The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5)

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The Lost Soul Trilogy (Primani Book 5) Page 103

by Laurie Olerich

  The waiter perked up as soon as he spotted the half-naked blond slinking against the table. Rushing over with pad in hand, he dropped off the S.A. and smiled hugely.

  “Welcome to B.J.’s. What can I get you to drink?”

  She lifted one pale brow and purred, “B.J.’s? Oh, how apropos!” She reached for Killian’s thigh under the table, but he shifted slightly before she could latch on.

  “She’s not staying. Just bring me my wings.” Killian’s voice snapped like a whip and the waiter actually jumped and bolted.

  She tapped at her cleavage with one finger and purred, “Baby, that’s no way to treat an old friend.” Her nails reminded him of claws dripping with fresh blood. She reached for his leg again and he leaned across the table.

  With eyes glowing, he growled low in his throat, “Listen to me and listen good. I don’t want anything you have to offer. Never have, never will. You will get up and get the fuck out of here now, or I will take you outside and help you disappear. Are we clear?”

  She blanched and snatched her hand back. With a calculating stare, she smiled tightly and stood. After smoothing her skirt and straightening her hair, she leaned into his ear and murmured, “I do hope your wife survives this pregnancy. So fragile right now. Anything could happen to her. Shame.” She turned and walked away.

  I’m going to kill her. From thought to action took nanoseconds.

  He didn’t make it out of his chair though.

  Strong hands clamped down on his shoulders just as he started to bolt from his chair. “Sorry I’m late. Traffic.”

  Alex pulled up the recently-vacated chair and straddled it. Leaning forward on his elbows, he mused, “So. Lara. You’d think after 200 years she’d get the hint.” He signaled the waiter and smiled faintly. Alex wasn’t big on emotions.

  Still seeing red, Killian muttered, “Fucking bitch.”

  How dare she talk about Mica like that? She had no idea what they’d been through. Holy God, was she just that horny? To wish death on them? She was insane. He looked down at himself and shook his head. He didn’t see the reason for her obsession. Sure, he was hot--Mica’s words, not his--but there were plenty of Primani out there who were single and who were popular with the women. Sean’s face popped into his mind just then. Oh yeah, he’d ended up with a shattered leg the last time he let Lara anywhere near him.

  He relaxed and let himself crack a smile.

  That shit was funny...even now. He loved Sean like a brother, but he’d been such a tool that day. No wonder Mica broke him. He totally deserved it.

  Alex rapped his knuckles on the table. “You wanted to meet with me. What’s up?”

  Back to business.

  “You happy with Rivin’s work?”

  Alex narrowed his eyes and said, “So far. Why? Is something up?”

  “Nah, not really. Just a feeling about him. He’s mostly--“

  Sgaine Eiron burst into life.

  “Jordan!” He threw his chair back and strode out the front doors with Alex at his back.

  It was fully dark outside and the streets were crowded with evening commuters making their way home. Wishing he had a jacket to hide the blade, he thrust it under his shirt and let it guide him to his prey. As they turned the corner it hummed slightly. The frequency was too low for human ears, but Primani could pick it up easily. They ended up in a narrow alley used for deliveries. Puddles gleamed on the asphalt from an earlier shower. Dumpsters loomed in the shadows, while two cars were crammed sideways into a space near B.J.’s entrance.

  Slowing now, he pulled the blade free and unsnapped the holster for his .40. Alex went ghost beside him with his own blade drawn and ready. Scanning back and forth, they slipped deeper into the darkness. Killian’s senses were so honed he could practically feel evil like a physical thing; could smell it too. Course, all demons smelled like ass...

  He was here. Killian felt him, smelled him.

  A putrid stench hit them like a linebacker. Without flinching, they pressed their mouths closed and tensed for battle. A shadow separated itself from the rest of the blackness and took form in front of them.


  “You don’t look so good, old friend,” Alex observed dryly.

  The boss was right. Jordan’s hair was hanging in skanky white strands now. The flesh of his face was slack and loose like the traitor was wasting away. One eye drooped. His eyes still burned with insanity though. Too bad they hadn’t fallen out.

