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SYNOPSIS It’s really strange when you see machines are ruling you and you can do nothing against them. We didn’t know that they will create 3rd world war just for the oil mool (a natural oil of moon which makes speed of rockets faster). They announced the destruction in the year 2096.
We did never give up. We tried to stop these robots and their mechanical armies. A secret company helped us for bringing justice to the human civilization. Hence we made a journey to six thousand years earlier of the planet Earth. We met our ancestors. We knew from them that if we could deactivate the energy system of machines then we can easily get back to our rules. But it is only possible when we will explode alien planet Ho-Tyko in the second world Hovlef because they provide endless powers to our robotic leaders.
We do some missions. We face difficulties. We know things are quite different in our future. Yet struggle is most important that we acquire for our success. Let’s learn, let’s fight.
Thanks to my young brother and friend Shakti Swarup Sahu for his support. 1 TELLING YOU THE TRUTH: THE FIRST PART
HALIFAX CITY DT: 9-4-2098 The world history could remember it today. I know I was there. I know they make their technology strong. Yet the change for our Earth is not limited. They call us to find a new generation. They give a slogan nothing is impossible and nothing is impossible. They ride above. They discover planets. They want to leave the planet. I agree with you that they did it for the first time on 16th January, 2068.
A richest guy from Dubai, really I can’t remember that incident very well but he said my daughter was there for two years. Someone too asked him did you see any changes in her? Answer was the same as he was saying two years ago, yes. Aliens told her that we want friendship with you. They gave her a nice proposal. They wanted to make her their queen. Their idea was just different, an alien married her. After two months she delivered her first child. It was so fast and amazing, a composition also.
They named her child Exoria. He was half alien and you can say man also. This is five years old since my graduation. Hi, I am a reporter at Halifax national news. My name is Jasomine Tasan. Truth is that I get a little time to spend my days. Here my new married wife Janie and Grandfather David Tasan trying to make me understand. They want our next year visit should be for San-Francisco and they will know more about American history. Is it good? Why not to India or Japan? They look great.
People won’t believe that I saved the world. Oh no, how could this possible? Just a man did it alone! After all he did break that electric pole in a too far galaxy which was supplying endless energy to cruel rulers. They were going to kill the society, totally.
It is so powerful and billions of people live here. At last a man did for all. Two years ago he was in tension. People were worried for their country. What will happen to the Earth now? Is it time to move on and will Martian accept us? They tried to find a place. Some said the Earth is going to be destroyed. They didn’t think of its origin. Let me explain.
In 1650 Archbishop Ussher used the bible to calculate that the Earth was created in 400BC. Later on in the mid- nineteenth century Charles Darwin believed that the Earth must be extremely old because he recognized that natural selection and evolution required vast amounts of time.
Someone said don’t wreck what you can’t create as you are not god. Today it is time to think about origin of the Earth. This won’t be so late to explode. The mother land could fulfill your needs, gave you a fully shape. You call yourself man and that’s why this is your right to save your house. The planet needs your help. Question is when will you do this? If the Earth doesn’t exist you won’t be here just after few minutes. The fire that you did use to make foods will change us in ashes. We never wish this, though.
The present composition of the Earth is 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.04% carbon dioxide, 0.9% argon. The atmosphere wasn’t like this when the Earth was created over 4.5 billion years ago.
The Earth’s surface was originally molten as it cooled the volcanoes belched out massive amounts of carbon dioxide, steam, ammonia and methane. There was no oxygen. The steam condensed to form water which then produced shallow seas.
Evidence points to bacteria flourishing 3.8 billion years ago. So this means that life got under way about 700 million years after the Earth was created. Such early forms of life existed in the shallow oceans close to thermal vents; these vents were a source of heat and minerals.
The first life forms appeared between 3.8 and 3.5 billion years ago. The earliest evidence for life on Earth are graphite found to be biogenic in 3.7 billion years old met- sedimentary rocks discovered in western Greenland and microbial -mat fossils found in 3.48 billion years old sandstone discovered in western Australia. Photosynthetic life appeared around 2 billion years ago, enriching the atmosphere with oxygen. Life remained mostly small and microscopic until about 580 million years ago when complex multicellular life arose.
During the Cambrian period it experienced a rapid diversification into most major phyla. More than 99% of all species amounting to over five billion species that ever lived on Earth are estimated to extinct. Estimates on the number of Earth’s current species range from 10 million to 14 million of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86% have not yet been described.
Geological change has been constantly occurring on Earth since the time of its formation and biological change since the first appearance of life.
Species continuously evolve, taking a new form, splitting into daughter species, or going extinct in response to an ever changing planet.
