Mistress Soul

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Mistress Soul Page 1

by Kiltron



  I dedicate this book to all the women who have truly lived their lives and accepted the choices they made.


  Mistress White

  She had arrived to collect something. Something that would be precious to her in the future.

  She moved as if floating on air. She was ethereal like. Not a ghost, far from it. She was beyond anything that a mere mortal could ever imagine.

  The city streets were empty and silent this night. She hovered down an alley were a cat screeched and skittered out a trash can and ran down the way. She suddenly stopped near a door and watched. No one could see or hear her unless she wished it. Just as she wished the cat to see her. It was interesting to observe mortal’s reactions when they could sense her presence.

  A moment later the door opened and a man in a denim jacket and jeans appeared. He paused after he stepped outside with a guitar case in hand. He had a stunned look upon his features.

  A woman stood there staring at him. She was unlike anyone he had ever seen before. Her black as pitch eyes took him in. There was no depth to them. How was it possible for a set of eyes to be darker than night? Darker than blindness.

  Her skin was pale, almost translucent like her gossamer gown. Her full curved womanly body could be seen. Her hair was white as fresh snow that trailed down near her calves. She was a breath-taking sight to behold. An unearthly beauty. Lathe arms reached out and pale delicate hands touched the man’s cheek. Her touch was cold. Not like ice, but the absence of warm. Absence of life. Death. An inner light emanated from her. Bright.

  He was afraid yet enthralled by her. He backed up against the wall. He dropped his case to the ground.

  The ethereal like woman gazed deep into his earthen eyes. He shivered in fright and excitement. He felt a pull toward her. A tug on his very being to fall into those depthless orbs. He wanted her like no other.

  Her hands rested against his chest. She took in his presence, his very being. Then she pressed up against him. He could feel every curve. Her softness. His heartbeat faster. His body tingled. He wanted to be with her. It could not be explained. It was not love. There was an attraction for sure. There was also a connection. A connection that could not be determined.

  Pale alabaster lips brushed a soothing softness upon his mouth. He gasped in pleasure. His breath quickened.

  She felt a throb of desire pressed against her thigh. She felt something then. Nothing that she had before. An emotion that has not been there, ever.

  She smiled and touched the man’s lips with her fingertips. Her gaze lingered on him.

  “I know you!” she breathed with passion and then was gone. (05/26/20)

  Mistress Black

  She moved as a shadow would have. Slow. Methodical. Always in her comfort zone, the shadows. Darkness was where she felt most at home.

  Prowled these human city streets in search of someone. A man. He was special to someone she knew and wanted to know why. What made a mere mortal so special to a being of higher power. It was ridiculous.

  Pollution as far as she was concerned. These humans were parasites that consumed whatever they felt like when they felt like. They were nothing but vermin, right? They were critters beneath her. Their lifespan a blink of an eye. They were not like her – immortal! Humans had no real power. Not like her kind. She was forever!

  Although she had to see this human mortal for herself. She had not decided what she would do with him when they at last met. She has been known for having foul moods so, anything could happen. She thrilled at the prospect of meeting this human male now. What was going to happen now?

  Suddenly, she stopped. Looked about the alley she was in. It was a tight narrow confined space. Barely two people could walk down there, side by side.

  She eyed a particular window on the top floor.

  Yes! Right there. He resided there, indeed, she thought.

  She hovered up to the window. Looking inside, she saw him in the kitchen washing dishes in the sink. Such a minuscule task.

  Her brows narrowed in annoyance. She phased through the brick wall and floated down onto the floor without a sound.

  She flowed like a current of wind toward the man. A dark presence like a ghost. She had not yet been noticed.

  She stared at him. Wondered what it was that her sister saw in this pet of hers.

  She hovered closer. His scent was… intoxicating. Her breath became chillingly cold upon the back of his neck. He stiffened. A dark chill ran down his spine. He turned abruptly. He was surprised and leaned back against the counter. Fear was clearly upon his features.

  She drew closer. Her white void less eyes had no depth. Her black gossamer gown moved about like the boughs of a tree. Her hair writhed like a dark cloud. The ebony strains explored the man before her. They touched his neck and weaved through his hair. Her hair went beneath his clothing brushed along his chest and caressed what of his body it could.

  He moaned in delight and shook his head. His body shivered uncontrollably.

  “Why does my sister take such an interest in you, mortal?” her voice was deep, dark, hardened.

  Black mist seeped out of her mouth and filled into his lungs as he inadvertently sucked in a breath.

  Her ebony lips brushed up against his. Her onyx tongue licked the taste from him. She savored him. She moaned in pleasure. She wanted more.

  Tendrils of her hair tore away his clothing viciously.

  “No! Stop! Please!” he begged.

  Her tendrils stroked him gently. They began to caress him all over. He became aroused and closed his eyes tightly.

  Her cold breath became hot.

