dawned on her.

  “You planned this all along, didn’t you?” she accused, gaping at him with the fires of desire still dancing in her eyes. Her chest was heaving up and down, synchronizing greatly with Tae Hyun’s chest.

  The sexy curves of those lips formed into a devilish smirk. The sight made her grow hotter with yearning. “You think after months of being with you…teasing you….I won’t know what to do to get you to pounce on me?”

  “You tricked me,” she said in abhorrence.

  He chuckled darkly. “No, my sexy little kitten, that was called foreplay.” A wicked glint sparkled in his eyes. “Now it’s time to play.”

  Next thing Yoori knew, she was bouncing on their bed. Tae Hyun laid above her, showering her with kisses around her neck while moaning into her skin.

  Months. After months of ignoring the ticking time bomb of the sexual tension that surrounded them, Yoori and Tae Hyun were now feeling the effects of the bomb as it detonated all around them.

  The world was a kaleidoscope for Yoori – a kaleidoscope of heat, desire, passion and most importantly, pleasure. Squirming and whimpering in Tae Hyun’s hold, all she knew was pleasure. Pleasure and magic. Blurred with nothing but need, Yoori wrapped her arms firmly around his neck, pulled herself up, and then violently pushed his back against the headboard of their bed. A loud thud sounded when the back of Tae Hyun’s head collided with their bedframe. Instead of screaming out in pain, Tae Hyun’s countenance merely contorted in approval.

  With her bent thighs on either side of his legs, she rose up an inch higher and continued to kiss him like she was a super vixen.

  Clearly turned on with the aggressiveness that Yoori displayed, Tae Hyun smiled in childish excitement. He continued to kiss her with zeal, his hands holding onto her hips with the utmost care.

  Lost, so lost in everything, Yoori was only able to regain some fragments of sanity when she bit his lower lip in need. She needed…she needed something to help with all of this…

  “Cuffs,” she commanded, her lips eagerly finding his earlobe. She nibbled on it like she was a hungry little kitten. “The handcuffs. Take them out.”

  “The…the handcuffs?” he asked breathlessly, his chest heaving up and down with exhilaration. Tae Hyun, being as shocked as he was, gawked at Yoori in astonishment. It was clear by the gaze in his eyes: he didn’t realize that she was this kinky.

  “Holy fucking shit!” he cried once she found the sensitive area of his earlobe and began to nibble more roughly. “God, you’re going to kill me,” he whispered, lost in his own ocean of pleasure.

  “The cuffs…” she whispered into his ear. Her lips lowered from his sensitized earlobe, to his perfectly structured jawline, then to his neck, and finally resting on his shoulder.

  She needed those cuffs…

  Before Yoori could even endeavor to stop it, she had already bared her teeth and bit into the skin of his shoulder. God help her, she wanted him so badly that she could eat him alive. If it was anyone else, then Yoori was certain that biting into skin would cause a guy to scream out in pain. But Tae Hyun was different. He didn’t scream out in pain. He merely moaned in approval.

  “Now,” she demanded for the handcuffs, going crazy with just being in his arms.

  Heeding her command, but not wanting to release her body from his hold, he struggled to embrace her with one hand while mindlessly reaching his hand out to the counter beside the bed. Pulling the top drawer out, he blindly reached in to retrieve the handcuffs. While doing so, his face was contorting in pleasure from the bliss Yoori was bestowing him.

  She had just relieved his shoulder of her kisses and was now venturing lower, kissing the warm skin on his chest, traveling her kisses down to the muscled packs that lined his abs. One hand caressed his torso while the other stroked his biceps with love. If the look on his face was any indication, then it was clear that Yoori was driving him over the edge.

  “Tae Hyun,” she cried, kissing the last line of packs before the muscles traveled under the veil of his teasing towel. “I can’t take it anymore.” She pulled herself back up and found his lips again. “I need those cuffs now.”

  Encouraged by the plea in her voice, Tae Hyun, being as disoriented as he was, was still trying to kiss her and blindly find the cuffs at the same time. A groan of relief tore from his chest when he finally ripped the silver cuffs from the confines of the top drawer. It had been awhile since the cuffs made an appearance in their bed and it seemed that he was more than excited about the prospect of using it. He handed the cuffs to Yoori and pulled her closer to him. He dove for her neck, showering her with adoring kisses that merited whimpers from her lips.

  Disoriented with everything, Yoori struggled to pull his exploring hand toward her. After long seconds of trying to retrieve it, and while trying to keep herself from fainting at the love bites Tae Hyun was giving her, Yoori was finally able to cuff his left wrist.

  “Oh God, Tae Hyun!” Yoori cried once Tae Hyun started to nibble on her earlobe, nearly causing her to faint from all the pleasure. Damn, why did he have to know where all her weaknesses were?

