Naomi greeted Alice and Fred with hugs. Brian hurried to the basement and returned with folding chairs. Alice and Fred sat on the dining-room chairs, while Brian helped Queen Esther sit down on the sofa. He sat next to her.
Queen Esther looked around the room at her family members. “Bishop would be so proud that we’re all dining here this evening. I wish he were here.” She sniffled.
“He’s here in spirit,” Sarah pronounced. “Both he and Uncle Ezra.”
Queen Esther noticed Montgomery and became agitated. She pointed her bony finger with her wedding ring at him. “Who is he?” She looked at Sarah and Brian. “Why is there a white man here? Is he a doctor? Is he here for me?”
Naomi shook her head. “No, Queen, that’s my friend from school. His name is Montgomery. He came from Edwardsville with me to meet the family.”
“A white man?” Queen spat. Her eyebrows knitted together in a flat line. “I don’t know what you mean. Are you saying that you’re friends with a white man? What kind of friends? I know your momma taught you better. I’m not having it.” She stomped her cane on the floor.
“He’s my—my fiance. And he’s a very nice man.” Naomi’s voice faltered. “He doesn’t mean anyone any harm.”
Ruth’s breath caught in her throat when Naomi referred to Montgomery as her fiance. The family barely knew the man, who, Ruth could see, was somewhat older than her daughter.
“Humph, he’s white, isn’t he? White men always mean harm to black women. Girl, he’ll use you and toss you in the garbage like a dirty tissue.” Queen Esther thumped her cane again.
“Queen, that’s not true. We have been together for a long time. We love each other, and we’re going to get married.” Naomi’s voice gathered strength.
“What have you got to say for yourself, young man?” Queen Esther asked Montgomery. “Did you ask Naomi’s father for her hand in marriage like Bishop asked my papa? Can you support my granddaughter? How much money do you make?” She glared at Montgomery.
“No, ma’am....” Montgomery’s voice simply trailed off. He was taken aback by the furious rate at which the questions spewed from Queen’s lips. “I didn’t think it was necessary to ask for Naomi’s hand in marriage, because today is a different era. Women tend to make those decisions for themselves. I will certainly talk to her father, if that’s what Naomi wants me to do. I assure you, Madam Queen, that I’m in love with your granddaughter, and I can take care of her quite well. I own my own accounting firm.” Montgomery answered her questions, one by one; Naomi sat beside him, petrified.
“Goodness gracious.” Queen put her hand over her heart. “You talk funny too. Where are you from? Do you have a thing for black women? You couldn’t find a white woman to marry?”
“I am from the U.K., I mean England.” Montgomery’s face burned a fiery red. The other family members looked on in amusement. “Yes, I could find a white woman, if I wanted. I do have a thing for one black woman, and that is Naomi Wilcox. I love her, and I plan to make her my wife.”
Queen Esther’s attention had drifted to Joshua. She said to him, with a hint of disdain in her voice, “Next thing we know, Josh will be bringing a Chinese girl home for his parents to meet.” She lost her train of thought and snapped her lips shut. Her eyes became glazed. She looked at Naomi, confused, and said, “Ruth Ann? What have you done to yourself?”
Ruth stood up and walked over to her mother. “Queen, that’s Naomi. I’m Ruth. It’s all right.”
Queen pointed at Naomi and said with a quavering voice, “But she looks like my Ruth Ann. I want Bishop. Where is he? Why isn’t he here?” Tears sprinkled down her wrinkled cheeks.
Ruth made comforting noises as she talked to her mother.
“Perhaps we should eat,” Sarah suggested helplessly. She shot Naomi and Montgomery a sympathetic look.
“That’s a good idea,” Brian seconded his wife. “I’ll take the chairs back into the dining room and we can get started.”
Brian and Fred returned the chairs to the dining room. When Fred returned to the living room, he whispered to Alice, “Some things never change. It’s never a dull moment when this family gets together. You gotta love it.”
Alice poked him in his ribs and whispered, “Be quiet.” Her lips quivered as merriment danced in her eyes.
The family sat around the table. Brian sat at the head, and Sarah on the other end, with everyone else in between.