  Jordan snarled at them and braced himself against the wall, Sgaine Dutre lifted in a defensive position. “I’ve been ill, though my doctors tell me I am on the mend. How considerate of you to notice.” He inclined his head regally in Alex’s direction. “It’s good to see you again.”

  Alex palmed his own blade and said coldly, “Can’t say the same.”

  “Can the crap, butler. You want something. What is it?” Killian was sick of playing with Jordan and he wanted his knife back. Even now, the blade in his palm vibrated with its own unique anger, its red eye flashing like a cop car.

  Abruptly enraged, Jordan snapped and started to lunge at Killian but jerked awkwardly as if snatched by an invisible hand. Instead of attacking Killian, he stood panting as he struggled to stay in control. Bony fingers clenched and unclenched around the weapon in his fist. He was very, very close to exploding.

  Killian cocked his head with interest. Without taking his eyes from the unstable thing, he lazily passed Sgaine Eiron from hand to hand letting it hum and flash as it wanted. The blade was hot now and shined like a small sun. Alex sidestepped further away and watched with a knowing look.

  “Well? I don’t have all fucking night. Did you come to give me back my property, or are you just bored?” Killian’s tone was about as rude as he could make it. Push, push...everyone had a breaking point.

  In his world, losing control was fatal.

  Jordan snarled and pushed himself away from the wall with an orange flame forming between his curled fingers. “You have a lot of balls for someone about to die, Primani. I’m going to destroy you. When I’m done with you, no one will even remember your name.”

  Just as he was about to throw the fireball at them, Killian flashed himself directly in front of Jordan. His hand stopped mid-throw, flames dipping and swaying with the faint breeze.

  “Put that shit down! You want to fight me, traitor? Then fight me like a man. Hand to hand. Fist to fist. No magic. No weapons.” He tossed his weapons to Alex and held out his hands to show he was unarmed.

  Alex caught the burning blade, swearing as it seared two of his fingers. The damn thing was too valuable to leave on the ground, so he shoved it into his own sheath at his belt. Watching Killian stand there unarmed, he rubbed his eyes. Damn, his boy was giving him a migraine. What the hell was he doing? He moved out of the line of fire, but stayed close enough to jump in if he needed to. Killian had something up his sleeve; he always did. Jordan never battled beside him or he would know that too. The Primani was always one step ahead of his enemy.

  “Come get some, traitor!” Killian curled two fingers in mocking invitation. “You too afraid to fight me? Afraid I’ll bury your punk ass?” He stood ready to move with catlike reflexes.

  Jordan’s face had been turning an interesting shade of red and his eyes burned like a bug light.

  Oh, yeah, there was a whole lot of crazy going on inside his head.

  His mouth twisted with a feral snarl and he slammed his weapons to the ground and lunged at Killian with clawed fingers.

  Anticipating this move, Killian leapt up and over Jordan’s back as he grabbed at nothing and lost his balance. Rolling smoothly to his feet, Killian swung a wicked roundhouse to Jordan’s head sending him careening into a dumpster. The resulting crash reverberated through the alley. No way his ribs didn’t snap.

  Jordan howled like a wild animal and pushed himself to his feet again. He shook himself off and lumbered toward the Primani waiting with a bring-it-on smirk.

  Jordan swung a right
hook that barely caught the tip of Killian’s chin. Killian countered with a powerful left that knocked the fallen angel’s nose off-center with a crunch and a shower of blood. His eyes went flat and he threw himself at Killian swinging both fists at his torso, pounding him like a punching bag.

  It was against Alex’s nature to stay out of it, so he flexed his fingers around his own weapon and watched intently as the pair lurched towards the wall. Jordan was completely unhinged and pummeled at Killian. Just when Alex thought Killian must be about to collapse, he grabbed Jordan’s neck in one hand, turned him around and swept his legs out from under him. Jordan went down in partial collapse just as Killian brought his knee up in a vicious jab to his spine. Jordan shrieked and fell to the ground trying to tie himself into a pretzel. Alex flinched. Nerve damage was a bitch.

