Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series Page 34

by Drew Sera

  “Does it hurt, baby?” Sydney shook her head and Colin looked up at me. “We put aloe lotion on it right afterwards. Nothing feels raised.”

  While Colin finished dressing Sydney, I was at least confident that he was doing okay. Moving slowly, but doing okay. Anthony was still a mess though. He stood and stumbled forward while trying to step into his pants. He held onto the bed post for stability while he pulled his pants on.

  If Blake could see these two; if they were this messed up, what was their little kitten going to be like? I looked over at her. She was quiet and cuddled up to Colin while he was dressing her. All I could see was her bare back and shoulders now. She still had some marks from Howard, and I was certain that by this time that she may carry those with her for the rest of her life.

  “Are you guys going to be able to make it down the stairs?”

  I put my hands on Anthony’s shoulders and looked in his eyes. He was still somewhat lost looking but was physically agitated. Top-drop was happening to him. I’d keep a good eye on him because chances were this was something he has little experience with.

  “Yes, right behind you,” Colin said as I headed out of the room.

  When I got downstairs I helped set the table and pulled out bottled water and some soda for them. By the time the three of them got down to the kitchen, Colin had looked a little better but Anthony was still glassy eyed and restless. He kept rubbing on his chest and arms. I turned the heat up some and poured them drinks while they got situated.

  They put Sydney between them and Anthony had moved his chair to get as close as he possibly could to her. He needed her badly, but he needed to eat something first. He couldn’t keep his hands off her. It was as if touching her was somehow filling his lungs with much needed oxygen.

  “Gina made some soup. The stuff is all there for some sandwiches, so get started.”

  I helped Gina get the soups on the tables for them and wasn’t really sure what to expect from here with them. But thankfully, Colin and Anthony made sure Sydney had her plate ready first. Colin made her a chicken sandwich while Anthony stirred her soup in a trance. My heart went out to him when I saw him dip the spoon to feed her with it, but all the soup shook off. He wasn’t in good condition.

  Frustration was building on his face as he tried it again but didn’t get anywhere and let the spoon clang back in the bowl. He pulled away from her and kept rubbing his arms. He looked up at me, pleading for help. The look in his eye was sad like he knew that something wasn’t right with him and that he needed help but was afraid to ask.

  There was no doubt in my mind that the guys had reached that special emotional space. They had many of the typical symptoms of it. Both were quiet and seemed to be having some trouble reattaching to reality. They were still floating in bliss. They both needed to come down. I had confidence that Colin would be alright. He was slowly coming around, and he was eating and drinking water. Anthony was struggling and causing my concern to grow and worry that he was dropping. I’ve had experience with top-drop and helped other Doms and Tops with it at Irons, though never Colin or Anthony.

  “Gina pet, can you make Anthony a sandwich too, please.”

  I walked by Anthony and felt his forehead on my way to Sydney. He was cool and clammy to the touch. He needed to eat. I pulled over another chair and sat between Anthony and Sydney since he had created the separation. I stirred her soup and fed her a few spoonfuls and she began eating her sandwich on her own. Colin was eating too and kept his hand on Sydney’s back to keep that connection. Anthony needed to be part of that connection.

  Now that Sydney has something in her system, she would begin to recover. I almost reached out to rub on her arms to get some extra warmth in her, but thought Anthony might freak out.

  “Anth, eat man,” Colin said in between bites. “You’ll feel better.”

  Colin was coming around, but Anthony was really concerning me because he just sat there and kept his arms locked at the elbow with his hands gripping his pants at the knees. I sat down on the other side of him, hoping he’d move his chair back over by Sydney.

  “Anth, eat some of the sandwich and drink something,” I said quietly to him. “Anthony.”

  Nothing was registering with him. Finally he looked up at me when I said his name more firmly. He made eye contact and shook his head at me.

  “I’m not hungry. I don’t feel good.”

