Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4)

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Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) Page 18

by SJ McCoy

  She turned the sound down when she heard her cell phone ringing. Who on earth would that be? She checked the screen. Leanne!

  “Hey! You do realize I'm in London and this will cost you a fortune?”

  “Hey Laura. It's okay. My phone bill is ridiculous anyway, so it’s not a problem. I just wanted to ask you something.”

  “What's that?”

  “Who is Michael, and why is Ben not coming to the fundraiser?”

  “Oh. He's definitely not coming then?”

  “Apparently not. Dan called and told me there's been a change of plan. That I still have a date, someone called Michael, but that Ben can't make it. You know what Dan's like. It was obvious that something had gone down, but he wouldn't tell me what. At least it gives me an excuse to check in with you, see how you're enjoying London, if you've found yourself a cute Englishman—I just love an accent, and you're surrounded by them. I'm jealous!”

  Laura laughed. “No, I'm too busy with work to be on the lookout for a cutie. But I'll tell you what, if you love an accent then you'll like Michael. He has an Australian accent, he lived there for years.”

  “Ooh, sounds promising, but do you know what happened to Ben? I've ogled him from afar the last couple of years when he's been there with Pete. I was hoping to get my hands on him.” Her raunchy laugh rang its way across the Atlantic. “I mean, get to know him!”

  Laura shook her head. “No, I don't really know. We were all talking about the fundraiser on Friday night and there was talk about some girl being over from England and maybe she could go. I can only guess she's an ex, cos he went all quiet and said he wouldn't be able to make it, he'd be busy at the resort.”

  “Too bad. I could have helped him get over her.”

  “Maybe it's for the best, Lee. He didn't look like he wanted to get over her.” Laura was a little relieved that Ben wouldn't be going with Leanne. Michael, on the other hand, would be more than capable of keeping up with her, and giving as good as he got. “I think you'll do better with Michael anyway. He's a lot of fun.”

  “What's he look like?”

  “Brown hair, green eyes, nice. Good looking.”

  “Does he look anything like Ben? Ben's gorgeous.”

  “Not really, no. He's pretty hot, just in a different way.”

  “Speaking of hot, are you still screwing the smoking hot pilot?”

  Laura frowned. She wasn't just screwing him...she wished Leanne would accept that. “Yeah.”

  “Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to touch a nerve. Don't tell me you're still wanting more than that?”

  “Lee, it's complicated, but I assure you whatever we are doing it's a whole lot more than just screwing each other.”

  “Whatever you say, Laura. As long you don't say I didn't warn you.”

  “Lee, you'll see when you meet him, okay.”

  “Yeah, we will see.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Nothing. I'm just agreeing with you. Now tell me more about this Michael. Am I likely to need to keep him in LA for the week? Is he that kind of hot?”

  Laura laughed. “He is that kind of hot, but I doubt you could keep him for the week. He has a son he'll need to get back to.”

  “Really? Ooh, I like it. There's something sexy about a single dad, don't you think?”

  “I don't know, Lee. I've never dated one.”

  “Well, we'll have to find you one, after you're done with sexy-pants the pilot.”

  Laura had to giggle, she could just imagine Smoke's face if she called him that. “Let's just focus on Michael, can we? He's a good guy. A lot of fun. One of the few men I know who will be able to give you a run for your money.”

  “This gets better and better! Maybe I'll keep the weekend after the fundraiser free too, go up to Summer Lake for a second helping and finally visit Dan and Missy. Will you be up there then?”

  Laura hoped so. “I don't know yet. Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, shall we? You might scare him off on the first helping!”

  Leanne laughed. “Yeah, that's true. Let's keep our options open. You might be done with sexy-pants by then too, and we can do some hunting in the Bay area instead of going out to the boonies!”


  “Okay, okay! Just keep your options open, girlfriend. This isn't like you. You're starting to worry me!”

