Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1)

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Enlightened (Immortal Chronicles Book 1) Page 13

by Samantha Britt

  Des gave his charming grin. “He can understand us a bit more than the typical dog.”

  In awe, Darcie could only shake her head. “Just when I think things can’t be any more strange…”

  “Once again, I’m sorry,” Des said. Only this time, it was not as gloomy. Both he and Darcie were too amused by Argos.

  “That would be great,” Darcie accepted his offer, scratching behind Argos’ ears. “Thanks.”

  “It’s the least I can do.” He lowered his head towards her, then gave a low, quick whistle. Immediately, Argos jumped to his feet and trotted to his master.

  “We should be going,” Des provided. He lifted a hand. “Have a nice day.”

  “You too,” Darcie called after him. Within moments, the pair were out of sight as they headed into a wooded area further away from the house. She briefly wondered where they could be going, but quickly reminded herself it was none of her business.

  After double checking she was alone, Darcie laid back down in the grass.

  She released a heavy sigh as she stared up at the passing clouds. Finally having a conversation with Des that wasn’t tense made her feel lighter. She’d been carrying around the weight of their impending interaction, fearing the worse. She was glad to be wrong.

  Des showed his caring side again. It reminded Darcie of the information Bella shared regarding his past.

  Just like Bella, Darcie found herself wondering what type of guy Des would be if he hadn’t been the victim of such tragic events. Would he be charming like Lome? As upstanding and respectful as Thane? It wouldn’t be hard for a girl to fall for someone like that.

  Darcie shook the silly thought away. If Des’ past were different, he would have a wife and Darcie wouldn’t be involved in their mess.

  Besides, no matter if the hypothetical Des was charming, Darcie wouldn’t stand a chance. He made it perfectly clear she was not his soulmate.

  The young woman refused to acknowledge, once again, the twinge of pain the admission caused in her chest.

  Chapter 17

  Darcie remained completely still as Eshe continued placing pins in the fabric hanging from her body. “Remind me again why I’m letting you poke me with pins?”

  “Because,” Bella stepped forward to answer for Eshe. “The event will be the first time you are on display in front of our community.”

  “I thought I was supposed to stay out of the spotlight.” Darcie cringed as she felt the cool needle slide against her skin. “Not so close, Eshe!”

  Through the reflection in the mirror, Darcie saw Eshe remove the pins from her teeth and give an exasperated look. “You know… I have done this before. Do not be such a chicken.”

  “Sorry, I’m not used to people pushing sharp pins all around my body.”

  Eshe rolled her eyes and went back to fitting the dress to Darcie’s frame. Darcie might have thought she annoyed the seamstress if it weren’t for the slight grin she saw on the dark beauty’s lips.

  Darcie didn’t spend as much time with Eshe as Bella, so she knew very little of Lome’s wife. The oldest woman in the brothers’ family seemed content to live her own life, only interacting with her family members and Darcie when her presence was requested or required. Of the few encounters Darcie had with Eshe, she felt confident the pair would get along if they ever had the opportunity, but predicted it would take some time to reach that level of friendship.

  You don’t plan on being here long, Darcie reminded herself.

  “The brothers believe it will be a demonstration of good will on our part. Other immortals have heard rumors of your existence, as well as, Des’ claim that you are not the One. The situation is creating confusion and distrust.”

  “And parading me around a ball will fix that? I thought Thane was concerned for my safety. Isn’t that why I am still here?” Darcie knew she sounded a tad bit bratty, but she couldn’t help it. She wasn’t one to revel in attention to begin with. Marie was always the life of the party. Telling Darcie she was about to be thrown in a ball gown and showcased in a room full of strangers was unsettling to say the least.

  Bella caught her gaze in the mirror. “I have told you everything I know. Maybe you should ask Thane?”

