“And you are wrong; they are most developed than you. You see their spaceships. They do visit to your world that your leaders and people don’t know yet,” Ibea said.

  “But we know they do,” Janie said. “What can you do then? Robotic leaders are your opponents. They won’t believe you. They are on a way of war and you are trying to stop them. They might begin the battle tomorrow. They are like natural electricity. They don’t love you. They don’t ask you for help. They decide your death. You only cry, nothing more that you can be able to do,” Ibea said and looked us.

  We couldn’t answer her. We didn’t have an additional method for these robotic leaders. Each day they don’t spare our humans. We couldn’t attack them directly. We feel like their servers. We had only emotion to explain our own. Today they killed my son, yesterday they beheaded your dad; this is the sad thing we tell them by screaming and tear.

  “Where will we explore these villagers now?” Janie said.

  “They have been hiding them somewhere which is not for public. They may reveal this very soon,” Ibea said.

  “Will we always walk on the planet?” Lisa said; we need to finish this, friends.

  “No, we will on the move until M-day,” Ibea said.

  “Can we stay together in one room?” I asked.

  “Yeah, if we able to steal a ship,” Ibea said and looked me. “We will plan about the mission. Someone going to die, someone going to be injured but before this we will rescue these pure souls.”

  “I don’t care of my life if I die by the work, I will be satisfied,” Dwayne said and smiled.

  “It seems you have a tough heart!” Ibea said.

  “I love others more than my own,” Dwayne looked her. “Selected members, you have only three days to complete the job according to the Earth time. Then we can go for Carolus generation,” Mr. D Johnson said us by the audio message.

  “We have been detecting the whole planet; we saw their roads and cities. We searched these villagers and at last we became able to find out them.” Our senior members showed a mechanical map in front of us as we were in a hall of the garden. No one was there for a while, guess the aliens leaved us alone or they became deaf and blind.

  “Dealers have been keeping them in some machines which look like glass cylinders. Last day they were discussing on this matter with gods. We saw they want more prices. Thus they may sell the souls another time, very soon,” Mr. D Johnson said. They stored the information in memory of these computers.

  “It means we have 75 hours, continuously we will spend three days in the city. Sir, you know that they are dangerous. How can we face them without weapons?” Janie asked.

  “We also saw that some of the dealers are against the kingdom’s rules. They have lost their family. The government cheated them. These blameless dealers will meet you. They will provide you the planet’s alien weapons. They will help you,” Mr. D Johnson said as he brought alliance with them.

  “And you particularly know that the blue colors of the sign on the map are these villagers. They are in T.Th city, 100 miles far from the garden,” Uncle Gregor’s voice reached at us.

  “There is an underground longest road for the city. You can’t openly fly to that main office. So these dealers will take you the spot where you can hide yourselves. Guards don’t check the way as it became restricted for a repeated mistake.”

  “What kind of mistake, sir?” I asked.

  “A type of beasts got the freedom there, they look like giant snakes. You will cross them,” Dr. Angelica M.T said.

  “This is not the solution,” I said. I felt they were intentionally pushing us to threat.

  “This is the solution. We don’t have a next, then!” They displayed us a clear map of that underground road with images of these beasts. It was wide and just dark beside lights and electricity. There was water. There was toxic smog that can kill everyone through breathe.

  “This is not possible, sir. We can’t walk in it 100 miles. They will eat us with no difficulties,” I said. I was serious that for a mission saving yourself is important but you should live until the end, at least. You can’t do the vanish thing without safety. I agree that you will struggle, this is the truth. Yet you have to reach there.

  “Nothing is impossible, my dear. Believe this that you are able. First watch the situation and then consider what you will do. You are not suffering the loneliness there. Three other co-members and Ibea is with you. You together can do this. Your absent can hurt their work and they may fail, do you want it? Do you want destruction of the Earth?” uncle Gregor said.

  They showed us a third map of these rebels among the dealers. “Mr. Ahoi, an old dealer who is teaching the skill how they will spread peace in the country as the king of this planet doesn’t let it happen. He is gathering blameless dealers since 50 years. They are millions now. They might attack armies of these ministers at any time. I talk to them through our second artificial dealer,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “Second artificial dealer?” Ibea said and shocked.

  “Yes, he is like you. When we got that we need our own combatants against these leaders we began the research. He made conversation with Uleca freedom fighters and now he is in their group. We built him in the same formula of you. His name is Eartholeca.”

  “Members, listen to me, you will find them in Bekxic cave, three miles away from your spot. You fly out there and give them your introduction in detail. We will meet you with them shortly,” Mr. D Johson said.

  “Take a private space-ship, as soon as possible. Guards may stop you now as they have started to doubt you. So you out by back side path of the garden. They can’t reach at you after your landing on target!”

  We broke the glass doors. They were just fifty meters far from us. They couldn’t catch anyone of us as we ran towards a dealer’s ship rapidly. Sorry that we didn’t ask his permission for our flight. We just did the thing. I remember the human made alien Ibea became its pilot to take off us. He was running the ship by the language of Voxheal, and a few codes which are not licensed. Maybe king’s vehicle department didn’t lock the security for any reason and that’s why other space- workers were coming to the planet, with no passports and orders.


