Justice is Dead (Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 7)

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Justice is Dead (Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 7) Page 17

by Morgan Kelley

  “Yes. He’s dead to me. They both are.”

  Steele glanced over at Emma and Dante.

  “I have a new family now, and that gives me unmeasurable peace. I can do this. I need to in order to put it behind me.”

  They’d give him this one.

  “I sent the trace to Max. He’s going to be working on this one. If we can find something, we’ll be lucky. I wouldn’t bet on it. Vegas won’t be your friend on that wager.”

  They moved to the second table.

  “Max is working on facial reconstruction. I pointed him in the right direction. If Randall’s file was right, you’re looking at Famiano Pavone.”

  “Gee, was he Italian?” Emma asked.

  “With a name like that, he had to be,” Greyson stated. “Or his parents hated him more than ours hated us.”

  Dante laughed.

  “Actually, yes, he was,” verified Steele. “What’s going to pique your interest,” he offered, “is what he did here in Vegas.”

  They waited for it.

  “I googled him.”

  Steele hit the button on the remote and his search was up on the screen.

  “See for yourself.”

  “He disappeared fifteen years ago,” Greyson said, reading more. That’s when he found it. “He was the next power player in Vegas!”

  “Exactly. He was Dominic’s competition. What do you think the chances are that it’s a coincidence that Dominic’s accountant, and his competition, both disappeared and died the same way.”

  They knew the answer to that.

  Only, they needed more than speculation and coincidence. They needed cold, hard facts in order to lock Marianna away for the rest of his pathetic life.

  “Okay, this is going to rattle his cage,” Emma stated. “He’s going to know we’re onto him.”

  Greyson sent the man’s name over to Curtis to begin digging for information. He needed to make sure Dominic realized they were coming for him.


  “Good. I want him to be afraid,” Greyson stated. “We just need to make sure we’re safe. Steele and Dante, you’re grounded. It looks like you’re staying at Terrace Glen until this is over.”

  Emma thought about the rest of their team.

  “Paris and Tessa will be safe at Sky Villa,” Greyson reassured.


  “We’ll talk to him tonight. By talk, I mean convince.”

  She patted him on the cheek. “That’s my superhero.”

  Dante made gagging noises. “When he was a kid, mom has pictures of him dressed as Batman.”

  “See? I told you,” Greyson whispered in her ear so only she’d hear. “Later, I’m going to catch Catwoman and do really naughty things with her. I think they’re illegal in Gotham. If they’re not, they will be when I’m done.”

  She snorted.

  Greyson pointed at his brother. “You get yourself and Steele home in one piece.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to do this,” Emma said, reaching down to her one ankle. She took off her clutch piece and handed it to Dante.

  He grinned, knowing what she was thinking.

  “Don’t shoot any burglars who are making coffee!”

  He laughed. “I think I can manage,” he stated, tucking the gun into the back of his pants. “Be safe yourself. Don’t let this bastard get you two either.”

  That was the plan.

  “We’ll see you at home for dinner after we talk to Hardy Dallas,” Greyson said, taking his wife by the hand as they exited the morgue.

  When Dante looked over, he saw Steele staring at his father’s remains. Immediately, he shut down his laptop and knew what he needed to do.

  “Come on. We’re going home.”

  “I need to…”

  “You need to be with family, out of here, and to have a few drinks. You like getting drunk. I’ll let you molest me.”

  “It’s funny how you turned this all around and made it all about you.”

  “I’ll rub your back and feet…”


  “You’re so easy,” Dante stated, kissing his fiancé. “Don’t change. I like you that way.”

  He smiled.

  Steele was going to be okay. After all, his father couldn’t hurt him, and he had a family.

  It was all going to get better.

  He knew it.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  Hotel Veniza

  Las Vegas Strip

  When they got there, Greyson asked to speak to Hardy Dallas. You would think that he was some gangster holding them all at gunpoint. The second he walked in, they scrambled around in a panic.

  Yes, they owned the place.

  No, they weren’t there for an inspection.

  They had better things to do.

  Instead of working the staff up even more, he opted to do the interview in the bar.

  He liked ‘Club Aquarius’. It reminded him of some nineteen fifties gentleman’s club. He really wanted to sit back, have a drink, and watch Emma in the surroundings. Croft couldn’t help it.

  There was something about his woman and a cigar that got him all hot and bothered.

  As they headed in, the hostess greeted them.

  “You’re expected, Mr. and Mrs. Croft. Right this way, if you please.”

  That surprised them.

  He wasn’t sure who knew they were arriving. Coming in was a spur of the moment thing.

  “You have a private booth. There’s only one for the owner, and he’s waiting for you.”

  Emma was confused, Greyson wasn’t.

  He should have known that Dimitri wasn’t going to allow them to wander in the city alone. For someone who wasn’t an employee, he certainly acted like one.

  When they entered the cozy room, Dimitri was already there with a Cuban and bourbon waiting.

