The Ritual Of Neccar (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 4)

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The Ritual Of Neccar (The Adventures Of Pervikar Book 4) Page 32

by John Evans

  "How's that?" panted Helga from her exertions, but Karina was unable to answer her.

  Karina's sexual tension was building to a fever pitch. Helga's arm was farther inside her than anything else she had encountered. Helga's fingers were hitting erogenous zones and g-spots that Karina never knew existed. Helga sensed that Karina's release was imminent so she shoved her arm in all the way up to the shoulder and wiggled her fingers.

  "Augh!" screamed out Karina in a wail that would have shattered glass.

  Karina's orgasm was stupendous. Every muscle in her entire body locked up. Her tits must have squirted out a quart of milk as her juices actually sprayed out of her pussy. Helga was hit by Karina's ejaculate square in the face, but she did not pull back until Karina's orgasm had run its course.

  After Karina could finally breathe normally again, she and Helga cuddled up on the bed. Karina held Helga to her breast as she rubbed the girl's back.

  "Feeling better?" asked Karina.

  "Much. You?"

  "I see a very real danger," answered Karina. "Ahhspah magically altered me to accommodate his penis. If he ever fucks me with it, I'll become his slave from pure lust."

  "I won't let him," said Helga protectively.

  "I know," said Karina with a smile. "Come on in, Per. You've been standing there long enough."

  Per flushed hot in embarrassment and entered the room. His mother and Helga did not bother covering up as he shifted from one foot to the other in front of them. Karina smiled at him in a motherly way to show him that it was alright that he spied on them.

  "Shara is preparing to bury Cedric," said Per with a winch as his hard prick throbbed painfully. "She says it's important for Helga to be there."

  The burial was a quick and quiet affair. They placed Cedric's body in the grave and began to cover it over. Shara came over to Helga and gave her a hug to let her know that she had no grudge, and that she was actually thankful that he was gone. She and Karina led Helga back to the castle as Pawl and Karlto continued to fill in the grave.

  Chapter 13: The End Of The Ritual

  That night Per's sleep was not particularly restful. He dreamt of being chased, but could not see who was chasing him. All sorts of erotic images assaulted him. The nightmare of Octavia and Nyrandurril battling one another actually woke him up, and left him in a cold sweat. Per tried to go back to sleep, but after catnapping for the next two hours, he gave it up. Gritty-eyed, irritable, and with a headache, he dressed and headed down to the kitchen.

  Ivin, Celine, and Andie were all there when Per walked in. Andie brought Per a bubbling mug, while Celine placed a platter of bread and cheese in front of him. Per sniffed at the liquid in the mug suspiciously.

  "Drink it," said Andie. "It'll settle your nerves and relieve your headache."

  "What makes you think I have a headache?" muttered Per darkly.

  "Oh, the hunched shoulders, baggy eyes, and irritable nature. Things like that," said Andie.

  Per drank down the potion, which had sort of a nutty flavor. His headache immediately disappeared and he actually felt calmer.

  "Sorry," apologized Per as he took a bite of cheese.

  "Feeling better?" asked Ivin. "I made enough for everyone since we all woke up the same way. I think it's tension. How are you holding up?"

  "Couldn't sleep," replied Per as he sliced the loaf of bread. "Had a bad dream concerning Octavia and Nyrandurril."

  "Tell me about it," said Ivin and Per did so. "What do you think it means?"

  "I think Octavia loves me, but not with the intensity that Nyrandurril does," said Per. "Is there a conflict in me because I love them both? I don't know. I think you're right about the last day of the ritual stressing me out."

  "That may be part of it," agreed Ivin. "Tomorrow is the start of something new for all of us. The scary part is that we don't know what the new thing is going to be. Others will be coming down soon. Finish your breakfast. You're not going to be the only one who has had a restless night."

  Per ate up and went out into the courtyard. The first person he saw was Nyrandurril. She had raised a small whirlwind of dust and was moving it around with just the power of her mind. She dispelled it when Per started towards her.

  "Couldn't sleep, either?" she asked with a wane smile.

  "Better than you it appears," replied Per returning her smile.

  "That is probably true," stated Nyrandurril. "What awoke you?"

