Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series

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Us: Book Three in The Everett Gaming Series Page 40

by Drew Sera

  “And some Doms or Dommes will add weights to the stretchers.” I shut my eyes hoping they weren’t the real heavy weights. He hadn’t attached any but sure had me going.

  I pulled my balls out of that thing as quickly as possible. Once Anthony and I started showing her how things worked, she loosened up some.

  “That’s an interesting drawer, Sir.”

  “It is. But the three if us won’t have much use for these toys. I kept them for training, which I’m not doing anymore, and for when we have parties and open up my playroom.”

  “You aren’t going to train anymore? Is it because of me? I was too much, huh? I’m sorry I ruined your hobby.”

  I took her face in my hands and kissed her.

  “Me not training has everything to do with you, but in a very good way. I have never had my own to train. With you, I do. So even though I’m not training others, you fill that mentoring need in me. I want to devote all my free time to bettering us.” I glanced at Anthony. “The three of us.”

  She smiled and leaned against me. Sydney said she felt like the luckiest girl to have Anthony and I. But I knew that it was Anthony and I who were the luckiest. He and I came so close to losing her that night she sent me the text. That thought doesn’t sit well with me and I don’t think the images of her that night will ever be removed from my head.

  “What else caught your eye, sunshine?”

  She looked over at the St. Andrews Cross. I led her over and tugged on the straps and opened the cuffs for her to take a look. At this point, her reactions around the things with cuffs or restraints is still unpredictable, but I think that as long as Anthony and I are honest and there to answer her questions and talk about her concerns, that she’ll be okay. I tried steering clear of the word “cuffs” because it has a repulsive meaning to the three of us now. And I feared that word would trigger negative thoughts and images in her head.

  “These restraints can be changed out. We can put all metal ones on it or fluffy pink ones. It just depends on what the couple playing with it want. Do you want to see the different kinds?"

  She was wary but nodded. I took her back by the work bench and pulled out another drawer with all of the St. Andrew Cross restraints. She didn’t touch them and I didn’t push her to. Anything with restraints needed to be approached with heavy caution.

  With that she was done looking and exploring for now. She went back to the great room and continued to write. I went back to the den but Anthony took his laptop out to sit with her while he worked.


  Thursday, January 2nd


  Last night was a good night for Sydney. She took her pill that Chris prescribed but was groggy and out of it this morning. She said she didn’t like the way she felt, and I knew it was because of the sleeping pill. I tried to be encouraging though and told her we should give it some time before we write it off. But she was so tired and out of it that Anthony and I told her to sleep some more this morning. He and I could handle getting ready for work and our own breakfast.

  We drove to work and talked about the sleeping medication. I didn’t think Sydney would last must longer with it even though last night was only night number one with it. She hates feeling out of it, and this pill seems to have that effect. Sydney was used to having pills forced on her by Howard and I think she’s terrified to be numb or heavily asleep. She knows that she is safe with us, but it’s still a deeply imbedded fear that Anthony and I understand. I think Chris knew too but wanted for Anthony and I to see for ourselves that Sydney would be uneasy with them in her system.

  I spent the morning going over additional emails and tending to some things regarding the Cheng deal. I wanted to go over some numbers with Anthony and went to his office.

  He pulled some of the Cheng deal numbers up on his computer screen, and we started talking financials. I couldn’t see the numbers from across his desk with the glare of the sun streaming through his windows, so I went around to stand next to him and I followed along as he spoke. Anthony was a numbers guy. He could explain financials and budgets to a toddler in a way that they’d understand.

  Without removing his eyes from the screen, Anthony opened up his top desk drawer to pull out a calculator and something caught my eye. He started to shut the drawer but I held the edge to keep it open. Taped to the inside of the the drawer was the picture of Sydney, Anthony, and I in front of the Christmas tree at Bellagio. Taped next to that was the black glossy card that Sydney gave to him with the cologne.

