Love Like Yours Series Box Set

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Love Like Yours Series Box Set Page 26

by Goodin, Nicole S.

  “I love you,” she said in a soft, sweet voice. My heart flipped.

  I was never going to get tired of hearing those three little words from her.

  “I love you more,” I managed to choke out. I stepped out the door and quickly shut it behind me.

  What the hell was that?

  I’d seen that woman from every angle, hundreds and hundreds of times. But I had never, ever, seen her look that beautiful.

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  I glanced over at Weston, who was looking quite amused at my meltdown moment.

  “Quite the opposite, West.” I shook my head in bewilderment as I headed down the hall. “Quite the opposite,” I repeated quietly to myself.


  I checked my watch, again. And found only two more minutes had passed since I last checked.


  El would be heading down in about fifteen minutes, and then they expected me to sit here for fifteen more minutes after that.

  Screw that.

  I pulled my jacket off the back of my chair and shrugged it on.

  “I’m going to lunch, Christie.”

  “I’ll see you in an hour or so, Mr. Pierce,” my assistant replied.

  I made sure to walk slowly down the hallway to the elevators – I wanted to be seen. I didn’t want to ruin the plan completely.

  I looked around in what I hoped was a casual manner when I reached the lobby. I’d looked into the angles of the photos we’d received and there was no consistency between the two. I didn’t say anything to El, but I think she was right when she guessed that the first photo had been taken from inside the building. It was just another reason I didn’t want her down here alone.

  I couldn’t see anything or anyone that looked out of place as I walked towards the seating area to wait for El.


  Seven more minutes.

  My nerves were getting the better of me. I was sure it wasn’t normal to feel this way. I wanted her with me twenty-four-seven. I could have blamed it on the threat looming over our heads, but I was sure I’d feel this way regardless. I just wanted her with me.

  My knee bounced up and down as I stared at the elevators.


  Any minute now.

  12.02pm... where the hell is she?

  I was just about to head back up and get her myself when she stepped out of the elevator – she didn’t see me.

  Because I’m not meant to be here yet.

  She had her attention focused on her phone and a moment later I felt mine vibrate with an incoming message.

  “She knew one hundred little things about him, but when he kissed her she couldn’t remember her own name. – Michelle Hodkin.”

  I was grinning like an idiot when she looked up and noticed me. She frowned and made a beeline for me.

  Ah crap.

  I held my hands up in surrender. “Before you say anything, I didn’t ruin it. I couldn’t leave you down here alone, Ells. I made a call and I stand by my choice – I’m not sure why we didn’t plan it this way in the first place.”

  She smirked. “Are you done?”

  I shrugged and gave her my best charming smile.

  She rolled her eyes. “C’mon, you overprotective fool. Let’s have lunch.”

  “Home is not where you are from, it’s where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others, find it in a person.”

  - Beau Taplin

  55. Ellerslie

  “So Quinn called Brooke, Jemma and Stacey, they’re coming in three weeks.” I braced myself for his objections.

  “No Lexie?” he asked.

  “Nah, she has to work. She’s pissed she can’t make it.”

  “Okay, so it’ll be the five of you?”

  I nodded. I had no idea what he was doing, he looked like he was counting something up in his head. “And Lisa,” I added.

  “Okay, so six of you. And me, Colt and Reeve.”

  I nodded. “Yeah...”

  “Okay. What are you planning on doing?”

  “You’re not mad?” I blurted out.

  He chuckled at my disbelief.

  I blushed. “I mean, you weren’t exactly happy about it. You don’t mind do you? I can’t wait to see my girls. But we can stay in if you want us to.”

  “Nah, it’s cool, pretty girl.” He gave me a smirk. “I called for backup.”

  I frowned at him. “Backup?”

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “My boys are coming too.”

  “Really?” I squeaked in excitement. This was starting to sound like a great time.

  “I called Rome, Josh and Logan and they said they were in, whenever, wherever.” His eyes were shining as he talked about them. I could tell they were important to him and I couldn’t wait to meet them.

  “I’m excited to meet them.”

  “I can’t wait to introduce you to them, baby.”

  “I’m looking forward to my new boyfriend meeting my friends too.” I smiled. “I know you’ve met Brooke, but brace yourself for Jem and Stace, they are firecrackers.”

  I dipped my French fry in the ketchup, bit it, and dipped it again.

  Lawson screwed his face up. “Did you just double dip in my ketchup?”

  I laughed out loud. “Really, cowboy? After all the dirty things you’ve done to me, you want to complain about that?”

  He laughed. “You make a good point, Miss Rush.”

  “But back to your boys – I’m serious about these girls. They’re a handful.” I giggled. Those girls had gotten me into more trouble than I’d care to admit.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said with a wink. “I think the boys can handle themselves.”

  I had my doubts, but I’d let him figure that one out for himself.

  “Do you want to stay at my house? Everyone I mean? I can pretend I’m not there while you paint nails or whatever the heck you girls do.” He leaned back in his seat as he spoke and looked up and down the street – it appeared casual, but I knew better.

  “Thank you, that’s so sweet. I’d love to have the girls there. You won’t need to hide though. Get the guys to come too. We can make a weekend out of it.”