  “Did my sister caress you like this? Did you enjoy her touch?” she asked. “No! She did not I see. Good!” She smiled. Her pale hand touched his cheek gently. A lover’s touch.

  “You are now mine to defile,” she breathed into his mouth. He slowly started to sink to the floor. She went down along with him.

  “Do you want me my dearest?” she asked heavily with such emotion she had never known. She wanted him to say yes with every fibre of her being.

  “No! I don’t know.” He stuttered. She was disappointed at first but quickly got over it. She chuckled.

  “That is not what I feel between us, against my thighs,” she coed as her hips rubbed up against him. A deep groan was his response.

  These emotions that started to flow through her were so foreign, but she craved them, and him. She did not want the tingling coursing through her to stop.

  He then slipped within her and she threw her head back in pain and ecstasy. She moaned so loudly enough to wake the neighbors.

  She moved her hips to meet his thrusts. Her gown moved like a writhing living thing. Her nude form would be revealed and then covered again. All her womanly delights were displayed for him.

  The pleasure she felt kept building to new heights inside her. His manhood throbbing within her and she wanted more. Greedy for more.

  Her lips ravaged his mouth, and her tongue invaded his lush mouth. She needed to taste him again.

  His hands grabbed onto her ass and she liked it. She wanted him to squeeze harder.

  Then he let out a long deep groan of pleasure as he released inside her. She felt every part of him, and she panted out a moan of her own. Her climax shocked her. She never thought something like this could ever be experienced.

  Now, she understood why he was so damned special. She wondered briefly if her sister had this very same experience with him. Not that it mattered to her anyway. She had him now.

  She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him one last time.

  “I shall return for you again some day!” she abruptly a
ssured him. She then dissipated in a dark cloud of mist and was gone. (06/07/20)

  Mistress Red

  She wandered about looking for someone of importance. She glided along without touching the ground. Her presence could not be sensed by these lesser beings known as mortals. She was wraith like as she traversed the city streets.

  Humans. Such fragile creatures. Weak fleshed. Easily hurt. Emotional beings full of tears and sorrow, happiness, and joy. How they could stand to be like they were with such limited lives was beyond her. They were specks of dust in the universe.

  She came to a building. It had many rooms and was tall, about eight storeys. She walked through the very walls like a ghostly image. When she walked, she never touched the ground! She was a being that did not need the presence of physical objects for stability.

  She paused for a moment and looked upward. She floated up through the floors and ceilings like they were not there at all. For some reason she treated her journey here like a pilgrimage. Her sisters had done the same thing. Why? What was so important about this human man?

  She reached her destination. She phased up through the floor of his living room. He even caught sight of her rising up. He was stunned. He dropped what he had been doing. He tried to back away but fell on the floor next to the sofa.

  She tilted her head on an agile and eyed him curiously. He looked just like every other mortal, but there was something within that caught her attention. His energy. His soul was pure. There was a purity that had not been seen in eons. She knew then she had to have him for her own. She would do just that now.

  He saw her and she looked identical to the other two women in every way that had visited him before. Their pale alabaster bodies and facial features. The only differences were their eyes and hair.

  This woman had red hair, bright that reached out to him. Her eyes were red orbs and had the same deathlessness to them like the others. He felt drawn to her also. He yearned for her even though in his head he did not. But his heart and every other part of his being reached out to her. She smiled; her red lips danced upon her lush mouth.

  His clothes were a distant memory. Her nude body came down on him. To be strangely aroused by these beings that were surely not human but something beyond his comprehension.

  She straddled him and he entered inside her. She felt wonderful. A feeling of pure bliss. She moaned. The very universe trembled. This was something even beyond her to understand. A celestial being who ruled the very stars themselves. This ecstasy was the most glorified feeling possible. She craved, no, demanded more. She would have this pleasure always and forever, at her whim.

  They were no longer in his apartment, but among the stars of her home. A Nebula of red. An eye of the universe that gazed upon all creation.

  It felt like a dream to him in her embrace. Her savory lips pressed upon his. Her tongue parted his lips to enter his mouth. Their tongues played, beckoning each other into their warm caves.

  His ecstasy released within her and she took all of him, again and again. She quaked her release many times and the ripples could be felt throughout the cosmos. She wanted her sisters to know what transpired here in this moment.

  His seed flowed into her and took root. An offspring would come of this display of love making. A transcending of souls.

  He held her close to him, tears in his eyes. He marveled at his own emotions for three women now. Could he be falling in love with them?

  Her lips kissed his cheek. Her tongue licked his earlobe.

  “My love. I shall return for you,” her hollowed voice breathed.

  He was back in his apartment alone; tears streamed his eyes, and she was gone. (03/28/21)

  Mistress Return

  She walked out from the brightness of a light void. Mistress White had returned to the world of mortals. She had a destination in mind. There was someone she must see.

