“I want to meet him as soon as possible sir,” I said. This is essential for me.

  “We will do, son,” Mr. Adlof said.

  “Dad, I am going to cook your delicious foods today. Dude you will like this,” Niti said and looked me and smiled. We went out on the visit to his friend’s house. He drove his car and I took rightside sit of him. I could not find any difference between the town Ukenique and an American or Canadian city of 1950’s. They both were looking the same as I heard and read. The people were wearing old model costumes which were not matching to our fastest growing generation. They were listening to radio. They were reading newspapers instead of having VLT and internet.

  “Do you only repair machines?” I asked as he was driving the car just slowly and we were on the way.

  “I am a historian. I explore things from past. This is the first that I could find out,” Mr. Adlof said. He showed me a hand-watch.

  “It looks nice,” I said. “Thanks, it is a model of 1930. They say the inventor could struggle a lot for this. He took many years,” Mr. Adlof said. At first we were using the sun to detect time. It was a mediator for us.

  “It feels good to hear about generation’s growth.”

  We reached at his friend’s house after 20 minutes of the driving. His daughter had already called him for our visit.

  “Hi,” his friend shook my hand and smiled. He welcomed us. His name is Dany. “I just heard about you. Niti told me that you are from future. It made me curious. I am happy that I could see you. I am a lucky man!” Mr. Dany said and looked me. “They don’t believe. I am a stranger about your country and town. I know this is not in our map. You don’t look like African also, not even Indian or Chinese. You look very similar to western people,” I said. Your hairs are gray.

  “This is unbelievable for them who don’t read myth. My doubt came true.” “And my friend Adlof says I am a mad, I am making stories. I was acquiring support and today I got it,” Mr. Dany said.

  He was interested in gods. He was saying something is happening around us which are miracle and we can’t see them.

  “What do you want to say?” I asked him.

  He showed me his own made drawings about imaginary worlds and people. He took me to my civilization where things were creating rudely.

  “I am talking about invisible countries and places around us. They are true!” Mr. Dany said and looked.

  “What?” I questioned him. “You are from the world which is invisible for us and we are invisible for you. Hence you can’t recognize our countries and towns. We all belong to the Earth but we are having lots of difference,” Mr. Dany said. He shocked me with his imaginary facts. Maybe gods made this really, another way.

  He showed me a quite different map of the planet. It is having five continents, several countries and cities including eight oceans. They were not comparable to us.

  “No, the map you showed me is not similar to mine. I am from Canada, a country of North American continent. Look at me; my clothes are just modern and tight. They have set cameras inside my eyes. They have put machines in my brain which can scan you and tell what you think. I can catch your ideas. I can scale your cleverness,” I said.

  “I think my generation is just far behind you and this is having an aged civilization,” Mr. Dany said. “Forgive me son, I didn’t tell you that I could see rays from your eyes as they were making a box like display in the air when I got you in Qullen forest. I did fear that you might do explosion. I thought you are a suicide bomb. You may harm people. So I hid this,” Mr. Adlof said and looked me. He felt sorry.

  “No sir, you saved me. I am thankful at you,” I said.

  “What did you see more then?” Mr. Dany asked him.

  “I saw some photos were coming out on his screen. It just worked for a while,” Mr. Adlof said.

  “Then they became off.”

  He was talking about my VLT. It was a new invention for him as the machine is from future, and from another unseen world.

  “I could use this on detecting my friends and members who did join for the mission,” I said and looked them; we can watch them.

  “Is it working yet?” Mr. Dany asked. “I am trying but can’t get any result. Maybe it did fail to store energy here or it is not supporting your atmosphere,” I said. It does charge by electrical particles of air.

  I gave them my hand-watch which mostly controls camera system and VLT. I saw it was not unable to show me what I needed. I could not communicate with company-3071, there. I was worried that how can I get back to my co-members? Not reports were coming to me from my current days. I couldn’t send any message to my seniors for help as my cameras were off.

