The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)

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The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) Page 77

by Laurie Olerich

  Our room was designed in an ethereal blue and white color palette. The blue ceiling glittered with tiny lights that looked like stars. The walls were blindingly white. The furniture was either glass or white leather. The sleek, silvery bed actually seemed to float off the floor. Cleverly hidden suspension wires created the illusion. So cool. Awestruck, I ran my fingers over the glass desk.

  “Do you like it?”

  Grinning ear to ear, I said, “It’s amazing! How did you find this place?”


  “I’ll never rag on the internet again. This is heavenly! Should I bother to unpack? How long will we be here?”

  Not looking up from his laptop, he said, “Not long. We need to get moving again. We’ll divide and conquer when Rivin gets here.”

  I figured as much, but still…I wished we could play tourists, just a little. Europe was so beautiful. I wanted to see it while we were here. Time always rushed with us. We never had time. I’ve been dragged all over the place hunting demons, but I haven’t seen anything. It was always so fleeting. Maybe that’s how it will always be. Bouncing from place to place, never experiencing it, and never really understanding the reason why.

  The hourglass was turned over again.

  I had a nagging feeling that my time was limited. It wouldn’t matter what I’d seen. I would be gone anyway. How long did I have? With that thought in mind, I turned away from him to hide my eyes.

  The touch of his hand brought me out of my sad thoughts. Turning me into his arms, he kissed the top of my head. “Mica…” His voice was ragged with emotion and he hesitated before going on. “Stop looking. You see too much.”

  Whispering, I said, “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “It’s not written in stone. It doesn’t have to be that way!”

  “But I feel it! My gut tells me I’m running out of time.”

  Gripping my arms, he said, “You feel it because it’s a possibility, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. There are always forks in our roads. You have choices; you know that.”

  “Don’t lie to me! Lying won’t protect me. I have to trust something. Do I trust my gut or you?”

  He looked into my eyes and whispered, “You trust me. Always trust me.”

  A loud knock broke the tension. Rivin was here. I slipped into the bathroom to wash up while Killian let him in.

  Rivin whistled in appreciation. “Bloody hell! Look at that bed! Did you nail her in it yet?”

  I heard Killian say, “Shut up, Rivin.”

  When I came out of the bathroom, they were seated in the lavish red sitting area. The entire room was covered in blood red fabrics. The carpet, the walls, and the crushed velvet chairs were the same amazing red. The curved ceiling was gold. The tall, narrow window looked out over the river. The curtains were gossamer. This room was clearly designed for romance…it was no wonder Rivin and Killian looked uncomfortable sitting in the chairs. When I walked in, they both stood and moved to lean against the walls.

  Rivin bowed gracefully at the waist. “Before we get started, I’d like to apologize for my behavior today. I had no idea who you were and I wouldn’t have been so forward if I’d known.” His words sounded sincere, but...

  I walked over to him and stared into the shifting irises of his Primani eyes. His eyes widened and darted to Killian. Killian narrowed his eyes and nodded. Rivin was nervous but I sensed no evil in him. His eyes gave me a glimpse of his intentions. They seemed noble enough. I stopped at that. Even though I could delve more deeply, there was no need. Satisfied he wasn’t trying to derail our mission or kill me, I turned away and nodded to Killian.

  Anything off?

  Nope. He seems sincere.

  To Rivin, I said graciously, “It’s cool, dude. It’s not the first time I’ve been hit on. You’re forgiven.” I offered him my hand with a twinkle in my eye.

  Eyeing my hand like a grenade, he stepped back and said, “I’ve heard rumors about you. It’s true then? You can read minds?”

  “She can do more than that. She can scatter you with her mind. You might want to remember that. Even the demons are afraid of her now.” Killian sounded so proud I had to laugh.

  Rivin swallowed and eased away from me. Killian chuckled and got the meeting started.

  “Rivin, I need you to dig up whatever you can find on the Première Institute in Lucerne. There are rumors they’re a front for the other side. Dagin’s probably not involved, since he’s East Coast, U.S., but someone else definitely is.” He handed Rivin a thumb drive. “Take this and see what you can decode. I took a quick look already; it’s not good. Lots of notes on Variola.”

