Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series Page 24

by Drew Sera

  When Sydney spoke about how the fabric of her clothes started hurting her, I had to sit down. I remember Anthony and I sitting in Beans watching her get off a bus to come to work. I had no clue at the time that in those shoes were battered and cut feet. Or that with every stride she took, she felt the skin on her thighs heat from the fabric. She walked around my ninth and tenth floors passing out mail and smiling, greeting everyone as she went. Her smile was so infectious and everyone adored her. No one knew what she hid under those clothes. No one knew the pain she pushed down just to walk around and smile. But everyone knew how happy she was at work. I think there are a lot of my employees who probably trudge to work some days and wonder how Sydney was always so bubbly. No one knew the hell that waited for her before 8:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m.

  Anthony, Sydney, and I sat quietly as Chris flipped through the journal of pain. Anthony and I had spent time with her each day reading her notebook with her. So we knew what was in the nightmares. Sadly, they were still just as intense as when she started staying with us.

  I realized that until Sydney and Anthony moved in, my place was just a house. Just a shell that had the potential to hold something special. Now that they’re there, it’s become a home. It most certainly was holding something important and worthwhile. I smiled as I looked down at my shoes. Sydney completed Anthony and I. She gave something so special to two lifelong Doms who never knew they were missing anything.

  Chris closed the notebook and set it on the coffee table and made some notes on his notepad.

  “This might be a better question for Anthony and Colin; when she wakes up from the nightmares, is it subtle or frantic?”

  I glanced over at Anthony when he began to speak. “It’s a mixture of both. But, more times than not, she starts to whimper or becomes restless in bed. That’s usually what wakes Colin and I up.”

  I could tell that Anthony was biting back the horrible memories of watching her writhe around on the bed, trying to break free from whoever was hurting her in her dream. I picked up where he left off.

  “Sometimes the nightmares seem to pass without her waking up. We’ll wake up to her becoming restless, and I’ll usually stroke her hair and Anthony will rub on her back. Sometimes her body calms and it seems that the dreams go away. Unless she wakes up crying or screaming, we try to see if the dream goes away without waking her up.”

  Chris nodded and said that it made perfect sense. It was nice to know that we were helping her.

  “The nightmares seem to still have about the same type of content, but I’m pleased to hear that she’s not having them every night.”

  Chris smiled at Sydney and closed his notebook and leaned forward.

  “So, tell me about your plans for Christmas. Anything exciting?”

  Sydney was quick to answer him and was genuinely excited. My heart warmed just listening to her talk about it.

  “Yes! Colin and Anthony are taking me to their cabin with Matt and Gina.”

  Chris had a hard time containing a smile.

  “That sounds like fun. Judging by the excitement in your voice and body language, I’d say you’re really looking forward to it. What has you the most excited, Sydney?”

  “A Christmas tree.” She looked over at me and then Anthony. “Anthony told me that they get a Christmas tree every year. Matt mentioned a while ago that they get a tree, but I thought he was teasing me. But last night, Anthony said they were getting a tree and I get to help pick it out.”

  “You like Christmas trees?” Chris asked.

  “We never had one, but I’ve always wanted to have a Christmas tree while growing up. My parents didn’t like the mess of them. When I was little though, my parents let me decorate a house plant we had with a paper chain I made out of construction paper.”

  Chris sat still, smiling for a few moments and picked up his notepad again. “Tell me about your Christmases while you were growing up.”

  “My parents worked for hotels, and it was always important for them to work the holidays because the tips were good. When I was little, only one of them would be home for Christmas morning while the other one worked. When I got a little older, many times I woke up alone on Christmas morning. It was okay, I understood that they had to work. We were rarely together for Christmas. When I was little, they took me to see Santa and that sort of thing. I wrote a letter each year. Even though we didn’t have a tree, I still woke up to presents. Once they both started working Christmas Day, I’d wake up alone, but still to presents. Just no one to open anything with. So on Christmas Eve, I’d leave the silly little potholder I’d made out on the kitchen table.” Sydney laughed a little as she dove into her holiday memories. “I’d make them the silliest things. Like a small box to keep change in and that sort of thing. I’d make it out of the bottom of a milk carton and paint it or glue flowers to it. Then I’d wrap the gifts in the colored comics section from the newspaper.”

