Addict (The Laundromat Chronicles Book 2)

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Addict (The Laundromat Chronicles Book 2) Page 6

by Angie Merriam

  A soft squeal comes from the other end of the phone, "You want me to come help you shop?" Her excitement tells me I called the right person.

  "Yeah, would you mind?"

  "Of course not. I love shopping. I'm so happy you asked. When do you want to go?"

  "Well, I'm seeing him tomorrow and have to work before so I'd have to go today at some point. If you have plans, no worries. I know it's short notice. I was just sitting here looking through my clothes and….." she cuts me off. "It's fine Jewel. I don't have plans. Hap’s working from 2-10. I can pick you up after I drop him off at work if that works for you."

  "Yeah, uh yeah! That's great. See you around two then. Thanks Lena."

  "No thanks needed. I'm excited to help you and you're doing me a favor too. I don't wanna be stuck in the apartment all night anyway. See you in a little bit."

  "Yep, bye." The line disconnects. After I glance at the time I realize I only have an hour to get ready. Flying off the bed I go into hyperdrive trying to find an outfit to wear shopping. It's weird to actually give a shit how I look. Even when I thought I was sexy, turning tricks, I never went out of my way to get nice clothes. That was a waste of money. Money I needed to feed my habit. The desire to actually want to look nice is new, and I like it.

  After a quick shower I finally give up trying to look for an outfit that doesn't exist. The fact is, I don't have many clothes and what I do have is very basic and similar. Slipping into the usual jeans and t-shirt, I grab my small purse and head out to the front to wait for Lena.

  "I'll be back a little later Sheila. Need anything while I'm out," I call as I pass her room where she likes to paint. She's a gifted artist that could have made a career out of it had she not been introduced to the tempting world of drugs. Now, she does it as a hobby and relaxation.

  She stops painting, "No. I'm good here. Where you off too?" Her art stood swivels in a circle allowing her to face me. There's smudges of paint on her cheek and forehead. Her wild hair is unruly as usual and her clothes are covered in various colors. I like this look on her. Even though she outwardly appears to be a wreck, if you know her the peace that settles in when she's with her art is almost tangible. Gives me hope that one day I'll find the same happiness she has.

  "Shopping with Lena. Cash and I are meeting up tomorrow and I want something other than…" I motion up and down my body, "this to wear. Lena said she'd help me because I've never shopped for girly or nice clothes before." It's hard to contain my own elation.

  "Good for you doll. Have a good time." She smiles warmly at me, offers me a wink, then swivels her chair back around to resume creating her newest masterpiece.

  I only wait a few minutes on the front porch before Lena's little car pulls up to the house. Unlike Amanda's fancy ass car, Lena's is much more modest.

  "Hey, thanks again for picking me up." I slide in and pull my seatbelt across my shoulder.

  As I'm buckling in she's tossing crap in the back seat. "I'm excited to go, sorry about the messy car. Hap's a great guy but man he leaves his shit everywhere." I glance around to see several hoodies in the backseat and a lunch box along with random food wrappers and receipts. I can't help but chuckle to myself. "Don't worry about it Lena. I don't care if your car is messy."

  "Ha, messy? It's a dumpster in here. This car is already a piece of shit, no need to add landfill to its resume." She tosses the last wrapper in the back before pulling onto the road.

  "It's not a piece of shit," I try.

  "Oh, it is. I'm okay with that but if you say it's not you're lying."

  "Okay, it is but it's a solid car."

  "Yeah, she does well for us." With that she taps the dashboard lovingly. "So Jewel, where to?"

  "I have no idea. I was hoping you could suggest somewhere. I usually buy clothes at WalMart so, yeah…no idea."

  "Hmmm," she says. "What's your budget?"

  "I've been saving so I have about $200 to spend on clothes." I hope that's enough. It would buy me a whole new wardrobe at WalMart but I know they're cheap for a reason.

  "Okay, the mall it is," she declares, making a sharp right. I watch the passing scenery. It's been years since I was in this part of town. No reason for junkies or children of junkies to hang out at the mall. My only memory of being on this side of town, with all the nice stores and fancy houses, was for a school field trip to the mall. I managed to get a 4.0 in middle school so the mall trip was our reward. It was an intimidating and frightening place back then to a little girl who mostly wore hand me down's from her mother's druggie friends.

  Fifteen minutes and an Orange Julius later, we head into the store she keeps swearing I will love. She swore I'd love my Orange Julius. I swear I thought she was going to pass out when I told her I've never had one. Not willing to take no for an answer, she bought us both one then watched intently as I sucked the thick drink through the straw. She knows what she's talking about when it comes to sweet drinks, surely she knows about clothes too.

  After two hours of trying on outfit after outfit we finally decide on a few and some shoes. When she pulls up in front of Sheila's I'm almost sorry the day is over.

  "Thanks again. You were right, the store is awesome!"

  "You're welcome. I had a good time." Getting out of the car, I quickly grab my bags from the backseat before slamming the door. "Get some rest. I hope I didn't wear you and baby out too much." Her hand moves up to her growing belly causing a smile to emerge. "Nah, it was good for us. I need to get out more."

  "Well, maybe we'll have to get together more often, outside of doing laundry."

  "I'd like that."

  Backing away from the car slightly so she can pull away I respond, "me too. Drive safe Lena."

  "Will do. Oh, and Jewel?"


  "You're gonna have Cash eating out of the palm of your hand tomorrow!"