  Breathing sharply, she finally raised his hand up with the cuff and was finally able to cuff the other brace to the bedpost. Relieved that she was finally able to cuff him, Yoori gave into her inhibitions and found herself lost in nirvana. Their lips found each other’s again, her hands and Tae Hyun’s one free hand traveling all throughout the bare corners of their bodies with passion and care.

  Just a bit more, she told herself. Just a bit more and then I’ll—r />
  And then, before a moan could escape her lips, Yoori abruptly pulled herself out from the kiss, fell backward on the bed, bounced off, and fell to the floor where she was hyperventilating like she had just ran 20 miles. She kneeled there, her hands lying in front of her like she was worshipping a God.

  She gazed up at Tae Hyun. He was gaping at her in dismay.

  “Oh shit,” Tae Hyun cursed once he focused his eyes onto the cuffs imprisoning him to the bed. He just realized that Yoori might not have been as kinky as he led himself to believe.

  “Yoori,” he prompted in alarm. “Please don’t tell me you’re doing what I think you’re doing…”

  Pulling her jelly-like legs up, as they were still succumbing to the aftermath of the pleasure Tae Hyun had placed them through, Yoori stood up regrettably.

  “I’m so drunk right now, Tae Hyun,” she whispered, her eyes narrowing onto his naked upper body with lust. “I’ve never lost control like this. You have no idea how much I want you right now. I think I would’ve raped you if I didn’t manage to hold onto some control and cuff you to that bedpost.”

  “Yes!” he shouted, agreeing with her. “Yes!”

  She gawked at him strangely, the desire having yet to leave her body. “I don’t need you to agree with me that I was about to rape you.”

  “No, I’m saying ‘Yes,’” he clarified in aggravation. He rose to his knees and tried to pull against the cuff on the bedpost. His efforts were fruitless as he was still stuck there. “It’s not rape if I say yes and I’m saying YES.”

  “I—I’m sorry,” she replied, still determined to keep him cuffed so he wouldn’t be able to touch her or tempt her further. As long as she was away from those seductive lips of his, she would be able to retain some control.

  “Yoori, please don’t do this,” Tae Hyun pleaded, desperation rippling in his voice. “Don’t tempt me like this and then just leave me cuffed to our bed…”

  Yoori’s heart broke at the plea in his voice.

  Her eyes traveled from his pleading face to the scrumptious body that called out for her touch. Tae Hyun being cuffed to that bed, more than ready to bring her all the pleasures in the world, looked just like a delicious aphrodisiac that was being presented as a sensual offering to her. He was like chocolate and she was like a cute fat kid on a diet. Oh how she was dying to just jump on that bed, pounce on him again and devour every inch of that amazing physique of his.

  But she couldn’t.

  This is my karma for kicking a fucking duck, she declared remorsefully, thinking back to what occurred earlier in the day. She had lost control and kicked an innocent duck in front of a cute fat kid. Now it seemed that karma had just returned and it was biting her in the ass. Yoori was ready to cry as she backed away from him. She got ready to excuse herself out of their bedroom so she didn’t actually rape him while he was cuffed to the bed.

  “Tae Hyun,” she began while he fought the grip the cuffs had on him. He was going crazy with trying to free himself. “For what it’s worth, you didn’t have to seduce me. I would’ve ripped off your towel as soon as you turned away from me.”

  “Oh fuck, don’t say that,” Tae Hyun groaned, clearly regretting wasting so much time with the teasing and the seduction when he could’ve just turned around and permitted her the opportunity to rip off his towel.

  No doubt, if it was any other time, then he would’ve had the energy to break the bedpost, run to her, grab her, and throw her onto the bed. But Yoori knew despite his strength, Tae Hyun was too frazzled with everything to successfully direct his energy into breaking anything.

  “We can discuss this further in the morning…when we’re both sober,” she continued, her hand finding the doorknob. She was still drunk and she was sure the pleasure from Tae Hyun’s kisses had completely overshadowed the alcohol that previously inundated her body.

  “Yoori, don’t do this,” he gritted through his teeth as he watched her pull the door open. Her remorseful eyes were still on him. “Come back here and be with me,” he coaxed, his chest rising up and down with frustration. “You don’t belong anywhere else but in this bed, completely naked, with me.”

  Her heart stopped beating at the sexiness in Tae Hyun’s distressed voice. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt if she just…

  “I hate you! I hate you! Why are you so fucking hot, you sexy bastard?” Running like a little cheetah, she jumped back onto the bed and fell into his embrace again. She attacked his lips with hers. His free arm hooked around her, holding onto her as they grew lost in the desperate kiss.

