The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel

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The Paddle Club: A Fun, Romantic and Erotic Spanking Novel Page 10

by Kohler, Susan

  There was much more to their relationship than physical attraction. They shared a bond of love, friendship and caring that filled her completely. The only problem was that while the physical pull was there, and the sexual fulfillment fantastic, there was still something lacking. She got hot just looking at him. He was a passionate and giving man who enjoyed having sex often. He never failed to please her. So what was her problem?

  She thought it might have something to do with a recurrent fantasy she often had, the fantasy of being spanked or whipped! Logically, the thought repelled her with the kind of horrified fascination someone might have watching a poisonous snake crawl across the path in front of him. Logically, she believed that a man who would hit a woman was toad slime. Logically, she believed that anyone who wanted to be spanked was very, very sick in the head. Emotionally, she wanted to be spanked and whipped, but without being dominated or humiliated or even really hurt.

  She didn’t know what to do about it; she certainly didn’t feel like she could tell Mario. What if the idea repelled him? What if he thought she was sick? What if he thought her desires were a criticism of his lovemaking, an indication of something lacking, that he wasn’t satisfying her? Would he be repulsed? Would he be insulted? Last, but not least, what if he actually agreed to do it? That disturbing thought both terrified and intrigued her.

  Finally, the solution to her secret dilemma was at hand. Maybe spending the day at the spanking fair would help her find the answers to her questions. The spanking fair was by special invitation only. It was an event she had heard about from her old friend, Suzanne, who was one of the event organizers.

  Toni had lost track of Suzanne after high school when she left the state and went to college in Colorado. It was pure chance that they found each other again. They literally bumped into each other while grocery shopping in the produce section of the large supermarket. When they recognized each other, they quickly put all perishables back, paid for the rest of their respective groceries, placed them into their cars and went to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

  Suzanne had made a quick phone call from the restaurant, then she settled back into the plush seat and studied her old friend. Toni was, of course, her age. After all, they had been friends and classmates since kindergarten. She was medium height, about 5’6”, and slightly plump, very curvy without being fat, with medium length, curly brown hair and soft brown eyes. She was dressed casually for shopping, like Suzanne was herself. Toni had on blue cotton shorts and a white T-shirt.

  “So what’s new?” Suzanne asked. “It’s only been about seven years since we’ve seen each other, just tell me everything, that’s all.”

  “Well, I’m a computer programmer, working for a large firm in Irvine. I’m still single, but I’m living with a terrific guy named Mario.” Toni smiled widely. “He’s handsome, sexy, gentle and kind. I’ve got to admit it; he’s really great.” “Do you think you’ll marry him?” Suzanne asked with a grin.

  “We’ll probably get married soon; we’re talking about it.” Toni shrugged, “Well for a life story it was short but that’s the highlight version, what about you? What’s new in the last seven years?”

  “The magic question. I’m not working now. I’m married, very happily, to my own really great man. James is good looking, gentle, humorous, sexy and a little kinky and,” she paused dramatically, “he’s a terrific father.” “You have a child?” Toni was pleased at the thought.

  “I have, my dear, twin girls about six months old. Please don’t beg, I could be persuaded to show you pictures.” She had a small brag book filled with photographs of the babies already out. “I’m just sorry I don’t have one of James in here, I left those pictures in my other purse but you’ll meet him soon.”

  “These are the most gorgeous babies I’ve ever seen; I can’t wait to see them in person!” Toni looked at every picture wistfully, happy for her friend, and dreaming about having her own babies someday.

  As the lunch progressed, accompanied by several glasses of wine, they began to talk about even more personal things. They fell back into their high school roles of confidants. Toni found herself, almost against her will, telling Suzanne that she had one secret fantasy her lover wasn’t fulfilling but she wouldn’t tell Suzanne what it was. Suzanne was instantly alerted; she had a feeling that she recognized the symptoms.

  She teased Toni by suggesting several odd sexual fetishes. “You want to be tied up? Covered with whip cream? It’s a foot fetish? Wrapped in cellophane? Spanked?”

