Submission Specialist: A Bad Boy Romance (Still a Bad Boy Book 2)

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Submission Specialist: A Bad Boy Romance (Still a Bad Boy Book 2) Page 12

by Scott, Ada

  There. I felt the slight shift in the gun against the back of my head as Al looked at Benny with what I assumed was mild disgust. Now was the time to explode.

  Ducking down and slightly to the side, I reached up and pulled Al’s arm over my shoulder. Making sure his thumb was facing towards the ceiling, I pushed up with my legs at the same time as I pulled down with my hands, snapping his arm at the elbow with a crisp crunching sound.

  Al screamed and the gun went off. I saw Rat Two crumple over, clutching his stomach. I tried to grab Al’s gun, but didn’t have enough time to disentangle it from his fingers before Benny charged at me like the stupid fucking bull he was.

  He was fast, I had to give him that. He was big. That too. All that weight, all that momentum, was his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. Standing in front of that was dangerous.

  I ducked down and felt my right shoulder make contact at his waist, and all his weight moved over me as he missed with a mid-charge, right hook where my head had been a moment before. Straightening my legs and twisting to the right was all it took to relieve Benny of what little balance he had.

  His feet came off the ground as he flew over me, crashing upside-down on to a flimsy coffee table on my left. I charged forward at Rat One, heading to his right hand side rather than into the path of the oncoming baseball bat.

  Thankfully I was fast enough that he fucked up his timing on the swing, barely managing to hit me at all. The bat made contact with the side of my body just above the grip of his left hand. As a ratty-lookin’ slightly below-average size guy, he was probably the most out-matched in the entire room, and I sent him off his feet with a hip toss, ripping the bat out of his hand as he flipped over backwards.

  I only managed to get a good grip on the bat as Renato raised his gun. Swinging for the fences, I smashed it out of his hand before he could point it at me, then caught his lower jaw flush with the back-swing as he was in the middle of cursing at me.

  Tenderized. That’s what he’d said they were going to do to me, and that’s exactly what it sounded like when his jaw was sent off to the side of his face at an utterly grotesque angle. A wet meaty thump.

  A strangled cry drew my attention back to Al, who was having even more of a problem getting the gun out of the grip of his dangling arm than I had, due to the obvious pain every movement was causing him. He almost had it, though.

  Benny was just getting to his feet as I rushed towards Al. I leapt in his direction, kicking at his knee and hyper-extending it before he was upright again. He missed with a punch that wouldn’t have done much damage anyway, off-balance as he was, then screamed and staggered backwards. Fuck sake. If he was a smaller guy, that leg would have fucking broken.

  There was no time to have another swing at the tree trunk though. Al was almost under control of his gun again. Switching to a left-handed grip as I rushed him, I swung the bat from that side, because he had no fucking hope of blocking it with anything.

  Bat connected with skull and it was lights out for Al. He collapsed like a rag doll in an expensive suit.

  I turned, just as Benny limped into me with enough speed to shunt me backwards. I took a step back to maintain my balance and my heel met with Al’s unconscious face.

  I fell to the ground on my back, Benny falling on top of me. Instantly, I dropped the baseball bat, trapped one of his arms under mine and brought my legs up around his neck, locking him into a triangle-choke before he realized what was going on.

  Squeezing as hard as I could, I cut off the circulation to his head, and saw that flash of pure panic in his eyes. In a last-ditch effort, he tried to lift me off the ground, no doubt to try and slam me back down again.

  I hooked my arm around one of his legs to try and stop it. Even with his knee as fucked as it was, he had enough raw power and steroids that he almost managed to do it.

  Rat One was back on his feet now, and he rushed over to try and stomp my head as Benny refused to lose consciousness. With guys with thick muscle-bound necks like Benny, you had to have the choke sunk in real tight.

