Tempted by Dr. Morales

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Tempted by Dr. Morales Page 2

by Carol Marinelli

  ‘So do I.’ Amanda took a drink of coffee and slowly started to calm down—all she had needed was a short reprieve. ‘You know, if that really is what he wants, then tough! I’m not going to walk away,’ Amanda said, draining her drink and screwing up the cup as she threw it into the bin. ‘Like it or not, I’m not going anywhere.’ Amanda wiped her eyes and blew her nose then walked back to be with her husband.

  Cate was wondering if she should try and find the intern to see Reece, though she did want someone more senior; then she considered calling in a favour from one of the surgical team and asking them to come down without an emergency doctor’s referral, but then she saw Juan walk in.

  He really was the most striking man Cate had ever seen. His tall, muscular frame was enhanced by the black Cuban-heeled boots that he wore. Today he was wearing black jeans with a heavily buckled belt and a grey and black shirt that was crumpled. His black hair was long enough that it could easily be tied back, but instead it fell onto his broad shoulders and, fresh from the shower, his hair left a slight damp patch on his shirt.

  Cate’s first thought on seeing him wasn’t relief that finally there was an extra pair of hands and she could get Reece seen quickly.

  Instead, as always, he begged the question—how on earth did she manage to say no to that? He was sex on long legs certainly, but more than that he made her smile, made her laugh. Juan just changed the whole dynamics of the place.

  ‘You made good time!’ Cate said, as he came over and she caught the heady whiff of Juan fresh from the shower.

  ‘I got a lift.’

  Ah, yes, Cate reminded herself, he’d had company when she’d called. Juan didn’t have a car, he wasn’t in any one place long enough for that, so instead he used public transport or, more often than not, he ran to work and treated everyone to the delicious sight of him breathless and sweaty before he headed for the staff shower.

  ‘Where would you like me to start?’ he asked. Juan was always ready to jump straight into work.

  ‘Cubicle four,’ Cate said, giving him a brief background on the way. She saw Reece’s and Amanda’s eyes widen just a fraction as a very foreign, rather unconventional-looking doctor entered the cubicle, yet Juan was so good with patients that within a moment he had Reece at ease.

  Juan put one long, booted foot on the lower frame of the gurney and leant in and chatted with Reece about his medical history and symptoms before standing up straight.

  ‘Can I borrow your stethoscope?’ he asked Cate.

  ‘There’s one on the wall,’ Cate said. There usually wasn’t but the rather meticulous Cate had prepared the cubicle herself.

  ‘I can’t hear very well with them,’ Juan said. ‘I prefer yours.’

  ‘I know! You took it home with you last time you borrowed it.’

  ‘I brought it back,’ he pointed out, but he took down one of the cheap hospital-issue ones and started listening to Reece’s chest.

  He cursed in Spanish and even Reece gave a small smile. ‘They are useless. I should have brought mine but you said it was so busy that I was rushing to get here...’ He winked at his patient and then Juan’s full lips twitched into a small smile of triumph as Cate handed over her stethoscope.

  ‘That’s better,’ Juan said.

  Reece was soon back to feeling miserable as Juan examined him. He reduced Amanda to tears again when she tried to answer a question for him. ‘I can speak for myself.’

  ‘Okay,’ Juan said, ‘I am going lay you down and examine your stomach.’ He turned and smiled at Amanda. ‘Could you excuse us, please?’

  Juan carefully examined his patient’s abdomen as Reece tried to hide his grimaces.

  ‘Reece...’ Juan looked down. ‘How long have you been sitting on this?’

  ‘Since this morning.’

  ‘Reece?’ The doubt was obvious in Juan’s voice.

  ‘Last night...’ Juan raised his eyebrows but said nothing, simply waited until Reece changed his story again. ‘I woke up in pain the night before.’

  ‘Is that one true?’ Juan checked, and Reece nodded. ‘Okay, I have to do a rectal examination.’ As Cate helped Reece roll to his side, he was weary and close to crying. ‘I’m sorry, Reece,’ Juan said. ‘I know it must be awful. It won’t take long.’