  He was completely confused. He’s never been in this head space, and he didn’t know what end was up. At least he was talking. As long as he was talking, I had something to work with. I poured some chips on his plate by his sandwich as he stared at the plate.

  “Anth, you are hungry but your body is not in sync with your mind right now. You need to eat and drink something.” Nothing. I took hold of his arm to shake him a little. This time he jerked away from my hold and he locked himself down again. I had a feeling he probably would have done that anyhow. He was in an unfamiliar place. One where the body and mind fight with each other instead of being on the same page. His body fights against his mind, telling him to accept affection and his mind fights with his body, resisting food and comfort. This is what creates the drop. His body and mind are struggling to get on the same page, and its creating these unsettled, anxious feelings in him. All of which he doesn’t realize or recognize. He was withdrawing out of fear of not knowing or understanding what was going on with him. He only understood that he felt “off”.

  Sydney scooted her chair closer to Anthony, and Colin came over to sit on the other side. I happily backed out of their way but went over to sit by their little kitten. I kept my hand on the back of her chair just in case she got wobbly. Sydney put her hand on Anthony’s lower back and just held it there.

  “Anth, come on man,” Colin was trying to coax Anthony as best as he could. He put his hand on Anthony’s back and started to rub on it. I was pleased to see that Anthony hadn’t jerked away from Colin. In fact, I think I could tell his eyes began focusing and clearing at Colin and Sydney’s touch. Must be that V connection.

  “Sir,” Sydney held a potato chip towards Anthony’s mouth.

  He turned and acknowledged her and ate the chip out of her offered hand. Sydney. Sydney was the answer to everything, Anthony. She kept feeding him chips, and every now and then she’d eat one off his plate.

  “Remember, Sir?” She waited for him to say something but when he didn’t, she continued. “Remember when you took me to Colin’s party last October? I was nervous and you sat by me and ate chips off my plate.”

  “You remember that, sunshine?” Anthony asked her quietly, and she nodded.

  “Of course I do. I remember everything you guys ever did for me.” She pulled his soup over, stirred it and gave him a few spoonfuls. “You fed me soup when you guys brought me home from the hospital. It was one of the first few nights and I was too shaky and weak that I couldn’t keep the soup on my spoon. You fed me until it was all gone.”

  He nodded and smiled. When he leaned over to kiss her cheek, he took the spoon from her hand and began to feed himself. He was still shaky, but he kept close to the bowl so that no one would really notice what fell off. He was doing better, but it all was in the hands of Sydney and Colin’s close proximity. The three of them have a powerful, special bond. So, I can believe that Colin and Sydney sitting next to Anthony could have a positive impact..

  I made sure that Sydney finished her food, and Gina brought over a small plate of cookies. Anthony guzzled two bottles of water and then shook with a chill as he finished. I knew he’d start to feel better soon.

  I looked at the table and was pleased that everyone had soup and at least one sandwich and fluids. Anthony only made it through half a sandwich, but he at least had enough moving through him.

  “Why don’t you guys go sit by the fire? It’s warmer over there, and Gina and I will bring the cookies.”

  Colin and Anthony stood and waited for Sydney. Sydney asked me if it was okay if she helped clean up the kitchen. I l
ooked at her and shook my head.

  “No sweetheart, you need to be with your Doms.”

  God knows they need her. I helped Gina clear the table quickly, and we went to join them in the great room by the fireplace and took the cookies.

  Colin was sitting on the couch closest to the fireplace, and Anthony was sitting next to him. Sydney was sitting on Anthony’s lap but had her legs across Colin’s lap. Anthony’s arms were both wrapped around Sydney, and he had his head resting on her shoulder and was facing us as we conversed. He didn’t say much of anything, but he was there taking in the warmth of Sydney.

  Colin ate a lot of cookies and Sydney had a couple, but Anthony wouldn’t take his hands off of Sydney to eat a cookie. His eyes didn’t look as glassy anymore, and I know that the food and drinks would quickly help him.