  Darcie suspected the immortal knew more. Instead of pestering her for the truth, Darcie resolved to seek out Des and get his take on the situation. She had yet to take him up on his offer to walk with Argos. This would be the perfect excuse. She ignored the slight flutter the decision caused.

  On the end table closest to her, Darcie’s phone vibrated against the wood. She made a move to answer it when she felt a sharp prick in her upper thigh.

  “Ow!” Darcie cried, immediately halting her action.

  “Don’t move,” Eshe commanded. “Or else we will have to start the whole process over again.”

  Darcie groaned but obliged. They had been pinning the dress for the better part of an hour already. There was no way she wanted to cause Eshe to take any longer.

  “I can get it for you,” Bella picked up the phone and glanced at the screen before handing it to Darcie.

  She read the name of the missed call and felt herself blush.

  “Who is Kevin?” Bella asked with amusement, taking note of the color on Darcie’s cheeks.

  The teenager saw Eshe look up from her work.

  Darcie contemplated how to respond. She could tell the truth. She could tell the young women about her childhood crush, and how her daydreams about him returning her feelings were finally coming true.

  “Kevin is a friend,” Darcie decided to say. She didn’t miss the look of skepticism cross both women’s faces.

  “Seems like he might be a very good friend?”

  “He is. We’ve been friends since we were kids.”

  “Any chance you want to be more than friends?” Bella questioned with a glint in her eye. Darcie stared at herself in the mirror, doing her best to cool her face.

  After Darcie didn’t reply, Bella let out a sigh. “Come on, Darcie,” she begged. “Tell us. What else are girlfriends for?”

  “Are we girlfriends?” She asked with surprise. It earned a chuckle from Eshe.

  Bella, on the other hand, pouted. She was not amused by the joke. “Of course we are friends,” she sulked. “At least, I thought we were.”

  Darcie looked at Bella and thought of her time since first arriving at the house. From day one, Thane’s wife went above and beyond to try and make Darcie’s stay at the house bearable. She even managed to make it somewhat enjoyable.

  “Of course we are friends,” Darcie stated. “I was just kidding.”

  Bella beamed. “Wonderful! So, tell us all about Kevin.”

  Darcie rolled her eyes at the petite brunette. “I already told you. We are friends.”

  “Friends with romantic feelings, perhaps?”

  Darcie opened her mouth to deny it, but paused.

  What’s the point in lying? She wondered. Other than her shyness regarding the subject, she couldn’t think of a reason.

  “Yes,” she said.

  The admission earned a squeal of excitement from Bella. “Are you two courting?” She asked. “Is that why you are in a rush to get home?”

  “I’m in a rush to get home because that’s where my life is,” Darcie contradicted. Her desire to return to Maine was not centered around getting back to a boy, not even one as appealing as Kevin.

  “I don’t belong here.” She added the last comment to send the point home.

  “You mi– ” Bella began.

  “Good for you,” Eshe interrupted and made eye contact with Darcie through the reflection.

  Surprised, Darcie turned and glanced down to look at the girl pinning her skirt. “What?”

  “I’m glad you are sticking to your wish to return to your normal life despite everything you have seen and learned. This life might seem like a fantasy and can be appealing, but it isn’t all you might think.”

  Darcie was dumbfounded. Where did this come from?
  “Well…” she thought on how to say the words. “It really isn’t a hard decision for me. After all, I’m not destined for this life or anything. Des has made that clear.”

  Eshe’s serious face remained. “No matter if you were destined for this existence, I would caution you to think carefully before committing to it.”

  “Eshe.” Bella’s voice displayed disbelief and reprimand towards her immortal sister-in-law. “Try not to sound so grim.”

  The women shared a silent conversation. Darcie continued to stand there, trying to figure out a way to break the sudden tension. Without another word, Eshe stood and walked out of the room. She left Darcie gaping after her in a pin-filled dress.

  “Please excuse Eshe,” Bella drew Darcie’s focus away from the door. “We all have our ups and downs with our existence.”