  He was so good with the patients. He never told them not to feel embarrassed, or that he’d done it a thousand times before; he just quickly examined him and as Reece was rolled onto his back again, Juan thanked him for his co-operation.

  ‘Good man,’ he said, and Reece nodded.

  ‘What do you think is going on?’ Reece asked, and this was where Juan was different from most doctors. This was where he was clearly senior because he gave Reece his tentative diagnosis.

  ‘Your history makes things more complicated, of course...’ Juan said. ‘But I think you have appendicitis. I am going to ring the surgeons and get you seen as a priority.’

  ‘Can I have something for the pain?’

  ‘They don’t like to give analgesia without first seeing the patient for themselves so they can get a clear picture.’ Juan repeated what Cate had heard many times before, but again he showed just how experienced and confident he was as he continued speaking. ‘Still, I will try bribing them by ordering a quick ultrasound while we wait for the bloods to come back. Hopefully I can give you something for the pain.’

  It was still incredibly busy out in the department. Juan rang the surgeons and had a long discussion, then as he wrote up some analgesia he rang and arranged an ultrasound.

  ‘Give Reece this for the pain and vomiting,’ Juan said. ‘I’ll ring the lab and get the bloods pushed through. If we can get him round now for an ultrasound, the surgeons should be here by the time he comes back.’

  ‘Sure.’ Cate sorted out the drugs and then rang Christine and told her that she was taking a patient for an ultrasound and would she please come out of her office and work on the floor.

  ‘That will go down well,’ Kelly commented, picking up the constantly ringing phone.

  ‘Do you know what?’ Cate answered. ‘I really don’t care.’

  Kelly held out the phone for Juan. ‘A call for you.’ He went to take it. ‘Martina,’ Kelly added.

  Both women shared a look as he said a few terse words in Spanish and then promptly hung up. ‘I spoke with Christine.’ Juan looked at Cate. ‘Did she not pass it on?’

  ‘Pass what on?’

  ‘I have had to speak to the nursing managers at the other hospitals where I work. Could you ask the nursing and reception staff not to put through certain personal calls for me?’

  ‘Certain?’ Cate checked.

  ‘From Martina.’

  ‘But if it’s your mum or the girl you met last night...’ Cate tried to keep the edge from her voice, but she felt like a secretary running his little black book when Juan was on call—women were ringing all the time ‘...then we’re to put them through?’

  ‘Okay, for all personal calls, just ask the staff to say they are not sure if Juan is working and that you’ll take a message and leave it for him. I am just asking if the staff can be a bit more discreet.’

  ‘The staff are discreet, Juan, but there’s a difference between being discreet and rude. When it’s clearly a personal call...’ She took a breath. ‘Fine, I’ll speak to everyone.’

  Juan got back to his notes and did not look up. It would simply open up a can of worms if he explained things.

  He didn’t want to explain things.

  That was the reason he was travelling after all, no need for explanations, no past, no rules—just fun. Except Cate didn’t want fun. She’d made that clear, even if not quite from the start.

  He was going to do this shift and then go home.

  Juan had just over two weeks to go in the country.
r />   Had Cate said yes when he’d first asked her out they could have had an amazing few months.

  Instead, she had made it very clear she wasn’t interested in a brief fling with him.

  She was interested, though.

  Juan could feel it, he could smell it, he could almost taste it, but Cate refused to give in to it.

  He wasn’t going to try again.

  Cate was a serious thing, a curious thing, and she was quietly driving him insane.

  ‘Are you coming out for drinks tonight, Juan?’ Kelly asked.

  ‘Not tonight,’ Juan said, and he heard Cate’s small exhalation of relief.

  Oh, well, Juan thought as he carried on writing up his notes.

  She could relax soon.

  He’d be gone.


  ‘HOW ARE THINGS?’ Juan came in to speak with Reece soon after he came back from ultrasound. The surgeons had examined him there and had ordered antibiotics and changed his IV regime, and Reece was now being prepared rapidly for Theatre.