  “Anth,” I started but stopped when I saw that the other side of the drawer had other pictures of us taped to it. I felt bad for him. He was in love and had to keep it a secret. That can’t be a good feeling.

  “Why don’t you put one of these on your desk, man?”

  “I have people in my office frequently, Col. What do you think someone would think or say if I set out the one with her and I in front of the Christmas tree?”

  He started typing away on the calculator. I couldn’t help but feel bad for him though. I would have never wanted him to have to hide his love for her. But we were in a sticky situation where that was concerned. People at work knew Anthony and I were very close friends, and they knew I was involved with Sydney. So yes, if pictures of Anthony and Sydney started to fill his desk, rumors would start.

  “Stop, Col. Whatever you’re thinking about, just stop.” He swiveled around in his chair and looked up at me. “I don’t feel angry that I can’t put it out on my desk. I know what we have and I’m perfectly happy with it. I know you have a picture of her on your desk and I’m happy that you can do that. But, I’ve got this.” He leaned forward and picked up one of those stress relief squishy balls. Only this one was a yellow sun with little soft spikes for sun rays. He turned the sun ball over, and I could see where he wrote the letter “S” with a marker on it.

  “See, I get to squeeze her at my desk.”

  I smiled but was still hating that he had to hide his feelings for her. We went back to going over some Cheng figures. Things were progressing nicely for both Cheng contracts, and I wanted to keep things moving as smoothly as possible.

  When we got home, Sydney was waiting for us in the entry way. Naked and legs parted, she was smiling up at us. Anthony and I both stroked her cheek and head. She melts into us the second we touch her. She’s an absolute dream.

  She made dinner for us tonight and we sat around the table and talked about going to Irons tomorrow night. Sydney brought up the playroom again and said she went into it this afternoon. I kind of wished either Anthony or myself had been home when she went in there in case something upset her. But like Matt says, she’s healing and getting better. Sydney is very resilient.

  “That’s great, baby. What did you look at? Do you have any questions?” I asked her while I sat back in my chair to look at her while she spoke.

  She was shy though. Shades of pink and red spread across her face. I reached out and tilted her chin upward so she’d look at me.

  “Tell me baby. What did you look at today?”

  “The stuff on the wall. I didn’t touch anything though. I promise.”

  “You’re allowed to touch, baby.”

  I made sure she knew that she could touch and explore that room in it’s entirety. I wanted her to get acquainted with that room and I wanted her to know it in the most intimate of ways. I mostly had impact toys and implements on the wall.

  I let her be to finish her dinner without me harping on the playroom. When she was ready, she’d ask. I thought it was progress that she was going in there on her own to explore.

  “Anthony,” she started. Anthony looked up at her and winked at her. She melts when he winks at her and it always causes her to blush. “When you tie me up, where are you going to do that?”

  If Sydney only knew what kind of thoughts and feelings she stirs up in Anthony when she talks about rope and him binding her, she’d probably be terrified. Not that he would ever do anything to scare or hurt her. Anthony
was just very intense when it came to control and rope.

  Sydney kept her gaze downward and watched her plate as she shifted food around on it. Anthony and I looked at each other. I tried to silently encourage him to be honest with her and tell her what he wanted. I knew he wanted to shelter her, but he had to be true to his desires too. She wasn’t as fragile as she was when he and I found her on the floor of her apartment. He cleared his throat and set his utensils down.

  “First off, you’re mistaken. I won’t be tying you up. Rope bondage can be very erotic and sensual, and I intend for your experience to be that. I want you to be comfortable and not intimidated by the location.”

  Anthony was very excited to be talking about this with her. He loves rope and loves Sydney. This was the best of both worlds for him. His pupils were dilated and his breathing had sped up. He leaned on the table closer to her and picked up her hand. He stared in her eyes as he caressed the top of her hand.

  “Sunshine, where would you like to try the rope?”

  She looked like she was really pondering it. “Maybe the great room. Or the playroom?”

