Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series Page 37

by Drew Sera

  I heard her say “fire” a few times and knew that had been her safe word from what Anthony and Colin had told me.

  “Sydney, sweetie wake up.”

  I nudged her awake and she instantly sat up and curled up against the back of the couch. Her eyes were wild with fear, and she was looking around the room trying to get a check on her surroundings. My heart went out to her, and I sat down on the couch a short distance from her.

  “It’s okay, Sydney. You’re safe. Gina went outside to get Colin and Anthony.” She started to cry. When I reached for her, she curled into herself to make herself as small as possible, and I pulled my hand away.

  Anthony was first through the door and when she saw him, the tears flowed even more. He sat down and pulled her to his lap. She went to him without hesitation and buried her head against his chest. Sydney grabbed hold of Anthony’s sweatshirt and shook in his arms. Watching Anthony soothe her was comforting. He’s good with her. Colin was now sitting beside them and was stroking her back.

  “She was saying ‘fire’ and tossing and turning,” I told them. I knew they’d been working with her on talking about the nightmares as she had them. So I knew they’d want to know.

  “Baby, tell us about your dream.”

  I can safely say that Sydney has endured hell. Listening to her struggle through telling Colin and Anthony about being burned and then bound by leather straps in a closet was nearly stomach turning.

  Realizing that they needed some privacy, I took Gina in my arms and went back to the kitchen. I sat at the huge kitchen table with Gina on my lap. I had a need to hold onto her for a while. I was so thankful that Gina hadn’t suffered as much as Sydney has. Gina had never been burned; her ears never slapped for not sucking cock; she had never been bound and tied to a closet bar; she had never gone hungry or afraid to sleep. Gina dealt with some shit, but not like Sydney.

  “Pet, does Sydney talk to you about her nightmares?”

  “No, she doesn’t talk about them and I don’t push her.”

  I know it was selfish of me, but I was glad Gina hadn’t heard the content of Sydney’s horrific dreams. I knew Anthony struggled a lot with listening to some of Sydney’s past, but he’s getting more used to it and is doing better. Gina and I were watching the pie cool when Colin sat down across from us.

  “How is she?” I asked and glanced towards the empty great room.

  “Shaken. She’ll be okay though. Anthony took her upstairs to lie down for a while and relax some.”

  I could tell that Colin was bothered by the dream, and I honestly understood. As a Dom, it’s difficult to hear your sub recount painful memories and know that there isn’t a damn thing you could have done to stop it. Sydney had tons of painful memories.

  “Col, I’m going to talk to Chris when we get back to town about giving her something to help her sleep. She needs sleep, and you and Anthony do too.”


  Saturday, December 28th


  It was Saturday morning, and Matt and Gina headed home yesterday. His parents were coming into town last night and were staying with them until after the first of the year. Matt and Gina always threw a nice New Year’s Eve bash, and we had plans to attend. I always looked forward to spending time with Matt’s parents. They’ve been very good to me and loved me as one of their own.

  Anthony, Sydney, and I had stayed one more night and were heading home this morning. The three of us enjoyed last night by the fireplace. I had memorized the photographs in the book Sydney gave to Anthony and I for Christmas while Sydney looked at Anthony’s love notes. Anthony had mindlessly played with the purple rope. He would work on knots and then would undo them without even looking. He was probably awake all night planning on what he wanted to do with Sydney and the rope. I knew he was taking her gift very seriously and would plan it out carefully.

  Before bed last night, Anthony and I gave Sydney a bath, and then I gave her a back rub. With her having had nightmares the past couple nights, I was desperate to get her through a night free of nightmares. I opened my eyes to sunlight streaming through the windows and realized that Sydney slept through the night. I rolled to my side and found that Anthony was propped up on his elbow facing her and was rubbing on her stomach. He was so in love with her. We both were.

  “Hey, been up long?” I asked him in a voice just above a whisper.