  ‘You tell me,’ Reece said. ‘They said that appendicitis was serious in someone with my immune system.’

  ‘That’s why they’re starting you on all these antibiotics. We need to get you up to Theatre before it perforates,’ Juan said.

  ‘I shouldn’t have left it,’ Reece said. ‘I thought it was cancer.’

  ‘Of course you did,’ Juan said, ‘but it is an appendix flare-up nevertheless. I had a pregnant woman just last week...’ He didn’t continue, there was a lot to be done.

  Cate was trying to sort out the antibiotics that the surgeons wanted. It had been incredibly tense during his ultrasound, Reece telling Amanda over and over that she should just go home. Cate had, on her way back from Ultrasound, suggested that Amanda wait in the interview room, just to have a break from the snipes from her husband.

  ‘Cate, can I see Reece’s IV regime?’ Juan asked, and then spoke to the patient. ‘Though you need to be operated on, I want you to have a bolus of fluids before you go up.’

  He was so direct he overrode the surgeons’ IV regime with a stroke of his pen.

  Juan saw Cate’s rapid blink—not many people would have changed Jeff Henderson’s plan. ‘I just spoke to him and discussed some changes,’ Juan said. ‘Reece needs to be better hydrated before he’s operated on.’

  ‘I bet that went down well,’ Cate said, repeating Kelly’s sentiment from a little while ago.

  ‘Jeff was fine.’ Juan shrugged. ‘And, like you, I really don’t care if I offend at times. This is better for the patient.’

  He handed over the chart and then spoke to Reece. ‘I’m going to put another IV in you so that we can push fluids in and then I shall speak with your wife.’

  ‘Can you tell her that there’s no point hanging around?’

  ‘She’s not going to want to go home while you’re in Theatre,’ Cate pointed out as she added the medication to the flask.

  ‘I just don’t want her here,’ Reece snapped. ‘I don’t want to be a burden.’

  ‘Then stop being one,’ Cate said, and Juan’s head jerked up from the IV he was putting in. He’d heard a lot of straight talking—emergency nurses were very good at it—but hearing what Cate had to say to Reece made him falter momentarily.

  ‘The illness and the treatment you are on must be awful, for both of you,’ Cate continued to Reece, ‘but I can think of nothing worse than loving someone who is sick and being repeatedly told that they don’t want you there, that you’d be better off without them.’

  ‘I think she’d be happier—’ Reece attempted, but Cate didn’t let him finish.

  ‘I’m quite sure Amanda would be happier if you graciously accepted her love and affection and her need to take care of you, to help you both get through this.’

  Juan headed over to the sharps box. He could feel his pulse pounding in his temples, feel the roar of blood in his ears, and, for reasons of his own, he wished he hadn’t heard that, yet he felt compelled to respond.

  ‘She’s right.’ Juan’s voice was husky and he cleared his throat before continuing. ‘Cate is right, Reece. If your wife didn’t want to be here for you then she’d have gone long ago.’

  ‘You don’t know that.’

  ‘Cate...’ Juan turned ‘...could you go and speak with Amanda and let her know what is happening and then bring her in?’

  ‘Sure,’ Cate answered. ‘Reece, are you okay with me letting her know that you have appendicitis?’

  Reece nodded. Clearly Cate’s words had had an impact on him because he let out a sigh and lay back on his pillows, but as she walked out of the cubicle he met suddenly serious grey eyes. Only then did Reece realise that there was more to come.

  ‘Right,’ Juan said to his patient. ‘While we’ve got a moment, I’ll tell you exactly what I do know.’

  * * *

  By the time Cate returned from taking Reece to Theatre, the critically injured patient had been moved as well and the place was settling down. All the staff worked hard to clear the backlog and at six Juan looked up at the clock and spoke to Harry.

  ‘Why don’t you go home?’

  She saw Harry hesitate. There were other doctors on but no one particularly senior.

  Except the locum just happened to be Juan.

  ‘Go and have dinner with your children,’ Juan said. ‘I’m sure we’ll cope.’

