Marrying Her Greek Billionaire: A BWWM Marriage Of Convenience Romance

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Marrying Her Greek Billionaire: A BWWM Marriage Of Convenience Romance Page 22

by Tiana Cole

  “I don't think so,” I had to rebut. I'd already mulled that possibility over, and knew Jessica would understandably place the blame on her. “I don't think she'd go that far. We don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, but she does understand and appreciate my work ethic and drive. I got both of those things from my father. She didn't approve of you, but I don't see her destroying my business because of it,” I explained.

  “Of course you're going to defend her. She's your mother,” Jessica sneered.

  “Look, she may be a bitch, but I just don't think she's spiteful enough to cripple my business,” I fired back.

  “Well, whoever it was obviously had enough dirt on us to get a full investigation launched,” she replied bitterly. She had every right to be upset, but I wasn't expecting it when she muttered, “Thank God Charles is going out on a limb for me…”

  “For you?” I asked in concern. “You mean for us, right? I mean, you are coming to Greece with me, aren't you?” When she hesitated to reply, I pulled the Mercedes over and looked at her with a sense of panic. “Jessica, you're coming to Greece with me, aren't you?” I repeated.

  “I have to…I have to think about it, Bastian,” she mumbled. Unable to believe what I was hearing, I turned in my seat and pleaded with her desperately.

  “Jessica, you have to come with me. I thought you loved me? You would really keep our baby away from their father?”

  “I know you're probably losing your firm, and I know how hard you worked to build it up with Nick, but I worked hard to get where I am today, too, you know. And Greece is a whole other country! I don't even know how to speak the language,” she argued, making valid points that I selfishly hadn't considered. “What about the economy there?” she added. I almost smiled at this concern.

  “The economy won't affect us because we have money,” I reminded her. “We could open up our own small law firm if you’d like, and I can teach you Greek.”

  “I don't know…” she trailed off. It was obvious that she was just scared, and justifiably so. Her friends were here in New York City, her job was as well, and her family was likely moving here soon.

  “I'm beyond sorry that this is happening,” I said when her eyes finally met mine, “and the last thing I want to do is have my screw up affect you…again. But, Jessica, I go crazy when you're not with me. There's no option for me. You have to come. Please say you'll come. I love you,” I begged, and her eyes filled with a sheen of tears.

  “It's just…I'm thinking about where the baby will have a better life,” she admitted. “That's honestly what matters the most to me.”

  “The baby will have the best life with both of us,” I replied pointedly.

  “I just need time to think,” she said, and looked down in uncertainty once again.

  Frustrated, and not wanting to press the issue in fear it would only push her away, I drove us back to the penthouse. The second I put the car in park she sprung from the vehicle without saying a word and dashed off to the elevator we'd both grown so familiar with.

  I waited a long while in the Mercedes, feeling as if I couldn't breathe. I'd never experienced a panic attack before, but knew I was either having one or coming damn close. Jessica had become my everything, and the thought of losing her overwhelmed me with dread. What would happen if she decided to stay in New York, which she very well may? She had a life here, and it was asking a lot for her to give it up for a me.

  The emotions roiling in my chest came to a crest and I exploded, screaming loudly while pounding my fists on the steering wheel. Things had been picture perfect this morning, and now our lives were in complete disarray with our future a giant question mark. Jessica and I had made a promise to each other, and now…it was all falling apart.

  I spent another few minutes alone in the car, calming myself down before heading up to the penthouse. Jessica, Jay, and Tasha were huddled in the kitchen and speaking in hushed voices while JJ sat in the living room glued to whatever cartoon was on TV. The three stopped talking when I stepped into the room, and I couldn't bring myself to look at them. I already knew what everyone wanted, and that was for Jessica to stay in New York.

  “Bastian,” Jay called as I was making my way upstairs to begin packing. It pained me, but I forced myself to finally look over at them. Jay waved me into the kitchen, but I didn't budge.

  “I'm sorry, I don't really feel like talking right now,” I replied solemnly.

  “Hey, I just want to say that I'm sorry…the whole situation sucks,” Jay said sincerely while Tasha looked at me apologetically. I studied his gaze and saw no other telling emotion. I desperately wanted to trust the two of them, but right now everyone was suspect. I knew how much Jay cared about his sister, and knew that bond might have led him to contact immigration…despite his insistence that he hadn't.

  “I'm sure you and Jess will figure something out,” Tasha spoke as earnestly as Jay had. “Everything will be okay.”

