Hot for Talia

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Hot for Talia Page 187

by Julian Bloom

  Later that night while they were all down sitting on the deck, looking at the lovely starry night before them and the calm peaceful water Val blurted out, “I am divorcing Brian—I am sick of his cheating ways, and now that the boys are grown, I am done with Brian. I know you have all been wondering why I have been so quiet for the past couple of months and distant, but I needed sometime just to process what my life was and what it was going to become when I was single once again. I told Brian before I left that I was filing for a divorce. I told him I was going to be spending the weekend in an area that he was quite fond of—near the lake Morey Resort. You should have seen the shocked look on his face when I told him I had followed him two months ago up to lake Morey Resort. I found out that the woman that he met there was “Sheila Vagger” she works at the front station as a clerk at the resort. I found out her name by doing a bit of detective work, got it from another staff member. Yeah I just had a feeling when he told me he was going on a weekend run to some place in Oklahoma, I went with my gut feeling and I followed him. He didn't go to the yard where his transport truck is stored, but instead he headed right up here to lake Morey resort, where I saw him greeted with a hug and kiss by an attractive dark haired, younger looking woman. I sat in my car taking pictures of Brian and his girlfriend with my cell phone.

  Arm in arm they headed to the restaurant in the hotel, they had dinner, then got into their cars and Brian followed her right back to town to her house. So there it was right in front of my face—I was hurt furious—I wanted to jump out of my car and go and retrieve my husband. Then all of a sudden I thought I deserved better than what Brian was offering me—that's the moment I knew that our marriage was truly over and done with. I headed home and just continued on like all was good, I waited for that moment just before coming up here to present him with the news. I felt so free walking out of that door leaving Brian behind standing in shock, trying to absorb what I had just told him. I told him not to bother trying to attempt to fix things, I was not changing my mind—I was done. I asked him to make sure that he was not at the house when I got home, I also mentioned that I had some great pics of him and his girlfriend getting all hot and heavy with each other—to prove that he was cheating on me during our marriage. So I told him to leave quietly and not to cause her anymore grief. I told him if he did still care what I wanted then he would do as I have asked and be gone. He phoned me about an hour ago to let me know that he was packing and would be out of the house. So ladies that is why I have been a bit distracted as of late, but I am all right now” replied Val as she rose her glass in cheers of being single once again!

  The other women joined her, but they felt shocked at how calm Val seemed regarding her upcoming divorce. But Val explained in more detail, she had endured Brian being a cheating sod for years, she kept keeping up the hope that her husband was going to change his cheating ways. But as the old saying goes “A zebra can't change its stripes” she knew her husband had no interest in stopping his cheating ways. She finally came to a point where she realized that she had raised her sons, and now it was time for her to start living life in a way that would make her happy. That would not involve chasing her husband down to catch him cheating on her once again. She came to the realization sitting in her car outside Sheila's house that night that she deserved better—she was through with Brian. She said it was almost like a light went on inside her head that she was seeing clearly for the first time. She knew right then that her future was not going to include her cheating husband. She said it was like a great weight had been lifted from her once she admitted and came to terms with the fact that her marriage was over. She looked forward to her new fresh start in life.

  The next afternoon the ladies all sat out on the deck after the grand tour with Eve, Molly's friend the real estate agent that was selling Wapanachee cottage. The women had discussed an offer to make on the property the night before, now they were presenting it to Eve. She told them that she was going to meet with the owner later today and will put the offer before them. The women were excited hoping that their offer would be accepted. They enjoyed a lovely lunch of barbecued salmon, accompanied with a light garden salad, sitting out on the deck enjoying the lovely day, and discussing the hopes of possibly owning this wonderful property. Two hours later Molly's phone rang and it was Eve to report that the ladies offer had been accepted. The women jumped up hugging one another, jumping about the deck like a group of young school girls. They were enjoying some herbal teas with lunch, but on hearing this good news it was time for the Golden girls to put away the herbal tea and bring out some champagne in celebration of their new futures that would be filled with many fun years together—much of those special times would be spent here at their beloved Wapanachee cottage.

