Above All, Honor h-1

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Above All, Honor h-1 Page 9

by Radclyffe


  At 7:00 the next morning, Cam walked out of the second bedroom after finishing a shower. Across the room, Blair and Paula Stark were so engrossed in conversation they didn't notice her. She couldn't hear them from where she was standing, but Blair had one hand on Stark's forearm and was peering intently into her face. It looked as if Stark was trying to backup, but Blair had effectively maneuvered her against the wet bar. Cam had witnessed this particular seduction before. She wasnt sure what made her angrier, Blairs obvious attention to the woman or the fact that Paula Stark appeared to be fascinated by her. Any kind of romantic involvement between an agent and the individuals they were guarding was strictly forbidden. It wasnt just policy, it made tactical sense. You couldnt be objective in a dangerous situation if you were personally, particularly intimately, involved with the subject.

  Paula Stark slipped past Blair to answer a knock at the door. Cam automatically stepped between Blair and the door, shielding her until she was certain it was Taylor. They had been there four days, and it was time for her to make a decision.

  "We need to talk," she said to Blair.

  Blair regarded her suspiciously, realizing she must have seen her with Paula. She hadnt really given much thought to Paula Stark previously, although she had been aware of Stark shadowing her in the bars over the last six months. Stark was attractive, but Blair had never really been interested in her. It was probably because she guessed Stark wasnt a lesbian, and she had learned at a very young age not to fool around with straight women. However, after having been cooped up in a three room suite for four days, with a woman who seemed to turn her on without effort, and rejected her with similar ease, Blair found herself trying to entice the pretty fresh-faced young agent out of boredom.

  "It seems that one of the building cleaning employees delivered the package to your door. A nondescript ten-year old boy gave her ten dollars to do it. In all probability, the stalker used the boy as a go-between so he wouldnt be recognized. Theres no way were going to ID him."

  "So I can go home?" Blair asked. She had mixed feelings about that. She was sick to death of being confined, with people constantly around her, and she missed the freedom to work. On the other hand, Cam had rarely left the hotel in the four days they had been there. When she needed to sleep, she had several of the other agents stand guard. Blair had gotten used to her presence. Cam was there when she woke up, and when she went to sleep. In the many hours in between, they had talked together, read together, and shared silences together. It was the most intimate time she had spent with anyone since her days in school.

  "Yes, but I think it would be best if you took some time away. A trip out-of-town might be good idea."

  "Diane and I had discussed going skiing. Now might be the perfect time. Ill call her and arrange something for this weekend."

  Cam nodded in agreement. "That would work. This weekend might be a little too soon, since I'll need advance notice to inform the resort and work out the shift details."

  "You can do that on the plane," Blair said with a hint of irritation. She wasnt used to altering her plans, or delaying to accommodate her security teams.

  "May I remind you that we had an agreement," Cam commented quietly.

  "I think I agreed not to give your agents the slip," Blair responded pointedly.

  "Actually, I believe you agreed to give us your cooperation," Cam countered, "as well as not giving us the slip."

  Blair caught the quick smile that flashed across Camerons handsome features, and laughed in spite of herself. "Next time it will have to be in writing," she muttered. "How about if we work out the details tonight - over dinner."

  Cam nodded, knowing she had been out-maneuvered, but accepting the token of co-operation.. "All right." She started to turn away, then added, "This is a first field assignment for several of my people. It wouldnt look good for them if I had to reassign them."

  "And why might you need to do that?" Blair asked suspiciously.

  "If one of them were to compromise their objectivity- say through a friendship with you - just for an example."

  "Arent you worried about yourself, then?" Blair asked angrily. What was it to Roberts who she spent time with, as long as it didnt get in the way. And so what if it did? She hated being dictated to!

  "Im not a rookie, Ms. Powell," Cam answered smoothly as she turned away.

  Blair stared after her, seething. If she wanted to bed Paula Stark in the middle of the hotel lobby, she damn well would! Cameron Roberts might have control over her time, but she would never have control over anything that really mattered to her.


  Blair didnt see Cameron again until that evening. The rest of the day had been spent getting settled back into her apartment. Her doorbell rang at 6:30.

  "Lets walk," Blair said by way of greeting. As usual, Cameron looked fit and trim in a khaki blazer over pressed stone washed jeans.

  "All right," Cam said. She followed Blair to the elevator, noticing that her hair was down and the silk jacket and wide cut trousers she wore enhanced her slenderness.

  Blair moved gracefully, with easy confidence, and Cam knew it was because she was going out not as Blair Powell, the Presidents daughter, but as an ordinary twenty-five year old woman going to dinner. For an instant Cam regretted her job. She wished she could view the evening ahead as a simple dinner with a beautiful woman. But she couldnt. Even though Blair could forget who she was, or try to forget, with alcohol or a never-ending series of sexual conquests, Cameron could not forget. No matter what Blair chose to show the outside world, Cameron knew her to be the many faceted, complicated woman she was sworn to protect. Nevertheless, she found herself looking forward to dinner with a sense of anticipation she hadnt known in years.