  BEKXIC CAVE- WEST MOUNTAINS AND FORESTS OF REBILLION VILLAGE (Near of M-day) “What do you know about me? You think my wife sent our son to king’s office and he is now a soldier. This is wrong. They were keeping concentration on my child since his grow,” the dealer said. He was a rebel talking to his co as they had sat together, close to the fire around some other rebels.

  “No buddy, you are absolutely correct. We didn’t bring these souls in free. We gave them money, our own bloods also. They don’t have right to extract our children from us. They should understand our pain!” another dealer said and looked him.

  “They don’t feel. They are selfish ministers of the country. We thought gods have been cursed our galaxy. Thus we are disable for produce our next generation. By the way king making it a hell.”

  “You Earthers, what is about your problems? Why are you here?”

  The rebel leader Ahoi moved to them, he sat there with his dealers. “They have been suffering a biggest problem than us, in first world. Robots are killing their people,” he said.

  “Where is our world?” a young male dealer asked. “We are at third position. We have 15 galaxies, a hundred planets and millions of stars. Difference is that they can reproduce children by the sex and we can’t do this,” Ahoi said.

  He told about us to his dealers. They thought if we do help them then they will help us similarly.

  “Connect our remaining rebels now, we are going to attack T.Th city just after 12hrs.” The leader planned a way for the target spot. We thought to put a ship in the underground road which will bring us to king’s palace directly. There we will choose our positions and then we all will face armies. I and the selected members including Ibea and some few others will go for these villagers to release them. We will ide
ntify them by our computers. Our senior members from companies will suggest us on the free of these souls. It may cause difficulties as we are not aware of the thing before. So we applied a range of practice also.

  “My masters are saying that we should dig a path which will lead us to the underground road,” Eartholeca said. “No need of that, we did already. You just prepare yourself how you will face these beasts,” Ahoi said and looked him.

  “We will provide you weapons. We just steal them from military halls. You know they are searching us everywhere. We won’t leave them as they work for these leaders. They are stupid.’

  “Did they not find you?” I asked and looked him.

  “No, the cave protects us. It is our home now. It is our family. Who is your own on Earth?” Ahoi asked. “My people are my own. I learnt how to live, from them. They gave hands for me. Today they are becoming extinct and this is my job that I will again let them trust on me. I will save them from enemies,” I said.

  “And your mother?” Ahoi said.

  “She leaved me when I was a child, after my dad’s death. My grandfather cares of me,” I said.

  “Sorry buddy, it did happen with me also. I know the pain of losing someone whom you love a lot,” Ahoi said. He hugged me.

  “Thank you,” I said. “Thanks for why? You are my friend; can I not understand your feelings? It is okay, we dealers are for your needs until you are in the world. No one can harm you,” Ahoi said.

  “So my friends, the dark in the cave tell you that it may be a new beginning for us or the end is close to our civilization. We will want only one, over of these killers. We will teach them the lesson of badness that they never dare to born for the second time and any dealer won’t deliver them on the planet. We will bring a new day in Voxheal.”

  “We will feel fresh air of F-day. We will see bright stars of M-day. We will spread happiness of L-day,” the rebel leader walked to everyone then when we stood in his respect.

  “And the thing will happen after 16hrs of our fight, it should be the last of us,” he said and looked our face.

  “I am ready for destroy and die my master,” a rebel said.

  “I am proud of you my boy, thanks for your bravery!” Ahoi said.

  “You all get ready now; we will be out for the job. Remember they distracted your children from you. They sent your relatives to hell.”

  “And the revolt is to bring judge for these innocents that you have lost.”



  “My boy, are you afraid?” Ahoi asked a dealer. We were heading to T.Th city in a ship. We were moving there as hide, not freely in the air zone of Uleca but in the underground road. We were with our weapons. We were just watching our swords.

  And sometime during the trip we were getting sign of a terrible voice, maybe sound of these beasts that we were hearing about them.

  “No my master, if I did fear I wasn’t here at all. I could die myself for my coward,” he said. “Good, we are still 80 miles away from our target and enemies are everywhere, you might get a chance to murder them without pause. Angry how much you can, you need this behavior. You are now my warriors. Your work is to protect poor. You will do this. They have believed on you that soon you will free them from torture of the king and his ministers. No one should spare from your pain if they came as guilty,” Ahoi said and looked us.

  Suddenly our ship didn’t work, before we reach there. Pilot gave the news about harm of a front engine. We couldn’t know how did it happen on the half of way? We some guys went out. We looked around us. It was silent.

  “Can you repair it?” Ahoi asked a dealer.

  “Not easy but I will try,” he replied. Guess he was nervous in the merely darker underground road.

  “Oh my god!” swiftly someone said by looking back. He got the thing strange as we believed. The snake like beasts attacked us there.

  “Run friends, run!” Ahoi cried. He also saw them.

  “No, we should face them!” I said.

  “We can’t do this guy, they are hundreds in number!” Ahoi said and looked. “But we should try instead of run away from here. We need to cross them anyway. How can we reach at our target if we don’t?” I said.

