by Robert Irwin
Improvement of Human Reason… (Ockley tr.), 119
British Raj, 112–13, 159–60, 212, 296
Mughal Empire, 60
‘Orientalist,’ use, 160
Orientalists in, 160–61, 162
studies, German domination, 156
Indo-Aryan cultures, superiority, 156
Indo-Aryan languages, 124, 148, 315
Said and, 293
Inquisition, 68
Inventing the Barbarian: Greek Self-Definition through Tragedy (Hall), 5
Iqbal, Muhammad, 274
Iran, westernization, 312–13
Isaac, Massignon on, 226
Isabella I, queen of Castile, 61
Ishmael, Massignon on, 226
as Arianist variant, 20, 23, 36
Christian attacks on, 23–4, 25, 27, 71, 86, 201–2
Christian knowledge of, 38–9
Christians convert to, 60
compatibility with Christianity, 57
constitutional government, 192
cyclical rise and decline, 253
decline, 9th-century, 250
as divine revelation, 26, 310, 316, 318, 321, 327–8
early history, 187, 195
evolution, 195, 269
as expression of Semiticspirit, 172
Hellenisticorigins, 198, 203, 235
history, historical method in, 187
Jewish influence, 329
law, 160, 195
medieval European studies, 53
medieval libels, 38
mystical tradition, 223
as ‘Other,’ 156
Protestants and, 80, 86
Renan on, 168–9
7th century, 17, 19
17th century, 86
Said on, 294
schematization, 285–6
schism in, 195
seen as heresy, 20, 22, 291
as sensual cult, 21, 23
society, 184, 199, 242
socio-economic background, 202
South-East Asian version, 200
territorial expansion, 60
as Unitarianism, 291
as urban religion, 227
Islam, Der (review), 196
Islam and Capitalism (Rodinson), 256
Islam and Orientalism (Jameelah), 318
Islam Ansiklopedisi, 240
Islam at the Crossroads (Asad), 314
Islam et la Croisade, L’ (Sivan), 272
Islamic city, 227
distinctive nature, 215, 216, 294
Islamic civilization, mimeticism, 246
decline, Crusades and, 37
Grunebaum on, 323
heir to Hellenisticculture, 203
visual vocabulary, 247–8
Islamic Culture, periodical, 296
Islam in Modern History (Cantwell Smith), 318
Islamisme et la Science, L’ (Renan), 168–9
Islam Versus the West (Jameelah), 318
al-Islam wa al-Hadara al-‘Arabiyya (‘Ali), 311
Isma‘il, Safavid Shah, 217
Isma‘ilism, 68, 145, 195, 227, 259
Egypt, war with, 281
and German Orientalist tradition, 271
occupation of West Bank and
Gaza (1967), 281
Orientalism, 271–3
US support, 281
Issawi, Charles, 292
Italy, Orientalism, 203
Itinera Constantinopolitanum et Amasium (Busbecq), 63
Itinerarium (Wilhem von Bodensele), 52
Itinerarius (Ricoldo da Monte Croce), 39
Ivory Towers on Sand (Kramer), 272
al-Jabarti, 139
Jabir ibn Hayyam (Kraus), 273
Jabir ibn Hayyan, 30
Jalal al-Din Rumi, 151, 208
Jameelah, Maryam, 318–19
James I, king of England, 89, 90
James of Vitry, BishopofAcre, 37–8
Jansenism, 141, 143–4
Jaubert, Amedée, 139
Java, 200
Jean Germain, Bishop of Nevers and Chalon, 48
Jenkyns, Richard, 159
Arabicbooks looted, 37
Hebrew University, 271, 272
kingdom, fall (1291), 46
Muslim capture, 21
pilgrimage to, 62
Jerusalem, A Short History… (Besant & Palmer), 181
Jesus Christ
divinity denied, 20, 21, 22
as historical witness, 226
in 15th-century Italy, 58
Christian missionaries to, 65
education, 154–5
emancipation, 154–5
Granada massacre (1066), 25
Orientalism, 288
racial exclusiveness, 170
Jews of Islam, The (Lewis), 261
Joan of Arc, 225, 226, 227
Johanna, as Shekinah, 68, 70, 71
John of Damascus, St (Yuhanna ibn Mansur), 22–3, 326
John of Segovia, 48, 327
Johnson, Samuel, 53, 126, 145