  Already, Greyson’s day was looking up.

  Emma slid in, laughing. “Great. There’s two of you. I feel like I should be wearing heels and pearls.”

  “Well, I’m good with that,” Greyson admitted.

  The waitress was the same from the other day. When she leaned over, once more, her assets were right there.

  Neither man looked.

  Emma wanted to laugh because she did. How could you miss it? The woman’s breasts were right there, and so big you couldn’t miss them.

  “Anything else, Mr. Gideon?” she asked.

  “You’re excused,” he said, when she placed their drinks on the table and left the room.

  He sent a text. “I’m sorry for her poor manners, Emma. She’s been terminated.”

  She opened her mouth. “It’s really okay,” she said. “I’m not offended by breasts. I have two of my own. Don’t fire her on my account.”

  Greyson opened his mouth, and she shook her head, stopping him from making a comment.

  “Don’t do it.”

  “No, she needs to go. She’s bothersome. Don’t get me wrong. I love women, but there’s a time and a place. In my face, while I’m having a drink with my family, isn’t it.”

  Greyson handed his wife his cigar and waited.

  Dimitri had seen this before, and each and every time it fascinated him. Emma was incredibly unique in today’s world. She reminded him of one of those television wives he saw growing up. In all honesty, he thought all women outside Russia were like that.

  He’d been very wrong.

  Except for her.

  Emma was different, and she appeared to love it.

  When she was done, she handed it to her husband before receiving her kiss. She loved that part best.

  As she held the lighter for him, he puffed away. Doing the same for Dimitri, he thanked her.

  “What are you doing here?” Greyson asked, relaxing in the booth beside his wife. Her hand was on his thigh, and he was enjoying himself.

  Boys had to be boys.

  “I had some spare time…”

  “Really,” Greyson asked.

He became serious, and fast. That told them everything they needed to know.

  “There’s talk in town. I heard through the grapevine that Dominic is moving to find someone to handle his situation.”

  Greyson leaned forward. “Handle? Situation?”

  “Yes. You.”

  Emma wanted to be sick.

  “He’s preparing to make a move. I need you both to do a few things for me.”

  They waited.

  “I need you to both be in body armor when you leave the house. It won’t stop a head shot, but anything in our favor is a good thing. At this point, no one is biting at his offers, so he’s not getting quality. They might be incompetent, and that could save your lives.”

  They agreed to that.

  In fact, Emma took it one-step further. “Are you wearing any?”

  He nodded. “I’m always wearing it when I leave Terrace Glen. I’ve been shot. It doesn’t feel great. I like to keep my body from getting any more holes in it. I’m crazy like that.”

  Yeah, she didn’t blame him.

  “What’s next?” Greyson asked as he sipped his bourbon.

  “You have a tail at all time. In fact, I would really like to low jack all the vehicles, and your watches.”

  Greyson laughed. “My watch has it already. If it’s turned on, I’m trackable.”

  “Good. Emma?”

  She slipped off her watch and was given a box. Inside was a watch just like Greyson’s.

  “This one is linked to my tablet. If it goes on, I know you’re in trouble. I can find you. Don’t take it off. That is your lifeline.”

  She grinned. “It’s very high-tech. I almost feel like some spy.”

  “All of the clients I had who could afford the toys had them. Since I have more to lose now, I will work twice as hard to keep you safe.”

  “You don’t work for us, Dimitri. You’re family. I know I keep saying that, but you’re not getting it.”

  Oh, he got it.

  Dimitri simply didn’t like to lose and having someone steal their lives would piss him off.

  Instead of commenting, he sipped his bourbon and grinned.

  It was wolfish and dangerous.

  Emma had only met one other man who could wield a look like that at will, and she was married to him.

  “Have you seen how I ride my sisters about the opposite sex? Trust me. You’ll be begging to rehire me to get a break.”

  Greyson laughed.

  As they were finishing their drinks, the hostess peeked in.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Gideon, but your appointment just walked in.”

  “Thank you, Marissa.”

  “Your interview is here,” he said. “Would you like me to leave?”

  “No. Stay,” Emma offered, patting his hand. “You can watch him. I suspect you’re an excellent judge of character.”

  He grinned. “I am. Look at the people I surround myself with, and that will tell you all you need to know about me.”

  The older man walked in, looking around. When he saw Emma and Greyson, he looked nervous.

  “Am I being fired?”

  Emma patted the chair that was waiting for him. “Actually, it’s regarding a police investigation. We need to ask you a few questions.”

  He looked confused.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Emma ran the show, so neither man spoke. After all, this was her thing.

  “You worked for a man by the name of Rutherford Bentley, didn't you?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “You were his driver?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Where did you take him the day he disappeared?” she asked, waiting for his reply.

  “I don’t recall.”

  She stared at him. “Really? The day your boss disappeared, you can’t remember what happened?”

  He didn't speak.

  “If you impede an investigation, you’ll end up in jail. I’m not going to screw around with you on this.”