“Mother Ruth, would you bless the food?” Brian asked his mother-in-law.
Everyone grabbed the hand of the person sitting next to them.
“Gracious Father, we thank you for waking us up this morning and allowing us to see another day. Where would we be without your grace and mercy? We give thanks that on this day you have allowed our family to come together once again and spend time with one another. Thank you, Father, for bringing Naomi and Montgomery from Edwardsville to Chicago safely, and we ask that you grant them a safe journey home. Lord, thank you for the food we are able to receive for the nourishment of our bodies through Christ. Father, bless the cooks. Amen.”
The food sat on a long folding table placed on a wall in the dining room. Sterno heaters under the aluminum pans kept the food warm. The family rose from their seats and formed a line on either side of the table, where they ladled food onto their plates.
Ruth sat next to Queen and tried to coax her to eat, but Queen refused, saying the food was poisoned. Ruth explained that only family members had prepared the food, but the elderly woman wasn’t having it.
“The food is exquisite,” Montgomery remarked, pushing his chair away from the table. “My hat goes off to all the cooks in this family.” After spying the desserts on top of the buffet, he smiled like he was in culinary heaven.
“We can all cook, except for Nay. Nana says Auntie Nay never liked cooking,” Maggie piped up.
“I may have to send her back home so she can improve her cooking skills,” Montgomery joked. The family laughed, even Naomi.
“Is anyone ready for dessert?” Sarah asked after she saw the empty plates on the table.
“Not yet,” Brian groaned, pushing his chair away from the table. “I need time for my food to digest. I am so grateful to Aunt Alice for teaching Maggie to bake, especially red velvet cakes. It’s been calling my name all day. And I plan to answer the call soon.”
Fred rubbed his hands together. “Red velvet cake sounds good right about now. Why don’t you bring me a piece, Sarah?”
“Does anyone else want dessert now?” Sarah inquired. Joshua and Maggie stated they wanted cupcakes, while Naomi and Fred requested cake. Sarah walked into the kitchen.
Maggie hopped up from her seat and said, “I’ll go help, Mommy.”
They returned from the kitchen minutes later. Maggie carried dessert plates, which she passed out, and Sarah brought a carafe of coffee and set it on the table.
“Queen, Maggie made your favorite, a red velvet cake. She used Alice’s recipe. Do you want a piece?” Ruth asked her mother.
“No. Girl, they are trying to poison me at this house. I don’t want anything to eat. You shouldn’t eat either,” Queen advised her daughter. She sipped from the cup of coffee, and her hand trembled.
The doorbell sounded, and Brian got up from his chair to answer it. “I wonder who that could be?” he remarked in a puzzled tone of voice as he strolled from the room.
Sarah peered guiltily at Ruth. “Well, the only other person I invited was Daddy....” She shrugged her shoulders helplessly.
Chapter Nineteen
The sounds of rambunctious voices could be heard from the foyer. Brian returned to the room, with Daniel and his three sons in tow.
Maggie chimed out happily, “It’s my little uncles and Gramps.” She jumped from her seat and rushed over to them.
Ruth’s hand fluttered to her throat. She peered at Daniel, and then down at her plate. Her body stiffened in annoyance, because Sarah forgot to mention Daniel might be attending.
iel cleared his throat. “I hope it’s okay that we came. Sarah invited me yesterday, and I told her I wasn’t sure if we would come or not; then I decided, why not? I haven’t seen you all in a while.”
Brian helped the boys remove their jackets, while Daniel removed his own.
“Sure, Daddy, you’re welcome here anytime,” Sarah replied graciously. Her eyes darted to her mother, who didn’t look pleased by the new arrivals. “I’ll fix a plate for you and the boys.” She returned to the kitchen, while Maggie returned to the foyer and hung their jackets in the closet.
Daniel walked over to Naomi, leaned down, and kissed the top of her head. Then he said, “Hey, Alice, Queen, and Ruth, how have you ladies been doing?” His eyes lingered on Ruth’s face. He thought she had never looked more attractive.
“Hi, Daniel, long time no see,” Alice responded drily. She didn’t miss Daniel’s glance at Ruth.
Queen leaned over to Ruth and whispered loudly, “Who is that man?”