  The End

  Desires of the Golden Girls

  Behind closed doors

  By Maurice Bedard


  Violet Fulton is a vibrant attractive woman of fifty-five that found herself a widow at forty-nine. Her husband Joel had died of a massive heart attack. This occurred while he was having sex with a woman that worked at “U-PIC Designs Inc.”. Violet had recently turned fifty-five, and with that came the desire to make some important changes in her life. She wanted to find companionship, romance, enjoy life more, and leave office life behind.

  Joel had taken along a young graphic artist that worked for them, Jenna Todd, on a so-called business trip to Manhattan, New York. Apparently it wasn't all business with Joel and Jenna. They travelled there in order to set up the new Manhattan branch of “U-PIC Designs Inc.” Violet felt angry and betrayed by Jenna and Joel at the time. But Violet also knew that her relationship with her husband was not much more than business partners. It was not something that they hid, often they had gone on separate holidays in the past couple of years. Violet had no interest in travelling or doing anything that was not about improving her company. She had at some point made her life revolve around the family business, becoming increasingly less interested in what was going on in other parts of her life. Being a businesswoman, she always felt more pressured to prove herself. Constantly proving that she was more than capable of running the company, at a profit. It had almost become an obsession with her to the point that her children, 21-year-old son Brian, and her 23-year-old daughter Morgan are living in different states from her, going to college, neither of which had a lot of interaction with her, but this had changed, largely due to the death of Joel.

  Violet had her business to run, but she wanted to also work on re-building her relationships with her son and daughter. Violet's life had been all work and no play making Violet a boring, lonely and unhappy individual. It was also time to build a new relationship with herself.

  This is when she recently became a member of the dating site “Golden Dates.” This online dating site is especially focused on people in the 50+ age bracket seeking companionship and romance. This book is based on Violet's personal journey, after the death of her husband, and being left with an empty nest, and a successful business to run. Share Violet's journey, as she tries to move forward with her life. Violet decides to hire a personal yoga/meditation trainer, who opens her up mentally, physically, and emotionally to a tantric level she never knew existed! Find out what is revealed to Violet by this handsome East Indian man. It ends up that he introduces her to much more than just yoga moves! This unleashes a brand new romantic and sexual spirituality in Violet. Share her experiences on her dates, get to know her passionate side of life. I hope you will continue reading to find out how this vibrant Golden girl discovers the world that lies beyond business transactions.

  Chapter 1. The Show Must Go On!

  Violet knew that she needed someone to run the Manhattan branch. She had to get herself back to running the company—time was money. But Violet was getting to a stage in her business side of life where she wanted to be able to have someone else running more of the business. She had her receptionist contact Jenna to set up a business meeting tha
t would only include the two of them.

  To get things rolling, Violet has decided to have a meeting with Jenna to discuss the past present and future of their business relationship and beyond. At this point Violet feels uncertain of what her future will hold. She just knows that it is time to make some changes in her lifestyle. Violet is beginning to realize that there is much more to life, beyond running her successful business.

  She suggested meeting Jenna for lunch at Pedro's Italian Bistro on 5th Ave. The plan was that Violet wanted Jenna to move to Manhattan and be the head CEO in the Manhattan branch of “U-PIC Designs Inc”. Their main company branch is in San Francisco, California. Violet was naturally, not too happy when she found out how her husband had passed, but even so she was sad about his passing. Violet was normally not a woman to sit back and let someone else take the lead, if the truth be known she was the real backbone behind the company. She had put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into building the company up. Violet and her husband had been great business partners. Their marriage was not so great, so it was not a big surprise to Violet that Joel was having an affair. It was certainly not the first one, but it was definitely the last one. Their life together for the past ten years basically functioned more on a level of business partners than husband and wife. Violet realized that she had sacrificed her family life in order to make their business a success. But, she has since come to realize that she needs more out of life than a profitable business. For all her wealth she is still not happy in life.