  Juan would more than cope.

  Everyone knew it.

  ‘You’re sure?’ Harry checked. ‘Dr Vermont won’t get here till ten.’

  ‘Of course,’ Juan said. ‘Anyway, the nightclubs don’t really get going till midnight.’

  Harry gave a wry smile and headed for home, and Cate did her best to avoid the six feet three of testosterone who sat and worked his way through a huge bunch of grapes between seeing patients.

  Relieved that Juan wouldn’t be joining them on their night out, Cate had relented and agreed to drive her friends, but before she headed off to get ready she did have a question for Juan. He was sitting writing up his notes before handing over to Dr Vermont.

  ‘What did you say to Reece?’


  ‘The appendicitis.’

  ‘I’m not with you,’ Juan said, still writing his notes.

  ‘He was a whole lot nicer to Amanda when we came back in. He even thanked her for being there for him when I took him up to Theatre.’

  ‘He must have listened to what you said to him.’ Juan shrugged and Cate walked off with a slight frown. Yes, she had been direct while talking to Reece but something had happened while she’d been speaking with Amanda. She was sure of it, because they had returned to a very different man—and Cate was positive Juan had had something to do with it.

  She just had no idea what.

  The night staff came on duty and Cate handed over the patients, then headed to the changing rooms, where there was a fight for the mirror.

  ‘I thought Christine was coming?’ Kelly said. ‘She said she was a little while ago.’

  ‘No.’ Abby laughed. ‘When she found out Juan wasn’t coming, Christine changed her mind, of course. He’s made it obvious that he’s no longer interested—you’d think that she’d have taken the hint by now.’

  Cate changed quickly, moaning that her strapless bra dug in and gave her four breasts before pulling on a black halterneck she had bought the previous weekend.

  ‘Is that new?’ Kelly asked as Cate pulled on a pale lilac skirt.

  ‘Yep.’ Cate smiled. ‘And so are these!’ She held up the most gorgeous pair of wedges—they were nothing like her usual choice, and had been an absolute impulse buy.

  Her first.

  Cate did up the straps around her ankles and blinked back sudden tears. She
was still in that wobbly post-break-up stage, still trying to work out what had gone wrong, what was wrong.

  She’d been happy with Paul, just not happy enough. She had loved him in so many ways, but she still hadn’t been able to give Paul the answer he wanted. The answer everyone wanted! Her parents had been equally shocked when the rather predictable Cate had made a rather unpredictable choice.

  Why had she ended it?

  ‘Because...’ had been her paltry response.

  Even Cate didn’t really know why.

  * * *

  Juan tried not to notice when the late staff all emerged from the changing rooms, changed and scented, like a noisy flock of butterflies floating down the corridor—but there was only one who drew the eye.

  She had make-up on, not much just enough to accentuate her wary eyes, and her mouth should not be allowed out, unescorted by him, when it shimmered with gloss. A lilac skirt showed off her tanned legs and he did his best not to notice, as they walked past the nurses’ station, her back, which was revealed in a halterneck.

  ‘I’m not staying long,’ he heard Cate warning her friends as they said goodbye and headed out. ‘I’ve got to be back here in ten hours.’

  ‘Are you sure you won’t change your mind, Juan?’ Kelly called over her shoulder.

  And he should leave well alone. Cate wasn’t, Juan guessed, up to what he had in mind.

  Except he couldn’t get her out of his head!

  Her words to Reece had lowered his defences, and the scent of her as she walked past, the sight of her bare skin...it was surely worth one more shot?

  Juan wanted their time.

  ‘I might see you there,’ Juan called out to the departing group, and watched her bare shoulders stiffen, watched as she very deliberately didn’t turn round.

  As she, still, denied him.


  THE BAR WAS hot and crowded but it was equally hot outside; there was just no escaping the heat.

  There was no escaping Juan.

  She was terribly aware of him when, about an hour after they’d got there, he arrived.

  He came over and bought everyone drinks, but Cate told him that she was happy with her soda water.


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