  Sure enough, at the last word, Toni blushed. She tried to cover her reaction, but to Suzanne’s knowing eyes it was as if it were written all over her forehead. Suzanne began to tell her friend a secret, the secret that she was involved in the planning of a trade fair for spankos.

  It was to be like a trade show, for all kinds of spanking paraphernalia, toys, literature, movies and art, she explained, and a few other kinky things. Suzanne also told her there would be some booths set up for sexual games and a bit of experimentation. It would be fun and sexy, but not really sleazy. No one would actually be having sex, either oral or actual intercourse, but there would be several spanking scenarios with actors. Suzanne kept the name of the club secret from her friend.

  She smiled at Toni enigmatically and remarked, “I think that you could get a little taste of something kinky, say for instance, a spanking at the fair. Just to see if you’d really like to try it with Mario, you understand. If it repels you, don’t ever mention it to him; if not, get him to go for it.” She smiled at her friend, “I’ll bet he could get into paddling your ass without too much coaxing. It is a much more common fantasy than you realize.”

  “You figured it out! Witch! I feel so weird.” Toni was embarrassed. “And I’d be too scared to ever act out my fantasy! You know that I’m the original super chicken.” “Everything at the fair is strictly voluntary; I will guarantee it in writing. If you don’t like anything just say the word and it will stop immediately. And of course, anyone who is involved in the spanking scenarios will be a person who enjoys either giving or getting a spanking, so they won’t think you are any stranger than they are.” Suzanne paused then asked, “How much wine did we have anyway?” “Too mush to drive safely,” Toni admitted.

  “I’m calling a cab,” Suzanne said, “and I’ll get the car later. Want a ride home?”

  “Yes. I think that’s for the best.” Toni went back to the old topic. “About the trade fair, how do you know so much about this, anyway?” Toni was a little suspicious.

  “I can’t tell you that or you’ll think I’m weird!” Suzanne replied with a laugh and a promise to pick up Toni early the next day. Her cell phone rang. “The cab’s here! Boy that was quick.” The two women talked during the cab ride to Toni’s house. “See you tomorrow!” Toni looked back at her friend, “See you.”

  The next day the two women arrived at the fair very early. It wasn’t open for visitors yet but they went on in because Suzanne was part of the planning committee. They visited the few booths that were already set up, looking at some erotic pictures, and laughing at the displays of dildos and fancy vibrators.

  “Nothing I need there,” Suzanne remarked, “not since I have James. It’s too bad you’ve never met him.”

  “I still can’t believe we lost touch with each other for so many years, and that I missed your wedding.” She picked up a large dildo, “Nothing I need here that I don’t have at home, either.” Laughing, she put it down. “Ain’t love grand?” Suzanne laughed, linking her arm through Toni’s.

  Toni shuttered when she saw the booth filled with leather outfits, restraints and whips. Did she really want to be here? Suzanne remarked, “Those leather outfits are just too weird for words!” But she ran her hands down the length of a riding crop. The man running the booth came over and offered to give Suzanne a taste of the crop but she declined. He turned to Toni but she declined too.

  With a careless shrug he said, “Tell me if you change your mind.” And le
ft them alone to talk. Toni slyly remarked, “I noticed that you didn’t say the whip was weird.”

  “No, it’s beautiful,” she answered Toni before realizing just exactly what she had revealed. “Aw gee whiz! Ya caught me! Please don’t tell my husband, I’m sure he’d be shocked. Just for that I’m gonna make sure you’re the first in line!” “In line for what?” Toni asked, suspiciously. “Reward or punishment,” Suzanne answered enigmatically. “But which?” Toni persisted, wide eyed.

  “That’s for me to know and for you to find out!” Suzanne pushed Toni towards an older man sitting at a small table and asked him to make sure Toni was the first in line when the booths opened.

  “Be sure they give her the complete treatment, Jerry. She’s a special friend!” She whispered something in his ear, and then turned to Toni. “Wait here! I have to get busy. You just follow the path and do whatever you are directed to do in the scenes. Don’t you dare chicken out on this!”

