“They have been following to our works. They know we control them by our members, in company-3071; hence they didn’t want we interfere what they do. They think we are the reason behind their tragedy. They think that we indirectly making their state a hell.”

  The tension rose among us. It might be difficult to make these people understand that actually we were trying to protect you and you are a branch of our duty. You should stay with us until demolish of these robotic leaders on the Earth.

  Mr. D Johnson came forward; he played his fingers on a big computer screen. “400 years ago Africans discovered the map from a coal mine. They didn’t know this was from a generation which formed the first human on the planet. Later, during the British rule they couldn’t keep it with them. English brought the precious thing to London and secretly they hid it in an underground home. They wanted to know what the mystery behind the map as it was very strange and old. They arranged a thousand historians, geologists to check this.”

  “And when the 2nd world war happened they threw it to Indian Ocean. Perhaps they had already known about this that it might stop the battle and settle peace in the world by just magic and technology. So they didn’t want it should occur here as they were on the wish to rule the whole humanity. They put consideration to destroy the map at any cost. They were thinking they made mistake by not burning this. They feared that competitors might get this on their journey for wars.”

  “Intentionally they used people and told them to act like businessmen on the water line. They sent the men to four corners of the ocean but they couldn’t find this anymore. History says English killed the utilized people after their harass return. They pressed the incident just as a dissenter against British empire.”

  “After 100 years of world war2 some Americans and Canadians got it when they were visiting to Japan. I was among them. I could save myself from the occurrence as I was a young but it didn’t happen like me with other. They died in that ship for an engine problem. They couldn’t out from there. I could remember the map clearly as I was smart. I continued to swim on the sea for three days. I became weak. Today I want to thank again to the god that for his kindness I reached at an island. I spent there a month.”

  “In the year of 2034 I and my friends began to do research on it. We could know there was a group named as Carolus generation. We could keep the anonymity behind this map. We invented machines from its formulas. We knew if we go back to our ancestors they will tell us methods to stop violence in the world. We could find out the past incidents very well. We could know what the fact is, and we did sure that by our works for humanity we can end the leadership of robots. We can apply the old living style in our society to be happy, all over again.”

  “We are working on it since 50 years. Yet we didn’t get success. We trapped in that gorilla world as they didn’t recognize us. We tried to make them know about us but every time we failed. We tried to gather these people and the develop leaders of zujic city locked our members in jails. They punished us. They warned us.”

  “The biggest battle between these two generations didn’t stop because one is bad and another is poor.”

  He showed us the two kingdoms and cities of that old nation. We new members were unknown on this matter. We up our hands for queries.

  “Sir, can we know about the history of Zujic and Maxmot city? Where were they?” Janie asked. “They both are 6000 years old cities when gorillas were having most of the world and dinosaurs were living on this planet. It might sound strange for you I agree. They were developed than the current civilization. They had capacity to develop galaxies. They were genes of the Carolus generation,” a map came to our face by the mechanical process, Mr. D Johnson uploaded this in the electrical particles which were in the air.

  “Now we can go there. We will save these wise villagers from the planet Uleca and I would love to appreciate the hard work of our doctors, scientists and engineers under the head Dr. Angelica M.T,” he just looked at us.

  “They are going to build a special robotic system for this as the formula is ready.” “Members, please listen to me. The construction may take 15 days to complete. We will select only four members out of you all in between the space and you will give an exam for the task. We will test your body program to be fit. If these things gone okay with you then you are a part of this journey, thank you!” a robot appeared in front of us, he described it.

  I was heading to my chamber after the end of this meeting. Uncle Gregor came to me then.

  “Jasomine, you and Janie is a part of this trip. We seniors have already chosen you,” he said.

  “What about two other members?” I asked.

  “We will look for them, you don’t worry. Now you prepare yourselves,” he just looked me and went away from there.


  AFTER 15 DAYS “We have selected the four members among you all. This is final that they have been going to planet Uleca, to rescue the souls of these villagers!” Dr. Angelica M.T said.

  Machine showed our photos and names on a screen board.

  Selected member 1- JT 7621COMPANY-3071

  Selected member2- JP7625 COMPANY-3071

  Selected member3- DM 3421 COMPANY-4220 (SOUTH AFRICA)

  Selected member4- LC2271 COMPANY-2284 (SPAIN)

  Everyone clapped there for us. They wished us best of luck. I was happy that Janie was with us, my girlfriend who dared to do impossible things always. “Hello selected members, now you have to wake up from the dream. Your seniors are waiting for you in real world,” a machine called us when we were in the dreaming state AP-EUleka.

  We four members came to our own company as the capsules opened. At a time we could find the two co-members though they were from other countries (South Africa & Spain). Robots helped us for this. It was happening there also.

  “We verified you. We saw you will be able in out of the universe which is not promising for others. You are mentally and physically fit for the travel. We saw your DNA can adjust with these aliens.”

  “And we hope you will achieve the goal. We will advise you here just like costumer service. We will watch you from the halls but sorry that you can’t do this. We will set a micro-phone and machine in your head. You can listen to us including the chatting when you will need.” Dr. Angelica M.T said.