“That’s Daniel, my ex-husband,” Ruth whispered back. Clearly flustered, she anxiously tugged the chain of the necklace around her neck. She was surprised to see her ex-husband at the house they used to reside in together. “Hello, Daniel. Good to see you.” She raised her eyebrows as he sat down across the table from her, next to Naomi.
“Well, if he’s your ex-husband, then what is he doing here?” Queen asked querulously.
“Daniel has every right in the world to be here,” Ruth answered her mother serenely. “He’s still the father of my children and your grandchildren.”
“Oh, he’s the one who ran off with that floozy,” Queen said, scowling at Daniel.
Damon’s ears seemed to perk up when he heard the word “floozy.”
“What’s a ‘floozy,’ Pops?” he asked his father innocently. The twins stared at Queen in fascination, as if they had never seen someone that old.
Queen Esther yelled “boo” at them and all three boys jumped. Queen Esther laughed at them.
Sarah interjected quickly, “Josh and Maggie, why don’t you take the boys in the kitchen and keep them company while they eat.”
Daniel quickly explained to Damon, “That is another word for a funny lady. Go with Maggie and Josh. I bet Sarah has all kinds of good food in her kitchen to eat.”
Josh sucked his teeth. He mumbled under his breath, “I always have to leave the room when something interesting happens.” Brian shot his son a look that didn’t brook any nonsense. Joshua put the napkin on the table; then he and Maggie shepherded the boys to the kitchen.
Naomi introduced Daniel to Montgomery. If he was shocked by her fiancé’s race, he didn’t let on. He knew in these days and times that interracial couples were more common. He knew it would take a special man to tame his stubborn child.
“Pleased to meet you, man.” Daniel gave Montgomery a piercing look. “We’ll have to talk later.”
Montgomery nodded his head, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. Naomi squeezed his hand under the table encouragingly.
“I swear Sarah has the oddest people at her dinner table these days,” Queen Esther complained as she looked at Alice. “She’s got a white man here, and I know he’s a doctor, trying to take me back to that place. And now Ruth’s old husband, the biggest dog in Chicago, is here. Alice, don’t think I don’t miss you and Fredrick making goggle eyes at each other. Why, I swear it feels like the world has turned upside down. You all need prayer. I wish Bishop were here to straighten all of you out. Brian, help me to the bedroom. I’m tired and I want to lie down,” she commanded.
Brian complied with her request. He escorted Queen Esther out of the dining room to his and Sarah’s bedroom.
“Whew.” Daniel’s eyes fluttered upward. “I thought Sarah told me that Queen suffers from dementia. I swear, she hasn’t missed a beat. Alice, will you cut me a piece of cake? I can see it’s your specialty red velvet. I haven’t had any in a long time.”
Alice smirked. “The last time I checked my last name wasn’t Wilcox. I suggest you get it yourself.” She rolled her eyes at Daniel and folded her arms across her chest.
From years of being married to Daniel, Ruth almost stood and got a slice of cake for her ex.
Fred wiped his mouth and hands on the napkin and stood up. He walked around the table, picked up a plate, and cut a thin sliver of the cake. He bowed to his brother and handed him the plate.
Daniel smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders helplessly. “Thank you, bro. I guess I could have gotten the cake myself.”
“Just add it to my tab,” Fred replied good-naturedly.
Alice glared at him; then she leaned over and whispered, “He could have gotten it himself.”
Daniel polished off the cake quickly, as if he hadn’t eaten in years. He laid the fork on the side of the plate and pushed the dish away from him. “Alice, you haven’t lost your touch.”
“Thank you, Daniel,” Alice replied drily. “Give credit to Maggie, she made the cake. I’m surprised you graced us with your presence tonight. It’s been what?” She held up her fingers as if counting. “Well, a long time.”
“You’re right,” Daniel said, abashed. “There have been some major changes in my life, and there are some rights I need to wrong.” He glanced at Ruth.
“Is that so?” Alice asked snidely. She picked up her glass of tea, with melting ice cubes, and sipped the brown liquid.
“Yes, it is,” Daniel replied easily. “I’m working on getting myself together. I just have a lot going on right now.”