  “Not too long.” He nodded down towards Sydney’s slumbering body. Anthony reached out and stroked her bare stomach gently. “No nightmares.”

  “I know. That’s great. So have you been thinking about your rope evening with your winning bidder?”

  His smile was infectious and huge.

  “I still can’t believe it, Col.” He looked up at me and gave me a dead serious look. “I promise you, I won’t hurt her. I’ll plan carefully. I swear.”

  “I know, Anth. It’ll be fine. I’ll help you with whatever you need and will support you both, but it is your scene. I’ll be there, but it’s your show and I know you’ll make it the best rope scene you’ve ever done.”

  I could tell that he was taking this seriously. I would help him with whatever he needed help with. He knew he could bounce ideas off me too.

  “When do we get to do the rope scene, Sir?” Sydney startled us both but made Anthony and I smile and look down at her.

  “Not sleeping anymore are you, sunshine?”

  Anthony tweaked her nipple which evoked a string of giggles. She rolled closer to me to evade Anthony’s tickles. I pulled her to sit on my lap and stilled her squirming body. We loved tickling her, and it was mostly because of the sound. Her uncontrolled laughs were very addictive to Anthony and I. But when we tickled her, she tends to turn into a wet, slippery noodle in our hands. She twists and bends funny to get away from the tickles.

  “Okay, sunshine. Since you’re awake now, you can take care of the morning wood,” Anthony explained as he sat up and leaned against the headboard.

  “Your giggles made us hard, baby.”

  I sat next to Anthony and watched our playful fragile kitten move down by our knees. Soon all I saw was the top of her pretty brown hair while she went to work on Anthony and I.

  After Anthony and I fed our girl our cum, we all prepared for our trip home. As I packed up the Range Rover, I couldn’t help but think about our week. Christmas was incredible. We gave Sydney her best Christmas, and she was surrounded by people who love her. Come to think of it, this was my best Christmas too. I had a girl that I loved and had collared. Those thoughts occupied my mind as we drove home.

  When we pulled into the driveway, I saw the shiny blue BMW with a giant red bow on it. I’m sure our neighbors probably rolled their eyes if they saw it, but I didn’t care. This would keep Sydney safe and Anthony and I peace of mind. Sydney of course, didn’t realize this was for her until we got out of the car and took her over to it. Her jaw fell open, and her eyes scanned the machine that sat before her. She needed the freedom and independence of a car, and Anthony and I needed to know she’d be safe while out.

  “A car…I have a car?” She gripped my hand tighter and I walked around it with her. She reached out, touched it and continued to shake her head at it. “A car. You guys got me so much for Christmas. Why this?”

  “Sunshine, we want you to have something to drive when you and Gina go out. This will give you the freedom to go out and have fun with Gina and not be afraid to drive. This is safe.”

  “Very safe, baby.”

  “And fun.” Anthony gave the hood a pat with his hand. He was very much a car guy, and he and I both had excellent experiences with our current BMWs. This one was perfect for Sydney. It didn’t have as much power as mine and Anthony’s, and it was smaller in size. Sydney won’t get in the driver’s seat of Anthony’s car, which is probably good. She feels awkward driving mine too, but this one will be perfect for her.

  We promised Sydney that we’d take a closer look at it tomorrow, and she gave us a playful smile as we went insid
e to the warmth.


  Sunday, December 29th


  Arthur, Matt, Anthony, Matt’s brothers, and I all walked into Matt’s living room after our golf game. We all suffered another loss at the hands of Matt. Sydney was sitting on the couch with Gloria and Gina. I wanted to pull Sydney into my arms and hug her, but couldn’t. Around Matt’s family, Anthony was Sydney’s guy. It wouldn’t have been wise to delve into the V discussion with Arthur and Gloria. Simply because, they wouldn’t understand. Anthony and I would be seen as monsters taking advantage of a young woman who has seen her share of pain. Matt’s family was too important to Anthony and I. So, as much as I’d love to show her off as partly mine, I took the back seat.