  She walked towards a stage, instantaneously a robot put out a digital screen in front of us. Galaxy Voxheal and planet Uleca came on it as a mobile picture. She began to make us understand about this and its lives.

  “The air of this planet is not usual for you. So we will change something in your body. You may get ready for the habit. The aliens eat fresh foods from their stars and co-planets as these are not available on their own soil. At first you may not like this. You may hate their living. Still you remember that you will behave like guests there. They may harm your souls as you are from the Earth that you know well. Thus you will meet this female alien. She is just good. She will help you there.”

  “Her name is Ibea,” Dr. Angelica clicked her finger over an image. A detail of her address came on the display. She was unlike us. She didn’t have hairs. She was having four eyes and a long neck.

  “She will talk to you on your arrival there.”

  “Dr, how did you know her?” I asked.

  “The alien is not original actually. We made her and then we sent there, yesterday,” she looked us. “We will not needing any spaceship to be there. We will put you in cloning boxes and directly you will reach in that galaxy, on the planet Uleca and kingdom of soul-sellers.”

  “You won’t meet anyone until you don’t go to our artificial alien Ibea. You will do everything just carefully.” “How can we find her on that planet? It might be too big, by containing lots of countries and cities. Guess they are everywhere without space and they may doubt us. We are humans not Martians or lives of Jupiter,” I said. I was wondering about her plans.

  “Don’t worry, we will send a message to Ibea as you are leaving for these souls. She wil
l come to your landing spot in just 15 minutes.”

  “One thing you must know your color will be blue in that third world. So they can’t identify your origin. You will be safe there,” Dr. Angelica said and smiled.

  “Hope our internal parts won’t engage somewhere!” member DM-3421 Company-4220 said and walked to me slowly.

  “No, you won’t have the problem,” Dr. Angelica said and smiled.

  “What do you think? Will we have fun?” he said at my ear.

  “Sure,” I looked him just.

  “Do you smoke?” Dr. Angelica asked.

  Robots checked us again.

  “Lungs are quite okay, Dr,” a robot said after the scan.

  “Thanks, now you come with me,” she called us.

  “Where, Dr?” I questioned her.

  “Operation room, we are going to input some machines in your body,” she said, you too; she ordered my co-selected member Janie.

  “Will the other two members not use this?” I asked her.

  “They will do, our doctors will operate them in their associated companies,” Dr. Angelica M.T said.

  They disappeared from us for while. We both entered to a glass chamber of the company-3071 including the senior doctor.

  “Selected members please open your clothes,” a female robot said.

  We both looked each other in shock. We just hesitated. Maybe the situation is okay in case of me but really hard for a girl. She can’t do this in presence of a boy. “Selected members please open your clothes,” she said it twice for us. “What happened to you? It’s getting late for surgery. We have only two minutes to start!” Dr. Angelica said.

  I wanted to refuse her for the work as I didn’t like to be naked. I was thinking what I will do. In just few seconds Janie became unclothed in front of me. She gave a notice to me just.

  “Do you not want to be a part of this journey?” she said.

  “Yeah,” I said beside a bit of sigh.

  I too became nude at her. My adrenaline released very fast on her move. “Please, lock yourselves in the capsules,” two wide glass boxes came to us and we stood in them vertically. Then gradually the machines stayed just down. A side robot of me injected something to make us senseless for our body operation.

  “Surgery begins in 25 seconds,” a robotic watch counted the time for the thing.


  “We did what we acquired for this. Now you fully prepared, come with me to main hall,” Dr. Angelica met us after the medical treatment.

  “We have put communication gadgets and small cameras in your eyes. You will be able to call us when you need and in stuck.” We entered to a big underground chamber of the company-3071, we saw hundreds of senior members and doctors are waiting for us. They were in the operating chairs. We saw a wide digital map of the galaxy Voxheal and planet Uleca where every outer- space objects were visible clearly.

  And we saw cloning capsules are ready for us there. “You both promise us that soon you will be here, because without your wish we can’t bring you back to the Earth once when you will arrive in that third world. We can control the machines that your body contains but we will fail with your loss. We hope you will rescue these souls at any cost to save our humanity, from the robotic leaders,” the company chairman Mr. D Johnson said.

  We had worn light costumes for the journey. We both were standing alone on that stage and around us, just below it; more than twenty computers were watching us constantly. Others were just away from our spot.

  “Sir, I want to ask something?” I said and looked him.

  “Where are these two other members?” “They will reach with you at the same time; our associated members are sending them from Russia and Spain. We have already marked the place where all of your origin will occur first. You will be five hundred meters far from the capital of kingdom Nausak,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “Thank you for the information, sir!” I said.

  “Selected members, do you want to record the video for you before you out from the world?” robot asked.

  Janie loved this. I became silent on her approach.

  A monitor came towards her, just like a snake and stayed face to face. A sign of beginning the recording pointed there.