  "The end of the ritual?" suggested Per lamely. He sighed deeply. "Actually, it was a nightmare about you and Octavia battling each other to the death."

  Nyrandurril smiled, took Per's arm, and led him up to the top of the battlements.

  "When I met Octavia and learned of all your adventures together, I was so jealous that I would spend hours dreaming of ways to kill or hurt her," admitted Nyrandurril. "I know there were times when I was very short or cross with her. She never reciprocated. She was always kind and courteous to me. Gradually, my attitude changed and that was when I saw Octavia relax around me. She knew what I was feeling and never held it against me."

  "I was infatuated with you and, when you left so quickly, it just added to the mystery I built up around you. I studied magic and leaned the art, but all I was really doing was waiting for you to return. Then you came back and left just as quickly. I met all your friends and learned what you had been doing. The bubble of mystery I had made about you was burst. I have to rebuild my image of you and of myself, but in a more realistic light now."

  "Whew! Thank the Gods for that!" commented Octavia, coming up the stairs with Phartom. "I was getting tired of walking on eggshells around you."

  "And I thank you for that," said Nyrandurril. She laughed a little. "When we get back, not only do I have to find myself, but the School is going to want me to pick my magical specialty."

  "Oh, honey," laughed Phartom out loud. "If you want to find yourself quickly, there's only one specialty that you should learn." Phartom snapped from her human form to her succubus shape. "Demonology! It's tough, hideously dangerous, and there's a good chance you'll get sucked into the Hells!"

  "Why would I want to learn that than?" asked Nyrandurril a little aghast.

  Phartom changed back into her human form. "You have a strong mind with good control from what I saw of your little dust devil. You've shown that you can change and adapt. Most importantly, you don't show that thirst for power that leads most wizards into this field of study. Power promotes greed and greed gets you killed. Trust have what it takes to succeed and not get killed."

  "You sure?" asked Nyrandurril, looking back and forth between them all.

  "Don't look at me," said Octavia. "My guess is that she would know what she is talking about."

  "Come with me," said Phartom, grabbing Nyrandurril by the hand. "We'll go see Ivin and have a small lesson."

  "Why do we need to see Ivin?" asked Nyrandurril as Phartom led her towards the stairs.

  "Just in case something goes wrong," laughed Phartom. Nyrandurril looked horrified with panic written across her face. "Just kidding."

  "Well, Per, it's almost over," said Octavia after the other two had left. She sat down on the floor with her back against the parapet. Per sat down beside her. "You'll be working for the Overlord when we get back."

  "You'll be taking Leekya to go see Tymera," said Per. "I guess we're all going to split up once we're back home."

  "Pretty much so," agreed Octavia tiredly. "Nothing stays the same, Per. You know that better than anyone."

  "I'm glad you're a part of my life now," said Per.

  "Me, too."

  It was only when a gentle cough woke him that Per realized he had fallen asleep. He opened his eyes to see Helga standing in front of him. Octavia's head was on his shoulder and her hand was clasped in his. He squeezed her hand gently to wake her up. Octavia blinked her eyes as she awoke.

  "Hey, sleepyheads," said Helga. "It's time to meet in the Simularium. Should I pronounce you man and wife?"

  "I don't know," replied Octavia. "I think Per proposed just before we fell asleep."

  "If you say so, dear," said Per.

  "Oh, no!" interrupted Helga quickly. "I'm not sticking around before this joke becomes serious."

  Octavia laughed, hopped up to her feet, and ran down the stairs. Per got up and escorted Helga down to the courtyard.

  "Did you propose?" asked Helga.

  "Not that I can remember," answered Per.

  Everyone had gathered around Karina in front of the black building. Gar was carrying a large barrel into the building. Per and Helga moved over to join the group.

  "Are we all here?" asked Karina, looking around. "Good! This is the last part of the ritual. Your attendance, while requested, is not mandatory, except for Per, Gar, and myself. I'm holding the ritual in the Simularium for a variety of reasons. First of all is that the Simularium will create a place for us to hold the ritual. Second, although Gar has assured me that the ritual is non-violent, the Simularium will prevent any fights from occurring because I don't trust the ogre meaning of non-violent. I would also like to thank each and every one of you. None of this would have been possible without your help and support. Oh, I almost forgot. The Simularium will be providing clothes inside. Gentlemen, you're first."