  As we continued talking about our plans for tomorrow, I noticed Anthony was showing more signs of exhaustion. Colin also took notice to Anthony’s dwindling energy.

  “Stretch out, Anth. Lie on the floor, man.“ Colin nudged him and soon Anthony was on the floor in front of the fireplace with Sydney in his arms. He draped his whole body over her and around her. Moments later he was snoring, and Sydney appeared to be fast asleep too.

  I looked over at Colin and raised my eye brows at him.

  “Well, I’d say you guys had a pretty exciting early evening. You have to tell me what the hell went on that turned you guys into mush.”


  Monday, December 23rd


  I knew Matt was concerned. He had several reasons to be concerned, and I was thankful for all of the reasons. He knew if Anthony and I were topped out like that, that we couldn’t be completely capable of caring for Sydney. I was grateful that Matt urged us down to dinner. Anthony was leveled though. In a span of just a few hours, he went through a shopping cart full of emotions tonight.

  “It was an interesting evening, Matt. When you and I got back with Gina, Anthony fell apart about how he found Sydney wasn’t even close to the path. She was sitting on a fallen tree and was cold and shivering. She didn’t have a jacket on, and her pants were wet from the snow. Anthony couldn’t calm down and was visibly upset about the possibility that we could have lost her. It hit him in the face and was a wake up call for him to knock this shit off and finally tell her he loves her.”

  “He still hasn’t done that?”

  I shook my head. I went on to explain that Anthony and I knew we needed to punish Sydney for not listening to me and staying in the cabin. I told him that Anthony and I struggled with what to do exactly, and that we settled on a spanking but that it wasn’t something he was comfortable with at first. Matt said he understood both of our worries and concerns.

  “So that was intense on top of Anthony already struggling with his feelings. Things get kicked up even more when I was rubbing aloe lotion on her butt. She starts moving with my hands. Anthony checks and the girl is soaked.”

  “Wait, spankings turn her on?” Matt asked me.

  “Yep. This was new and a surprise to all three of us. You know what she’s been through. So it was a surprise to us. Needless to say, the possibilities flew through my mind at the speed of light, and pretty soon we were going at it - hard. To say it was intense is an understatement. I fucked her ass in a trance. I topped out moments after getting in her ass. Then she moans and asks for more.”

  I gave him the rest of the info and how I knew I needed to take care of her but could barely move or think. Anthony at least was able to get me situated, and then I zonked out when I saw that he had her. I never worry when I see him with her.

  “Well, that explains everything. I have to tell you that when I walked into your room and saw you and Anthony were that messed up, I worried about Sydney. Seeing you and Anthony chilled to the bone, glassy eyed, and not really coherent kind of scared me. But I will say, that to be taken to that kind of height, is pretty fucking awesome too.”

  I nodded. It was pretty fucking awesome. I was so thankful that Matt was here. Which reminded me about Gina.

  “Hey, how’s Gina’s shoulder?”

  “Tiny cut. It bled more which made it seem so much worse. Did Sydney think I had hurt Gina?”

  “No, she didn’t think you hurt her. She said she worried that something went wrong though, and something had to be wrong with Gina because she only heard your voice.” I laughed out loud and sat on the edge of my seat as I looked down at Sydney. “She had M&M’s in her sweatshirt and was on her way out to help Gina. To Sydney, M&M’s fix everything.”

  Matt shook his head and looked down at Sydney and smiled.

  “This girl is something special, Col. Look at her. She holds your heart and Anthony’s in those tiny scarred hands. She loves you both.”

  “I know, Matt. She deserves nothing but the best.”

  Matt laughed as he stood and stretched.

  “Well, she’s got that with you two,” Matt said. I smiled and reached down to touch her cheek. “Col, it’s late. I need to get Gina to bed. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m good. Really, I am. You know I wouldn’t just say that. Not with Sydney’s care on the line.”

  “Or his.” Matt lifted his chin to point at Anthony.