The process of plate tectonics has played a major role in the shaping of Earth’s oceans and continents as well as the life they harbor. The biosphere, in turn, has had a significant effect on the atmosphere and other abiotic conditions on the planet, such as the formation of the ozone layer, the proliferation of oxygen and the creation of soil.
And when we talk about evolution microorganisms, macro-organisms and their changes come first. Evolution means creating of something new. It is still happening. What we see today they weren’t 100 or thousand years ago. They just formed slowly.
Here a best example is cardiac virus. Cardiac viruses, they are very dangerous, can kill us in a day. They were discovered for the first time in 2072 in North Korea and then the whole world. A survey says maximum people were died for the viruses. They infect heart, pulse and lung. After all these incidents scientists could discover its vaccine. Even it took nine months for them. Innocents died. People mislaid their own.
So, I can say evolution means change and formation of a new organism or lost of an organ.
People couldn’t see dinosaurs any more. They were at the starting of our civilization. I think we need to struggle to exist here. The same thing happened with these beasts. They couldn’t survive and that’s why the nature didn’t select them. According to Lamarck when environments changed organisms had to change their behavior to survive. If they began to use an organ more than they had in the past it would increase in its life time. If a giraffe stretched its neck for leaves, for example, “a nervous fluid” would flow into its neck and make it longer. Its offspring would inherit the longer neck and continued stretching would make it longer still over several generations. Meanwhile organs that organisms stopped using would shrink.
Lamarck believed that the long necks of giraffes evolved as
generations of giraffes reached for ever higher leaves. Evolution takes part an important role in our life. We could change ourselves by this process. We raised our very first step from the living of bacteria, then cells divide and the trip arrived at monkey. Guess what did happen then? We are the man of science, technology and future now. We live in present, dream for tomorrows, learn from past. Making something new is our craft. Our children could follow us a bit. They use their ideas better than us. The new generation’s child is making great things in his primary education. Their aim is to be astronaut, scientist, doctor etc. Their brain works like traveling through the wind.
And they think the universe has become a mission for them. They don’t want to lose a single chance of it.
18 years ago some Indian students built a spaceship which could use for a journey to Jupiter and that reached there just after two years. We did all this for ourselves. Science made us great gods of the civilization. My grandfather says he loves history. Sometime I ask him do you see we could touch our dreams. He feels worried for me. It seems we don’t control our mankind. Machines are trying to kill us. We made them but they have now political powers. You can talk about American president or Japanese prime minister they both are robots. They don’t support democratic. Problems create from our behaviors when we change them within us. We have some reasons in our society. We should find out the correct one that is acquired for us. If you say Halifax is a country and we five million people are Halifaxians then I can’t do anything that time. I am sorry for Canada that they did avoid constitute.
Why does man make a house of technology? We already know they are non-living waste materials. Yet we kiss them hard. I agree with you that they work for us. They make breakfast for our children. It doesn’t mean robots will fight with us. If so then they will be a different kind of rebel.
I have seen a shadowy moment. The world was trembling in fear. Nicky, the twelve year girl was crying for her family. No one was there for her. She suffered her loneliness. She said the war is not only in Halifax or Toronto. I am not telling you the story of a powerful king but works of the coward machines. Go and see my home is burning for your bombs. God made a mistake by saving me. How can I live without my family? They have already announced the beginning of another universal war, the third world war.
The strange technologies do everything secretly. Who knows how much you stay with your job? You can find me in a second after using of visual live computer technology. The mobile that you have now is nano type. You can put it in your brain and then you will work as a machine. It is a creature-less mania.
We have changed everything. We don’t want to be like man any more. We are against the nature’s laws. It happened when we wished to win countries. People chose robots as their leaders instead of men who destroyed United Nations. And they began searching of planets. A new data shows that 20% people are living on the moon and 35% are Martians. However they do experiments for another Earth.
The most wanted reason is one, higher population with lack of human leadership, again is war that doesn’t give any chance to breathe. Things were okay until the year 2037. We could develop the life genuinely. After five years of galaxy bond china broke the role. They only made their own right on the moon. They dared to warn other that we Chinese can build our lands on the natural satellite. You can beg us the permission if you provide money and wealth. They aired the news globally and the war began slowly. The thing should be back to its original place this wasn’t easy for United Nations. They couldn’t stop it. United Nations- As we know US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt first suggested using the name United Nations to refer to the allies of world war-2.
Roosevelt suggested the term to Winston Churchill who cited Byron’s use of the phrase “United Nations” in Childe Harold’s pilgrimage, which referred to the allies at the battle of waterloo in 1815. Franklin Roosevelt adopted the name and the first official use of the term occurred on 1 January 1942 with the declaration by the United Nations.
During subsequent phages of world war-2 the allies used the term United Nations to refer their alliance.