  Lawson raised his eyebrows at me. “Are these girls single?”

  I thought for a minute. “Yeah, Stace was seeing someone, but I don’t think it worked out. Why’s that?”

  He laughed. “You might regret asking these guys. Rome is a complete player and Josh can’t keep it in his pants to save his life... Logan is harmless – but those other two can be dogs.”

  I snorted. “Sounds like they’ll give each other a run for their money.”

  Lawson grinned. “Shit, what have I got myself into?”

  “I was wondering the same thing, cowboy.”

  The shrill ring of Lawson’s phone interrupted us. “Lawson Pierce,” he answered. “Where?” His eyes landed on mine as he listened intently. “We’ll be there in ten minutes.” He hung up. “That was Mark. We have to go.”

  He waved a waiter over and handed him more than enough cash to cover our bill. “Keep the change.”

  I didn’t even hear his reply, Lawson pulled me from my chair and dragged me down the street.

  “What happened?” I demanded.

  “One of Mark’s guys spotted him. Taking photos from the other side of the street. He lost him in a crowd. I need to get you out of here.”

  “A man?” I asked. This was not good.

  “A man.”

  My heart sank – I was beginning to realize this was all directed at me.

  Lawson was power-walking us down the street and my arm felt like it was going to rip from its socket.

  “Lawson. Slow down. He didn’t try to hurt us. Just calm down.”

  He stopped in his tracks and shielded my body with his. “Please, Ells. Just this one time can you please not argue with me.” His eyes were begging me, pleading with me to move.

  “Okay.” I cradled his face
. “Just please, calm your shit.”

  He took a deep breath and steered me towards the direction of our building.


  “Did he get a decent look at him?” Lawson barked at Mark.

  “He did, but he couldn’t see his face. It’s not going to be overly helpful information. He was average height, build and had brown hair.”

  Lawson huffed out a breath. “So basically every bloody guy on the street is a suspect.”

  Mark nodded. “Exactly.”

  Lawson began pacing the room again. He’d been doing it virtually non-stop since we’d arrived back and he’d dragged me into his office.

  I’m never going to get any work done.

  “Have you received anything yet?” Mark turned to me.

  “Huh?” I asked, still half in a daydream.

  “Any envelopes, emails, phone calls?” he asked.

  I shook my head. I had nothing – yet. “I haven’t checked my office though, Lawson brought me straight in here.”

  Lawson stormed to his desk and ripped the phone from the holder. He jabbed at a few numbers and put the phone to his ear. “Weston, this is Lawson.” He listened to West speak. “Yes, listen, I need you to let me know if anything comes through for El, any mail, messages, emails, anything. Do you understand?”

  Guess I’m not going back up any time soon.

  “Good. Thank you.” He hung up.

  “Lawson, I can check myself. I have work I need to do,” I snapped. I was starting to lose my temper. I knew the situation was turning to crap, but I needed to get my work done – I needed a distraction from all this bullshit. Watching Lawson in the process of losing his mind was only making it worse.

  “No, El. You’re staying where I can see you. I need you here to keep me sane.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Well I need to work to keep me sane.” I pointed a finger at him. “I’ll make you a deal. I’m going to go upstairs and get my laptop. I will work from here for the afternoon, but for the love of god, stop that pacing.”

  Mark chuckled and Lawson shot him a glare.

  He went to speak but I cut him off. “I’m going now. If I’m not back in ten minutes you can send out a search party.” I jumped up and stomped out of the room before he could argue with me. I know he was just worried, but he could handle ten minutes.

  I grabbed my laptop and a few files from my desk. “Just redirect any urgent calls to my cell please, West, and if you need me you can text or call me. I’m just downstairs,” I called out to him from my office.

  “No worries, El,” I heard him answer.

  My phone beeped with a message and I groaned. I checked the time.

  C’mon, man, I’ve only been gone 8 minutes.

  I swiped the screen and was surprised to see the message wasn’t from Lawson. It was from an unknown number. My blood ran cold as I saw the message – it was a close up of my face, I had my head tilted to the side, rested on my hand. The look in my eyes was of pure love, and I knew that this was a picture of me looking at Lawson. It had been taken during our lunch today.

  “You’re going back where you belong.”

  That was all it said.

  My hands were shaking so badly I dropped everything I was carrying with a loud thud that caused Weston to come running.

  “El!” he yelled. “What happened?”

  “Shit!” I bent down to pick all my crap off the floor.

  Weston knelt down next to me and grabbed my arm. “What happened, El?” he asked softly.

  “A text,” I whispered. I shoved the phone at him and scooped up the rest of my stuff.

  I heard Weston gasp as he read and looked at the message. “Oh no. Lawson is going to flip when he sees this.”

  “When I see what?”

  I snapped my head around and met Lawson’s eyes. I must have looked confused at seeing him.

  He shrugged his shoulders at me. “You were late.”

  I just stared at him as I slowly stood up.

  He turned his focus to Weston. “What do I need to see, West?”

  “You’re not going to like it,” Weston warned as he passed my phone to him.

  Lawson strode forward and swiped the phone from his hand.