  “Ah, yes. Those colorful comics provided multiple uses.” Chris smiled at her. I think she tugged at his heart too.

  “My friends in school always talked about how exciting and magical Christmas was. I’ve even seen it in the movies, you know, that Christmas magic. I’ve always wanted to be part of a big Christmas. Just to be with people. I don’t need any gifts, but am really looking forward to being with Colin and Anthony. And Matt and Gina.”

  Chris looked at Anthony and I and then smiled back at Sydney. “You spent most of your Christmases alone, Sydney. A time when children should be with their family and friends, baking things and doing special things together. I understand why you’re so excited this year. You’ve got good friends and are surrounded with people who love you. You’ll be in very good company, and I think the need you buried a long time ago will be fulfilled.”

  “Need?” Sydney looked down and I saw her hands start to gravitate towards each other, but she caught herself. She flattened her hands on the sides of her legs and looked up at Chris when he spoke.

  “You’re longing to not be alone or forgotten. Just to be loved.” Chris laughed out loud now. “Sydney, if I were a betting man, I’d bet the bank on this being the best Christmas you’ve ever had.”

  Sydney smiled and squeezed my hand and I bet Anthony’s too. Chris was trying to keep things light today being so close to the holidays. We weren’t meeting next week as we’d be out of town, but Chris told us to give him a call if anything came up. I appreciated that he was there for us. He told Sydney to keep up the journal writing and told Anthony and I to continue spending time with her each day to go over things. The appointment turned out to be painless, and Anthony and I learned how important this Christmas would be for her.

  We went home after we stopped for lunch, and I wrote her list on the fridge. I had to go to the office today, but Anthony would be home. He had tons of vacation time to burn through. He always ended up with tons of time off. On her list I told her first and foremost to listen to Anthony. I knew they were going to work on decorating and organizing the spare bedroom upstairs that I wanted her to have as a retreat. With Anthony home this week, I figured he would be able to help her with it.

  I made it through the rest of the afternoon and was eager to get home. We were taking her out to dinner tonight and to a huge Christmas light display. Matt and Gina were also going with us.

  I walked inside and saw our fragile kitten kneeling in the entry way smiling at me. What a wonderful way to come home. She said that Anthony had been working out in the gym and that he was in the shower.

  “Well, don’t you look lovely, baby.”

  She was blushing and I was getting hard. I noticed how wet she was and found out that she had a nice anal plug sitting in her ass. Very nice. God, I wanted to take that ass. Later. Definitely later.

  She sucked on me there in the entry, and I reached around and put my hand in her hair. Anthony had been able to get his hand on the back of her head while she sucked on him in the pool at Irons. She was nearly oblivious to that. But hands on her head
or back of her head during oral sex was something that Anthony and I treaded lightly around, as we don’t want to scare her or make her think of past pain. Anthony and I were starting to push her more and test more waters with her sexually. I was trying to be a little bold now. When I felt her body stiffen, I stopped moving and opened my eyes. Her eyes were tightly closed and her hands were fisted.

  “Eyes, baby. Open them.”

  Slowly she opened them and looked up at me. My cock was still in her mouth and hand behind her head.

  “Baby, who am I?” I pulled out of her mouth so she could answer.

  “Colin. Master Colin.”

  “Good girl.” I slid my hand around to cup her cheek. “Have I ever hurt you?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “That’s right, baby. And I’m never going to hurt you or break our trust in one another. This hand holds yours and rubs on you at night. It won’t hurt you.”

  She smiled and nodded. Sometimes I think it’s a matter of getting her to not assume or think about the worst. Often she lets her mind to run away with itself. She needs painful memories replaced with good ones.