  That didn't even make him flinch.

  Emma leaned back in her chair and sipped her wine. She was going to go with a hunch.

  “I know why you’re keeping your mouth shut.”

  “Why?” he asked, his old face wrinkling with irritation over the whole thing.

  “You don’t like me.”

  He didn't speak.

  Both Greyson and Dimitri glanced at each other.

  “You see some woman, and you think I shouldn’t be bothering you.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I do.”

  “Women should be home.”






  She smiled sweetly, finishing her wine. When she was done, she looked over at her husband. His glass was in his hand, and so was Dimitri’s.

  Without warning, she slammed her hand on the table getting the old man to jump. In the process, Dimitri went for his gun out of instinct.

  “You were paid off. You’re not afraid to talk to me. You called me ma’am when you sat down. Someone paid you to keep your mouth shut, and you’re afraid to die.”

  Tears filled his eyes. “Please,” he whispered. “You don’t understand.”

  Both men were surprised.

  She’d picked it up and he’d barely said anything.

  “Who was it?”

  He rubbed his hands.

  “Who?” she asked. “Was it Dominic Marianna?”

  He shook his head.

  “Who then? Who are you afraid of?” she asked. “We can only help you if you tell us the truth.”

  “I took a large sum of money to keep quiet. I promised her that I wouldn’t say a word. I can’t talk. If I do, they’re coming for me. She made that clear.”

  They waited for it.

  “Who is it, Hardy? You can tell us.”

  “It was some fancy lawyer came to see me about a year ago. She called me up, told me she’d pay off my medical bills if I forgot something that happened in my past.”

  “Who?” she asked.

  “A Lana Dumas.”

  Well, well, well.

  There was a name they didn't expect to hear again. They assumed she was dead and forgotten.

  “What were you paid to forget?”

  He hesitated.

  Emma gave him the look.

  “Okay! Okay! The day Mr. Bentley died, I dropped him off at Mr. Marianna’s office. He had a meeting at noon, and I was supposed to pick him up at three. When I got there, I was late, and he was already gone. I thought he hopped a cab home. I figured I was going to be fired. Only, he never made it home.”

  She stared into his watery blue eyes.

  There was fear.

  It was genuine.

  “Do you think Mr. Marianna had something to do with his death?”

  He shrugged. “If he didn't, why would that woman tell me to keep my trap shut?”

  Well, that seemed to be the million-dollar question.

  And they were going to find out.

  * * * Croft & Croft * * *

  Terrace Glen

  Curtis was trying to concentrate on the information his boss had sent him, but it wasn’t easy. Katerina was across the table, and she was watching him with her sexy aqua eyes. They tracked his every move, and he felt like prey.

  Not that it was a bad thing.

  But still…

  This wasn’t the time or the place.

  They weren’t alone.

  Each time he looked up, she was grinning as if they had some secret conversation going on that no one else could hear.

  He only wished.

  The only thing that was saving his ass was that Dimitri had rushed out to meet Emma and Greyson. Had the man been there, he would have put a stop to it, without a doubt.

  Curtis needed to get away to think.

  Having her this close was beginning to make him a nervous wreck. Now he knew how women felt when men leered

  Honestly, he liked it, but not in a room full of people who would complicate it.

  Just as he was about to move from the table, he felt something brush his leg.

  It was whisper light, and then it stopped. When he looked up, Katerina winked and it happened again.

  Holy crap!

  It was a foot.

  It was worse,

  It was her foot.


  He wanted to look down to make sure it was actually hers, and he wasn’t caught between Paris and Tessa playing footsie under the table.

  Instead, he figured he’d take the bull by the horns and handle this away from an audience.

  “Excuse me,” he said, pushing back from the table.

  Everyone glanced over from their work.

  “Can I speak to you, Katerina?” he asked, hoping she’d follow him.

  She didn't hesitate.

  As he left the room, Natasha winked at her. She was about to go on patrol, and she was willing to bet someone was going off to make out.

  Dimitri would flip out.

  Even better.

  They all needed a little more fun in their lives. All work and no play made the Gideons dull killers.

  No one wanted that—especially them.

  Outside, as the sun was just barely cresting over the hills behind the house, he met her in the arbor. It appeared to be their secret meeting spot.

  “Katerina! What were you doing?”

  “I wanted to get your attention.”

  Well, she definitely had. Someone needed to tell the woman that physical contact like that was the universal sign for sex when it came to a man.

  “You have it.”

  She smiled. “I need to ask you something.”

  “What?” he inquired, trying not to think about her body touching his. It felt like years since he’d touched a woman—well, one who actually wanted his hands on her.

  “Are you really over Brynn and her death?” she asked bluntly.

  “Well, so much for beating around that bush. I’m beginning to think that Russians are blunt, or they’re born without a filter.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Never mind.”

  Katerina loved watching him. Between the blue eyes and the curl in the middle of his forehead, she was all tripped up.


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