INK: Sketches (Book 0 - parts 1 & 2)

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INK: Sketches (Book 0 - parts 1 & 2) Page 6

by Bella Roccaforte

  Chapter Nine

  Coming Together

  "State Road Five Twenty is earning it's nick name today. The backup starts at the St. Johns river and goes clear past Five Twenty Eight." The radio announcer babbles on with too much enthusiasm.

  "Shit." I look at my cell phone and note the time, five thirteen. I dial Eli.

  "Hey gorgeous, I'll be at your house in about thirty minutes," Eli answers in an upbeat tone.

  "Yeah, about that, I'm not home and I'm stuck on 'Bloody Five Twenty.'" I lean my head on the headrest in frustration.

  "Why are you on Five Twenty?" he asks.

  "I had an interview; I'll tell you all about it at dinner. But I'm going to have to meet you there. Is that okay?"

  "Well sure." He hesitates.

  "Where are we going?" I expect him to rattle off one of our regular haunts. But he's silent for a moment too long. "Eli?"

  "Oh sorry, um, just meet me at..." He trails off.

  "Eli, traffic is starting to move, so I'm going to go. Text me the address," I tell him. "I love you and I can't wait to see you. Bye."

  He doesn't have a chance to respond before I hang up. I don't want to be the cause of the next big pileup. The text comes through, and since I'm still in stop and go traffic there are plenty of opportunities for me to safely put the address into the map on my phone and turn on the navigation.

  Working the clutch on the car I'm reminded that I'm wearing Trish's clothes and shoes. I really wish I had time to change. I don't think Eli's particularly fond of 'early American whore.' Shifting in high heels sucks. Hell, anything in high heels sucks. Oh well, this will have to do, I'm not going to have time to go home first and change.


  At the stop light on highway one ninety-two I double check the address. My GPS has brought me to the Melbourne Marina; I know Oliver keeps one of his boats here. The sun is all but gone below the horizon. Stepping out of the car I'm reminded again about the heels and tell myself to use the utmost caution walking in them across the gravel parking lot. I straighten my short skirt and start for the water’s edge.

  The dock slopes down, and as I see Eli standing with his hands folded in front of him a silly grin plasters itself on my face. A self conscious feeling comes over me because he's watching me unblinking as I walk toward him carefully so I don't get a heel caught in the boards.

  His eyes are locked on me in a way that has me completely mesmerized. The immediate world around me fades to a blur and all I can see is Eli. So handsome in his black suit and those blue eyes shining. His smile is showing off dimples that I've never really noticed or maybe he's never smiled that big before. The rest of the world continues to dissolve away the closer I come to him. The pelicans flying by are silenced by the pull I feel from him. The warm breeze blows a few stray strands of hair across my face. I hitch them behind my ear for fear they will obscure my view of Eli. White petals from the Chickasaw Plum Tree float on the wind and pepper my hair with their white fragrant buds as our eyes are bound together by that undeniable pull. In that moment I have never been more certain that I am madly in love with this man.

  He's looks at me with wonder and affection. The closer I get to him the more his handsome features draw me in further. He's so tall with strong, broad shoulders. His blue eyes are sparkling in the remnants of the sunset, rivaling the kaleidoscope of pink, orange and purple dancing on the water.

  He is standing statue still watching me walk toward him. He looks so confident and embodies everything that feels good in my world. My cheeks are burning with color. I want to look away from the intensity, but I can't. It feels like I've walked forever from the beginning of the dock to him, through forty miles of desert when I reach him, and only his arms offer the relief I crave, only Eli can quench my thirst for life. I can't stop myself from throwing my arms around his neck and holding on tight. His arms circle around to the small of my back and he bends to whisper in my ear. "That was a good practice run."

  "What?" I say, because I really don't understand what he means.

  "I've been waiting," he says, pulling back, his eyes beaming with joy.

  "I'm so sorry I'm late. Traffic was ridiculous, there was a bad accident at the Cabbage Camp..." He puts his finger on my lips to shush me and pulls me in for another hug. "Sorry, I'm happy to see you too."