  That one sentence alone was enough to make Toni want to run like hell, but not as fast as the final quip of Suzanne’s. “I’ve got a nice, soft pillow in the car for your ride home!”

  The little, gray-haired man grabbed her arm just in the nick of time to stop her from escaping. “Come on super chicken, I’m under orders to prevent your escape.” He had a merry grin, with a hint of the devil in it.

  He slapped her once on the ass, a hard, sharp slap, then he pushed her into the first of a series of small, enclosed booths that formed a sort of horseshoe shaped tunnel. It curved around and ended up almost back at the entrance. As soon as she was in the booth the curtains closed behind her.

  Chapter Fourteen More Kinky Fair Fun

  The first booth Toni found herself in was set up to look like an old one-room schoolhouse from the old west in the late 1800’s. There were old maps on the makeshift walls, and a blackboard in the front of the room with a series of simple math problems written on it. Across the top of the blackboard, the alphabet was neatly printed in both capital and small letters.

  There were only five crude, wooden desks, four of which were occupied by actors playing students; two boys and two girls. All the students acted like bratty kids but they were really people who looked like they were in their early twenties. They were dressed to fit the period of the decor in the room, and most of the girls wore pigtails. At the front of the room there was a stern, older woman dressed as a teacher.

  As soon as Toni entered the room the teacher gruffly commanded, “You’re late! Sit down, miss! Now!”

  Toni quickly plopped herself down at the empty desk. The girl in the front row, a slender blond, wrote something on a slate and held it out to the boy next to her. Disaster struck as she dropped the slate noisily to the floor. She quickly reached down to grab the slate but she wasn’t fast enough. The teacher heard the slate hit the floor, turned around quickly and saw the girl pick it up. She hurried over and took the slate from the girl. The girl had written one sentence on it. The slate read, “Old Miss Smith is a mean old toad!”

  The teacher dramatically dragged the girl up to the front of the class. She ordered the scared, trembling girl to bend over and grab her ankles. She pulled up the girl’s skirt and her frilly slips and pinned them so they wouldn’t fall down. She pulled down the girl’s plain, white cotton underpants so that her bottom was bare. Then she picked up a long, slender hickory switch and gave the girl six hard cuts across her behind. Each cut made a swishing sound in the air, and each of the cuts caused a long red welt to appear on the girl’s pale white behind. It certainly looked real to Toni. It seemed very harsh and painful! Toni squirmed in her seat, horrified and fascinated at the same time. She was sure glad she wasn’t the girl being switched. When the teacher was finished switching the girl, she unpinned the girl’s dress and ordered her to sit down. The girl sat, gingerly, back at her desk. Soon after that the teacher said, “Class dismissed!” Two of the students called to Toni, “Come On!”

  They pointed her to an opening in the curtains that formed the walls of the booth, opposite to the one she had entered through. She exited through it.

  The second room was more modern. It was decorated to look like a little boy’s bedroom. It had posters with football players and scenes from a popular monster movie on the walls. There was a bed with a plain brown quilt that had toys scattered all over it. In the corner there was a baseball, bat, glove and a football.

  There was an actor standing in the center of the room who could only be described as a young hunk. He looked like he was barely twenty-one with dark wavy hair, green eyes, bronzed arms and a muscular build. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a cartoon character on the front of it. He was standing there facing the curtains Toni used to enter the room so that he was the first thing she really saw in the room, and Toni was shocked when she immediately noticed that he was crying.

  “Please, Momma!” he said when Toni came in, “Please don’t spank me! I’ll be a good boy from now on!”

  As he pleaded, he pushed Toni down into a straight-backed wooden chair, all the while he appeared to be struggling frantically to get away from her. He unzipped his jeans and placed himself with seeming reluctance over her lap.

  After a moment he hinted, “Momma, if you really have to spank me, please don’t make me wait for it. That’s always the worst part!” He waited for a long moment while Toni sat immobilized.

