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Growth 0f Love (The Heirs 0f Orion Series Book 2)

Page 13

by D. Anne Paris

  Sprinklers. If he hit them they would go off and Daniel would be able to get away. There was no way he was going to leave Dean or Tiny behind, so whatever Karen had planned for them he would be part of it.

  He jumped behind another table and fired a couple rounds at the sprinklers. The first one missed but the second flung the cap off and the next ones broke the sprinkler that caused a downpour of water on top of everyone.

  The men fired at him but missed as he ran towards the table where Daniel was hidden. But Daniel wasn't there, just the laptop.

  Good Intel. Followed orders.

  Karen screamed at the guards as Keith peeked over the table and took a shot at one guard. He nailed him right in the hand he held his gun with and he howled in pain.

  The other guard shot at Keith but hit the table instead.

  "Stop it!" Karen screamed at the guard. "Give me that gun!"

  The shots stopped and Keith felt a pit in his stomach.

  "Come on out, Keith Brinks, or both of your friends will go back in body bags!" Karen's voice mocked.


  "Don't shoot." He slid his gun onto the table.

  "Hands up over your head and come out slowly," she ordered.

  There was no other way out of this. He just hoped that Daniel was able to find a way to get them out of here.

  Slowly, he lifted his hands over the counter and began to stand up.

  Before he could react a tazer shot at him and his body began to twitch. His head hit the table as his legs gave out and the world turned black.

  Chapter 20

  Jeri 's heart beat so fast she was sure it would jump out of her chest. She and the rest of the team lurked behind the facility Keith and his team went into. George and Kenneth led the group, and they all kept quiet to avoid drawing attention, even though it was close to one in the morning.

  When Daniel called them to let them know that Keith, Tiny and Dean were captured by Karen, his father and George immediately formed a plan to get them out.

  That plan, of course, didn't include Jeri, Elle, Christina, or Anne, but the women wouldn't let them go and pointed out that their powers were immensely important in getting the men out. They argued over an hour before Kenneth and George finally caved in, but only because they knew the women would go with or without their blessings and probably get themselves hurt in the process.

  Jeri, Elle, Christina, Anne and Daniel slowly walked behind George and Kenneth as they search for a side door they could use to sneak inside.

  Daniel hacked into the camera and left a loop video playing to divert any attention from security.

  George motioned towards a set of stairs that led to a steel door. There was a keypad next to it, and Jeri guessed that's how George was going to unlock it.

  George had a power she’d only heard about, the power to manipulate electricity. He didn't generate it but was able to manipulate it and make it do various things. In this case, he could use it to unlock the door.

  They all slowly ascended the stairs and George did his magic.

  The door unlocked and they all went inside the building. They filed inside, stood side by side and held hands. Christina used her invisibility power to make them disappear. Jeri couldn't get over how fascinating her power of invisibility was. Everyone in the group who was invisible started to glow a light blue color. They slowly made their way down a corridor and found the door to the stairs.

  George, who led the group, opened the door, and they all filed into the stairway. Anne brought up the rear and closed the door behind them. George looked up the stairwell and gave a thumbs up.

  Christina stopped emitting her power and everyone became visible.

  "Okay, Daniel. We need to know where to go."

  Daniel pulled out his tablet. "It's a good thing I planted a bug on Karen's computer." He typed out a few more things. "Keith is in room 1214 and Dean's in 1427 and Tiny's in 1735."

  "Couldn't be the second floor," Kenneth grumbled.

  "Makes it harder for them to escape," Christina pointed out.

  "Or us to rescue them," Jeri said with a sigh.

  "Ok, we have to split up. Anne, you're coming with me, and we'll go get Dean.” Kenneth commanded. “George, go with Elle to get Tiny. Jeri, you and Daniel go find Keith. Christina, you stay close to the elevator. Any of us get into trouble you come and make them disappear."

  "Remember, grab them and get the hell out of here as fast as you can. Everyone meet at the rendezvous point," George instructed.

  "And don't shoot anyone unless necessary," Kenneth added.

  Jeri nodded as she absently caressed her handgun in her side holster. When she’d moved out into the country Kenneth had given her shooting lessons and convinced her to keep a gun at her house at all times. She never really took it out of her safe, but now, under the circumstances, it could save Keith's life and her own. It felt so weird to have a gun hanging from her hip, but she knew that these people weren't going to stop and invite them to talk about everything over a cup of coffee.

  "Ok, Christina." George nodded towards her. Everyone locked hands again and they vanished. Anne opened the door, then they filed back out into the hallway and down towards the elevator. Daniel had screwed up their elevator system, so they randomly moved at various times throughout the day and now into the night. He intercepted the service call, too, and made security think the technician would be out the next day.

  They all filed into the elevator and George hit 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 27. It would take a bit longer to get there, but it would make it harder for anyone to realize where they were actually going.

  Jeri slowly let out a breath as she leaned her head against the back of the elevator. Her hand slid into her pocket where some small pearl shaped seeds rested. Since her power only effected plants she brought a few secret 'weapons' with her. Her fingers glided the surface of the seeds and she took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves.