  “I know, it's a bit worrying to me too, but I like him enough to see where it goes. Anyway, I am keeping my options open. They've offered me the option of living here, if I want to.”

  “Oh, that could be cool! If you don't stay there for too long, and I can come visit. Just think, you'd be surrounded by all those accents, everywhere!”

  Laura had to laugh. “I don't know that I'll do it.” She couldn't imagine living here and not seeing Smoke anymore, but she couldn't imagine not moving because of him, either. “But if I do, you had better come visit.” She had to remain open to the possibility.

  “You can bet your ass I will, girlfriend. Hang on. Sorry. I've got another call coming in. I'll have to go. Enjoy London. Call me when you're home. Let's see if we can get together before the fundraiser, okay?”

  “Okay. See you soon.”

  Laura hung up and turned the sound back up on the TV. Not so long ago she would have been thrilled at the prospect of living here and having Leanne come to visit her. Now all she wanted was to get back to Smoke, and to Summer Lake. What was happening to her? And what would happen to her if she followed her heart instead of her common sense?”


  Smoke kissed his mom's cheek. “This was good, Mom. I'm glad I came.”

  “Not as glad as I am, Cole.” She gave him a hug. “I hope we'll see you again soon?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. It's not like I'm in Miami, or even Houston anymore. It's only a quick hop up here from Summer Lake.”

  “Do let me know how it goes with the house, won't you? I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you. It looks such a darling little place.” She smiled. “Although I wouldn't have dared imagine you with a picket fence!”

  Wow. They really had come a long way, that she would tease him about that. For years it seemed all they'd wanted was to corral him inside a picket fence—with Anabel. “Laura told me I couldn't buy it, cos I'm not a picket fence kind of guy.”

  His mom's smile was so gentle. “It sounds like she knows you well, Cole. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed there, too.” She hesitated, then seemed to make a decision. “You know after everything that happened, I was afraid you would never let yourself get close to a woman again. I know we messed up back then, but I hope you also know how sorry we are, and that it was only because we thought we knew we best. Obviously we didn't, you did. I need you to know that we will support you in whatever you choose now. If you choose this Laura, we'd love to meet her, when you're ready. She sounds wonderful.”

  Smoke nodded. “She is.” He didn't want to say any more than that, because he didn't know that he really was choosing her yet. Part of him wanted to. Part of him thought he already had. But part of him still wasn't sure he was capable of it. More importantly, he didn't know whether she would choose him—for anything long term. And bringing her to meet his family? That was a huge step. One he wouldn't take until he was absolutely sure.

  His mom was watching him. “It seems to me you've already fallen, Cole. You'll catch up with yourself.” She gave him another hug. “She's a very lucky girl. Now, shouldn't you get going if you're going to meet her flight?”

  He nodded, still wondering if his mom was right. Had he already fallen for her?


  It was such a busy airport, there was no way of knowing if the latest wave of passengers coming out were from Laura's flight or not. She'd texted him when she changed planes in New York, and this last flight had landed fifteen minutes ago. Surely she'd be out soon? Smoke was lurking behind the seating area, half hiding behind one of the pillars. Partly because he was hoping to spot her before she spotted him, and partly because he was
in uniform and that always attracted attention—he'd just never thought of it as unwanted attention before. He avoided making eye contact with a pretty girl leaning on the next pillar who kept smiling at him.

  There she was! Damn! Abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous really was the word. She was looking around, eagerly. That happy little buzz started up in his chest, because she was looking for him. The buzz faded out when the guy walking beside her put a hand on her shoulder. He was getting a business card out of his wallet. Screw that.

  Smoke strode towards them, noting that at least she wasn't even really paying attention to the guy, she was still looking around. Her eyes lit up when she saw him. That gorgeous smile made his throat go dry, just like the very first time he'd seen her. She threw herself into his arms. He crushed her to him and claimed her mouth in a kiss that belonged in the bedroom, not a crowded airport. He didn't care. He'd missed her. By the way she kissed him back, she'd missed him too. He was vaguely aware of the guy walking away. Smoke was making it very clear there was no point waiting around to hand her a business card. Her hands cupped around his neck while his closed around her waist, pulling her against him so her body could feel how much he'd missed her, too.