  As the elevator came to a halt and the doors began to slide open, Blair placed her hand on Cams forearm. "I dont want the rest of the team to come with us," she said, an undertone of urgency in her voice. She had been watched constantly for days, with near strangers supervising her every moment. For just a few hours, she wanted to be alone to dine with a woman.

  "I know you dont," Cam responded quietly. "And I know why. But we cant go alone. Not now, especially so soon after that package was delivered. Ill tell them to stay out of sight."

  "Its not the same."

  "I know it isnt. Believe me, if I could change it, I would."

  Blair brushed her fingers along Camerons sleeve, touching the back of Cam's hand with her fingertips for just a moment. She recognized the sincerity in her voice. "Thank you."

  Cameron whispered a few words into her microphone as she stepped out of the elevator to take Blairs arm. She wasnt entirely certain this was a good idea, but she had a feeling if she didnt allow Blair this small bit of independence, she would lose whatever chance she had of Blairs cooperation. In truth, she didnt have the heart to keep her constrained any longer. It wasnt just the last four days, it was the last fifteen years.

  As they stepped out into the brisk early evening air, she realized how much she wanted to give Blair these few moments of happiness. She caught her breath in surprise when Blair slipped her fingers into her hand, all too aware that at least three of her agents were watching.

  "I didnt think you were afraid of rumors, Commander," Blair said tauntingly.

  "Its not the rumors Im afraid of," Cam said dryly, "its your father."

  The agents threading themselves through the crowd ten feet behind looked at each other curiously, wondering what had prompted the laughter from Blair Powell.


  "I think we can manage it," Cam said as she leaned back in her chair. She was comfortably relaxed after a slow, quiet dinner in a small restaurant off Fourth Street in the West Village. They were sitting at a table for two in front of a large open wood burning fireplace. Blair had initially requested a table in the wide front window, but Cam had politely declined, requesting seating where Blair wasn't quite so exposed. She sipped her espresso while Bla
ir finished her cognac.

  Blair laughed softly. For once, it didn't bother her that she had to clear her plans with her security detail. Even she had to admit that Cam wasn't being unreasonable.

  "I'm glad you agree," Blair said. She sipped the heavy brandy and studied her dinner companion. For two hours they had talked of art, which cities they enjoyed most in Europe, and the comparative value of various martial art forms. What they had not discussed was politics, the stalker situation, or their personal lives. It could easily have passed for a first date, filled with the anticipation and excitement of learning to know someone new. She tried not to allow reality to dispel the myth. She felt like someone she barely recognized. She finally realized what was missing was the burning anger, her constant companion. That in and of itself was frightening. If she allowed herself to get used to this feeling, the emptiness and disappointment of her real life would be devastating. She was acutely aware of Cameron's gaze upon her. Cameron had a way of looking at you that made you feel like there was no one else in the room. Her glance was as palpable as a touch, and Blair imagined that her skin tingled as Cameron studied her. She struggled to keep her tone normal.

  "I spoke with Diane this afternoon. She can't wait to go."

  "I'll see to the arrangements first thing in the morning," Cam assured her.

  "She told me she saw you today," Blair added nonchalantly. That was far from the way she had felt when Diane casually remarked that she had had lunch with Cameron.

  "Yes. We had a bit of business to do."

  "I'm sure," Blair said sarcastically. She knew very well the kind of business Diane had in mind. She knew exactly the kind of woman Diane found attractive, and over the years they had often found themselves in competition for the same woman. When they were younger it had all been in fun, and no hard feelings whatever happened. This time, it felt like anything but fun. She was angry at herself for allowing her irritation to show. She kept her eyes fixed on the dark swirling liquid, afraid of what Cameron might see in her face.

  Cam had a pretty good idea what Diane had insinuated about their lunch. The charming art dealer had certainly made it quite obvious what her interests were. Cameron was not offended by the blatant attempt at seduction, but she did not want Blair, for reasons she could not clearly define, to think she was so easily seduced.

  "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

  "I cant believe you just said that!" Blair laughed, coaxed out of her anger by the ridiculousness of the image.

  Cam laughed with her, thinking how luminescent Blair's features were when she relaxed. "Neither can I," she replied. "But in this case, its apt."

  "I promise not to tell her," Blair continued smiling.

  Cam inclined her head gratefully, "Thank you."

  As they stepped out onto the street, Blair forgot for a moment that there were three Secret Service agents dogging their every step. It was one of those rare January nights when the stars could actually be seen over New York City. The meal had been wonderful, and the company better. She stopped in mid-step. Taking a chance, she asked, "I don't suppose I could interest you in a trip to the bar?"

  Cameron took a deep breath of the brisk chill air. She knew very well what Blair was asking her. She refused to acknowledge her own wishes. "I can't accompany you. But if you want to go out, I will see that the team stays out of your way."