  Let the guys be okay. Where ever her parents were, she hoped that they were looking out for her and the rest of them.

  7. Doors opened and they all stood unmoving. The hallway was dark and clearly no one was around. Same thing occurred when they stopped at 10.

  12. The doors opened and George slowly peeked out and looked down the hallways. He gave a thumbs up and Daniel and Jeri walked out into the hallway.

  Instead of his tablet, Daniel grabbed his gun and motioned her down the hallway to the right. They slowly walked and Jeri looked at the door numbers.

  1202, 1203,...

  It was too quiet. She expected there to be some sort of guards or scientists running around with data like she saw on the movies. Instead there was no one in sight.

  1208, 1209,...

  Jeri's heart started to race as her eyes darted up and down the hallway. Could it really be this easy? No, nothing came this easy, especially for her.

  1213, 1214.

  They flanked the door and Jeri pulled out the gun. Daniel grabbed the key card, swiped it and the door unlocked. He eased the metal door open. The room was lit with various dim glowing lights. Daniel looked up at the ceiling and around the entrance before he stepped inside. Jeri slowly followed behind him, gun aimed in front of her.

  In the middle of the room was a steel table with various machines around it. One of them looked like a machine she saw at a blood drive once and another one had an IV pump. They slowly walked around the table and the rest of the room before they concluded no one was there.

  Jeri looked at Daniel. He shrugged and motioned back towards the hallway.

  They inched their way back to the hallway and softly closed the door behind them. Daniel motioned back down the hall and they walked down until they saw a room labeled "Lecture Hall". He put his hand on the door handle and moved it. The handle moved and he slowly pushed it opened a bit to listen. When he was sure he didn't hear anyone, he opened it and they both walked in. Slowly he locked the door behind and Jeri slid her gun back
into the holster.

  "Where is he?" She couldn't keep the panic from her voice. "You said 1214, are you sure it was 1214?"

  Daniel holstered his gun and pulled his tablet out from his small backpack. "That's what's on her computer - 1214. She must have moved him and not updated it in the system."

  Jeri started to pace the room. Worry snaked through her soul. Please let them still be here in this building. If only she had her brother's power right now. Dean had the power to track people down but only if they let him tag them first. Jeri was almost positive that Keith was tagged, but with Dean being captured it wouldn't help, unless they found Dean conscious. He would never let them take him away without Keith or even Tiny.

  That glimmer of hope helped her stay sane as Daniel tapped away and tried to find where Keith was taken. His frustrated sighs didn't help much and she continued to pace.

  "Damn it!" Daniel slammed his tablet on a table. "There's nothing here, not on her computer, cell phone, or tablet."

  "What about the main server?" she blurted out.

  She could see his clinched jaw from the glow from the tablet's screen. "Do you know how many files are on that server? It would take me weeks to dig through it!"

  Jeri closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. "Ok, so that's out. What about anything with the Orion project?"

  "What?" His eyebrows drew together. "We don't have time to look into that."

  "But it could lead us to Keith." She threw her arms up. "What other clues do we have?"

  Daniel groaned and snatched his tablet from the table.

  Her legs couldn't stay still. Jeri looked around the room and walked over to the window to look out into the city. There were various skyscrapers that surrounded the building. The one next door was a hotel and it looked like the floor directly below them was their ballroom. Jeri leaned her head against the glass as she looked at a wedding party that was having a reception. The lights flashed and she could hear the slight thud of the music as the party goers danced.

  What I wouldn't give to be able to dance with Keith.

  Jeri leaned closer towards the window and saw the music slowed and the bride and groom started to slow dance. The bride was probably anticipating the future, planning on having children with her new husband.

  If Jeri and Keith got married ...

  Her eyes widened and her body froze. That's it!

  Her heart starting racing. She spun around and bolted to Daniel.

  "Where did Karen take Keith's sperm?"

  His head spun around. "What?"

  "The lab. Where did she take it to? Was it in this building?"

  Daniel turned back to the tablet and typed in a few things.

  "Got it. It was brought to a lab - room 2723, but that doesn't mean that she took him there."

  Jeri headed towards the door. "It's the only lead we have right now."

  "You're right, and if he isn't maybe there will be something there that will give us a clue." He put the tablet into his backpack and pulled out his gun. They moved out of the room cautiously and headed to the 27th floor.

  Chapter 21

  It was so hot and he needed water. What was that beep he heard? Was he back at the hospital? It didn't smell like it.

  Keith tried to open his eyes. He groaned as the bright spotlight blinded him.

  "Sleeping Beauty's awake," a soft feminine voice called out to him.

  It sounded familiar. He opened his eyes again and tried to focus towards the voice. Red hair, lab coat.

  Karen Aimes.

  He started to remember everything. He was knocked unconscious, and then he couldn't remember anything after that. He needed to send a message to the team, but he couldn't use his astral projection. She must have put something in his system to screw with his power.

  "Where am I?" He groaned as he tried to move his arms but realized he was restrained.

  Her heels clicked against the ceramic floor as she walked towards him. "I wouldn't be concerned about that. You should be more concerned about what I am going to do to you."