  Even though Jenna had an affair with Joel, Violet knew in her heart that Jenna was as passionate about her career, as she herself once was about her own. She knew that Jenna was more than capable of running the Manhattan branch. She was looking forward to meeting with Jenna and getting everything laid out on the table so to speak, deciding where they could go from here. She even found herself feeling sorry for Jenna as it must have been awful having a dead man lying on top of you—not a pleasant experience for Jenna or any woman to go through.

  Joel had taken advantage of Jenna's passion for wanting to advance in her career within the company. Violet was sure of this, as Joel had done it in the past with other young female employees. Violet figured that Joel probably approached Jenna in such a way as to invite her to join him for a business dinner or something similar, which would then move to a hotel room at some point. Joel would have assured Jenna that he would convince Violet to agree to give the Manhattan position to Jenna. Even though Violet and Joel had both already decided that she was the right candidate for the CEO position in the Manhattan branch. It had not yet been offered to Jenna officially. But Violet felt sure that Joel would have put it to Jenna in such a way that he would reap some added benefits from the deal that would involve them getting naked together. Violet understood how tough it was being a businesswoman, the struggle to reach the top was a hard steep slippery slope indeed. It may seem strange to you that Violet wants to hire the woman that slept with her husband—in-fact was the last person to see him alive. But, Violet knew that Jenna has suffered enough, the whole experience was indeed punishment enough for her. Violet already knew that Jenna had felt bad enough about what happened—it was terrible when she had to tell Violet—and not only tell her that her husband was dead, but how he died.

  Violet respected the fact that Jenna flew back to San Francisco arriving at Violet's home to tell her in person what had happened in Manhattan six years previously. It was not an easy thing for the girl to do, it must have been awful for her getting up the courage to confront Violet face-to-face with her ill tidings and confession of her involvement in Joel's untimely death. She could have easily left it for others to handle, but she felt that Violet deserved to be told the truth face-to-face. The day that Jenna knocked lightly on the front door of the large lilac colored Victorian home, was the day that Violet's life changed, in an instant. Violet was confused when she opened the large front door to see the pale tear stained face of Jenna starring back at her—she knew right then and there that something bad had happened to Joel. She invited the shocked looking Jenna inside, just as Jenna began to burst into a bout of crying. She escorted Jenna into the front drawing room and sat down beside her on the couch in front of the big bay window. The sun was shining down through the window upon the two of them. Jenna finally exploded and told all—Violet fell back on the couch in shock staring in front of her in a daze—she felt like she could not move—she was frozen—was this even real she wondered—it must be a nightmare!—it can't be true!—what was she going to do now!—millions of crazy thoughts whirled through her confused mind.

  Her mind drifted thinking about how she was going to tell her son and daughter that their father had died—she couldn't tell them the true circumstances surrounding his death. She and Jenna would have to make up a story and stick to it. Violet's mind was in a haze—nothing seemed real—she broke down crying when the reality hit that she was a widow! The next few weeks were filled with much sorrow due to Joel's passing and how they were going to have to rebuild their family dynamics. Both children came back to the family home in San Francisco, they stayed with Violet for three weeks, after their father's funeral. They had been told that Jenna went to check on their father at his hotel room when he didn't turn up in the restaurant for their business meeting. Eventually the hotel staff unlocked his hotel room door to find that he had passed away in his hotel room bed.

  Both Morgan and Brian went back to their universities, Morgan to Arizona State where she is in the third year of studying in pharmaceutical sciences, and Brian is back at the University of California, where he was in the second year of engineering. Neither one of Violet's children had an interest in getting involved with the family business. They both had interests of their own that they pursued. Brian is now an engineer at a plastic molding company in New Hampshire, married to his sweet wife, Eve. Morgan is also married with a one-year old daughter. She and her husband Ryan, are pharmacists, running their own pharmacy here in San Francisco. Violet never tried to push either of them into the family business, but she instead has always encouraged them to pursue their own dreams in life.