  “Good girl. Now open up.”

  She corrected her posture and waited for me to push back into her mouth. When I did, I waited for a few slow thrusts before I put my hand back on her head. I felt her flinch but then she relaxed. Again, progress.

  After I coated her mouth in my warm fluid, we headed upstairs to change for dinner. I carried her into our room like she was a sack of potatoes and playfully tossed her on our bed.

  Anthony quirked his eyebrow up as he was tying his shoes.

  “Where’d you find this little sub, Col? She’s very cute.”

  “She entertained me in the hallway downstairs. Hot little mouth on her.”

  Anthony helped Sydney get ready for this evening. She wore her new navy coat that we got for her at the nightclub store. Since we’d be outside, we wanted her in the warmest possible clothes.

  We met Matt and Gina at the bar and grill place down the street and had dinner. Matt and Anthony helped the girls order their food. During dinner the girls were talking about Christmas and Anthony’s cabin. Sydney would love it. I knew she would.

  As we walked around the Christmas light display, Sydney stayed snuggled against Anthony or I. When she wasn’t snuggled against us, Sydney was strolling up the pathway eager to see all the lights. Anthony and I grabbed some pictures, of course. Matt took some of the three of us, and we took some of him and Gina. There was a display of a few little elves in pink dresses, and they were holding coffee cups. Gina and Sydney posed for a picture in front of it. They looked like they had been friends forever.

  They had walked ahead of us but now were stopped at the corner and were waiting for us. They were giggling and kept turning around looking at us. They both looked mischievous about something. As we caught up to them Gina pointed to a light display and said we had to stand under it for a picture. I glanced at a display that looked like a stable for reindeer. There were a few animatronic reindeers standing behind a fence and an overhead sign that said “The Naughty Bunch.” Matt laughed and drug Anthony and I by our sleeves to stand under the sign. He flung his arm around mine and Anthony’s shoulders, and we posed for a picture for our girls. They were laughing up a storm at it, and hearing Sydney laugh made it worth it.

  Matt forwarded the picture to our phones, and when I glanced at it, I had to laugh too. Matt and I had normal smiles on our faces, but Anthony had a very dramatic, pouting expression on his face. That’s what the girls were laughing so hard over. All the way home Gina and Sydney were editing the picture and adding holly or candy canes to it. All of the phones in the cars chirped alerting us of incoming texts. Since Anthony was driving, I pulled the phone out at the stop light and saw that the girls had added candy cane erections to the front of our pants.

  “Are we sure we have submissives and not brats? I’m thinking we have brats.” Matt joked and directed his question at Anthony and I.

  “That depends on the size of the candy cane erections. We might have little masochists if the candy canes are big enough,” Anthony added playfully.

  I glanced down at their proud artwork in photo editing. “Yeah, maybe little masochists. The candy canes take up most of our torsos.”

  I turned around in my seat so I could see the girls laughing. Matt pointed to Gina and Sydney and shook his head. Gina was sitting in the middle, Matt had his arm draped over the back seat with his hand resting behind Sydney.

  “I’m impressed girls. Very nice work. You’re our little masochist brats.” Matt kissed Gina and tugged her closer to him while he gave Sydney’s shoulder a playful rub. I smiled when I noticed she hadn’t flinched or moved away from Matt. Progress.

  By the time we got home, I wanted nothing more than to take our fragile kitten to bed. She looked so cute tonight and made my balls ache each time she smiled.

  “So, what are we going to do with this cute little sub, Col?”

  Sydney was pulling her coat off and had turned to smile at us. I wrapped my arms around her waist and reached around to unbutton her jeans. I unzipped them and tugged them down just below her butt cheeks.

  This time Anthony put her over his shoulder and tugged her panties down so he could tease her pussy. She giggled, screeched, and squirmed. I followed them upstairs and Anthony and I wasted no time with undressing her and ourselves. Of course, he and I were both as hard a rock.