“Mr. Corey, are we really going to serve us in their battle?” Dr. McLean said and took his coffee away from the black table.
He supposed to be silent there. He seemed upset.
“It’s getting cold,” he said; the old and has to retired military person ignored his words at once just.
“I am not talking about the coffee brother,” Dr. McLean said.
“Let the fucking things stay in their office. I don’t join with these idiots,” Mr. Corey said and made some angry feelings at his co-army officer.
“Hmm” “Not for our humanity but the machines think we are the players of their stupid video games.”
“Will you die for Mr. Mc-39 and Ro-5092? They ordered us and we can’t disagree. They are coming from India including few more wealthy Asian countries,” Dr. McLean said.
“Don’t cry my friend; you aren’t going to fight with our enemies.” “Our fault, until our last breathe we thought humans of other nations are our basic competitors because the bloody robots teach that they may go for another galaxy if we don’t.”
Mr. Corey continued the talk for a while. They both went to the wine house, near to the camp of special force. Mr. McLean was saying that seniors have brought restriction for new soldiers, on drinking. Maybe later they won’t get their favorite beer if they see lack of necessitate.
We heard Mc-39 and Ro-5092 are robots who killed many cities. They put their own votes on this winning election of history. It is ten years past from now. Creating, killings are not one thing. Machines don’t create our lives. They don’t make our foods. They just know the skill of vanishing planets where we people try to save the life. Can we be heartless? Gods didn’t send us here that we will become fixed statue. Meaning makes possibilities and it is an inspiration for the human race.
“They are saying it is not enough,” he said. He was making the young guy understand that unite for mankind may help the people and they may come out from the survival zone. Obviously they will say we are going down. The last generation of humanity won’t remember the happening. They are strict.
“It means they are preparing for a massive murder,” Dwayne said and his normal eyes didn’t even astonish.
When we did build robots we felt proud that they will be like us. They will correct our mistakes. But our cleverness made an opposite situation. They became different.
“Yeah, another blast may fall over the country,” he said, looked him after watching the black line of thick smog in the white cloudy sky.
“What do you mean?”
“Machines are spreading all over the world. They will definitely destroy us,” he said. He was harassed. He thought that he won’t breathe for a long time. At the moment someone just called them. She was raising her finger towards a moving missile. It was coming from Indian Ocean and a naval ship of the robotic soldiers.
“Oh no!” he said. He ran with his buddy and few other people there. They couldn’t live. The mechanical terror followed the next town as the men did for their lives. Everything ruined in just few minutes, the cars that were running over the high-way and the flights that landed recently, including its passengers.
“Millions murdered and no one alive. What the wreckers want actually?” “If I am not wrong they are not from our genes. Listen to me people; they are from our hard work and knowledge that we were applying a decade ago.” “This is a clear message that they need nothing from us. They even don’t need precious things from aliens. They need our fresh death. I can’t understand why they hate us so much, it is disgusting!”
“Today you may not find me and my soul will show you that oh my left human civilization, being afraid don’t make us heroes
. Killing these destroyers will help us to call brave by our next generation.”
“Go and kill them before they do. Thank you.”
I stopped the video. Stephen looked at me constantly. Felt like he is getting shock. “What?” I questioned him as I had the remote in my hand. “Why did you off the report? This is not about your ex-girlfriend Lida and you know this very well she won’t be back to you. So let me watch this,” he said. He was still looking me like a wonder guy.
“Listen to me my friend”
Stephen broke my speech.
“What?” he said.
He irritated me on the topic about my old love for which I was in stress. From that day I considered that girls are heartless. They do hurt boys.
“Listen to me my friend; you are my school-mate. You stole my lover, I didn’t from other men.” “Please, tell Lida to not show her face again and again. I am very upset man. I don’t want to kick you for her. By the way why will I do this? It would be better if I did murder you,” I said.
“Okay, do whatever you want. Maybe you don’t know that enemies are coming soon!” Stephen said and looked me.
“They are everywhere. Are you not among them? You stupid will marry my ex and I will be alone then, is it not in your top most plans?” I said. It hurts you twice when your best-friend cheats you. Idiot, he does wait for a chance only. Sometime he does wish that I could push him behind. You just feel secure though he doesn’t become an open mind guy.
“Your misunderstanding is just a great fault that you can’t hide. Believe me I didn’t want her, she did.”
He went out from my home and made me a saddest man by an invitation card. They say war, love are the two different things don’t exist for years when seasons change. Alright, I thought I did well by leaving her. I may find a girl who is pretty not ugly like Lida, sweet not rude like Stephen and his mum.
Guess the next chapter for me was critical. They gave a role of presenting the world against these machines who never like us. They too are human made things.
And I did try to adjust.