  Darcie didn’t know what to say. She tried to wiggle out of the dress.

  “Here,” Bella moved forward with fidgeting hands. “Let me help you.”

  A knock at the door halted their movements.

  “Come in,” Bella called.

  Des walked in, surprising both of the women. “Ladies,” he greeted.

  “Des,” Darcie responded while Bella glided to his side. She gave him a quick embrace before turning toward the exit.

  “I must go check on Eshe,” she stated before leaving Des and Darcie alone.

  The door closed, leaving behind a loud silence as Darcie tried to figure out what exactly just happened between the immortal women.

  “I think you might injure someone with that dress.”

  Darcie glanced down, confused by Des’ comment. She looked back up and saw his teasing grin.

  “It’s not finished,” she smiled back, realizing he referenced the small metal pins protruding from the fabric.

  “I am relieved.”

  Darcie tried to step down from the platform, but the threatening pressure of a prick stopped her. She groaned. She wanted to be out of the dress.

  Des seemed oblivious to her dilemma. “I haven’t seen you in a couple of days,” he stated. “How are you?”

  “I’m alright,” she shrugged slightly. “Pretty much the same.”

  Except for the ball…

  “That reminds me,” Darcie gestured to her dress. “This ball… don’t you think it is a bad idea? I thought my job was to remain out of sight.”

  Des strode further into the room. He sat on the high-back wooden chair and looked at Darcie. “It is… complicated.”

  She waited for him to elaborate. Des shifted in his seat before leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. His green eyes locked onto hers. “I originally fought Thane when he suggested inviting you to attend the ball. It is a yearly tradition with our community and many immortals attend. I thought it would be too dangerous to have you exposed like that.”

  Darcie swallowed. A yearly tradition? She hadn’t realized so many would be at the event. “And now?”

  Des sighed, hanging his head for a moment. “I see the merit in Thane’s reasoning. So many believe you are the One, despite my insistence you are not.” He paused to clear his throat. “Hiding you away might not have been the best way to quell the rumors surrounding you. Thane and Lome have convinced me escorting you to the ball, letting others see us and realize there is not a bond, might enable us to safely return you home.”

  She remained silent. Her mind turned over his words and tried to find reason in them. Darcie wanted to go home. She craved her boring and predictable life in Maine. If this ball would speed up her departure, she would be all for it… but something didn’t feel right.

  She observed Des. Their interactions were less tense, and she believed he and his family wanted her to remain safe. She did not think they would intentionally put her in danger.

  However, the other part of the story did not make sense. Darcie spoke with Bella every day. Not one encounter would pass without the petite woman mentioning Darcie as Des’ soulmate. Each time, Darcie would correct her.

  While Bella would stop speaking of it at that moment, she did not seem to believe Darcie’s claim. It was clear Des’ family continued to believe Darcie was his One. So why would Thane lie and say he wanted Darcie to attend to squash the rumors?

  “I think you are being manipulated,” she finally said. She didn’t enjoy being someone’s pawn.

  Darcie was surprised to see a twinkle in Des’ eyes. He smiled and gave an approving nod. “I know I am.”

  She gaped. “What?”

  “I know what my family is trying to do,” he revealed. “But I also know what I am trying to do.”

  “My brothers might think having us in public will make me realize a connection,” Des continued. “But I plan to use the situation differently. That is why I came to speak with you.”

  Intrigued, Darcie waved a hand for him to continue. “I’m listening.”

  Des straightened his spine, looking confident as he conveyed his plan with detail and conviction. He had given much thought to the idea and clearly believed it could succeed.

  As he laid out the general plan, Darcie could feel her eyes growing wider, completely caught off-guard. She never thought of using the tactic he presented, but it was genius. For the act to occur in such a public setting would surely convince others Darcie and Des were not a couple. It would remove her as a threat to any immortals opposing the strength and power of the three brothers. Darcie felt her hope begin to rise.