  Eli runs his thumb down my jaw then under my chin and guides me to meet his gaze. He presses a gentle kiss on my lips, soft and loving. A memorable kiss bursting with love and care. He stands tall and looks me hard in the eye for a moment. It makes me squirm a little and I don't know how to respond. My eyebrows rise with the smile on my lips. I don't want to say anything, but I want to end the quiet.

  I suck in a breath to speak and he stills me again. He wraps a finger around one of my curls and looks deeply into my eyes, still unspeaking. Those gorgeous blue orbs speak volumes, so full of devotion. His cheeks flush red and he runs his hands down my arms, latching onto my hands and resting his forehead on mine. He looks up through his wind-blown bangs.

  Smiling, I caress his face, tracing his lips, then rest my hands on his shoulders. "I love you, Eli."

  He begins to lower himself in front of me and I notice that he's kneeling down on one knee. All the blood rushes from my face and my fingers are tingling. My head flashes hot and I instantly have tunnel vision. "Eli?"

  "Shayleigh Marie Baynes." Looking from my hands to my eyes he smiles so big I'm afraid his lips may crack. "With your father's permission to ask for your hand in marriage…" Tears well in his eyes as he looks up into mine. I'm unable to speak. "Shay, be my wife. Be with me forever. Be my partner through all that life gives us, good and bad." He opens a small gray box to reveal a beautiful diamond and sapphire ring. "Will you marry me?"

  I start to feel faint. My hand flies to my heart as I realize I've forgotten to breathe. He looks at me expectantly, not saying a word. The world around us is still and all I can hear is our heartbeats, seemingly beating in time with one another.

  Eli squeezes my hand to bring me back to him; he's careful to let me say the next words. But his brows arch in anticipation. Tears are spilling over and falling down my cheeks in joy. I can only nod, I'm still unable to speak. He angles himself below my face to see my reaction. "Did you say yes?" he asks quietly.

  I nod again fervently, leaving no question in my answer. "Yes, Eli, yes." I pull him up to his feet and our lips crash against each other in the sweetest, yet most passionate kiss. I barely hear the round of whistles and applause coming from one of the boats.

  We are standing by Oliver's yacht where there is an entire crowd looking down at us. The group on the boat represents our closest friends and family. With a few exceptions.

  Eli leans his forehead on mine. "I'm glad that went better than the first time I tried to kiss you on the dock." He smiles, and I look up at him with the same innocence I felt on that day so many years ago when Eli first awakened my love for him that would change our lives forever.


  Chapter Ten

  Win Win Win

  Not even this shitty traffic on five twenty can ruin the high that I'm still on from Eli's proposal even though it's been three weeks. I look at how the ring sparkles in the sun and feel like it's shining directly from his soul to mine.

  It's unbelievable to me how much good is happening in my life. I've got a publishing deal, I'm getting married and things are all coming together. Now I just have to get Mom better and finish up the commission at the law firm.

  I pull into my parking spot and meet Jorge at the elevator. "Buenos dias," I say with a silly grin on my face.

  "Buenos dias." Jorge smiles back. "You're all full of smiles, do I need to ask why?"

  "Same reason as always," I say over my shoulder getting off the elevator.

  "Lunch today?" he asks.

  "You bet, will noon work for you?" He stops with his hand on the door handle.

  "See you then." I push through the doors to Blood-borne. It still
feels like the most amazing thing, totally surreal that I'm a working comic book artist. Three men are standing in the lobby. I look at them and play a few scenarios in my head as to why they could be there, but really don't give it much thought as I walk past them to my office.

  One of them taps on my door frame. "Excuse me, miss?"

  "Yes?" Crap, here we go with the twenty questions.

  "Do you work here?" He has a kind smile.

  "Yes, can I help you with something?" Because my office is across from the door I've become accustomed to everyone coming to me since we don't have a receptionist.

  "We're here to see Raphael Vizinni. Can you tell him we're here?" He looks at his watch impatiently.

  "Sure, no problem." As I pass Vanessa's office, she gives me the finger through the glass window. Fucking bitch. I knock on the door of Raphael's office. "Hey, there are some guys here to see you."