  The conversation we walked in on though, was something I hadn’t expected to hear. Gloria was telling Sydney about when she and Arthur got the call that my family had been in a bad accident and I was the only survivor. I flopped down in the chair next to the one Matt had sat down on while Anthony took his spot next to Sydney. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. I really didn’t want Sydney hearing this. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hear it.

  “Arthur and I got the kids dressed and drove to the hospital where Colin was at. His family had been traveling to Tahoe, so it was a number of hours away. The entire time I prayed that Colin would be okay until we got to him. At that point they wouldn’t tell us about his injuries. When we arrived, he was bandaged up and sitting alone on a bed. We had talked to the boys on the drive about being sensitive and supportive. Matt was upset because he was close to Jeff too. When I saw Colin, I couldn’t help but cry for him.”

  Gloria looked over at me and gave me a small smile. I suddenly was transported back to the side of the road, despite me trying not to go there. It was cold and the horn was stuck and wouldn’t stop blaring. My jacket was still in the car along with my dead family, but I kept trying to walk back to the car just in case one of them woke up. The paramedics kept preventing me from walking back to the car. I was alone in the hospital until Matt and his family came. They brought me some dry clothes of Matt’s. I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I recall how ballsy Matt was back then. Matt hopped right up on the bed with me and flung his arm around my shoulders. I remember him telling me that it would be okay. He didn’t say anything else or try to force conversation. He just sat there with me while his folks talked to the doctors. His brothers were very supportive too but it was Matt who kept me from falling apart back then. The next morning, they took me home with them.

  “Arthur and I had been close with his family. Colin had been raised by two wonderful parents and he was a strong young man. But he was very young to have lost so much.” Gloria gave Sydney’s leg a gentle pat and looked over at me. “Sydney, Gina, and I were just talking about how sometimes the greatest things come out of something bad.”

  I swallowed hard. I knew exactly what she meant. Matt ended up with Gina after a breath play scene went bad between Gina and another Dom. I survived that terrible car accident and got a second chance and was raised by Matt’s family. Anthony and I ended up with Sydney. I made a knee jerk reaction and started to move off the chair to go to Sydney. Anthony sensed that I nearly moved towards Sydney and he pulled her closer and squeezed her. He was looking at me, and I knew he was silently telling me to keep it together for a bit longer. Sydney is a perfect example of enduring a horrible young adulthood but finally getting to Anthony and I. I think about that often and nearly get sick when I think about how if the stars had been aligned just slightly differently, that Sydney wouldn’t be here with us. I wanted to go to her but gripped the armrests of the chair a bit tighter.

  “Come on Syd, we should get going so we can be back before dinner,” Gina said as she tugged Sydney off Anthony’s lap. The girls were going shopping with some of their gift cards they got for Christmas.

  Anthony and I hung out at Matt’s while our girls went shopping. I enjoyed Matt’s family and was glad they were staying through the New Year’s holiday. Matt, Anthony, Arthur, and I went back outside to play the back nine while the girls were out.


  Sunday, December 29th


  And there are the little bitches. Ever since becoming determined to take everything from fucking Colin Everett, I’ve found myself parked near his exclusive fucking golf course neighborhood waiting, watching, and calculating.

  He’s not the only one financially smart. I’ve tucked away a pretty penny that has allowed me to take a leave of absence while I carry out my plan to destroy everything important to Everett. My plan is nearly ready. But who was I kidding? Once I was out of the U.S. I wasn’t coming back. I can retire early as long as all goes accordingly.

  These two fucking girls go shopping every few days to the same place. They go to the outdoor mall on Las Vegas Boulevard. Once I see them leave the gated complex I tag along. They’re so unaware, and even I’m disappointed that Everett and Matthew haven’t taught these girls to be more aware of their surroundings.

  I’ve stocked my place with necessary supplies and have taken some supplies from work. I wish I would be able to see Everett’s fucking face when he realizes she’s gone.