  “Please member.” She looked it. Janie made herself nervous-free. “Hi, my name is JP-7625 company-3071, since my childhood I have been seeing that our planet has filled in enemies. We built them and later they made us their servants. Hate continued the burning. It didn’t end. Rate of the struggle increased. Water became blood in their murders. Food became wastages in years. We lost our precious dreams. We lost our families. The world didn’t change for goodness. Today I assure you that my death will be for our freedom. My fight is for the people. I will bring the relevance for you, we members will do!”

  “Thank you member, your video is recorded.”

  “Jasomine, will you say something?” uncle Gregor asked me.

  “No sir,” I said. “Best of luck my boy,” uncle Gregor said and looked.

  “Okay, start the systems in 55 seconds,” Mr. D Johnson ordered the engineers there.

  “Engine is starting,” a machine warned everyone in that hall. The capsules covered us in smog (a gas which is not harmful).

  “Sir, need your permission to click the green bottom,” a machinist said. Mr. D Johnson watched the things around us just well.

  “Permission granted!” he said and his workers followed his words. *


  “No need of the astronaut costumes, guys throw the helmets,” Lisa said. “Guess you are worried,” the Russian member Dwayne opened his helmet’s glass and looked me.

  “Yes, by the way we all are waiting for Ibea and she is not here yet!” I said as I was just adjusting myself there. We were in the third world after leaving our Earth. We experienced a galaxy which was near to our eyes. We saw planets which were in small and large size existed around the planet Uleca. We saw its sky is red and yellow. We saw there were stars looking us beautifully. We saw there are so many space-ships are flying. We breathed the atmosphere. We felt the things are quite different than first world and we can adjust. We also saw plants and flowers of the territory, unlike our planet’s creatures.

  “Baby, you look blue,” Janie said me.

  “You too, we all do,” I smiled. The experiments worked within us. We were at one spot from where we formed, beside our ships.

  “Hello members are you okay?” a ray came out from the eyes of Lisa and made a screen in front of us. “I am a robotic messenger; I will take care of you including your communication with seniors. You will send messages through me. So tell me, do you have any problem this time?”

  “Excuse me; can I talk to Dr. Angelica?” I said. “She is from the company-3071, head of doctors and cloning system. Your message will reach at her in an hour and then you will look for her reply to next hour, in the day or tomorrow,” the robot said.

  “You mean the process will be late in the world?” I said. I confused on the machine’s consideration. It is not okay at all. I thought it would make our job in belatedly.

  “Click an option bottom. Red is for stop the conversation, green is send messages to home-planet, yellow is visual of third world and purple is roads of the whole country and its kingdoms,” the robot put out a list of the suggestions.

  I clicked the green bottom.

  “Sir, tell me your id please.”

  “JT 7621 Company-3071,” I said.

  “Thank you. Now you can send your message,” the robot said.

  “Hello ma’am, we are in stuck. Don’t know when will the artificial alien meet us? We need your help, to get out from the region. I am just feeling panicky,” I sent it. “Hi friends are you from Earth?” an object appeared in front us. We became curious. Yes she was Ibea, a human made live of the planet. She made her presence just like electricity.

  “Hello, my name is Janie, selected member,” she said and then we introdu
ced ourselves. Ibea was a special thing from the cloning technology. She was controlling the system by sitting in her home, in Uleca.

  “Forgive me, I did just late, sorry for this,” Ibea said. She was tall. Her neck was long as aliens of the planet. She was pure brown looking girl. She was there with a traditional costume. Her breasts were the only sign of a female it showed us. Male’s voice is just hard.

  “No, it’s okay,” Janie said.

  “Thank you,” Ibea looked and said, follow me. They were change. I won’t say great but they are really best as scary guys. They were traveling in space-ships; it was a common thing in Voxheal. We headed to the welcome gate of the kingdom. We headed to a new world known as Nausak. I know it might be strange for you. Believe me we experienced a hunger civilization. They were quite different. They were the kings of the gods.

  In our walking we crossed an old alien. He looked us just for few seconds constantly. He was on his spot of the way; he just turned his heads to see us from our back side. He wasn’t moving to his wishing place.

  “He is the watchman of the kingdom. He was checking us. Don’t worry I will meet him later. Maybe he doubt you as you are from first world. I will try to make him understand that you are my guests and from second world,” Ibea said to us with the slow voice. She says their hearing power is very fast and they can listen to you from a mile.

  “What will he do if he knows the truth?” Dwayne said.

  “They will harm you. They will kick out your souls to sell them. This is F-day and we will spend five days and five nights during the time of Uleca rule,” Ibea said. “What is the F-day?” I asked her. “A F-day is equal to five days of your and when the seven stars will set in the sky it will become night here. Then M-day will arise and at last F-day to end the month. A year is the sum of 18 months in the planet’s surrounding. They do nothing at night. Only days are working in the kingdom,” Ibea said.

  “We will plan about the rescue mission for these wise villagers. You don’t origin from the planet and me also. So we will leave the galaxy as soon as possible. We will do everything normally, secretly hard.”


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