  Per and all the men went into the foyer and the outer door closed behind them. Per could not see any clothing laid out on the benches for them.

  "I guess the clothes are inside," said the General as he began to undress.

  The men stripped down to the buff and waited. The light in the foyer changed from white to lavender. When it changed back, all of them were richly attired in expensive clothes.

  "I wish my tailor was this good," commented the Overlord, fingering the fine blue velvet doublet he was wearing.

  "My seamstress is this good," said the General. "I just wish my valet could dress me that fast."

  The inner door opened and the men stared out in amazement. The corridors and hallways were gone. Beyond the inner door was a high mountain meadow with a panoramic view of the craggy mountain range. Stone tables and benches had been set up in the middle of the meadow with platters of food and empty flagons on the tables. A stream cascaded down the mountainside in a waterfall off to one side of the meadow. A pair of eagles soared through the sky above.

  "I say, gents, shall we move out so the ladies can come in?" asked Karlto from the rear.

  The men moved out into the meadow and the doors to the foyer closed behind them. Gar, wearing a brilliant dragon scale loincloth, was over checking two huge barrels that were set up beside the tables. Per looked back and saw that the door now resembled the stone of the cliff that they were set into.

  "Quite a sight," commented Pawl, standing beside Per.

  "The eagles are a nice touch," said Per. "That reminds me, I was wondering if you know a spell for flying."

  "Yes, but I don't have any of the components," replied Pawl, just before two feathers materialized before him. Pawl picked up the feathers and examined them critically. "I don't think I want to trust my life to an illusionary feather."

  "What seems to be the problem?" asked Bargan, catching the tail end of the conversation. Pawl told him about the feathers. "I imagine since the sky is illusionary, the feathers should work. I'm sure the Simularium would not have given them to you unless it was safe."

  "You're probably right," said Pawl. "I forgot almost everything here is an illusion. Why do you need to fly, Per?"

  "I don't," replied Per, who told Pawl his plan just before the doors to the foyer opened up and the ladies came out.

  The women all oohed and ahhed as they stepped out onto the meadow. The men all murmured approval at the ladies' attire. Almost all of the women were dressed in rich gowns, which showed off their figures admirably. The gowns on Karina, Octavia, Melinar, and Tessa were all off the shoulder with a generous expanse of bosom showing. Gedda was dressed in black velvet pants and a white ruffled shirt. Joran, Morning Mist, and Golden Sunlight were wearing fringed and beaded deerskin dresses.

  Oraag was the only one who looked to be wearing armor. Her leather vest and skirt were studded with metal rivets. Phartom, in her succubus form, wore her own illusionary short red dress.

  "Come! Come!" ordered Gar, waving everyone over to the tables. He nodded to Tenan when all were gathered around.

  "I'm supposed to tell you of Per's exploits," said Tenan, standing up on top of a bench. Most of you know them better than I do. Feel free to comment on anything I might miss."

  Tenan started with Per's service and enslavement to Cedric. Melinar, Nyrandurril, and Helga added what they knew and related how Per had saved them. Tenan moved on to how Per found Dorthea and of the assassins that found him there. Per added how Dorthea had killed one of the assassins, which earned her a grunt of approval from Gar.

  Tenan continued on, accounting for each of Per's adventures with added comments from those who were involved. Per felt a little self-conscious as Tenan seemed to go on and on. The list finally ended with Cedric's death.

  "It was good," stated Gar solemnly. "Per fought well and sex well. He is worthy."

  Gar raised his hands to Per and chanted a prayer in ogre. Per felt strange as if his strength and vitality was increasing as Gar chanted on. Gar finished the prayer and nodded in approval. He walked over to the two barrels, hefted one up on his shoulder, and pulled out the bung to fill the flagons with amber liquid.

  Gar signaled Tenan and Karina to start filling mugs, which were passed out to everyone. Octavia started to take a sip of hers, but an ominous growl from Gar stopped her and prevented anyone else from drinking too soon.

  "I say, what is this?" asked Karlto, sniffing at his drink.