  This desire within her begged to be recognized. These emotions gnawed at her with such demand with an insistence to be obeyed.

  The mortal human man was never far from her thoughts. Always on her mind. She hoped he would be happy to see her again.

  She felt something inside her at the willingness of being near him again. A tingling that spread throughout her. She needed to touch him, caress him, embrace him. Forever! Only hers!

  She would lay claim to him this night. Mark him as hers for the universe to know that he was not to be harmed by any means whatsoever.

  She smiled. Here was his home. he had an apartment at the top corner of the building. He was there now.

  She appeared before him and he started in shock. His eyes went wide, and his mouth dropped open. They just stared at one another for a few moments.

  “You came back,” he said softly.

  Something fluttered within her. Mistress White. Mistress of the pure soul.

  “I have returned to be with you,” her hollowed tone reverberated. It filled him with purpose, drive, and a longing for her.

  Her gossamer gown disappeared, and she was barring all her womanly glory to him. His breath quickened. He touched her ever smooth alabaster skin. She trembled at his touch. Her hair white as snow removed his clothing and they fell to the floor in a pile.

  “Will you take me there, please,” she asked and pointed to his bed. He nodded and took her delicate hand. He led her to the bed. Her arms went around his neck and they laid down on the bed. At first, she went on top of him and the pleasure of him plunging within her made her moan so deeply that the very earth trembled beneath them. The apartment shook. Her black as pitch eyes never left his. He felt the pull to her. He wanted to dive into those eyes and be lost in her for an eternity.

  He rolled her under him and slowly thrusted into her. They were gentle with one another and savored every moment together. The throws of passion were unlike anything either one of them had ever experienced.

  In this moment, they were each other’s universe and reason for being.

  Her hands held his face. Her mouth was open. She tried to say something, but only pleasant moans escaped. Her arms embraced him close. Her legs wrapped around him.

  “I love you,” she managed to finally gasp. “Love me, please,” she begged, and he did. He gave his everything to her.

  “I do love you too,” he confessed. She smiled in between panting gasps.

  Many times, they climaxed together. Lovers forever.

  Alias, she had to leave for her celestial home. She brushed her hand upon his brow. She kissed his lips a final time. A single clear tear fell from her eyes and landed upon his cheek. It glowed briefly before it disappeared into him. Her mark upon him. She would always be with him. A part of her own soul resided within him.

  She smiled knowing he loved her, always.

  “I love you my sweet mortal man,” she said in a blissful tone. When he awoke, she would be gone!


  Mistress Dark

  She had to see him again. She rushed through the cosmos to the world where he resided.

  At last, she came upon the little blue mud ball of a world. She had to find a way to keep him in her realm. That way her sisters could not have him.

  She floated about the planet to the destination she wanted to be at.


  He was at home. She smiled. Her celestial spirit sored in glee. What was this emotion that emerged from her?

  She went inside his home to see him. She needed him. Craved his very essence.

  She rose and phased through the wall and walked on air into his living room.

  Once again, he was shocked by the fact that she just came through the wall. He was in awe of her. Her ebony lips curved into a smile. Her white eyes glowed. She wasted no time in kissing and embracing him.

  She cast off her gown to reveal herself to him. Hair pitch as the void itself removed his clothes like last time they were together.

  “I need you, my love,” she breathed and forced herself on him. She t
ook his hands and placed them on her swelling belly. He stared at her in disbelief. She smirked.

  “Our offspring,” she confirmed.

  She then tackled him to the ground. She kissed him and licked him until his arousal was hard enough to fit inside her. She held his arms down over his head. She mounted him quickly with a lustful heart and roughly. She liked it rough.

  She rode him hard. Her orgasms made her screech and shiver. Ripples of force spread out through the cosmos. Some were even destructive. The more her pleasure increased the more worlds and other realms suffered and some were even obliterated.

  Her dark desires seeped into him and he grew more ravenous upon her. She laughed and kissed. Her thoughts were dark and lustful. She planned on many more encounters like this.

  He would be her eternal mate. Her eternal lover.

  Her hair tendrils embedded themselves inside him and he ejaculated within her. She enjoyed the feel of his life seed within.

  After this offspring was born, she would return once more to make another. She would make as many as she could.

  Problem was that he was only mortal. That bothered her. She did not want him mortal. She wanted him forever! She would do what it took to find a way to make it so.

  He was… handsome she realized. She had this emotion of love for him. She never wanted to leave him. She embraced him in her dark loving divine arms. He soon fell sleep. She gazed at him for such a long time.

  Mistress Black, Mistress of the void, gritted her teeth and a single ebony tear leaked from her eye. It fell upon his cheek, the opposite cheek her sister’s tear had. It too absorbed into his skin like black mist.

  She kissed him and then was gone. (03/28/21)

  Mistress of Balance

  She too made her way to the world the human mortals called Earth. She also had an urgency to see the man she has fallen in love with.


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