  He's sitting at his desk smoking a cigar and I think he may be drinking beer, at least that's what it looks like in the glass.

  "Can you send them back, please?" He doesn't look up at me.

  "Yeah, but when are you going to hire a receptionist?" My irritation should be apparent; I'm getting really sick of this shit.

  "Look, I told you I'll find someone when I have time, but right now I have more pressing matters." He still isn't looking up at me.

  "Well, what if I find you someone?" I ask, hoping that today he'll finally tell me that I can bring someone in. "Will you hire her? She's hot, capable and that will mean my production will go up if I'm not the one having to talk to everyone coming through the door."

  Raphael doesn't even acknowledge that I've spoken. I decide that maybe it's time for me to figure out how to sweeten the pot. "She'll bring you coffee, file all those papers falling off your desk and answer the phones."

  He looks up at me, intrigued. "Really?"

  "Really." I nod slowly.

  "When can she start?" The desperation in his voice is apparent and I think I've hit pay dirt.


  "Done, get her in here and tell Vanessa to set up a new hire package." He looks back down at his note pad. "Who did these guys say they were?"

  "They didn't," I say, walking away from his office. “I didn't ask either.”

  With a skip in my step I walk to Vanessa's office and hang just inside her door. "Vanessa." I say it sweet, emphasizing each syllable, like a bitch.

  She looks up at me with daggers in her gaze.

  "Do me a solid? Put together a new hire packet for a Patricia Snyder, she's starting today." I leave her office without giving her a chance to answer. I can't wait to get back to my office to call Trish and tell her to get her ass down here.

  I'm so excited to give her this news, she really needs it. She and Kevin are on the outs again.

  She answers the phone sleepily. "What the fuck?"

  "Trish, get your ass up and get showered. You're starting your new job today." I'm almost squealing.

  "What?" I've got her attention. "What do you mean?"

  "I mean you start today, here at Blood-borne. I finally caught Raphael in a weak moment, so he wants you to start now." Please Trish, just quit asking questions and get your ass in here.

  "Holy shit, you're fucking awesome. I'll be there in about an hour, I'm getting in the shower now." She hangs up the phone.

  I'm feeling rather pleased with myself, I just improved the lives of three people. Thankfully one of them was me. Now I don't have to listen to her whining about being poor, I don't have to answer the phones or escort people around the office and I don't have to keep telling Raphael to get his own damn coffee. This is a win, win, win situation.

  My phone buzzes with a text message.

  Oh by the way, thank you, you sexy bitch!~T

  I get the sketches out of my portfolio case that I did from my latest dream of Gabriel and the Specter. I'm still amazed at this whole whirlwind that has happened. Life is good, and I'm reminded that from the ashes comes triumph. I smile and get started inking the pages.


  Trish rushes in the glass doors looking disheveled. She's looking past the tall reception desk. "Hey lady, what took you so long?"

  "My fucking car broke down." She rolls her eyes. "I had to wait for roadside assistance."

  "Well you're here now. Let's get your paperwork done and then you can meet everyone." I lead her from the front lobby back to Vanessa's office.

  “Seriously Shay, thank you so much.” She's really sincere.

  Honestly, I think her “thanks” are premature. She hasn't met Raphael yet. She may not be too eager to thank me when she does. But after the first decent paycheck I'm sure she'll be able to deal with him. If anyone can deal with Raphael, it's Trish.

  "Vanessa, this is Trish. Can you be a doll and get her all set up?" The drippy sweetness rolls off my tongue like maple syrup.

  "Of course I can." She answers back in kind. I'm sure she thinks she's going to try to win Trish over. Vanessa clearly has no idea what's about to hit her.

  I go back to my office and look over the work I've done today. My phone rings. It's Eli. "Hey sexy, how's your day?"

  "It's okay. How was your Spanish lesson?" he asks, sounding very beleaguered.

  "It was good. Jorge invited us to dinner this week. Are you up for it?" I hope he says yes. Eli's been working far too many late nights and I've hardly seen him.

  "Yeah, just let me know when." He sounds hesitant.