Johnston, Sir Reginald, 219
Jones, Sir William, 83, 111, 113, 122–5, 131, 139, 162, 206, 293
Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography (Said), 280
Journal Asiatique, 146, 147
Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 251
Journal of Philology, 183
Judaism, Orthodox, 193
Julien, Charles André, 228
Julius II, Pope, 75
Jung, Carl Gustav, 226
Juvenal, 18
Juynboll, G. H. A., 274
Juynboll, Théodore-Guillaume-Jean, 174
Ka‘ba, Mecca, 50
Kalila wa-Dimna, 45, 143
al-Kamil (al-Mubarrad), 179
Kashf al-Zunun (Khalifa), 114–15
Kazan university, Oriental studies, 157, 158
Kazem-beg, Mirza, 158
Kedourie, Elie, 258, 263–4, 265
Gibb and, 243, 263, 291, 297, 298
Said on, 302
Tibawi on, 321
Khadduri, Majid, 245, 292
Khalifa, Hajji, 114–15, 156
Khalil al-Zahiri, 138
al-Khalili, Samir, see Makiya,
Kanan Kharijites, 195
Khartoum, terrorism (1973), 281
Khawatir fi-Adab al-Arabi (Gibb), 296
Khayyam, Umar, 56
Khitat (al-Maqrizi), 145
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 314
Khoury, Philip, 245, 292
al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa, 28, 29
al-Kindi, ‘Abd al-Masih ibn Ishaq, 24, 26–7, 163, 305
al-Kindi, Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Ishaq, 30–31, 59, 305
Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia (Smith), 184
Kircher, Athanasius, 60, 106–8, 129
Kitab al Fisal fi-al-Milal wa-al Ahwa’ wa-al-Nihal (Ibn Hazm), 40
Kitab al-Suluk (al-Maqrizi), 148
Kitab salat al-sawa‘i, 75
Klimovich, L. I., 233
Knights Templar, 151–2
Knolles, Richard, 109
Kojève, Alexandre, 272–3
Köprülü, Fuad, 190
Koran Interpreted, The (Arberry), 244
Koren, J., 271
Kramer, Martin, 263, 272
Kratchkovsky, Ignatius, 158, 196, 229, 230–32
Kraus, Paul, 248, 272–3
Kremer, Alfred von, 150, 187–8, 195, 198, 253
Kroeber, Alfred, 247
Kufa, Iraq, grammar, 144
Kulturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen (von Kremer), 188
Kurd ‘Ali, Muhammad Farid, 310–12, 319
Lambton, Ann, 207, 258
Lamiyyat (al-Tughrai), 96, 128
Lammens, Henri, 169, 201–2, 283
hostility towards Islam, 201–2, 298, 311
Lampedusa, Giuseppe di, 203, 204
Lane, Edward William, 158
, 163–6, 176, 213
Said on, 282, 295
Lane-Poole, Stanley, 213
Lang, David Marshall, 219
Langland, William, 49
Langlès, Louis Mathieu, 137, 141
language, primal, 66–7, 76, 106, 126, 127
Lapidus, Ira, 254
Laroui, Abdallah, 292, 322–3, 325
Last of the Dragomans, The (Ryan), 111
as language of scholarship, 113
as living language, 83
Orientalist literature written in, 287
as prerequisite for Arabicstudy, 83–4
Latin Vulgate scriptures, 73–4, 96
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 85, 90, 92, 93
Lawrence, T. E., 209, 217, 280
Leben Jesu, Das (Strauss), 154, 177
Leben und die Lehre des Mohammed, Das (Sprenger), 187
Le Bon, Gustave, 311–12
Lecture on thje Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages (Wright), 180
Lectures on the Religion of the Semites (Smith), 184
Leff, Gordon, 30
Legacy of Islam, The, 321
Législation orientale (Anquetil-Duperron), 125
Le Grand, Etienne, 142
Le Hir, M., 166, 169
Leibniz, G. W., 108, 129
Leiden, as intellectual centre, 81
Leiden University, 179, 199, 207
Arabic, chair, 79, 87, 200
decline, 18th-century, 126
Orientalist conference (1883), 169, 257
Oriental studies, 101, 190
Leipzig University, 178, 192
Leningrad, siege (1941), 231
Leo Africanus, 64–5, 221
Leo X, Pope, 64
le Strange, Guy, 296