  Eventually he looked down at her.

  “Hey gorgeous!”

  “Who are you calling gorgeous, gorgeous?”

  It made him smile. He liked that this was becoming their 'thing'.

  “You! I missed you, lady.”

  “I missed you too, Captain Hamilton. Can we get out of here? Take me home?”

  He grinned, taking hold of her bag and taking her hand. “I'd love to.”

  Once they were settled in the back of a cab he pulled her into his arms. “So how was it? Did you have a good time?”

  “It was great. I think I'm really going to enjoy working with them. We kicked around some design ideas and I can't wait to get started.”

  He grinned. “Do you want to get started in that little workshop?”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “At my house?”

  She laughed. “You bought the place?”

  “I'm working on it. It looks like it'll all go through quite quickly. So, what do you say? I was serious. I won't charge you any rent.”

  There was doubt in her eyes. “I'd love to. I just need to see how this works out.”

  Hmm. Not the response he'd hoped for.

  She brightened. “And besides, you're a big meanie, buying it when you knew I wanted it too.” She laughed.

  He held her closer. “Well you know you can come stay anytime you want to.” He rested his lips on her hair for a moment as he held her tight. “I'll even let you stay in my bed.”

  He felt her tremble in his arms. Jesus! The things she did to him. When she went all soft like that it was all he could do not to lay her down wherever they were. The back of this cab was no place for it, but he might not be able to make it past the back of the plane.

  They'd managed to keep their hands off each other while they got out of the cab, dealt with the guys at the FBO and rode the golf cart back out to Papa Charlie. Now Smoke was pulling up the steps, closing the door and locking the world out.

  When he turned back into the cabin Laura was smiling at him. “What, lady?”

  “Since you're in uniform, I know I'll have to keep my hands to myself.”

  Her faith in his ability to remain professional was the only thing that stopped him heading for the long sofa in the back.

  She was smiling. “Until we get there. But you have this strange effect on me. See, I don't even know where 'there' is. Where are we going?”

  He laughed. He hadn't even considered that her apartment was right here. That they could have been there by now, even that that was where she had probably meant.

  “We're going to Summer Lake, of course. Didn't you ask me to take you home?”

  That smile slayed him. Damn! “Of course.” She planted a little kiss on his lips. “Let's go home.”


  As soon as he cleared the runway at Summer Lake, Smoke called up the FBO. “We'll be taxiing to the ramp, can you have the guys put Papa Charlie to bed.”

  “You got it, Smoke. Jason's here, do you have time for a chat?”

  No way. He was having the guys put the plane away in order to get Laura home sooner. “Sorry. No can do. We're running late.”

  “No problem. We'll catch up with you soon.”

  Laura smiled at him. “What are we late for, Captain Hamilton? You have another night out with the gang lined up?”

  “I have not. It's just that I should have had you home hours ago.” He shut down the engines and removed his headset. While Laura was taking hers off he reached across to unbuckle her. “Home and in bed, lady. Let's go.”

  She smiled and followed him to the door.

  Inside the FBO, Jason greeted them with a wave. “Hey Smoke, how's it going? Did you hear they're reducing the number of guys they're giving single pilot waivers to?”

  Smoke had heard, and right now, he couldn't care less. He just wanted to get out of here, in a hurry. He nodded. “Yeah.”

  “We'll both be alright though. They're only weeding out the incompetent. They want to keep the best.”

  Rochelle came out from the office and put an arm around Jason's waist. “Can you get your ego to shut up for a minute? These two are in a hurry.”

  Jason laughed. “Sorry guys.” He looked at Laura, making Smoke smile. “But you need to know your man here is one of the best.”