  With every passing second, Benny’s struggles became weaker, but it couldn’t come fast enough for me, as I tried like hell to grab Rat One from my ground position and avoid a footprint on my face. It took a few close calls, but on the fifth or sixth attempted stomp, I caught his foot and locked my arms around his lower leg before wrenching backwards.

  Rat One’s leg twisted and I heard a twang come from his knee. Sadly for him, he came to the ground close enough for me to hold him with one hand and drop some vicious elbows to his head while the last traces of consciousness slipped from Benny.

  When Rat One went limp, I let Benny go and regained my feet. Renato was still sitting in his chair, caught between trying to straighten the lower half of his face and the torturous pain it caused. Rat Two was on the ground, moaning in the middle of a spreading pool of his own blood.

  Everybody else was having a snooze.

  Renato’s eyes widened in fear as I stalked towards him. I couldn’t understand whatever sounds his broken jaw was limiting him to, but I got the gist.

  Reaching out with all the speed of a jab, I grabbed his loose jaw and held it still in the midst of his screams until he quietened down.

  “I said, the deal is off, you cunt. If you’re the praying sort, pray that I never see you again. Understand?”

  Renato’s frantic squeals were confirmation enough. I circled back around the desk, opened the door as far as I could, due to Al’s limp body lying in front of it like a bulky welcome mat, and left.

  The men on their lunchbreak were nowhere to be seen as I headed back to my car. Instead of keying the one parked next to mine, I gave it a hefty kick in the passenger door, before firing mine up and driving back out the gates.

  It was a couple of blocks before I realized how far above the speed limit I was, and dialed it back a bit. Holy fucking shit. My whole body was shaking with the aftermath of that rush of adrenaline.

  How long had it been since I’d been in a fight where I had half an inkling that I could get seriously hurt? When there was any actual danger? Not since the day I met Ross, maybe? Holy fucking shit.

  Five guys. Guns. I fucked them all up without throwing a single punch. I howled in triumph and slammed my palm against the roof of my car. What a fucking rush! Fuck with me and that’s what you got!

  I was drunk on the victory, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t help but think about all my street fights, all those amateur and pro fights as I was coming up through the ranks.

  The victories had come from lots of submissions, and the odd knock-out, but one thing always remained the same. After the fighting, came the fucking. There was nothing like capping off this feeling with burying my cock into a tight pussy and, lucky me, I knew who had the hottest damn pussy in this city.

  I needed to fuck. Right now.

  Chapter 21


  Getting any work done was pretty much impossible now. I’d brought a bunch of lecture notes and textbooks to this tutorial room. I knew it was empty for the hour before my Wednesday tutorial, and much quieter than the library.

  Within a few minutes of arriving, all that went out the window when Austin called asking me where I was. He sounded halfway between crazed and thrilled with something, but didn’t give me a chance to find out what.

  When he asked if I was alone, my confusion only grew.

  “Yeah,” I said slowly. “Is everything OK?”

  “Good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m on my way.”


  “See you soon, bye.”

  The sound of a motor in the background told me he was in a car and pushing it hard, but then the line went dead. I pulled my phone away from my ear and looked at it with a raised eyebrow.

  Austin had never visited me on campus before. He usually didn’t have enough spare time in the middle of the day to make it here and back in between training sessions. Maybe now, with the fight so close, he was lowering the i
ntensity or frequency of the workouts. Now that I thought about it, he had mentioned something about that.

  The phone call was so rushed that I had no idea when he was actually going to arrive. Thankfully, after ten minutes of trying and failing to recapture my train of thought, my question was answered by another call.


  “I’m looking at a campus directory map thing. Where are you? What building?” he asked.

  “The Mendel Building. Room three three one, on the third floor. What’s going on?”

  “Mindle Building?”

  “Mendel. MEN-DEL.”

  I heard him muttering “Mendel” over and over again for a few seconds.

  “Gotcha. Three three one. Third floor.”

  “What is going on, Austin?”

  “You still alone?”


  “Get your panties off.”