  Rivin whistled in surprise. “Bloody hell, that’s smallpox!”

  “Very good. I see you paid attention in biology. Now you see the problem?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got it. What else?”

  “You can use Alex’s assistant, Marc, if you need admin help. The lab in Manhattan is on standby if you get your hands on samples.” He tossed him a cell phone. “This is fully loaded. Get familiar with the apps and use them. We have the same devices. You can reach either of us on them, no matter what plane we’re on. Oh, and you don’t need to charge it. It runs on your saol. So keep it close to your body and it’ll stay charged. Questions?”

  With a sideways glance at me, he leaned towards Killian. “Is there any word on Declan?”

  I flinched at the sound of his name. His face immediately came to mind and I bit my lip to keep from getting emotional again. Just hearing his name hurt.

  Killian shook his head at Rivin. Quietly, he answered, “He’s gone.”

  Rivin hung his head and scrubbed his hand over the stubble on top of his skull. The gesture was surprisingly human. He was silent for several seconds before he responded.

  “That sucks. I liked him.” He paused and took a deep shuddering breath and sniffed hard. When he looked up again, his eyes gleamed softly. “What’s the word on Jordan?”

  “Officially? You spot him, you call me. I’ll bring him to Michael.”

  “And unofficially?”

  Instead of answering, Killian grimly slid Sgaine Dutre’s brother blade out of its sheath. The golden blade hummed softly in his hand. Killian whispered to it and the red stone pulsed with fire and then glowed steadily. The red light reflected unnaturally in his eyes giving him a demonic air. He passed the blade from hand to hand watching it with a steady gaze. As if hypnotized, we all stared at the gleaming blade as it went back and forth.

  Abruptly, he jammed it into the cushion of the chair.

  The spell was broken.

  Rivin smiled, canines gleaming like fangs…Killian smiled back. “I’m counting on his resistance.”

  The room was silent after that.

  “How did you know Dec?” I asked after a few minutes.

  Rivin smiled sadly and said with forced cheerfulness, “Oh, everybody knew Declan. He was cool. We spent some time surfing off the coast of Australia a while back.” He rolled up his jeans to display a jagged scar on his calf. “Got this savin’ his ass off the Great Barrier Reef.” He grinned broadly and added, “The shark got the raw end of the deal though. I fed him to an orca.”

  “Dec had a way with the waves, he did. He could drop in and ride anything. I’ve never seen anyone do it better. The lad was fearless! You should’ve seen him riding the orca!”

  Killian snorted at the visual. Clearly he didn’t believe it. I was entranced though. This was a side of Dec I never knew. I wanted to hear more about him. Unconsciously, I rubbed the soft cotton of his forgotten t-shirt. If I closed my eyes I could see him on a surfboard laughing up at the huge waves. He wanted to play more than anyone I’d ever known.

  Rivin reached across and touched his finger to the tiny logo on the shoulder of my t-shirt. “He loved that shirt. Wore it all the time. Said it was comfortable.” He shrugged as if he couldn’t understand anyone worrying about clothes. “Where’d you find it?”

  “Ireland. I…found it i
n an old backpack. It sounds silly, but it felt like Dec. I couldn’t leave it behind. It would be like abandoning him…” I stared down at the hem and bit my lip again.

  Killian announced, “We’re done, Rivin. I’ll be in touch.”

  The door closed with a quiet hiss and we were alone.

  “Why won’t you let yourself cry? You’re a knot inside; you’ve got to let it go. It’s okay to miss him.” He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. His own were dark with emotion. “I do too.”

  I sniffed and tried to make a joke. “I feel like I’ve been crying for years.”

  “It’s been a hard couple of years, Princess. You’re entitled to a few tears, don’t you think?”

  “I guess so…but you guys don’t cry. I feel like a drama queen around you.”

  He actually snorted a laugh and hugged me tightly. “Mica, listen to me. Your powers of empathy are important to who you are and what you’ll do with your life. If you couldn’t handle them, Michael wouldn’t have given them to you. You’re going to feel emotions more keenly than other people from now on. Your senses are enhanced, remember?”