  I could do without Matthew’s girl. She’s only going to complicate things. The trick will be to get them separated and then react quickly. By the time Gina reacts, I’ll be long gone with a collared sub. It’s such a no-no in the lifestyle to approach and touch another Dom’s collared sub, let alone take her. Oh fucking well.

  I’m still mulling over delivering a personal message to Everett. I talked to some people who are willing to carry out my request for the right price, but I don’t like the idea of others being involved. The more that are involved, the more opportunity for something to go wrong. Taking Sydney will be enough of a personal message to Everett.

  They’re parked now and headed to Tuscany for lunch. Sydney looks nice today. Her ass looks great in those expensive jeans Everett and Golden Boy Graves put her in. I can’t wait to strip her of them and whip her. I’ll be sure to get lots of pictures to Everett. I’ll see how well he likes being taunted and teased. Fucking bastard.


  Monday, December 30th


  I’ve grown to hate Mondays. Despise them, actually. Even though our last trip to visit Chris went okay, I still hated going. We were sitting in the waiting room and I had Sydney’s hand safely tucked inside of my hand. Colin is always more calm than I am at these appointments. I wish I could be that calm. Fuck, here comes Chris.

  The three of us sat down in his earth toned office and talked about the holidays. He asked Sydney how the Christmas tree was. Her face relaxed and lit up with excitement.

  “It was great! I brought a picture.” Sydney reached in her purse and pulled out a picture of the three of us by the tree on Christmas. She reached across the coffee table and handed it to Chris.

  He smiled and commented on how we all looked so happy. I let my mind drift back to that evening and how I could hardly sleep that night. All I could think about was the rope she gave me.

  “So anything new going on with you three?” he asked and looked back and forth between us.

  Colin told Sydney she should fill Chris in on her bidding on my rope event. This will be interesting. Chris best not rain on my parade. Sydney explained about the charity event and my rope evening and then filled him in on giving me rope for Christmas and giving Colin a blindfold. I could tell Chris was surprised and looked possibly a bit concerned by this.

  “Do you guys have a time frame on when you’re going to play with rope?”

  I felt Sydney stiffen next to me. I spoke up though. I didn’t want her afraid, and I didn’t want Chris planting a worry seed in Sydney’s head.

  “We don’t. We’ll play it by ear and go slow. Colin will be present too so we can both pay close attention.”

  Chris nodded at me and seemed pleased with my response. He spent a few moments writing. Of fuc
king course. I wonder if he writes everything down. Does he shoot cum in his wife and pull out a journal to write it down and how it made him feel as he did it? Does he go back to the journal entry and over analyze it or wonder what he could have done differently? Fuck already. I tried pushing my annoyed feelings towards Chris out of my head when I heard his voice.

  “How are we doing with nightmares? Did you have any while at the cabin?”

  “Yes. A few.”

  “Tell me about what you remember from them.”

  “Um, getting burned. I had another one where I got lost in the woods.”

  Fuck me. I was so twisted up that night. Her scared voice tore me up that night as she called out into the darkness for Colin and I. Chris looked up at her as she recalled the nightmare of being lost. I tried to keep myself under control as I thought about her being lost off the path while Colin and I were helping Matt.

  “Anthony?” Chris asked.

  I frowned and looked up at him.

  “You look a little tense. Does something bother you or make you uneasy about her dream?”

  “Yes.” He was waiting for more from me, of course. “The thought of Sydney being scared and lost in the dark woods makes me very uneasy.”

  “Any particular reason?” he asked. I began to wonder if he was really that dense or if he just liked to hear things that he already knew answers to.

  “Yes, it was on her list of fears. I feel uneasy when she has nightmares period. Then when it’s something from her fears list, it’s something she has a personal tie to.” I looked over at Colin. He was holding her hand and nodded to me to continue. “She was cuffed to a fence in the cold and in the dark. Howard did that to her.”


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