  The line went dead again and I looked at my phone even more incredulously than last time. Here? Really?

  When I signed that contract in Robbie Johnson’s office, I never could have dreamed of the kind of things that would change for me. It would have taken a pretty optimistic girl to see husband material in Austin, but it had happened.

  One thing that hadn’t changed was that all he had to do was take off his shirt or say something like that to put me in heat. I loved him, I admired him… and I wanted him. So much.

  But here? What if the grad student running the tutorial came early to set something up? What if one of my classmates had the same idea I did?

  On the other hand… I remembered the sex-fest from the day I moved into his house. Fifteen orgasms in one day was a pretty persuasive memory.

  I looked around the room conspiratorially, then reached under the desk and up my skirt. With a little shuffle and a few tugs on each side, my panties slipped down around my ankles. I quickly gathered them and put them into my bag.

  The hall outside the room was relatively deserted. It typically got pretty busy between lecture blocks, and then died down quickly.

  I could hear footsteps out there, and my heart started pounding every time I heard them approach the door, only to be disappointed every time they walked on past. Anticipation tingled in my fingers and toes, and I wiggled them unconsciously in response.

  The cool air wafted against my sex, and I blushed when the thought of staying like this during my tutorial crossed my mind. The desks were arranged in a U-shape facing the front of the room, so the people opposite might see me. Oh my gosh, I felt naughty already.

  There. I heard a set of footsteps that could certainly have been described as purposeful, if ever any footsteps could. They alternatively rushed and paused, presumably looking at room numbers, getting louder as they approached.

  An impish smile raised the corners of my mouth when the door opened and Austin’s head peeked in. He spotted me and his eyes narrowed with raw sexual hunger. He entered the room, locked the door and pulled a blind down over the window in the door.

  I came to my feet as Austin circled around the desks. I didn’t have time to push my chair back in before he swatted it to the side. He grasped my head with both hands, fingers buried in my hair, and pulled me into a deep kiss.

  Straining up on the tips of my toes, his momentum pushed me backwards until my back hit the wall with a thump that temporarily separated our lips and forced a little ‘oof’ of air out of me. Any breathing space was short-lived though, as Austin’s mouth found mine again and locked me into another passionate kiss.

  Austin bent at the knee and pushed one between mine, spreading my legs a little as he pressed against the full length of my body. My breasts were squashed against him and one another under the pressure, tantalizing my nipples against the inside of my bra and creating deep cleavage. My husband pulled his head back to admire it for a second.

  “Let’s see how well you followed instructions,” he said.

  One hand curled around my back, holding me in place while the other ran down my neck, over my breast, and down my body before reaching up my skirt. I spread my legs a few inches further and looked up at him without breaking eye-contact.

  “I’m a good wife,” I said.

  His hand found my pussy and I sighed with contentment as one finger stroked my labia. It was intoxicating how such a big powerful man could be so light and precise with his movements, especially when all that skill was focused between my legs.

  “That you are, Sky, and the sexiest little thing in this fucked up world. You’ve got something that I want, and you’re going to give it to me, aren’t you?”

  His finger delicately stroked my clit and I yelped at the jolt of pleasure. As always, his very presence was like a drug for me.

  “All yours,” I whispered.

  “Fuck yeah.”

  Austin pulled away, bringing me back to the desk by his grip on my neck. I hurried to keep up, his every movement speaking of an urgent need that only I could satisfy.

  He bent me over the desk. “Hold on tight,” he said.

  I did as I was told and curled my fingers around the opposite edge of the desk as he knelt behind me. His hands ran up the inside of my legs and I heard him ‘Mmmmm’ in appreciation with enough emphasis to make the smile on my face even bigger.

  “For. Fucking. Ever,” he said under his breath.

  As I looked over my shoulder, I saw my skirt flipped up over my lower back, and I could just see the top of Austin’s hair from my vantage point. He shook his head and sighed.

  “Fucking perfect pussy.”