  “Get up, motherfucker! We’re not finished yet! You’re still breathing.” Killian reached down and hauled him up by the shirtfront. Blood spewed from Jordan’s mouth and nose and he spit into Killian’s face.

  Killian snarled and wrapped his hand around Jordan’s throat. Jordan went limp. Was he dead? No, wait, he’s moving! Alex shouted out a warning but it was too late. Jordan reached out and viciously grabbed Killian’s balls. Alex sucked in his breath and mentally cupped himself in sympathy, but Killian simply slammed Jordan into the street and raised his right hand over his cocked head, listening.

  He smiled triumphantly as Alex stared in amazement. Sgaine Eiron had been humming louder and louder as the fight had gone on. Now it let out a scream that echoed like a siren. Everyone froze and stared as Sgaine Dutre flew through the air to Killian’s outstretched hand. The blue stone blazed like a star as its master’s fist claimed it once again. The blade screamed in defiance and then both blades went eerily silent.

  Turning slowly to Jordan’s prone body, Killian grimaced as he raised his foot for the killing blow. Just as the boot should’ve shattered his melon, Jordan shimmered out.

  “Coward!” Killian swung around and swore viciously.

  He was still amped up and running hot. Jamming the blade into its sheath, he threw out his hand for its brother, which promptly flew to his side with a wink of red light. Alex grinned as he handed over the Sig. His eyes sparkled with rare mirth and he shook his head in disbelief.

  “You knew it all along, didn’t you?”

  Still burning with unspent energy, Killian paused in his fuming to give his friend a distracted nod. He dabbed at a cut on his lip and said gruffly, “Of course I did.”

  London, England:

  Domino greeted him at the front door as his molecules settled into place. He knew there were others here; he felt their saols as he zeroed in on the house. Looking up, he met the surprised eyes of way too many Primani in one place. Dec was standing with his arm around Mica, who was frozen in mid-step. On the couch sat the twins, Dimitri and Alexandyr. The two huge angels took up the entire thing. At 6’5”, they were the tallest Primani he’d known. All eyes snapped to his and froze. A tingle of warning slid over his skin and he scanned the house for trouble. He didn’t sense demons...but there was another, maybe something else. No one said a word and they were so still he thought they could be frozen by a curse.

  They all looked...guilty?

  Domino rubbed her freckled face against his hand and made a faint huffing noise deep in her throat. Was she laughing? He glanced down in surprise and she wagged her tail, tongue lolling.

  Oh, this is gonna be good!

  “What’s going on?” he asked with narrowed eyes.

  Mica’s hands dropped over her stomach and she bit her lip.

  Oh, God. No!

  Lunging for her, he demanded hoarsely, “What happened? Is the baby okay?”

  She burst into sobs.

  She was babbling something about him being freaked out, but he couldn’t make out the words through the sobs. He was about to explode into full-blown panic and looked wildly around for help.

  Calm, cool, and collected, Dec was a lifesaver, as usual. His Primani brother pried Killian’s fingers off of Mica’s arms and shoved him to the couch between the giant twins.

  “This is where I tell you that you should sit down.”

  The hell with that. He was ready to explode. “What the hell is going on here? Someone better start talking or I’m going to start breaking people!”

  Dec squatted in front of him and scrubbed his hand over his mouth trying to wipe a grin away. Killian looked right at Alexandyr and caught the light of laughter in his eyes. That bastard had no sense of humor so something was up.

  Dimitri finally spoke through a half-smothered laugh. “Relax, bro. It’s no big deal.”

  Nonplussed, he moved to get up and both twins shoved him back down. Dec handed him a piece of paper, a photograph of some kind. It was dark and grainy and didn’t look like anything he’d ever seen before.

  “What the fuck is this?”

  Mica sobbed harder and all three Primani burst out laughing.

  Dec pointed his finger to a fuzzy blob on the page and said in a very strained voice, “This here’s Killian Junior.”

  The room got very quiet all of a sudden. Killian’s heart slowed to a dull thud as he counted the number of blobs in the image.

  Stunned, he stared until the page fell out of his numb fingers and his eyes rolled back in his head.