  "Cool, I'll let him know." I realize that he probably didn't call just to ask about my Spanish lessons with Jorge, or as I refer to it, lunch. I'm filled with dread because I know what's coming next. "I can't wait to see you tonight." Maybe if he knows how much I miss him he won't cancel.

  "Yeah, about that," and there it is.

  "Shit, Eli, again?" I say whinier than I had intended.

  "Sweetybird, I'm really sorry. This is just a really important case. Judge Sterry is on this case and he' being a real pain in the ass." He blows out a frustrated breath. "And when you cancel with Oliver tonight you can tell him he can blame Eddins for my absence."

  "I'm not going to cancel, I'll go. This would be the fourth time we canceled with him and I'm not going to do it." I've gone from whiny to bitch in three seconds flat.

  "Don't be angry with me, please." He pleads with me in that sexy deep voice of his that makes it hard to stay mad at him.

  "I'm not so much angry as I am disappointed." I lie a little, because honestly I'm pissed. "Are you coming home at all tonight?"

  He hesitates a moment too long. "Oh, Eli."

  "I'm really sorry. I'm going to try to get this done as soon as I can, but it looks like I'm going to be burning the midnight oil well past three AM. If I do leave here tonight, I think it will be best if I head to my house to shower and grab a clean suit." I can feel the regret in every word. That doesn't soften the blow.

  "Fine, I guess maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask, hopeful that I'll get to see him at some point this week.

  "I really hope so, I miss you." He growls it low and sexy. "You know, you could always just sleep at my place, then when I come home to shower I could see you." He pauses. "You know, maybe lie next to you for five minutes?"

  "I'm sorry, I really can't. I have to finish the rest of the inking on issue one. They are about to send it for the lettering and I have to get it done after dinner. I may be pulling an all-nighter too." I'm not really feeling as bad as my tone would let on. Let’s see how he handles it.

  "That settles it. We should move in together." He says it like it's fact.

  I'm silent in lieu of stuttering, then I stutter anyway. "Ah, ah,—"

  "We can talk about it later. I mean, we're getting married, which implies cohabitation at some point." He says with a smile in his voice, “We should start working on building your studio at the house.”

  "Shay, what the fuck is with this greaser dude? I'll break his fucking hands if he touches my ass again." Trish busts into my office ranti
ng on and on about Raphael. Yeah, I probably should have mentioned something to her about that.

  "Eli, I gotta go, Trish and Raphael just met." I tell him, getting ready to hang up.

  "Oh shit, what is she doing there?"

  "Shay!" Raphael barks, coming into my office.

  "She works here now. I really gotta go," I plead, trying to get him to just say goodbye so I can hang up.

  "Please tell me she's replacing Vanessa, that woman disturbs me." He shudders when he says her name.

  "Eli, get over it. She grabbed your dick once." Now I'm irritated. Trish is tugging at my sleeve, Raphael just came in and Vanessa happens to be standing outside my office with a shit-eating grin. I'd like to see her eat shit. "Gotta go, love you." I hang up the phone and feel bad instantly.

  Trish and Raphael are simultaneously yelling at me to get the other under control. I listen for a solid ten seconds before I lose it. "Shut up, both of you."

  They both stand silent in front of me. That was really loud. I'm surprised that came from me and I hope I can do it again next time I need it.

  I point to Raphael. "You, don't touch her, don't grab her ass, don't touch her boobs, just don't touch her." I turn to Trish and point. "You, don't call him names, no hitting, biting or kicking and just answer the Goddamn phone."

  They both stand there stunned, neither knowing what to say or do. I help them along. "Now get out, both of you."

  Trish looks at me with pleading eyes, but I ignore her. "Trish, out."

  They both file out of my office and I'm left with a few minutes of silence before I have to go.

  Chapter Eleven

  The Serpent

  Dinner with Oliver was lovely like always. Although, it was a bit awkward when we talked about Aiden. He of course hasn't heard from him. Neither have I and I don't care if I ever do again. I know that Aiden not being here is really for the best. Eli and I have a much better time of it when Aiden's not around.

  I walk into the house and Rex is right there to greet me. I'm glad I told Eli to leave him here on Monday, otherwise I would have had to go over and feed him. There's no telling when Eli is going to be home.


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