  "You didn't mind having dinner with me," Blair pointed out, still not moving, not caring that they were creating a minor obstacle to other passers-by.

  "That was business," Cam responded.

  "Was it?" Blair stated.

  Cam knew very well she was stretching the definition of business. They could have discussed the upcoming ski trip in the morning. She had allowed the excuse of the trip to give her reason to have dinner with Blair. She was on dangerous ground, and she knew it. She could not let things progress further. She certainly could not go to a gay bar with Blair as anything resembling her date. And she definitely had no desire to go cruising with Blair. Watching Blair pick up strangers for sex was not something she enjoyed.

  "I can't. I'm sorry. Do you want me to notify the unit that you'll be staying out?"

  "No thanks," Blair said bitingly. "When I go out, I don't want their company."

  Cam supposed she deserved that. "Then may I walk you home?"

  "Yes," Blair said with a sigh. "But for God sake, tell them to stay off our heels. I'm perfectly safe with you."

  Cam nodded, whispering instructions into her microphone. She knew very well Blair could have been difficult about this. She was grateful that she would not have to worry about Blair's whereabouts, at least for the rest of evening. And on another level, she had to admit she would not have to worry about who Blair was spending her evening with.

  Chapter Twelve

  Five days later they were boarding a private jet for their flight to Colorado. They would be staying at a small, rustic resort not usually known as a tourist center. It was likely to be less crowded, and an easier setting in which to protect Blair. It was a fairly isolated location, with few of the amenities so popular in Colorado ski resorts. There would be no nightly entertainment acts, or any other similar diversions. What there would be was hours of good skiing on challenging trails. Blair was apparently an accomplished skier, and enjoyed skiing the semi-wooded less manicured downhill trails. For her it might be a vacation, but for Cam and her agents, it would be anything but.

  Cam settled into her seat and was just opening the Washington Chronicle when someone eased in beside her.

  "This seat looks vacant," the familiar voice announced.

  Cam turned toward Diane Bleeker. "These are not reserved seats."

  Diane smiled. "Then I take it you don't mind?"

  "Not at all," Cam responded, folding her paper. "Whatever news there might be, it can wait until later."

  Diane reached between them for her seat belt, brushing her hand along the length of Cam's thigh. There was a subtle tensing under her fingertips, but to her credit Cameron Roberts did not pull away. At least she wasn't going to pretend they weren't both adults. Diane could accept rejection, but she hated to have her advances ignored. "Do you ski, Commander?"

  "Yes, I do."

  "Our Blair is quite the expert, did you know?"

  "It doesn't surprise me," Cam commented. "She is very talented."

  Diane studied her, searching for hidden meaning. As usual, she could read nothing in Cam's expression. She couldn't remember ever having met someone quite so inscrutable. And yet the agent was anything but cold. She radiated energy, and seemed to do everything with an intense focus. In fact, she was seething with promise. The promise of passion, and intensity, that Diane very much wanted to experience. It was more than just physical appeal, even though Cameronwas enormously attractive with her lean, tautly muscled body. She had daunting self-confidence as well.Is there nothing that can shake her composure?

  Diane leaned against Cam's shoulder as she tightened her seatbelt. "Yes, Blair is a woman of many hidden skills. And then again, she doesn't bother to hide some of her interests. I'm sure you've noticed."

  Cam had no intention of discussing Blair Powell with Diane Bleeker or anyone else. "And how is the gallery?" Cam asked.

  "Ah, I see. Blair is off-limits. Actually, that's perfectly all right with me. I'm much more interested in you."

  Cam laughed at the woman's persistence. It was hard to be annoyed with someone who was so blatant about their intentions. In another place, in another time, she would not have resisted. It was a combination of the past, and her strange detached present, which prevented her from responding. Any kind of intimate involvement was beyond her capability.

  "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you," Cam warned.

  "Oh, I very seriously doubt that."

  "I'm flattered-," Cam began.

  Diane laughed. "Oh please, Commander. You needn't explain to me the many reasons why youthink you are unavailable. I am quite patient, and I enjoy waiting. Otherw
ise, where is the pleasure when you win?"

  Cam shook her head, smiling at the sophisticated, supremely confident woman beside her. "Then I shall say no more."

  Diane wrapped for long, elegant fingers around Cam's wrist, squeezing gently before slowly withdrawing. "Good. It would be to no avail."

  They both settled back in their seats for takeoff. In the aisle seat one row behind them, Blair studied the two women. She was completely familiar with Dianes tactics. She had known her since they were girls, and had witnessed her many conquests. This was the first time it mattered to her whether Diane succeeded. The image of Diane's hand on Cameron's arm provoked a response she was finding hard to ignore. She hated the thought of Diane touching Cam, but even harder to accept was the possibility of Cameron returning the caresses. Instinctively, she knew that Cameron Roberts would not make love to a woman casually. What she couldnt know was how much that fact controlled Cameron's life.


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