  Keith blinked to clear his vision. She slithered over to his side and leaned down enough to show her cleavage. It didn't sway Keith's focus. He stared daggers at her.

  "Where are Dean and Tiny?"

  She laughed as she walked to the IV pump and checked it. "I admire that you are concerned for your friends. All of you are really special, and it intrigues me."

  Keith looked down and saw the IV line in his arm. His shirt was missing and his body was covered in sweat. It felt like the room was over 100 degrees.

  "You don't know who you are messing with, lady."

  She pressed another button on the unit and smirked at him. "I know exactly who you and your friends are. You're decedents of the Orion project. You grandfathers or great-grandfathers volunteered for an experiment to enhance them to fight in the war. Not only were they enhanced, they gained extra abilities, abilities that they passed down through their children."

  Keith laughed a dry laugh. "You really are nuts."

  Karen hovered over him. "Am I? Then how do you explain how you survived being poisoned? The dosage given to you should have killed you, but it didn't, and I want to know why."

  "Maybe your henchman was bad at math and didn't give me the right dosage."

  "He had the right dosage. I personally made sure of it." She walked over to the IV again and looked at the readout. "That's why I'm going to try again and see if the result is the same. Unless-" She looked back at him. "something or someone helped your recovery."

  He kept his poker face. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  She sat down in front of her computer and crossed her legs. "I'm sure that there are more of you out there. I want to know where and what they can do."

  "If there were any people with these so called abilities I'm sure they wouldn't want to help you."

  She sneered back at him. "I figured that. That's why I decided to make super babies of my own and control them."

  "Wow, you really have a bunch of screws loose."

  "You can't keep hiding the others forever." She leaned back against the chair. "Like your girlfriend, for instance."

  Keith's eyes narrowed. "The only superpower Jennifer had was the ability to max out her credit cards."

  Karen's lips curled. "Not your ex-girlfriend, your friend's sister." She turned towards the computer and typed. "Jerilind Miller."

  She turned her head back towards him. "I figured that since her brother had powers she..." She twirled her hand. "must have some sort of ability."

  Keith kept his expression blank. "Jeri's just a plain Jane. Lives on a farm and sells scarves and stuff at craft sales. Don't see that being a superpower. You' really need to lay off watching those sci-fi movies."

  Karen ignored his comment and typed on her computer.

  The heat began to get to him. He felt like he was in an oven and the temperature increased by the second. He looked at the IV machine. What did she put into it? He’d been in various hot conditions on the Middle East, but this made him feel like he was slowly being cooked from the inside. He tried again to move his arms and legs, but they felt like lead and were strapped down on the table. His body was tired, like it had run a marathon. There had to be a way out of this. He had to get to Jeri and protect her from Frankenbitch.

  Karen got up from her computer and walked to a table that had what appeared to be a small mini fridge. She put on a pair of thick gloves, opened the door and pulled out a vial.

  Oh shit.

  Her heels clacked against the tile until she leaned over Keith.

  "Do you know what this is?" She held a small frozen vial in her gloved hands.

  "The stuff that's making you come up with all this crap?"

  She pushed the vial closer to his face. "This pretty little vial here has your kid." She stopped and looked up, pouting. "Well, actually it's Jeri's kid, too."

  His expression turned blank an
d he squinted his eyes to read the tiny print on the label. Test subject 3- K. Brinks/ J. Miller.

  "Let me fill in the blanks for you." She removed the vial from his face and held it up to the light to analyze it. "A couple years ago, when I started my research, I had some intel that there was a young lady who had some fertility problems. Well, she went to this fertility clinic to undergo some treatments, and you see her eggs were kind of..." She moved her hands around. "switched with empty vials."

  "You fuckin bitch!" he bellowed as his fury filled him and he pulled on the restraints.

  "Oh, on the contrary I did you a favor. Your wonderful sperm, which was provided to me by one of our agents, was combined with her eggs to make the perfect superhuman." She tilted the vial and smirked. "Unfortunately, the first couple didn't take in the surrogates, but this one…" She looked at the vial. "I have a good feeling about this one because this one is going to be implanted in their mom, and then I'll take him or her after they are born."

  "Jeri would never let you do that." Keith sneered as he pulled on the restraints the heat adding to his fury.

  Karen looked back at him and jeered. "Oh, I'm sure that she will once she learns that you’re the daddy. And once he or she is born, Jeri won't be able to do anything to stop me from taking them away since she'll be dead."

  "No!" The thought of Jeri being killed by her enraged him. He screamed and yanked on the restraints. "You touch her and you're dead!"

  "Aww, that's so cute! You actually think that you're going to help her. You'll be too dead to do anything." Her hand went to the IV machine and then stopped. "Unless you give me information I need."

  Keith stared at the vial. His kid. His and Jeri's kid. She'd finally have what she always wanted - a child, and it would be a part of him. Jeri was smart. She'd figure out Karen wouldn't let her live and she'd find a way to escape with their child.

  He, on the other hand, was a liability. He could give Karen names and locations of all the remaining team members along with what they could do, including what he learned about the Stevens and the Tensels. All of them would be hurt or killed because of him.


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