  I nodded. He made sense.

  Patiently he continued, “On top of that, we’re talking about someone you love. I know your heart is broken and you’re afraid to start crying because you don’t want to believe he’s really not coming back. You’re afraid you won’t be able to stop.” He squeezed my leg and said, “Holding your grief inside won’t bring him back, baby. It can’t change the future.”

  “But I don’t want him to be gone! Can’t we find him like we did Sean?”

  “Not this time.” He rubbed my back and pressed my cheek against his shoulder. Gradually, I relaxed against him and he leaned back tucking me against his chest. “Talk to me. You’ll feel better.”

  “What are we going to do? Everything’s falling apart. Sean’s gone…” I said with a heavy sigh. I curled my fingers in the soft material of his shirt and buried my face against him.

  “Okay, babe. Let’s start at the beginning. Tell me what happened with Sean and we’ll go from there.”

  I started from the time Killian had left me and recounted everything I could remember after that. Killian listened and only interrupted with an occasional question. He stayed relaxed against me until I got to the part about Sean using his powers to knock me out for days at a time.

  He interrupted, “How many days were you out?”

  “I’m still not sure. I think three or so the first time, then another two when he left. He was out gathering intel while I was asleep.”

  “So you haven’t eaten for more than 10 days?” He drummed his fingers on top of his thigh. “What was he thinking? In your weakened state, you were completely vulnerable to attack. Even with your powers, you would’ve been easy prey for even a minor demon.”

  Easy prey for Sean too. He’d used my weakness against me. “Yeah, tell me about it. It gets worse. When I woke up, he was so different. He was so…cold, Killian. He was edgy…mean. He was awful to me. I was so pissed at him, but I was afraid to leave him there. He was…It was…bad.” I shuddered at the memory of Sean’s mocking eyes as he ripped into my mind.

  “Mica, wait.” His voice softened and he turned to look into my face. His expression was sympathetic as he gathered his thoughts. Finally he suggested quietly, “Let me in.”

  Surprised by the suggestion, I hesitated, unsure. He was asking me to let him inside my memories; to give him access to my head. Would he be disappointed when he found what he was looking for? Would he regret it?

  “You couldn’t disappoint me. I knew what I was doing when I sent you with Sean. Whatever you did, you did for him. I can’t ask for more than that.”

  He raised his hand to my locket and watched it come to life against his fingers. The tiny heart pulsed to the rhythm of his heartbeat. He kissed me lightly and said, “Your heart beats for me. I’m not worried about anyone taking you away.”

  Goose bumps scrambled up and down my arms as he said the words. The sense of inevitability was strong again and I knew he was right. I belonged next to him. I had always been next to him. Leaning closer, I laid my palm against his heart just to feel its rhythm. The slow steady beat made me smile. The man was always right. It was unnerving.

  Chuckling softly, he took my face between his hands and murmured, “Ready?”

  The sky was purple with twilight when Killian pulled me to my feet and steadied me by the elbows. We’d been sitting for hours and my face hurt from crying. To get to the truth, he’d gently sifted through my memories like he was handling fragile scrolls. He slowly reviewed the scenes in my mind without judgment or comments. When he was done, he had simply kissed my eyelids closed and said, “You did what you thought was best. Don’t feel guilty.”

  Even though my temples ached, I felt better now. He was right as usual; I needed to talk about things to find my perspective. I knew I had to let myself grieve over Dec and I had to stop blaming myself for what Sean was going through. I’d done my best but he was out of my control. More importantly, he wasn’t mine to control in the first place. We would try to find him but Killian’s main priority had to be finding Jordan and Sgaine Dutre. Sean would have to find his way alone. As much as it hurt to know I couldn’t help, I understood. It just sucked though.

  Pulling back the sheer curtains, I gazed out at the city lights sparkling around us. The sun was nearly gone, leaving the sky shifting like the color of Primani eyes; beautiful but restless. A hint of music drifted on the air, calling me to come out to play. A tease of warm air fluttered the curtain in my hand. It was summer…and it was Paris, the most romantic city in the world.