Levant, French interest in, 111–12
Levant Company (British), 112
chaplains, 93–4
Levant Company (French), 111–12
Lévi-Provençal, Evariste, 241
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 184
Lewis, Bernard, 10–11, 12, 196, 225, 253, 258, 259–63, 264, 265, 268, 272, 274
debate with Said, 302–3
influence on Said, 288
Islam, evolution in, 195
on Muslim slavery, 325
on Orientalism, 299, 301–2
at Princeton, 245, 259, 261
on Qur’an, 321
Said on, 259, 262–3, 282–3, 290
Second World War, 237, 238, 259
at SOAS, 260
translation into Arabic, 297
Zionism, 261, 263
Lewis, Franklin D., 208
Lexicon Arabico–Latinum (Freytag), 176, 239
Lexicon Arabico–Latinum (Golius), 103–4, 176
Lexicon Arabico–Latinum (Raphelengius), 101–2, 103
Lexicon Heptaglotton, 98–9
Liber de Anima (Avicenna), 32
Liber Generationis Mahumet, 27
Life of Mahomet (Muir), 283
Light and the Dark, The (Snow), 219
Literary History of Persia, A (Browne), 206, 207
Literary History of the Arabs, A (Nicholson), 83–4, 207–8, 287
Little, Donald, 299
Lives (Plutarch), 114
Livy, 56
Locke, John, 97
Locksley Hall (Tennyson), 124–5
Logonomia Anglicanae (Gil), 83
London Polyglot Bible, 96, 98
London University, 178, 179
School of East European and SlavonicLanguages, 238
School of Oriental & African Studies (See School of Oriental Studies (later Oriental and African Studies))
Warburg Institute, 247
Los Angeles Times, 306
Louis IX, King of France, 227, 254
Lull, Ramon, 37, 43–7
admiration for Sufism, 45–6
Arabic studies, 44, 46
attacks Averroism, 46
missionary journeys, 47
Luqman, 69, 84, 128, 143
Luther, Martin, 49, 72–3
Lyall, Sir Charles James, 147, 212–13, 217, 296
Lyautey, Marshal, 221, 227, 297
Lydia, city of, 11
Lyell, Sir Charles, 176
Lyons, Malcolm, 209, 266–7
Lysenko, T. D., 255
al-Ma‘arri, 158, 207, 211
Macaulay, Lord, 5, 112, 161
MacDonald, Duncan Black, 214
McGuckin, William, Baron de Slane, 149, 159, 302
Machumetis Saracenorum principis…, 71
Macnaghten, Sir William Hay, 160
madrasa, 39
universities and, 327
Magyar language, 192
Mahdi, Muhsin, 245, 247, 292, 329–30
Mahfouz, Naguib, 272
Mahomet Unmasked (Bedwell), 87
Maimonides, 94
Maistre, Joseph de, 220, 263
al-Majriti, 30
Makdisi, George, 292
al-Makin, 103, 128
Makiya, Kanan, 293, 308
Mamluk empire, 46, 60, 133, 137
Mandeville, Sir John de, 39, 50–3, 62
Man for All Seasons, A (Bolt), 284
Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, The (Lane), 122, 164, 165, 283, 286, 296
Mansfield Park (Austen), 307
Maqamat (al-Hariri), 64, 128, 143, 212
al-Maqqari, 231
al-Maqrizi, 145, 146, 148, 216
Marathon, battle (490 BC), 11, 12
Marçais, Georges, 215
Marcel, Jean-Joseph, 111, 138–9
Margoliouth, David Samuel, 209–12, 238, 252, 296
Laudian Chair, 166, 178–9, 210
on Muhammad, 211
personal appearance, 210
Maritain, Jacques, 225
Mark of Toledo, 27–8
Maronite Church, 65, 75, 104
Marracci, Ludovico, 80, 105, 108, 120, 287
Marsili, Luigi, 55
Marsot, Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid, 292
Marx, Karl, 253, 295–6
Marzolph, Ulrich, 274
Maspero, Henry, 221
Massignon, Louis, 47, 195, 196, 220–29, 231, 291, 309, 324
anti-imperialism, 227–8, 255
anti-Semitism, 225, 228, 255, 273, 324
Catholicism, 222, 223, 225–6, 228–9
at Collège de France, 222, 225, 259
influence, 235, 251, 253, 256, 262, 274
patriotism, 223, 227
Said on, 226, 297–8, 299
Second World War, 228
al-Mas’udi, 65, 208