  "B'borak," replied Gar.

  "Ogre alcohol?" asked the Overlord dubiously.

  "Gar assured me there is nothing harmful or offensive to humans in it," stated Tenan. He looked out at his own mug of amber liquid. "It really is quite an honor. It is only drunk at significant occasions and I don't believe it has ever been shared with anyone who was not an ogre."

  "Per!" shouted Gar to the mountains, which echoed back the name several times over. "Taverech!"

  Gar grabbed a flagon and gulped down his drink. After a moment's hesitation, Octavia yelled, "To Per!" and swallowed down her drink in one gulp. Everyone else, except Per, followed suit.

  There was a bit of wheezing and gasping from everyone, except Gar. Then, the after effects of the B'borak took hold. The females all became hot, flushed and seething with desire. The men's libido increased until they barely had control of themselves. It was easy to see that each man was sporting a big hard-on.

  Morning Mist, nostrils flaring and breathing heavily, walked up to Tenan. "I never thanked you for rescuing me."

  She knelt down in front of Tenan and reached for his belt buckle. Before her hands even touched his belt, everyone's clothing disappeared. Any semblance of restraint vanished as fast as the clothing did.

  Per stood back and watched as Nesbra and Dorthea tackled Karlto, Nesbra got his cock, while Dorthea straddled his face. Nesbra grabbed his prick and pointed it straight upwards. In one smooth motion, she sank down on it, imbedding it firmly into her wet cunt. Karlto groaned in pleasure and buried his face into Dorthea's wet folds.

  Karina and Ivin dashed off into the brush to find a unicorn, and by the whinnying and thrashing Per heard, it sounded like they had found one. Per went over and peeked through the shrubs. He saw a large golden unicorn there with a harness around its torso. Ivin had managed to get into the harness and hung underneath the unicorn. Karina had grabbed the huge unicorn's cock with both hands and was aiming it right at Ivin's hot pussy. The unicorn lunged forward and Ivin screamed out in delight as about a quarter of its thick prick shoved its way into her. Per backed away.

  Andie, Dorna, and Calla were tied up in a swelter of arms, legs, tits, and asses with Cendri stuck in the middle of them all. Tenan was flat on his back with, not only Morning
Mist, but also Helga sucking and licking his hard prick. Per went over and pulled Golden Sunlight off Bargan, who was already servicing Oraag, Celine, Iona, and Gedda with cock, tongue and fingers, respectively. Per guided Golden Sunlight over to Pawl.

  "Fly," said Per to Pawl.

  "You can fly?" asked Golden Sunlight in breathless anticipation.

  Pawl held up the two feathers and each one dissolved as he uttered the spell. Both he and Golden Sunlight lifted off the ground into the air. It was only a few seconds later before their aerial acrobatics had nothing at all to do with flying.

  Melinar and Nyrandurril had double-teamed Dareen with both of them sucking on her large breasts, while Vail fucked Dareen's dripping pussy. The General was plunging his hard cock in and out of Inga and finger fucking Contico, who was lying alongside of Inga. Holina was banging herself silly on the Overlord's thick shaft as he licked Leekya's hot slit to make her shiver and moan.

  Nanago was between Joran's outstretched legs, drilling his hard dick into her hot, tight cunt. Per marveled at their superb physique, which definitely belied their age. Gar had pushed Electana face down on one of the stone tables. He then lifted Diti on top of her mother. The tables were at human height, so Gar's huge prick was at the right level for both of them. Both giantesses were soon crying out in delight as Gar alternately fucked his monster cock in one and then the other.

  "Looks like it's you and me," said Octavia to Phartom with a leer.

  "You up for it?" asked Phartom, licking her luscious lips.

  "I'll try anything once. Twice, if I like it," replied Octavia with a smile.

  It was not long before Phartom was on top of Octavia with her tail stuffed deep inside Octavia's dripping snatch. Octavia was pinching Phartom's hard nipples, while she bit on Phartom's neck. She urged Phartom on to a frenzied pace as they both raced towards mind-blowing orgasms.

  Per suddenly had both of his arms grabbed. Looking to his left and right, he saw Tessa and Shara clinging to him. Their soft, large breasts were pressed around his muscular arms.


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