  “Maybe we should go out. We could get dinner and maybe listen to some music.”

  He stood behind me, his solid warmth pressing against my back. With calloused fingers stroking my aching forehead, he smiled and shook his head above me. He purred against my ear, “Let’s stay in.”

  He lifted the heavy weight of my hair and kissed the back of my neck, lips lingering, tongue drifting over the sensitive skin. All thoughts of leaving evaporated. I reached around and hooked my fingers in the top of his jeans, letting them dip playfully low. He ran his lips across my neck again and murmured, “Slow down…I have plans for you.”

  My dirty mind immediately filled in all sorts of scenarios and all of them involved Killian naked on that floating bed. I swallowed and he laughed against the back of my hair.

  “That’s not exactly what I had in mind, but if that’s how you want it…I was planning to feed you first.”

  “I don’t need to eat right now; we could eat later--”

  Stepping back, he said seriously, “Tempting, but not a chance. By my calculations, you’ve had an apple and some soup over the past 10 days.” He looked me over and added, “You’re beautiful, babe, but I’d rather keep you healthy than bedded. We’ll eat first and then…we’ll see how you feel then.”

  He ordered dinner from the café down the block without asking what I wanted. When I started to protest, he shook his head and shooed me to the shower while he finished the call. It was supposed to be a surprise. The fact that he ordered in flawless French was enough of a surprise. The ultramodern bathroom was a work of art that I wanted to live in. The purple walls and sculpted sinks and mirrors were breathtaking. I turned on the shower and stood surrounded by more opulence than I’d ever imagined. Ten minutes later, Killian poked his head into the shower and interrupted me. Expecting him to join me, I stepped to the side and he shook his head.

  “No way, wench. I know what’s on your mind. You’re eating first.” With that, he turned to leave.


  He laughed all the way out of the bathroom door.

  “I bought you a present. Would you like to open me?” I posed provocatively in the doorway.

  After my luxurious shower, I’d lathered up in body lotion and slipped on the sheer blue sex magnet. The sapphire fabric draped and clung to my breasts. Three wide ribb
ons of blue satin wound their way around my rib cage and tied in a little bow just above my pubic bone. The effect was my lean body wrapped up in blue ribbons…like a sexy present. The tiny satin thong didn’t cover much, but looked pretty…To add some modesty for dinner, I’d wrapped a silky blue sarong around my hips. A pair of inky blue stilettos finished off my look. I’d pinned my hair up into long, loose curls like Giselle had shown me.

  Killian’s mouth fell open and he blinked at me. A rush of color flooded his face and his lips curled into a sexy smile. He licked his lips and actually growled low in his throat. My entire body jerked towards him, heat flooding me from head to toe. I clutched at the door frame and tried not to shake. He moved towards me, stalking like a jaguar, muscles rolling smoothly under his clothes. Sex dripped from every pore of his body and my knees went weak. My knuckles were white with strain and my heartbeat drowned out every other sound. His grin widened.

  Taking his time, he stood just out of reach with one palm cupped in front of me. His eyes caressed every inch of me, lingering in all the important places. The weight of his stare was tangible as his hand drifted in front of my body, not touching, just hovering over my breasts, my ribs, down my belly, over the wisp of the sarong slung low over my hips. His voice purred inside my head as he described everything he wanted to do to me, with me, for me…He didn’t touch me with his hands, but by the time he was done looking, I was seduced. My heart was skipping beats and a bead of sweat ran down my back.

  With his palms flat against the wall behind me, he pinned me between his arms and said, “Dinner’s ready.”

  Turning his back on me, he walked over to the table and gestured expansively at the bounty. He had ordered roasted chicken with white wine pan sauce, tiny roasted potatoes with herbs, salads, a warm baguette, and a small bowl of fresh strawberries. A bottle of white wine sat sweating on the table beside a bottle of sparkling mineral water. The delicious aromas made me dizzy with hunger and I closed my eyes and breathed it in.

  Food or sex? Food or sex? Food or…

  Offering me his hand, he bowed and said, “Come, my queen, your feast awaits you.”


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