  I prepared myself for the very serious danger of the planet.

  “No one will live guy; if we live then we can go there next time. We will do something again. Trust me,” Ahoi said. “I never go back; I will fight for my planet. I am not a coward. I am a soldier and we never fear for the trouble. You yourselves are a solution. Select one, either die by killing the beasts or go back to die there by your leaders. You just try once,” I said.

  These beasts came to us closer now. I showed my weapon towards them. I looked their eyes. It seems they will eat us in a time. They were just red-black in color. “I am always with you Jasomine,” Janie said and she stood to me by showing her gun. She got ready to shoot them.

  We didn’t step back a bit too. We didn’t see other sides beside the beasts. We made attention to blast them. We made ways in our brain and mind.

  “They may kill most but remember least of us will go for that major attack. Are you ready to die and murder the bad?” I said loudly.

  “Shoot them!” We played our weapons. We shot these beasts. They too fought back to us. Injury and loss of lives occurred. We moved forward by shooting them one after another. We tried to bring some small co-ships from our main ship as it was damaged on our journey. That was our last chance to never back. We could pass the incident.

  “He is injured!” Eartholeca said as we were in a small part of the co-ship. We were going slowly just.

  “Can he not take part in war?” a dealer said and looked him.

  “Perhaps late recovery will happen. We have now a thousand rebels left and others didn’t live,” Ahoi said.

  “Remaining dealers are not well just, you are our leader. So tell us what we will do?” a rebel asked.

  “I want revenge of my brother’s murder. King intentionally hanged him as he didn’t be an army in his camp.” “I think he was right. He died for the generation. Because I know ministers were preparing for a massive attack in the kingdom, against our rebels and innocents. They could send the armies to Mars for the black job,” he said.

  “The time may take 22hrs for reaching at T.Th city. The ship’s engine is not just good driving mechanical tool,” Ahoi said.

  “We could choose a second ship,” Dwayne said.

  “Co-ships are not well made than main,” Ahoi replied and looked.

  “Yeah, I guess the same,” I said. We didn’t have nervousness anymore. We thought gods sent us here for the fight. They will save us if we have courage. We didn’t wrong. The dealers became rebels as they saw king is killing their own. They lift weapons then. Their eyes saw leaders are cheating. They are not working for thee civilization. They are destroying it. When they raised the voice for innocents, when they called for justice even the stars in the sky blessed the dealers. Galaxy Voxheal didn’t oppose them why they are doing this.

  Not only the aliens suffer the pain of enemies, we all do. I feel it has been arranging its place and though we don’t want it does fit. Still the trouble follows us. Someone sees our guiltless faces. How can he control himself to avoid us? He came for us with the message that you are for the rightness. You will get it equally. Never give up. Never sleep until you don’t win. Never rest if you become tired. They are murderers of your family because they don’t want peace in the world. You will punish them hard.

  “You may wish helps from your Earth, buddy. I think your advisers will do the thing little more,” Ahoi said. “Yes buddy, they will guide you when they will know you are in stuck. They have promised us that they won’t let us be in difficulties, I did just forget to tell you,” Eartholeca said me.

  I did listen to him. I called my inner robot there.

  “I will also try to communicate my seniors after your!” Lisa said and looked at me.

sp; “Hello sir, what can I do for your needs?” the machine appeared in front of me. My eye lids put out him as rays, further.

  “Hello guys,” he wished my partners as he saw them sitting with me.

  “Our ship is very slow; do you know something about its system and how to increase its speed?” I said.

  “Definitely sir, just give me two minutes. I will check it,” the machine said. I handled its review on the ship’s devices. I did proceed with him. “Do you think he can make it superior?” a dealer said to his co-dealer. “I think yes, he is from first world. I know their quality is good. They have experience on those costly instruments,” he said and looked a bit to the robot.

  “The engine is ten years old I guess. Its inner part has jammed for several crashes. To make it fast you will have to input petrol,” the machine said.

  “What is this?” Ahoi asked.

  “This is a type of mineral oil of Earth. Humans do use this in their vehicles,” the machine said.

  “Sorry my friend, they don’t have this,” I said.

  “Can I help you in important stuffs?” the machine asked.

  “Connect Mr. D Johnson,” I said.

  “Your call is sending to him,” the machine said. “Hats off to you guys; you could defeat these beasts. We were really worried for you. At last you didn’t loss the hope. Thank you!” Mr. D Johnson said when he came online.

  Members were busy for our works in the company-3071 and associated companies. They had been watching us there including the situation of the planet Earth. Robotic leaders rogue rules and here dealers behaviors were not making them pathetic, they were just inspiring them to be strong. They had known that the fury world is nasty. Gods didn’t build it in mistake. We made it, maybe intentionally or accidentally in the presence of our mind.

  “Sorry sir, we couldn’t save most of our soldiers in the whole group. They just gave up their lives,” I said and looked. “They did it for you my boy. They were from the beginning. In the war we have been thinking that someday we will see a better world and I am sure it will happen. In the sum of our jobs we will make the thing true. No one will complain because everyone will become peace lover.”


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