  I looked down at my best friend. Matt was right. It wasn’t just Sydney that I watched out for in this relationship. I watched out for Anthony too, and I knew he did the same.

  “Keep an eye on him tonight, Col. He’s really needy. He could squeeze her and accidentally hurt her without realizing it. Then he’d feel guilty. This is very new to him.”

  I would keep my eye on both of them. I stayed downstairs with them for about another half hour, and now it was going on midnight. I woke Anthony up.

  “Hey, Anth. Come on, lets get our girl to bed.”

  He didn’t say anything but stood up and stretched. I scooped Sydney up and carried her upstairs with Anthony behind me.


  Tuesday, December 24th


  I woke up to the bed dipping and feeling Sydney sliding over my legs. I looked at the clock and saw that it wasn’t quite 6:30 in the morning. I thought maybe Sydney was headed to the bathroom, but she walked over to the window and looked out.

  I propped myself up on my elbows and watched her. “Baby, what’s wrong?” I whispered to her.

  “It’s snowing, Colin!”

  She turned and looked at me with big, excited eyes. Sometimes I forget that Sydney hasn’t seen snow much and has never seen it falling. I rolled out of bed and pulled on my pajama pants to join her.

  I wrapped my arms around her and swayed back and forth with her. I kissed and nibbled on her neck and found the innocence in her watching the snow to be sweet and sexy. She stood by the window naked as I held her.

  “It’s Christmas Eve, baby. Are you excited?”

  “Yes, I’m with you guys for the holiday. That’s all I could ever ask for. And the tree. I love the tree.”

  God, this girl tugs at my heart. A face splitting smile appeared on her face that she tried to hide.

  “What are you smiling about, baby?”

  “I got you and Anthony something, and I’m so excited about it.”

  “Baby, you didn’t need to get Anthony and I anything. We have you and believe me when I tell you that you are all that he and I want and need.”

  We stayed watching the snow for a while longer, and then my erection urged her back to bed.

  Anthony started to wake up once we climbed back on the bed. I hoped he was feeling better this morning. I encouraged Sydney’s position so that her mouth was over Anthony’s dick. She took him in her mouth right away, and he shut his eyes and moaned.

  I let my hard cock slap against Sydney’s butt cheeks right before I thrust it into her pussy. I wanted Sydney to have lots of our warm fluid in her for her first Christmas with Anthony and I. I began to thrust quickly and urgently. I told Anthony not to come. I continued to pound Sydney’s pussy until I began shooting my
load in her. Once I was done, I pulled her mouth off Anthony and helped her to sit on his cock.

  “There, now you can come when you’re ready,” I told him.

  I watched as his crooked smile crept on his face, and he took hold of Sydney’s hips and began thrusting into her. Sydney’s hands gripped Anthony’s chest as she bounced on him. They came together, and Sydney was now full of us. She looks so sexy when she comes.

  I pulled her off Anthony, and I let my body flop back down on the bed. I gazed into her pretty blue eyes as she knelt between my best friend and I. She was such a little submissive. I pointed to my dick and Anthony’s.

  “Clean us up, baby.”

  Sydney eagerly began licking and sucking both of us clean. She took my balls into her mouth one at a time and ran her tongue over my sack. God, this girl. She kept it fair and alternated between us, making sure we each had equal time. When we were both clean, we pulled her up between us and snuggled her back under the blankets, and we drifted off to sleep.

  Once we got up, Sydney begged us to go outside with her. She wanted to build a snowman. After we ate, the three of us bundled up and went outside. She scurried around making a few small snowballs and began assembling her snowman. Anthony and I stood by sipping coffee while we watched her. She was happy and smiling as she moved about.

  Anthony set his cup down and shoved his hands in his pockets. I glanced at him and noticed how pale he was with the exception for the tip of his nose. He was still kind of fucked up from last night I think. It was physically and emotionally draining. He kept his eyes glued to her.

  “She’s something, huh, Anth?”


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