  You’d have thought Anthony just ignited into a ball of flames. Sydney and a conversation of rope was getting him. He leaned back and gazed at her. She’s only really seen glimpses of his intensity when it comes to control and dominance. She’ll see the whole package soon. Anthony and I have been trying to go slow with this while she heals physically and emotionally. She just needs a little nurturing. The kinky streak is definitely in her and is starting to come out, but has been hidden for so long.

  “Fuck, sunshine. You made me as hard as stone.”

  He stood up, took his tie off, unbuttoned his tailored pants and pulled his erection out. His gaze never leaving hers the entire time. He motioned for her to go to him. Sydney hadn’t broken eye contact with him either. She wasn’t afraid or hesitant. She ate up his commands as if she had been starved. She was made for us. Anthony sat at the breakfast bar and pointed to his dick. Sydney bent and took it in her mouth. Fuck, that was hot. I no longer wanted the rest of my dinner. I wanted to feast on Sydney.

  I stood and loosened my tie and went over to them at the breakfast bar. Anthony had a fistful of her hair, a hand on the back of her head and was leaning back against the breakfast bar enjoying her attention. Seeing her sucking on Anthony with his hands on her head reminded me that she’s healing and getting very comfortable with us. I loved it. Anthony has been slowly getting more demanding with her and dominating her more. While Anthony has been introducing a little bit more strength and dominance each day, he doesn’t take any of the tenderness away. Watching the two of them was a perfect mix of beauty and darkness and when the two of them collide, something incredible happens.

  I brushed up against her and crouched down so I was eye level with her lower back. Gently I put my hands on her hips and began placing feather light kisses on her back and butt. I tried to stay away from her ass as long as I could, but now I needed it. I stroked my erect cock while I enjoyed licking and probing our fragile kitten. I knew I had to take all of this in because it had to be a dream.

  Anthony was moaning and soon came in her mouth. As Sydney received his warm fluid, she moaned as well. So fucking sexy. Sydney had rested her head on Anthony’s lap and was licking him clean. I needed her though.

  “Baby, turn around,” I instructed.

  She turned, smiled, and looked in my eyes. There was something so sexy about her watching me stroke myself. I felt my balls tighten and then gave into the feeling. I shot my jets of cum over her breasts and stomach. All I could do was stare at my cum running down her breasts and the wad on her tummy.

  She looked down at her body that I had just decorated with my cum and then back at me and gave me a flirty smile. Sydney reached for her stomach and touched my cum. She was so hot. I lowered myself the rest of the way to the kitchen floor, pants undone, my tie loosened and feeling like I no longer controlled my body. I flattened myself on the hardwood floor and stared at the ceiling while trying to catch my breath. I felt lightweight and on a high. I just jerked off in front of her and then came on her. I heard movement but was too spent to move.

  “That’s it, sunshine. Taste Colin’s cum,” Anthony spoke to her in a low, raspy voice.

  I had to see what the hell was going on. It took every ounce of energy in my body, but I managed to prop myself up on my elbows to gaze at her. The sight of her nearly did me in. Again.

  She was on her knees watching me. Her fingers were swirling in my cum that was on her body. At Anthony’s commands, she put her fingers in her mouth. Fuck. He was kneeling behind her body and was pressed against her. His arms were laced between her body and arms and he held her against his body in the most possessive fashion. One arm was draped across her from right to left around her collarbone, and his hand gripped her shoulder. His other hand was pressed against her left hip, holding her to him. He was very close to her ear and I could see him sucking and biting on her earlobe.

  Sydney was still tasting my cum. It was very erotic and intimate and I felt like I was watching something that I shouldn’t be. But I didn’t dare look away.

  “Touch yourself with his cum sunshine. Look at him when you do it.”

  Holy fucking hell. Watching her fingers lazily slide from her mouth to her breasts to gather more of my cum, then down to her bare pussy was more than I could stand. Anthony kept giving her directions and it was making me hard again.