  I watched as the anger visibly spread across every one of his perfect features. I hated this bastard for doing this. I hated the fact that he was invading our lives, making Lawson so livid and making me scared.

  “Lawson,” I whispered. His name was a plea.

  He looked back to me and his eyes immediately softened. “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you,” he said as he grabbed me and wrapped me up in his arms.

  I relaxed instantly. It was amazing how his touch calmed me. I liked to think I was the type of girl who could take care of herself, but it felt good to have him to rely on. It felt like I was part of a team.

  “I want to go home,” I whispered. I wanted to see Zef, and I desperately wanted to take a bath.

  He stroked my hair. “I need you at my place, Ells. It’s safer.”

  I giggled, softly at first, and then louder until my whole body was shaking.

  “El?” he asked, his voice was unsure. He probably thought I was losing the plot.

  “Sorry,” I choked out. I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, I meant that I wanted to go to your house – I don’t know why I called it home.” I shook my head.

  He tilted my head up and kissed me deeply.

  “Do you know how happy that makes me?” he growled in my ear. “You calling my house home? God, Ells.”

  “Home is wherever you are,” I told him softly.

  “Let’s go home.” He smiled.

  I like the way that sounds.

  56. Quinn

  I hung up the phone and rested my head on my desk.

  The shit is hitting the fan.

  I had just got off the phone with Lawson – he was freaking the hell out, I was too. My best friend was being targeted. Someone was threatening her and it made me wild.

  Lawson had filled me in on the latest threat, a message sent to El’s phone.

  You’re going back where you belong.

  I couldn’t figure this shit out. I didn’t know anyone who would want to mess with Ellerslie. She was sweet and kind. She was a shark of a businesswoman, but this wasn’t business. This was personal.

  Lawson had taken her home, and I knew before he’d even said, that he meant home to his house. You could hear the pride in his voice.

  He loves that girl.

  He’d insisted that I stay with him too and I hadn’t objected. I didn’t want to be at our apartment alone, not with this nut job still out there. And I needed a break from Colt – he was getting attached.

  I’d told El about my concerns and she agreed that I should cool it off a bit with him. Staying with him all weekend had been fun, but it had obviously given him the wrong impression.

  El had also gushed over her and Lawson exchanging the ‘L’ word. I was so proud of him for embracing his feelings the way he had. He’d always been closed off, but now he was more open. I felt closer to him than I had in years, and I had Ellerslie to thank for that. He’d even opened up to me about what had happened to him all those years ago – I was shocked, but grateful to finally be able to understand my brother a bit better.

  I tapped my pen against the desk. “Macie,” I called through my open door.

  She appeared a minute later. “Yeah, Quinn?”

  Macie was a pretty girl, she was younger than me, maybe about 23, and she had shoulder-length dark blonde hair and wide hazel eyes in her round face.

  She was a fantastic PA. Far too experienced to be in the position, but that just made me love her all the more. I could give her tasks that I would usually have to do myself, and she handled them easily. I was going to need to talk to El about giving her some more responsibility – I didn’t want to risk losing her.

  “I’m heading out for the day. Do you think you can take care of that report for the Kraser account please? Just
email me through a proof.”

  “I’ve actually nearly finished it,” she admitted sheepishly.

  I raised my eyebrows at her in question.

  “I spoke to your brother earlier before I put the call through,” she explained. “He told me you would need some extra help until things were resolved. Ellerslie has approved me to have access to all areas, and asked me to work in with Weston to try and help cover the work load.”

  I sighed in relief. “That’s amazing, thank you, Macie. I really appreciate it.” For once, I wasn’t mad at my brother’s interfering. I needed the help, and until now I was too proud to ask for it.

  “It’s no problem, I could use the extra hours, and I know I’ll enjoy the extra responsibility.”

  “El is taking the day off tomorrow, I’m not sure she knows that yet.” I smirked. “But I’ll be in – I might be late, but I’ll be in sometime before lunch. You can get me on my phone or email, can you handle things until then?”

  She smiled widely at me. “I’ve got this. You look after Ellerslie. We’ll be fine.”

  I returned her smile.

  She started to walk towards the door, but stopped and turned back. “Quinn?”

  “Yeah, Macie?”

  “I hope she’s okay. I hope you all are.”

  “I hope so too, Mace.”

  57. Ellerslie

  I paused in the doorway and watched him move – I watched the way his shirt tightened across his back as he stretched his arm out, and the way his pants clung to his ass when he bent over.

  God, that is one fine body.

  “I’m getting seriously concerned about you being a mind reader,” I said with a smile.

  He looked up from the bath he was running and grinned at me. “I’ll never tell.”

  I laughed as I slipped off my heels and kicked them out of the way. He’d even lit the fire. This man was seriously perfect.

  “How’s Zef?” he asked.

  “He’s good. I told him to stay downstairs, he’s on the couch.”

  Lawson groaned. “Baby, he’s not allowed on the couch.”

  I crinkled my nose at him and shrugged. “I guess he is now.”

  “You are a giant pain in my ass, Rush,” he teased as he pulled me into his arms.

  I giggled. “You love me.”


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