  She has feelings of regret, for not being around enough when her children were growing up—she spent too many late hours at the office. So, she did not have a really close connection with either of her children, when they were growing up. She instead accomplished what she set out to do and made the company a great success, along with her husband and business partner. But now things had changed, Violet started to find that with her husband's passing—it had made her stand up and take stock of her life. Violet wants to learn to live beyond her office walls. Starting with handing over the responsibility of running the Manhattan branch to Jenna. Violet jumped into her beige BMW and headed off to her business lunch with Jenna, this was to be the start of new beginnings for Violet.

  The business meeting with Jenna had gone well, they had agreed that Jenna would have the Manhattan branch up and running by the end of May beginning of June. It was February 18th this would give Jenna plenty of time to wrap things up here in San Francisco, and move to Manhattan, hire a new staff for that branch etc... Both women were pleased with the results of their business lunch, they parted on good terms.

  Looking back Violet was so glad she had that meeting with Jenna that day because she turned out to be great in her position as CEO at the Manhattan branch, it was running at a great profit. She recently informed Violet that she had met a man who was a librarian, she was sure that Tom the librarian might just be that special one for her. Violet had been to visit Jenna at the company, she usually went twice a year for business meetings. But she was happy with the way that Jenna was running the company, she certainly had the energy and good communication skills that were certainly needed to keep things running smoothly.

  Chapter 2. Violet Joins “Golden Dates”

  Violet felt herself feeling lost and lonely as she wandered around her big Victorian home, she wanted to find companionship—she pulled out her laptop an
d began to search for dating sites. One caught her eye called “Golden Dates,” she decided it was the dating site for her. She remembered her neighbour, Anne McTavish had joined this site about two years ago, where she met her companion Dan, both of them are Scottish and seem to make a great couple. “Golden Dates” caters specifically to people in the 50+ age bracket, so Violet joined. She spent the early part of the evening setting up her profile in “Golden Dates,” then headed off to have a nice long bath, sprinkled with some lavender oil to help her relax. She felt excited about venturing out and moving on with her life—she had a feeling of excitement of the prospects of finding a companion that she could share her life with. She sunk back into her tub with the aroma of lavender floating around her. It felt so comforting to be able to relax and soak in a soothing warm tub. As she soaked in her tub she thought about hiring a personal yoga/meditation trainer that she could have come here to the house. Violet was interested in learning how to practice yoga and meditation, but she did not want to go out into group sessions. She preferred performing her workouts in the privacy of her own home gym.

  After she changed into her comfy night-shirt and pyjama bottoms she headed down to the kitchen to make herself a nice cup of peppermint tea, with honey and lemon. She had a touch of a sore throat and knew a nice cup of herbal tea would do the trick in soothing her throat. While she waited for the kettle to boil she took a peek into her “Golden Dates” account to see if there were any messages—not yet, she felt a bit disappointed, but she had to remember that she just joined the site a couple of hours ago. She took her tea into the front room and curled up on her favorite big chair, looking out the big bay window that faced out to the street. She watched people walking by, all of which seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere—perhaps to meet up with their lovers at a secret meeting place—how exciting that sounded thought Violet as she quietly sipped her tea. She saw her next door neighbour, Anne McTavish walking past with her miniature Schnauzer Pip. Probably heading up to the dog park for a bit of ball throwing and socializing with the other dogs and their owners. Anne McTavish was a Theatre arts teacher at Picton High School, just three blocks from home. Anne herself was a widow of going on eight years. She has two twin daughters that run an art supply shop together, Jane and Mary. Both of them are married with children, they live here in San Francisco, and are very close with Anne.


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