mathematics, Arab treatises, 28–9
Mauriac, François, 222, 228
Mayer, Leo Ari, 271
MECAS, see Middle East Centre for Arab Studies
Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam (Crone), 202, 270
medicine, Arabic texts, 32–4, 55
Medici Oriental Press, 75, 80, 104
Medieval Islam (Grunebaum), 318
Mediterranean Society (Goitein), 248
Mehmed II, Sultan, 57, 60
Mehta, Vad, 303
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 234
Mekka (Hurgronje), 200
MESA, see Middle East Studies Association
metre, Arabic, 143
Metropolitan Museum, New York, Islamic collections, 247
Metternich, Prince, 151
Michaelis, Johann-David, 130–32, 133, 153
Michelozzi, Bernardo, 56
Middle East
American media and, 302
crisis (1973), 281
Protestant missions to, 214
religion in life, 294
Western economic dominance, 260, 285
Middle East: 2000 Years of History… (Lewis), 261–2
Middle East Centre for Arab Studies (MECAS), 238, 240–41
Middlemarch (Eliot), 79
Mill, James, 160
Mimesis (Auerbach), 279
Mind, journal, 303
Mines de l’
Orient (journal), 150
Miquel, André, 225, 257–8
Miskawayh, 211
missionaries, Christian, 65, 86, 104, 214
Mithridates, Flavius, 58
Modern Language Association (MLA), 297
Mohacs, battle (1526), 60
Mohammed and the Rise of Islam (Margoliouth), 211
Mohammedanism (Margoliouth), 211, 212, 283
Mohammedanism (Watt), 283
Mongols, 242
conversion to Islam, 44, 46
papal missions to, 48
Monteil, Vincent, 228
Montenegro, 109
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de, 134, 145
Moore, George, 124
Morgan, David, 245
Morocco, diplomatic language, 88
Morozov, N. A., 233
Moses and Monotheism (Freud), 308
Mu‘allaqat (Jones), 123, 125, 172
Mu‘awiya, Umayyad Caliph, 202
al-Mubarrad, 179
Mughal Empire, 60, 112
Muhammad, Prophet, 19, 184
angels aid, 326
as Arian heretic(alleged), 20, 23, 36
attacks on, 71, 94, 115, 145, 162, 211, 318
chronology, 197
coffin, 50
epilepsy (alleged), 162, 175, 211
Hadiths, 70, 184, 194–5, 249, 325
instructed by Bahira/Sergius, 20, 23, 38, 86
Jewish influence on, 57, 321
as last of God’s prophets, 320
marriages, 23, 211
Postel on, 69, 70
Renan on, 168, 169
Sunna, 144
Muhammad at Mecca (Watt), 197, 202, 267
Muhammad at Medina (Watt), 197, 202, 267
Muhammad ibn Idris Shafi’i, 249
Muhammedanische Studien (Goldziher), 195
Muir, Sir William, 147, 162–3, 187, 296
Müller, Friedrich Max, 125, 169, 193, 217
Mundy, Talbot (pseud.), 200
Muqaddimah (Ibn Khaldun), 64, 149–50, 248
Murray, Gilbert, 209
Murray, John, 163
Museo Kircheriano, Vatican, 108
Musil, Alois, 215
Muslim Brotherhood, 317
Muslim Discovery of Europe, The (Lewis), 261
Muslims, see also Islam
Christian conversion, 65
Christianity attacked by, 20–21
Christian missionaries to, 37–9
Jerusalem, capture, 21
Muslim Society (Gellner), 303
Muslim World, periodical, 296
Mustansariyya madrasa, 39
al-Mutanabbi, 37, 128
Muteferrika, Ibrahim, 76
Mutterecht, 184
Mysteries of Baphomet Revealed (Hammer-Purgstall), 151
Mythos bei den Hebrdern und seine geschichtliche Entwicklung, Der (Goldziher), 193
Nabataea, kingdom of, 18
Nadir Shah, 122, 131
Nafh al-Tibb (al-Maqqari), 231
nahw, Arabicgrammar, 144
Nasr, Hossein, 316
Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 264
Nationalism in Asia and Africa (Kedourie), 264
Natural History of Aleppo (Russell), 121–2, 164
Nature of Culture, The (Kroeber), 247
Nature of the drink Kauhi, or Coffe… (Pococke), 97