  Chapter 22: And So It Begins

  Hell, for real:

  SEAN LANDED IN A CROUCH and threw Xairin’s wiry body into the rock wall behind them. Xairin landed with a thud and a muffled curse. Sean turned and kicked him viciously in the head and he collapsed in a heap. Sean’s heart pounded in his chest as he looked around and counted the number of soldiers lined up to keep him in line. Fuck. There were at least 20.

  What the hell happened?

  He’d been sound asleep five minutes ago. Xairin and crew had smashed in his door and dragged him out of bed and then shimmered off to where ever the hell they were now. Smelled like a cave...probably Hell.

  The air shifted so abruptly the oxygen was sucked out of the cave. The blackness brightened with a swirl of reddish light that coalesced into one very pissed off Commander.

  Holy shit! Someone had worked him over good. Hunched over and staggering with each step, the crazy bastard was bleeding from everywhere. Even better, his stringy white hair was almost gone. Only a few strands clung to the grey skin of his skull. His eyes were insane as they rolled around their sockets.

  Waves of fury roiled from him in a black cloud.

  Pointing a shaky finger at Sean’s chest, he snarled, “You! Come here.”

  All eyes on me, Sean thought. Oh yeah, everyone pinned him to the wall. He knew he could move but weirdly felt paralyzed by the demons surrounding him. He’d have to gut it out.

  Holding both hands out palms up, he said evenly, “Has something happened, Commander?”

  Snapping harshly, he answered, “Don’t toy with me, Primani. I’m not in a good mood.”

  Without another word, Jordan raised his hands.

  Sean’s world collapsed to a narrow tunnel of blinding pain. Gripping both sides of his skull, Sean ground his teeth against the pain and would’ve fallen to his knees if he wasn’t frozen. Unable to collapse, he was helpless against the attack and hung in the air three feet above the ground. The room spun wildly and he was going to puke.

  Jordan began to mumble words that sent panic running through his veins. This was it. Something had happened that made him suspicious. He was out of control with paranoia. The smell of desperation filled the cave.

  Blood poured from his nose as Jordan yanked memories out of his head. It felt like pulling barbed wire through his sinus cavities and out his nose. Jesus, it hurt. His eyes watered uncontrollably and he could hear snickering from the peanut gallery. The pressure on his brain was unbearable and he was sure he would be dead when Jordan was finished. His eyes rolled back in his head and someone drove a fist into his gut.

  “Wake up, dick,” Dagin

  Jordan’s eyes were partially closed as he mumbled in concentration. Sean bit back a moan as the memories of killing Mica ran through his mind. He concentrated on enhancing them, making them more real, more convincing.

  Her face as she taunted him...heartless, cold, mocking.


  Fucking bitch. She deserved to be dead.

  Jordan smiled faintly when he saw Sean lick her blood and smile.

  Yeah, that had tasted good. Sweet, salty, rich. Bitch was good for something at least.

  The last of the memories seared him as the invisible vice pressed harder. The pressure against his left eye was making it bulge, distorting his vision. One Jordan became two, then three as his vision blurred.

  Breathe, buddy, breathe. You can deal with this. Pain isn’t a stranger. You’re Primani. You’re made for this. Breathe and stay in control. He hung there, blood running down his chin, pain blinding him, yet strangely calm. This is what he did. He would survive.

  After an eternity, the memories stopped coming but Jordan left him suspended. His face blank as he processed what he’d seen, he stood shaking with unnatural fury and then vanished.

  Dagin stepped over to Sean and smirked. “Well, well. It’s just you and me again,” he glanced around at his soldiers and added, “and a few of my friends.”

  With a soft snick, he unleashed the claws from his human fingers one at a time and held them an inch from Sean’s eyes. These claws had practically shredded Mica’s back and ripped out her jugular. Three inches long, black, and wickedly sharp, they only had one purpose.

  Sean wanted to rip Dagin’s head off but he was frozen in place. The veins in his arms and neck bulged from the strain of trying to move. His muscles screamed as his saol pulsed with urgency. His eyes lit the cave with vivid blue light. Instinctively wanting to annihilate his enemies, his body launched itself into full soldier-mode. The energy made him dizzier. His stomach churned.


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