  I wiggled my ass a little in response and Austin leaned forward, kissing and licking my inner thigh right where it met my body next to my pussy. His rough stubble teased me on either side of my labia, as his lips and tongue made unspoken promises of pleasure.

  He worked his way down my legs as far as the back of my knees before coming back up again and never quite getting to my eager sex, and after a few minutes of this delicious torture, I was being driven slowly insane. The heavyweight champion of my pussy paused to survey his handiwork, seeing the sopping wet mess he’d made, and finally decided to take pity on me.

  He swirled his tongue around my clit for a moment, before lapping upwards along the length of my slit. Delving as deep as he could past my tight teen entrance, he explored that special place where he was the only man to have ever gone.

  Despite his barely restrained lust, which I could feel as a quivering in his lips, he paid close attention to every last fold and curve of my sex, almost worshipping it with his licking, sucking and kissing. Every time his tongue strayed to my clit, it built up a fiery ball of pleasure in my belly, and I knew exactly what I was in for.


  I squealed and threw my head back as Austin spanked me, no doubt leaving a clear red hand-print on my ass like he was branding me as his own. As if there was any doubt of that.

  Even after everything that Austin had done to me, it was still hard to believe I just got spanked in a tutorial room on campus. And I was going to cum like a banshee. And get fucked… hard.

  Austin’s palm circled around on my ass cheek where he’d just spanked me, keeping me on edge about getting another smack as he returned his attention to eating my pussy from behind. Instead, his other hand curled around my thigh, pulling my body against his mouth as he really buried himself in his task.

  My juices were flowing freely, but my husband’s almost superhuman tongue was up to the task, and I didn’t feel any of my sweet nectar flowing down my thighs. Each breath I took was becoming less like breathing and more like shrieks of ecstasy, as my orgasm threatened to rob me of my powers of sight when it arrived.

  Sensing how close I was, Austin gripped as tight as he ever had, locking himself in place and going to town on my clit. I thought the world was going to explode along with me.

  Pleasure, pure and white hot, made me gasp. I was just about to let it all out in a window-shattering affirmation when I saw the handle on the door start to turn and I clamp
ed my hands over my mouth.

  I couldn’t tell Austin to stop. If I let my hands go, then all I would do is let loose a scream of ecstasy. All that pleasure churned and broiled inside of me with nowhere to go, as I watched the handle jiggle as the person on the other side found the door locked.

  Austin, oblivious or apathetic, forced ever more pleasure into the pressure cooker that was my body until I was beyond what any nineteen year old girl could take. The handle stopped moving and I prayed that the footsteps I heard walking away were real rather than wishful thinking.

  Either way, I let out a long groan of relief and satisfaction, hoping that all that stress hadn’t done any lasting damage to my internal organs. My legs were not supporting any of my weight now, as the last tendrils of my climax made me twitch and Austin’s tongue finally slowed.

  “Time to do what you were born to do, little girl. Stay right there, that’s exactly where I want you,” said Austin, getting to his feet.

  I wiped a bit of dribble that had found its way out of the side of my mouth. “Wait, somebody’s coming,” I panted.

  “Yeah, me, in you.”



  My husband’s palm came down right on top of the last handprint and I sucked air in through my teeth. Seconds later, the sound of a zip told me all I needed to know about how the remaining time until my tutorial would be spent.

  Fat, hard, dick pushed at my still-quivering pussy-lips and started to slide inside me. I scrambled to regain my grip on the edge of the desk and grunted with the effort of accommodating him.

  No matter how many times he fucked me, the first thrusts were always like my first time with him. The panic, the primal need, coursed through my body and made me push back against this huge masculine invader, despite the fear and sense of him being simply too big.

  Everything else in my world disappeared except for the sensation of fullness as inch after hard throbbing inch of majestic cock found a home in my tight little pussy. Austin pushed himself halfway in, then pulled almost completely out, before thrusting himself forward again until I felt his jeans against my ass.


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