  “Adlof, can you just repair the machine?” Mr. Dany asked him. “The case is looking complex because I am not familiar with this. In my life I did never use camera also. It is costly. Our reporters have this. They apply this for taking photos,” Mr. Adlof said.

  “Did you say you failed?” Mr. Dany asked him. “Let me see what I can do,” Mr. Adlof said and took the watch for repair. He sat in a chair and began to open this. He closely tested its nano-gadgets. He checked its battery.

  “Are you sure you can return your home if I could repair the machine?” Mr. Adlof asked and looked me a bit as he was repairing.

  “Yeah, I have confidence about this and I believe that I can make my world seen for you on the VLT. I hope you will help me also,” I said.


  “Man, I could see rays came out from your eyes just few seconds ago.” “Adlof continue the work. I think your repairing is on a right way!” Mr. Dany said as he was talking to me.

  “I just clicked the side bottom of the watch. I was testing its power supply,” Mr. Adlof said. Does it connect to your optical power? “Do it again!” Mr. Dany said him.

  “Yes!” Mr. Adlof said and he continues to click the watch’s bottom for a minute. As magic occurred rays came out from my eyes and made a bright and wide screen in front of me.

  “Thanks a lot sir, you could repair this!” I said and smiled. I became happy that now I can contact my co. “Wow, it is a miracle. It is like theater and a play. Can we see your people on the screen?” Mr. Adlof said. He gave me back the watch and I did wear this to handle my cameras and VLT.

  “Definitely sir, I am going to show you my world,” I said. I clicked options on my screen. I made appearance of my company-3071 on a box. I thought it would be good if I did talk to Mr. D Johnson, first. He can operate these old days on my gadget.

  “Connecting to head-office….”

  A major mechanical system sent me a green sign as my message reached at them. “Where are you member? We were in pressure for you. We didn’t get your signal from last night. Are you okay?” a senior operator asked me. The video was from my head-office.

  “I am okay, sir. How are my co-members and bosors?” I asked and looked him, where is Mr. D Johnson? “We too can’t get any movable video of them. You watch this in your own eyes,” he said. He sent me a picture of my co-members from the palace of gods. They were standing there like statues. They were on that water-bridge. Still their cameras were working very well and sending us clear images.

  “Where are these dragons gone?” I asked.

  “Maybe they are not appearing this time,” he said.

  “Hello Jasomine, excuse me I did just late. Did you read any message of them?” Mr. D Johnson came online.

  I told everything about my last night incidents. I showed them a video of dragon’s swallow to me.

  “Guess you will get that machine soon. Where are these people?” Mr. D Johnson asked and looked me.

  “They are here, with me,” I said and introduced the invisible town’s people on the video call.

  “Hi, are you really from the planet, I mean from the Earth?” Mr. Dany asked, wait; he touched once to my VLT screen.

  “It is wondering to me!” Mr. Adlof said. “Our delivery is from here. This is our home. I am also hearing for the first tim
e that we have an invisible world and this is on the Earth. You are humans like us,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “By the way we are not aliens.” “You look like us, same language and clothes. But our map is having difference and our country name is Ihexa. We were unknown about you. Our people don’t think that there is another place which isn’t visible,” Mr. Adlof said.

  “And we don’t have technologies like you. Yes we listen to music from radio but we don’t have live pictures that you watch on the machine. We may invent this, years later,” Mr. Dany said.

  “We took knowledge for this. Our engineers and scientists built the gadgets for our jobs,” Mr. D Johnson said. We did use mathematics, physics and so many formulas.

  “Sir, I have a question, I can’t know why did that dragon swallow me? We had time-machine. We could shift this to a ship after knowing its procedures. We did come there for mobile statues as Mr. Duroder advised us but what is its real reason?” I asked. Why didn’t they let us enter the palace?

  “I think the beast sent you there for that device which can change our luck, I believe in it,” Mr. D Johnson said.

  “Do you not think it might be a mistake for them?” I said.