  “The best, thank you!” said Smoke with a laugh.

  Jason winked at Laura, “Second best, but we can let him believe whatever he needs to, huh?”

  Rochelle shook her head at them then turned to Laura. “If you're going to keep hanging out with this guy, I should probably warn you about pilots and their egos.”

  Laura laughed, “Thanks, but too late. I already got the idea!”

  “Oh, you may have an idea, but it's worse than you think. Do you know how many pilots it takes to change a light bulb?”

  Jason groaned.

  Laura looked up at Smoke with that smile. He'd take the teasing just to see the fun and laughter in her beautiful blue eyes.

  “Go on, how many?” she asked.

  Rochelle laughed and poked Jason. “Only one. He just holds it up and waits for the whole world to revolve around him.”

  Laura burst out laughing. Smoke knew he wasn't going to hear the end of this one. “That's perfect! Thanks, Rochelle.”

  “Yeah, thanks a bunch,” said Smoke as he took Laura's hand. “I need to get this one home. We'll see you guys soon.”

  “Call when you get chance,” Jason shouted after them. “We want to start getting everything set up.”

  Smoke waved over his shoulder. He'd talk to them soon. It just wasn't a priority right now. Laura was still laughing. “So the huge ego is a pilot thing, not just a Smoke thing?”

  He stopped next to a brand new Ford pickup and backed her up against it, needing to feel the full length of her pressed against him. He nipped at her lips. “You only need to concern yourself with this pilot. And right now he needs to get you home.”

  Her arms were around his neck, her body yielding to him. “I know we've had some wonderful moments up against cars, Captain Hamilton, but do you think we should maybe restrict ourselves to only using our own? This one's all new and shiny, I'd hate for us to leave any marks.” She was laughing at him!

  “This is my car, lady. I got around to buying one. Perhaps you'd better get in it, before it's too late. He thrust hips against her to reinforce his point.

  “So, you went on a bit of a shopping spree this week?” she asked as he pulled out of the parking lot.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You bought a house, you bought a have been busy.”

  He reached across and took her hand. “I had to do something to keep myself occupied. See, I have this problem.”

  “And what's that?”

  “I met th
is beautiful woman. I think about her all the time. Last week she was gone and I missed her. I think I was trying to numb the pain by spending money, buying things to make myself feel better until she came back. Do you think I have a problem?”

  “I think you may.”

  “And what do you think I should do about it?”

  “I think perhaps you need a prescription.”

  “For what?”

  “Sex. Lots and lots of great sex. It's the only solution I can think of.”

  He grinned. “And do I have to take this medicine every day, twice a day?”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Oh, no. It's much better than that, you can take it as and when needed.”

  When he pulled up at the cabin he didn't have time to open her door, she was already out. He grabbed her bag from the back and ran up the steps to open the front door. Taking her hand he led her into the kitchen, where he claimed her mouth as his hands raked through her hair. He backed her up against the cabinets while she fought with his buttons. He loved how eager she was to get him out of his clothes. He got rid of her top and bra and slid his hand inside her panties. She was soaking for him. He loved the little sigh that escaped from her lips. In just a few seconds they were both naked. He closed his hands around her waist and lifted her up to sit on the counter.

  “Right here?” she breathed as he parted her legs and stood between them.

  This was the perfect height.

  He grinned at her. “I thought I'd try an over the counter remedy.”

  She shook her head at him, but he didn't give her time to speak. He closed his hands around her waist and thrust deep. This height might be a little too perfect. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he moved inside her. Her arms were around his neck and the feel of her mouth, her warm breath just under his ear, was intensifying all the pent up need rushing through his veins. He wasn't going to be able to hold back. He needn't have worried. Her legs went rigid as she bit down on his neck. “Oh, God, Smoke!” He plunged deep inside her and let himself go, crushing her to his chest as she carried him away. Gasping together, they soared high above the clouds. He really would never get enough of her.


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