  "Let's hope so." I shrug before waving one more time and heading inside. Each day that passes gets better. I can only hope my string of good luck doesn't snap in half.


  Cash pulls up right on time and thank God because it's hot as hell out here. Last thing I want to do after working so hard to look pretty is smell like high school locker room. I stand to greet him as he strolls up the sidewalk. "Hey pretty lady," he greets, his smile radiating. He stops in front of me, slowly looking me up and down. I can't tell if he likes how I look or not which is making me nervous. I usually don't show my tattoos but it's too hot for long sleeves and Lena swore to me this summer dress would be perfect. "You look…" he begins, then stops.

  "You don't like the dress?" I ask, worried.

  "No, I love it. You look amazing Cara. Wow. Just a little speechless is all. I mean, I like your regular look but this is stunning too."

  Feeling the heat of embarrassment rush to my cheeks I quietly respond, "thanks."

  "You're welcome." He leans down, gently kissing my cheek. That's the first time he's ever kissed me. My hand instinctively goes to the spot where his lips briefly lingered. If his kiss on the lips does things to me remotely close as a peck on the cheek, I'm a goner.

  "Let's get going," he announces, taking my hand in his.

  Our conversation in the car is lively as usual. We talk about everything under the sun, except how his business trip went. I asked once, making him noticeably uncomfortable so I didn't pressure him.

  "Where we going?" I ask as we leave concrete roads in favor of a dirt road.

  "It's a surprise," he replies. "but we're almost there. Just around this corner." As the car turns the corner the trees open up to a huge grassy area that overlooks the town below. He puts the car in park before letting me out of the car. Always a gentleman.

  "This place is gorgeous. I've never seen the town from above before."

  "Yeah, my dad used to bring me here when he needed to have a talk with me. It's peaceful. Private. I always come here when something troubles me."

  "Is that why we're here?" I ask carefully.

, come sit over here with me please." He doesn't give me a chance to say no, just takes my hand and leads us to a rock that's big enough for both of us and faces the scene below.

  "I don't know how to tell you this. I don't even know that I believe it myself," he begins and the strain in his voice makes me nervous. I don't offer words, I just wait for him to offer me whatever is bothering him. I just hope he's not telling me goodbye before we even get a chance to start.

  "This is the thing. I have a past too. Before I met you I was a first class douche bag. Women were nothing but a conquest to me and I conquered many of them. Most of them didn't want more than a one night stand so things never got messy until recently. I met a woman right before I met you and she refused to believe that I didn't want her for more than one night," he pauses, but continues looking out over the cliff. A few seconds goes by before he continues. I have a feeling the high I've been riding is about to come crashing down.

  "She's the reason I went to Europe." The confession comes out of his mouth like a ton of bricks. I pull my hand from his, standing up. Needing to find space that he doesn't occupy.

  "Cara, wait. I didn't know I was meeting her. She set it up like this business meeting. I had no idea until I landed what the hell was going on."

  "Why didn't you leave?"

  "Because, she's the daughter of a huge law firm. She runs the fucking law firm now. She brokered a deal with one of my employees without telling me. I had to find out what the hell she wanted. I can't let her damage my family name."

  "Well, what did she want Cash?" I demand, unapologetically. He runs his hands aggressively through his hair before he confesses, "She's fucking pregnant and she swears it's my baby."

  Who would have thought those words would deliver the shock that just races through my body? He's going to father another woman's child. Better say goodbye to my happy ending.

  Cash and Jewel will be back in the final installment Life coming November 8, 2016.

  Next up Hap and Lena’s story Baby coming September 13, 2016.

  Laundromat Chronicles Novella's

  Millionaire (Cash’s backstory) 08/16/2016

  Addict (Jewel's backstory) 8/30/16

  Baby (Hap and Lena's backstory) 9/13/16

  Widow (Jase's backstory) 9/27/16

  Housewife (Amanda's backstory) 10/11/16

  Ruby (Ruby's backstory)10/25/16

  Life (The concluding novel that ties them all together) 11/8/16


  My husband: Some day…that is all.

  Mom: I love you forever and always.

  Kim: Someday I’m getting us out!

  Krystin: I hope you love these books as much as you expect to! .

  Xavier: I’m still waiting for the trip to Tahiti! We need to get on that!

  Kathy: Two down..I hope you love the rest as much as the first two.

  Lisa Messier: I repeat what I said last book because it’s how I still feel: My first "fan" and now my very good friend. I'm so happy to share this world with you and so proud of what you've accomplished. Your bravery and compassion amaze me every day and I'm proud to call you my friend.

  Renee my PA: I don’t know how I’d navigate without your help. I can’t wait to see you soon!

  My street team: You badass ladies keep me going! Thank you!

  Readers: You're why I keep doing this. I can only hope I continue to put our stories that you enjoy.

  Bloggers: You’re a vital source to an author’s success. Not a day goes by that I’m not beyond thankful for all you do.

  Other books by Angie Merriam can be found on Amazon just follow the below link.

  Neveah Series-Fantasy Romance

  A Broken Forever

  Standing Broken

  Breaking the Wicked

  Distilled Love Series-Adult Contemporary Romance

  Vodka Dreams

  Whiskey Songs

  Tequilla Nights (coming soon)

  Sunshine Series-Murder Romance

  You Are My Sunshine

  Luna Tick

  Trish's Gift (A novella)

  Never Say Goodbye-Standalone Rock Star Romance

  Follow Angie Merriam on Social Media




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