  “What are your thoughts?” Des questioned once he completed the speech. His expression made him appear open to any concerns she might have.

  “Do you think we can pull it off?” In spite of the hope she felt, the plan also made Darcie nervous. The flirtation would be out of her character to say the least.

  “I suppose that is really a question you must answer,” Des’ expression remained calm. “I understand it might feel awkward. If you do not think you can sell it, then we are better not to do it. Failing at this –being caught in the deception– will only make the other immortals more firm in their belief we are soulmates.”

  The plan’s success did rely on her showmanship. That much was certain. Darcie’s heart and hope started to fall.

  “But,” Des interrupted her melancholy, “if we pull it off… if you pull it off, we could both be out of this mess. If you cannot, I understand, and we can think of something else.”

  While relieved Des was not frustrated by her hesitation, Darcie found she was immensely irritated with herself. Hadn’t she been searching for a way back home since she arrived at the brother’s house? She spent many nights lying awake, trying to figure a way out of the mythical and overwhelming situation. How could she not jump at this opportunity?

  Darcie needed to be brave. She needed to be fearless. She needed to take the risk if she wanted life to return to normal.

  Resolved, Darcie met his confident gaze with one of her own. “Alright,” she smiled at her approving teammate. “Let’s do it.”

  Chapter 18

  Kevin’s handsome face appeared on her phone. “Hey there! Long time, no talk.” Darcie chuckled and playfully rolled her eyes at him through the phone. They were using the face-to-face app to have their conversation, and it was fun to see each other’s reactions.

  “We just talked yesterday morning.”

  “Did we?” He pursed his lips. “Seems like forever ago.”

  She smiled, enjoying his cuteness. “How’s Marie?”

  Through her previous conversations with her best friend, she knew Marie was away from Maine and on a ski trip with Josh. Given her location in the mountains, Marie told Darcie to not expect contact from her until they returned home.

  “I think she’s good. Her email said she’s enjoying Vermont.” Kevin adjusted the screen, jostling the image on Darcie’s end.

  “Are you near a window or something?” He asked, squinting at his screen. “It’s really bright over there.”

  “Oh… yeah.” Darcie shifted in her seat but remain
ed on the ledge of the window. She didn’t want Kevin to see the fancy furniture and décor adorning her room at the brothers’ house. “This is the only place I can get reception.”

  Kevin bought her explanation. “Any idea of when you are coming back?” It was a question he asked every time they spoke.

  For once, Darcie had a different response. “Actually, I might be coming back next week.”

  “Really?” Kevin’s deep blue eyes brightened. “That would be awesome!”

  “It’s not a sure thing,” Darcie cautioned. Her return depended on whether or not she could successfully deceive the ball’s guests. “But there is a chance.”

  “This is so confusing,” Kevin said with a heavy sigh. “I don’t understand why you can’t just say you want to come back, and then come back.”

  Knowing she didn’t want to continue lying to Kevin, Darcie just shrugged. “I know. It’s complicated. I’ll be able to explain better in person.”

  Another lie. There was no way she would ever tell anyone about the reality of the world – that immortal beings existed. People would think she was crazy.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” Kevin promised, pointing at her through the phone. “I expect a complete explanation on our date.”

  As usual, she blushed.

  Kevin’s smile softened. “You’re cute when you blush.”

  Darcie laughed quietly, wondering if she would ever get over her shyness with Kevin. She thought as they spent more time speaking openly about their feelings, the embarrassing trait would fade away. On the contrary, every time Kevin complimented or reaffirmed how much he liked Darcie, the teenage girl became tongue tied.

  “I really hope you come back soon,” Kevin added when Darcie remained quiet.

  She could see the sincerity in his eyes. “Me too,” she whispered.

  “Hey, I just remembered something I was going to ask you,” Kevin changed the subject. “Have you told Marie about us?”

  “No.” Darcie wouldn’t know what to tell her best friend in the first place. “Why?”


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