  “Is that pussy wet, sunshine?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He picked her up and brought her over to me setting her down so that she straddled my dick. I pushed my legs apart some more and Anthony knelt down on one knee so that he could go back to possessively holding her as he had been.

  “Rub that clit over Colin. Let him see. Let him feel the heat off your body when you cum.”

  Sydney was hovering over me and rubbing her clit like there was no tomorrow and I could feel the pressure of Anthony’s knee against my balls. But again, I didn’t dare move. Her fingers had my cum on them and it was beyond hot. I could tell she was close. Her eyes closed for a moment and she dropped a little closer to my body.

  “Let go, sunshine. Colin wants to see.”

  With Anthony’s approval and encouragement, she rubbed faster and came. She moaned and writhed over my body and in his arms. She slumped her body against Anthony and he held her firmly against his chest. As she was calming down from her release, Anthony picked her back up so she straightened her posture and guided her down my unbelievably hard dick. Fuck she felt good and was so tight and warm from her release. She sat still but gazed down hungrily in my eyes.

  “Tell Master Colin what you want, sunshine.”

  Usually when we say things like that to Sydney, it’s to get her to feel comfortable about vocalizing what she wants and needs. She’s usually shy but eventually comes around. Well, I’ll be damned though if she was shy tonight. Once Anthony told her to tell me what she wanted, she came right out and said, “I want to please Master Colin.” I love it when she calls me “Master Colin.” She only adds the “Master” title when we play in Irons and a little bit at home.

  Lost for words, I was thankful that Anthony was still able to think. He took her earlobe in his mouth, nibbled and in a low raspy voice he said, “then please him, sunshine.”

  With that, she began to ride my cock here on the kitchen floor. I let her bounce for a few moments and then I just took control.

  “Put your hands on my chest and don’t move them. Don’t let them fall off. If you have to grab at my chest hair, then you do it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I put my hands on her hips and thrust into her fast and deep. Sweat was running off my forehead, and I felt like I was near a state of combustion. It took moments before I yelled my release. I was surprised by her coming again too. Then I saw that Anthony had a finger in her ass, and it made sense. She collapsed over my chest bracing herself with shaky arms and let her forehead rest agai
nst my dress shirt.

  She was breathing hard and was coming down from the high that she’s had with our kitchen sex. I felt her shake and began rubbing on her arms to warm her.

  “Sit up for a second, sunshine,” Anthony instructed and helped her off my chest.

  Anthony reached down to where my shirt was still partially buttoned around my stomach and he yanked the shirt open. Buttons flew and hit the hardwood floor somewhere off in the distance. He kissed Sydney hard on the lips and then with his hands on her upper back he pushed her forward so her bare skin would be resting against my bare skin. Anthony had unbuttoned his shirt while she had been blowing him and now was pulling it off. He placed it over Sydney and my arms like a blanket and sat on the floor next to us. I could only stare at him. I was floating and unable to move or talk or even think much.

  We were all quiet, trying to catch our breath. Sydney felt so good in my arms against my body. Anthony and I have been getting so used to Sydney’s body and it’s reaction to sex, and I feel like we have a good grip on aftercare with her. She needs to be held, cuddled, and warmed and Anthony and I love caring for her. She gives us so much and we want to spoil her with aftercare. She needs and deserves it. And to be honest, I think Anthony and I need it too.

  I don’t know how much time had passed but I still couldn’t move. I was flat on my back on the hardwood floor and just let my head roll to my left to look at Anthony. He was still sitting next to us on the floor in his expensive suit pants. His legs were bent at his knees and his arms were wrapped around his legs and he was watching her body rise and fall on top of mine. He sat so that part of his hip and right leg were touching my left side. He was maintaining that physical connection with us.

  Even though I had more of the physical release, Anthony definitely got off on the power and commanding. So far, Sydney responds to him effortlessly and like a dream. He knows exactly how to take her to the edge, let her hang there for a while and then push her over to the euphoric high. He looked very tense as he sat watching her body.


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