“Well, do what you have to do,” Alice said. She drained the remaining tea out of the glass and set it back on the table. She and Fred decided to relieve Brian from watching Queen Esther so he could enjoy time with the family.
Suddenly there was a ruckus coming from the kitchen. Sarah jumped from her seat and ran to the kitchen, with Daniel trailing behind her.
Damon wore an angelic expression on his face, while Darnell pointed to a broken bowl on the floor next to his brother’s chair. “Damon pushed the bowl on the floor. And he did it on purpose,” he said, tattling on his brother.
Sarah frowned. “Damon, why did you do that?” The bowl had belonged to Queen’s mother, and was a family heirloom.
Maggie looked on, horrified. Joshua began picking up the shards of glass. He removed the broom from the pantry and swept up the tinier pieces.
Damon poked out his lips. “Because I wanted to, and I could,” he answered.
“Damon, get your little butt over here!” Daniel roared. He clenched and unclenched his fists. “I swear, I can’t take that boy anywhere.”
“It’s okay, Daddy,” Sarah fibbed. She felt awful. Ruth had given her daughters many of Queen Esther’s possessions when she was moved from her house to the home.
“Thank you for cleaning up the glass,” Sarah told her son. “Why don’t you and Maggie take the boys into the den to watch television now.”
“Sure,” Joshua responded. He put the broom and dustpan away. “Mom, is it okay if I go to Khalil’s house later on? We planned to go see a movie.”
“Not tonight, son,” Sarah replied. “It’s family night, and I’d prefer you stay home.”
“Okay,” Joshua said, swallowing his disappointment. “Come on, boys, let’s go watch a DVD.”
“Hold it right there, young man.” Daniel grabbed Damon’s arm. “You and I are going to the washroom for a talk first.” He marched Damon to the powder room off the kitchen, and closed the door behind them.
Joshua, Maggie, David, and Darnell returned to the den, where Joshua put a DVD into the player; the boys sat, cross-legged, on the floor.
From the dining room, Ruth, Sarah, Brian, Naomi, and Montgomery could hear Daniel’s raised voice from the powder room. They could also hear Daniel spanking his son, and Damon’s yowls of protest.
A few minutes later, Daniel and Damon exited the bathroom. Daniel warned his son, “Stay out of trouble. You can go watch television with the other kids.”
“I don’t know where the room is,” Damon replied, with trembling lips.
“I’ll show you,” Sarah offered. She rose from her seat and escorted the upset little boy to her den. She talked to Damon quietly as they walked together.
Daniel turned his attention to Montgomery and queried him about his background. Naomi would interject from time to time, and Daniel would inform her that he was talking to Montgomery and not to her. Ruth thought the Daniel sitting across the table from her didn’t sound like the old, feeble man Sarah had described to her.
When Daniel finished interrogating Montgomery, Ruth couldn’t help but say, “I thought you were broken up with all the trouble you had going on in your life? What brought about the change in your attitude?”
All eyes turned toward Daniel. He made eye contact with everyone at the table. He wet his lips and spoke softly. “Naomi, would you go get Alice and Fred? I have something I need to say to the entire family.”
Naomi left the room and returned with Alice and Fred, who took seats at the table. Queen had fallen asleep, so she would be okay alone for a short period of time.
Daniel bit his lower lip, inhaled, exhaled, and then spoke. “I owe everyone at this table an apology. I’ve been a butthead, and I’m sorry for the way I acted. Ruth asked me a good question. What made me change my ways? And I want to answer it. I’ve had a long time, years to think about how my selfish actions affected my family, and how badly I treated everyone. I hurt all of you sitting around this table when I split up this family. I know that is not what I should have done as a man; and for that, I beg everyone’s forgiveness.”
Sarah looked at her father approvingly, like she wanted to believe everything he said. Everyone else looked at him skeptically, especially Ruth, like she had been there and done that.
Sarah had to stop herself from clapping and shouting “hallelujah.” When she talked to Daniel during the week she had stayed at his house, she told him how important it was to take responsibility for his deeds and to atone for his in discretions by addressing those he had hurt. He sounded like he had taken her words to heart.
Letting Misery Go Page 19