  “Un-cuff me…un-cuff me now, Yoori,” he urged, slanting his head to deepen his kiss with her. “Un-cuff me now. You know you want to be in this bed with me.”

  “I—I – Oh God, Tae Hyun,” she struggled to voice between their kiss. “Tomorrow…I’ll un-cuff…you…tomorrow.”

  Right before Tae Hyun could protest her decree, Yoori pulled herself away from his tightening embrace, fell backward and effectively screeched in pain when her butt collided with the cold tiles.

  “Ow! Ow!” Yoori cried, rubbing her butt after she rose to her feet.

  “Holy fucking shit,” he moaned in self-pity. He closed his eyes in exhaustion. “I can’t believe this is happening to me.”

  Yoori wanted to cry. She missed being with him already. She was drunk in the worst way possible. The large consumption of alcohol was more than clouding her judgment and the charm Tae Hyun was throwing at her was turning her on in ways she didn’t know was possible. She had to leave and she had to leave now. Otherwise, she’d really end up spending the night screaming his name.

  “Choi Yoori!” Tae Hyun growled, nearly going crazy as he watched her retreat like a scared little kitten toward the door. “Don’t you dare walk out that door! I swear to God if you walk out, I’m going to spank that pretty little ass of yours so hard you won’t be able to walk for a week!”

  Oh goodness gracious, that should not have sounded so hot.

  “Stop turning me on!” Yoori shouted desperately, her hands finding the lock on the doorknob. If she didn’t lock this door, then it was almost guaranteed that she would run back inside later and just fall right back into his seducing arms.

  “Yoori! What are you doing? Why the hell are you locking the door?”

  “So I won’t be tempted to come in and rape you later on tonight!”


  She didn’t give Tae Hyun a chance to change her mind.

  Yoori quickly slid behind the door and pulled the door close. She soon realized, just when the door clicked close and the last of Tae Hyun’s words filtered into the hall, that it might have been a very bad idea to lock the door.


  Uh oh.

  Squeezing the knob with her hands, she struggled to open the now locked door. Oh man, oh man. How was she supposed to go back in? She kept trying to open it but it was useless. There was no getting inside unless she figured something out. Morning. I’ll do it in the morning, she appeased herself, already feeling tired from everything that took place. She would do it in the morning when she wasn’t so drunk.

  “Tae Hyun!” She stood closer to the door. “Just go to sleep. I’ll figure out a way to get to you in the morning!”

  She pressed her ear against the door and heard nothing but his angry grunts. She knew then that he was pass talking to her. His only concern was trying to un-cuff himself from the bedpost. She shook her head at his resilience. Quite tired as the alcohol from her body had fully immersed her senses, Yoori quietly backed away from the door.

  Yoori was beside her drunken self. She couldn’t believe she just gave up on having amazing sex with Tae Hyun. She couldn’t believe she just gave up on something that thousands of other girls would die for. Yoori was sure of it, she was going to regret this in the morning and this knowledge in it of itself would be the worst hangover of her life.

  Retreating into the cold living ro
om, she pitifully grabbed the purple blanket that Tae Hyun bought for her and curled up on the lonely couch. She rested her eyes and dreamed about embracing Tae Hyun. She wasn’t sure who she tortured more tonight. Despite appearances, she was positive she tortured herself more than she ever tortured Tae Hyun. At least the hot one got the warm bed as opposed to getting the lonely, cold and uncomfortable couch.

  Yoori groaned in misery. With the bitterness set in her, Yoori forced herself to fall asleep before she found herself succumbing to the urge to grab an ax and break through the door so she could actually bring her desires to fruition and make love to Tae Hyun like they were energizer bunnies in heat.

  What a hell of a night that would’ve been, she thought bitterly before another worried thought streamed through her mind.

  She had a bad feeling already.

  She should definitely get some sleep because it was going to be a hell of an experience when morning arrived. Because heavens help her, who knows what Tae Hyun would do to her once she un-cuffs him in the morning.

  “You will not always be this powerful.”

  20: Morning Seduction

  Yoori dreamt that she was in bed with Tae Hyun, sleeping as he held her close to his chest, embracing her with his warmth. She could feel his beating heart as her rosy cheek laid upon him, her mouth so close to his skin that she couldn’t help but press her lips into the pectoral muscle beneath her face.

  A quirk of a satisfied smile appeared upon her sleeping face. She could’ve sworn she felt “dream Tae Hyun” exhale in bliss when she did this.

  Wanting to further molest “dream Tae Hyun,” Yoori permitted her hand to roam up his body, causing satisfied murmuring to escape from the deep recesses of his chest. She moved her slender fingers up to his neck, moved along to his shoulder, and murmured down to his biceps. Yoori felt the butterflies quake in her tummy when she felt his muscles tighten at her every touch.


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