  Anthony was on his back sideways on the bed. His feet were hanging over the side of the bed and were flat on the floor. I had Sydney in my embrace with her back to my chest and had her facing Anthony. I kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear.

  “Baby, how did that butt plug feel earlier?”

  Her face blushed and I could tell how shy she was about that. She melts my heart.

  “It felt good, Sir.”

  I decided to try and push the envelope tonight just as Anthony had done Saturday night. She needed a little pushing. Pushing was good in moderation. She’d never progress if Anthony and I were afraid of pushing her forward.

  “Baby, you’re going to sit on Anthony’s cock and I’m going to stuff your tight ass with my cock.” She sagged in my arms slightly and smiled. Her cheeks were warm and I slipped my hand between her legs. Wet. Only one other time had Anthony taken her pussy while I only had the head of my cock in her ass. Tonight, we were pushing forward.

  “What’s your safe word, baby?”

  “Red, Sir.”

  Her voice sounded different. Sexy and sultry.

  “Good girl. Climb up onto the naughty candy cane man.”

  I gave her butt a playful swat, and she got up on the bed to straddle Anthony. He took hold of her hands and pulled her to lie flat on his body. The two of them began making out, and I squirted some lube on her tiny, puckered hole. She gave out a tiny moan. Lube being dripped on her tiny hole almost creates an orgasm for her. She loves it. I lubed my dick some and let it slap against her butt cheeks.

  I kept one hand down on her lower back and guided my cock into her tight hole. Her whole body tightened and tensed when I pushed my entire head in. I stilled so she could get used to it and so Anthony could assess her face.

  “Easy, sunshine. Let him in. Relax and breathe. Don’t hold your breath.”

  Her body started to relax. She was panting some but I knew it was just a natural reaction for a little sub’s body to be adjusting to two cocks at once.

  “Baby, stay leaning over Anthony. I’m going to lean over your back and push in all the way. Just relax.”

  Anthony had moved his hands to her waist and told her not to move her hands from his chest. His eyes were focused on hers and I knew he’d alert me if there were any issues. I kept my feet firmly planted on the floor and leaned forward, putting some of my weight on her and pushed my cock deep into her ass in one firm push.

  “Ahh!” Her breathing wasn’t steady and I stilled again. “Ahh, Sir!”

  “Shh, sunshine.
Calm down and relax. Take some deep breaths.” She was breathing erratically and I was afraid of her going into a panic attack. I tried to get Anthony’s attention, but he already was on top of it.

  “Sunshine, come on. Breathe with me…deep breath in...and exhale. Again, in...and out…good girl. Few more, in...and out.” He got her to relax and calm down some.

  I looked up at her hands and her knuckles were white. I smiled knowing that Anthony would have finger nail marks on him tomorrow, which he would love.

  “That’s a good girl. It’s just the three of us, sunshine. Are you ready to continue?” Anthony asked.

  “Yes...yes, Sir.”

  “Baby, use your safeword if you need it,” I instructed. I didn’t want her to be afraid to use it if she needed it.

  Anthony made eye contact with me and nodded. We have always been in sync with each other’s movement and were good at keeping a good pace and rhythm. Fragile kitten wasn’t going to know what end was up.

  We began to move leaving Sydney no choice but to lie there and take it. She was moaning in pleasure though and was doing just fine. I put my left hand up over her shoulder while keeping my right hand on her lower back. Anthony and I found our rhythm and worked her towards her release. Her ass was so tight and I was in pure heaven.

  “Sirs!” More moaning and panting escaped her throat.

  “What is it, sunshine? Does it feel good?”

  Anthony was beside himself and thrusting deeply as he held onto her hips. I knew he was close when he closed his eyes and swore. I continued my firm thrusts that were in the same tempo as his thrusts. After another minute or two, he broke.

  “Fuck!” He yelled and suddenly Sydney’s ass started to pulsate and it caught me completely off guard which set me off. I quickly felt the burn move at the speed of light and spewed out of my cock.


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