  When Toni didn’t do anything but sit there, stunned, he said in a loud, harsh, stage whisper, “Come on! Do it! Spank me! You’re ruining a perfectly good performance!”

  Toni reluctantly brought her hand down on his white jockey shorts. She raised her arm to strike again, but he grabbed her hand. He said angrily, “Lady, put some force into it. If you don’t, I’m going to forget the script and thrash the living daylights out of you.”

  She was shaken by his anger, but gave him a fairly credible spanking after that. She managed to put so much force into her blows that her hand started to smart. She must have given him about two dozen slaps when he stopped her by standing up. “It’s okay, Momma, I know I deserved it. I’m not hurt too bad,” he sniffled, as he pulled up his jeans, “but I want to be alone for a while.” He gave her a grin and a wink then pointed her to an opening in the curtain.

  This room was barren except for a full-sized dummy made of canvas and filled with unknown stuffing. The dummy was bent over the end of a padded bench. A man stood off to one side of the dummy holding a riding whip. He was a little older, midforties, with salt and pepper hair, slender but muscular looking build, brown eyes, a jogging suit and the manner of an army drill sergeant!

  “Good Grief! Do you need this! I peaked into the last room and I can’t believe you’re such a wimp!” he said, handing her the riding whip. “I want you to beat the shit out of that dummy! NOW!” Toni quipped nervously, “I didn’t know dummies were full of shit.”

  The man struggled hard but he managed to keep a stern, straight face.

  She felt like a fool, but she began to slash halfheartedly at the dummy with the whip. The man turned the full force of his army sergeant persona on Toni. He kept pushing at her, calling her names and insulting her, anything he could do to get her to hit the dummy harder and harder.

  Finally he stopped her. “Okay, you’re still not hitting hard enough, but at least now anyone that you bestow a whipping on won’t actually die of boredom while you do it. Now, I want you to use the whip on me, and make it a lot harder.”

  He pushed the dummy to the floor, pulled down his pants, revealing a tight, firm, naked butt, and bent himself over the bench. She did her best to whip him just like he had taught her to, but she was still a little squeamish. He kept up his steady stream of insults and nagging, trying to get her to lose her temper and really hit him. He finally said, “You’ll pass, but barely, go on.” He pulled up his jogging pants and directed her out through the opening in the curtain.

  The next room Toni went into was made up to look like a little girl’s room. It was done in shades
of pink, with lacy trim along the small dressing table. There were lots of dolls and stuffed animals spread on the bed, and a white enameled wooden chair standing alone in the center of the room. She felt a strangely familiar sensation as she entered the room because it contained a faint undercurrent of tension. She soon found out why. The actor standing in this room was a fairly tall, stern looking man, in slacks and a sweater. He had brown hair and harsh green eyes.

  He looked at her angrily and said, “You took your own sweet time getting here, Missy! The next time I order you to report to your bedroom for a good hard spanking I expect you to get here fast! Really fast! Don’t you ever make me wait for you again! Every second I wait will be added to what you can expect to get.”

  Toni felt a trace of fear run down her spine, along with a sense of disbelief. This couldn’t be happening, could it?

  The forbidding man sat in the chair. “Well girl, what are you waiting for? Get those pants down, and get yourself over my knees. Now!” When she hesitated, he bellowed, “You know that you’ll just get it harder if you don’t do it right now! I haven’t got all day.” She slowly unfastened and tugged down her tight jeans,

  blushing furiously. On shaky legs she moves over to the man. “Well?” he yelled, “What’s the big delay? Over my lap! Now

  damn it!” He kept the pressure on her, ordering her. That firm commanding voice left her no choice but to obey. Toni felt frozen, trapped in an emotional tug-of-war between fear and desire. Finally she was going to get a real spanking! In a corner of her brain she remembered Suzanne saying it was all voluntary, but this man certainly didn’t act like it was. Suzanne had said that she could refuse or call a halt to it at anytime. That may have been true but for some reason, Toni felt like she couldn’t take the easy way out.


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