  “Do you think so?” Mr. D Johnson said and looked me. “The world is having an odd generation. How can we search that device? They will call me mad guy. They will oppose me if they know. They don’t have television beside old radios and cars. They won’t trust me,” I said.

  “We are with you man, don’t worry. We will help you!” Mr. Adlof said. “Yes, we will also arrange how can you go back to your world?” Mr. Dany said and looked me.

  He gave me a newspaper, by taking it from his box which was attached to a table. “Read it,” Mr. Dany said.

  “Rebels are against government. They want to take back the rule from governor,” I gave a look on the headline.

  “Not that man, just read bellow of this one,” Mr. Dany said.

  He suggested me to read another most important report of last Friday. This was fresh and hot news yet.

  “Mayer Josef Gulgit has brought a strange thing of history to his office, perhaps he is looking for right guy,” I read the line and then I totally read the report. “Did he tell about it to press?” I asked.

  “Reporters got this, by secret people,” Mr. Adlof said. This is a device which discovered from Ukenique. They say this is unknown for everyone and hard to identify as no one has ever seen this kind of machine. According to government workers the thing might come for goodness of the universe and they don’t want waste of this. They may give the gadget to the person who can give detail about this, at government’s round table.

  “I doubt this, is it your machine that you are trying to get?” Mr. Dany asked me. My VLT was offline after my talk with seniors. I charged it.

  I saw the roughly used picture of that discovered device on this newspaper’s front side. This was having black and white color only.

  “It looks like a vehicle’s engine,” I said.

  “Are you talking about cars?” Mr. Adlof asked. “No, it is from any space-ship which still looks innovative. I would like to show it to my co, just once,” I said. I reopened my VLT and copied the picture from the newspaper. Then I put it on a box of my display. I called uncle Gregor as he is an experienced man about helicopters and airplanes. I thought he can make me conform.

  “It is very precious. For the first time in year of 2057 English had used this kind of engine in their rocket to visit Mars. It is faster than faster and goes with speed of light,” uncle Gregor said and looked.

  “Can we use this in that time-machine?” I asked.

  “I will say yes, you get this,” Uncle Gregor asid and smiled. “But how can we go to Mayer? He is too far from us and might take five or six days to be there. Rebels won’t let us cross them. They have been on the road. They are doing strike since a week. They don’t want the government rule anymore. They want vote, once again!” Mr. Dany said.

  He had been concerned about the situation. He felt the current atmosphere is not good at all. Murder and violence is happening there. Thieves are spreading around the country.

  “Why are they becoming rebels?” I asked and became serious.

  “They want strict action against government. They want a new prime-minister for the nation. They think officers are involving in corruption. They are not using money properly in the development of small rural areas,” Mr. Dany said.

  “I think your country is rich already and Mayer is a good person,” I said. “He is, yet most of the citizens don’t believe this,” Mr. Adlof said, I support him as he is kind. I am sure he is a corrupt-less politician. I did vote him last year, my daughter did.

  “We can’t make the people understand this time. They are becoming rude,” Mr. Dany said and looked.

  “If you don’t, democracy may fall in stuck. Your own people will cry for freedom!” I said.

  “Son, not all is good person. We say Mr. Josef Gulgit is perfect in his chair but prime-minister Mr. Riged is bad in case of the people’s mind,” Mr. Adlof said. “How will we go there then?” I asked; I need that device as soon as possible. I have to save the humanity from these cruel robotic leaders.

  “It seems they are senseless about the universe. They don’t care of you,” Mr. Dany said.

  “They don’t have heart. How can they feel our pain? They have been hurting us. We are like nothing at them!” I said.

  “Don’t worry boy, we will do something,” Mr. Dany said. He gave me trust that we will win. We will bring joy.

  We made a plan for the mission. Mr. Adlof was telling us roads to Mayer’s office. He chose short-cut and simple ways. He drew a map on a paper. “No, no, the way is critical. We will reach at south first and then we will make our journey by walking. There won’t be rebels,” Mr. Dany said. They are covering city areas.

  “Okay; and we will spend a night in Dutasui village. It is just leading to capital and after our four days journey we will take few villagers with us. They know about officers and guards better than us as they mostly visit there,” Mr. Adlof said. We were sitting around a table for the discussion.

  “If these villagers came as rebels what will we do?” I asked and looked the both. “We won’t tell them that we are going to meet Mr. Josef. Then we will see north side of that village. At least 12 hrs will take for us to cross a valley on that way. This is very silent and peaceful,” Mr. Adlof said.

  “I am ready for this now, what is about you?” Mr. Dany asked me when the plan completed.

  “I don’t have any objection if you think it can be best for us. I can just hope that my work will go perfectly and Mayer will help on this matter,” I said.

  “Thanks,” Mr. Dany said. It means yes from you!

  “Dude, where is your wife? Do you not need her permission for the long journey?” Mr. Adlof asked his friend.

  “She has just gone to our neighbor. I know she won’t refuse me,” Mr. Dany said. “Good, I would love to meet her later,” Mr. Adlof said and looked him.

  “She will come here in 30 minutes, wait and do lunch in my home,” Mr. Dany said, she will be happy to see Jasomine also. What do you say? “No friend, I am not going to waste my foods there, in my chair. Niti has been looking for us. We need to be out now, maybe tomorrow morning we will do breakfast with you both,” Mr. Adlof said and smiled.

  “You made me just harass!” Mr. Dany said. I thought we will do fun.

  “Please, don’t mind friend. We will see you very soon,” Mr. Adlof said. *

  We prepared the journey from that next day. We packed our bags and lots of foods. We didn’t want lack something. We arranged everything what we needed. Two water bottles, lunch box and some money was enough for us.

  “Good luck my boy, we trust you that you will success there. You won’t come back with empty hands.” “And I assure that your co and bosors can be movable when you will get the device from Mayer,” Mr. D Johnson said as he made his appearance on my VLT screen be
fore we go.

  “I too want this, sir. Then we can travel to Hovlef,” I said.

  “He has been in stress since last night. He is in hurry!” Mr. Adlof said and looked my senior.

  “Is he right about you member?” Mr. D Johnson asked.

  “I think yes,” I said.

  “Relax son,” he patted my back, Mr. Josef will be agree. I know him. He won’t be a problem for us. “What happened to you, Jasomine? Don’t feel sorry, you are not alone. We are with you,” Dr. Angelica said. She did talk to me after many days. She was in headoffice. She just tried to raise my strength.

  “Heard that you got a new girlfriend in Ukenique, how is she?” an operator asked me.

  “This is not true. I didn’t break up with Janie. She is still mine and I love her,” I said.

  “Oh, sorry man, I thought you did. I saw her smile. She looks beautiful,” he said.

  “Ignore him member, he is joking you!” Dr. Angelica said.

  “Don’t mind people, we have to go now,” Mr. Adlof said and drove his car towards the home of Dany.

  “Talk to you later,” I said and changed my VLT to offline. We reached at his friend. He had already done everything with his preparation. He opened the car’s left side door and entered.

  “Good morning,” Mr. Dany said as he took the back-seat.

  “Very good morning sir,” I said and smiled and looked him.

  “Hey, how are you?” Mr. Dany asked.

  “I am good, how is about you? Did your wife agree for the trip?” I said. “Yeah, by the way she could not refuse me when I did tell about you in detail. She said this is a good decision. She will meet you after end of this mission,” Mr. Dany said.

  “It would be honor for me,” I said.

  We were going according to our plans. We pick up main road, 450 miles far from capital. Then we leaved our car there, in the hands of a relative of Mr. Adlof. “Rebels are near to us. They may inquiry about our journey. So be careful,” Mr. Adlof said. We chose a short narrow way to east. That was end of the town Ukenique and we rose towards another town. They call it Muga town, 350 miles far to Dutasui village. We didn’t stop anywhere. Our target was just one.


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