  I stood silently for a moment as I looked at Jessica, but she refused to meet my gaze. Meanwhile, JJ was so enamored with his cartoon that he hadn't even acknowledged my presence.

  “I hope so,” I nodded before continuing up the stairs.

  “Jessica look at him. He looks like he wants to go jump off a building,” I heard Tasha hiss when she thought I was out of earshot. “You should go with him.”

  I resisted bolting back down the stairs to beg Jessica to listen to her sister-in-law. I wanted her reach a decision without my influence, knowing she'd never be happy if she felt pressured by me. I'd already pleaded my case, and now all I could do was wait. In the meantime, I needed to start packing.

  Chapter 18


  After rushing from the Mercedes to the penthouse, I found Jay and Tasha in the kitchen making lunch and gave them a brief rundown of what had happened. They seemed quite sympathetic, and both consoled me with heartfelt hugs. The elevator doors parted and Bastian made his way upstairs, but I couldn't bring myself to look at his crestfallen face.

  Jay and Tasha were surprisingly understanding and supportive, letting me know they'd stand behind whatever decision I made. They left with JJ shortly after lunch, and before leaving they urged me to talk things out with Bastian. Confused and unsure, I sat on the sofa and buried my face in my hands to think.

  I didn't know how I felt about leaving everything behind to begin a new life with Bastian in Greece, since all I knew and had worked so hard for was here in New York. I'd never been to Greece, but was sure it was beautiful and rife with culture. Always one to assimilate easily, I figured I'd get used to living there relatively quickly. I was torn, and had only three days to make up my mind. If I chose to stay in the States, I'd have to raise our child on my own. That would be easy financially, even with the steep fine I was facing, and if I wanted to I could probably buy out Bastian's share of the firm. Money wouldn't be an issue, but I had fallen hopelessly in love with Bastian and wanted him in the child's life. We'd already been through so much together…could I really leave him behind? Of course I couldn't, but shock and fear had muddled my mind. Now that I'd calmed down, I realized how strong my love for him was and bolted upstairs. I startled Bastian by bursting into the bedroom where suitcases had been strewn about the room.

  “I love you! I'll go,” I told him breathlessly. “I'll go with you.”

  He dropped the pair of socks he was holding and jumped over a suitcase to pull me into his strong arms.

  “Oh, thank God! Thank God…” he gushed as he held me tightly.

  “Everything's going to be alright,” I assured him, also reassuring myself at the same time. “Everything's going to work out because we'll be together.”

  “It'll be a fresh start,” he replied, and I felt him nod as he loosened his hold on me slightly.

  “Exactly. A fresh start. No more secrets. No more lies,” I smiled.

  “I love you so much, Jessica,” he said with heavy emotion and relief in his eyes. I grabbed him by his broad shoulders and pulle
d myself into him, my lips meeting his in a soft kiss.

  “I love you, too,” I returned without skipping a beat, my smile widening and my eyes dampening with joy. “I guess we both have some packing to do,” I smirked.

  “Let's get to it,” he chuckled.

  * * *

  Eight Months Later

  “Push, baby, push. You're almost there,” Bastian's voice was annoyingly calm in comparison to the havoc that was being reaped in my body. I felt like everything from my belly button to my toes had a reason to be in pain thanks to the indescribable agony of having a baby pushed through me. I wasn't even registering the two nurses and doctor in the room who were instructing me to keep pushing and to breathe. I was focused solely on getting the baby out, and the only sound I could hear was my husband's soothing voice.

  “Oh, they can see the head! You're almost there, Jess, you're doing great,” Bastian told me excitedly. I gave it one last heave before the doctor's urgent voice told me to relax, then I heard the shrill sound of a baby's cry. In an instant, all the pain I felt seemed to become secondary.

  “That's our baby?” I regained my wind enough to ask as a nurse handed the screaming bundle to Bastian.

  “Yes. It's a boy,” Bastian beamed in pride, his voice thick with emotion and his eyes filled with tears. He leaned over to show me our baby that had been delicately wrapped in a soft blue blanket.

  “He's beautiful…” I whispered, “and kind of gross,” I joked, causing Bastian to chuckle. The baby was still crying, but he was settling at the sound of our voices.

  “We'll take him to get cleaned,” one of the nurses told us as she gently took the baby from Bastian.

  “Go with her,” I instructed. He nodded, but before leaving he bent down to give me a long, gentle kiss on the forehead. I could feel his love, the overwhelming sense of happiness flowing through him, and I smiled. I took a deep breath, and the remaining nurse and doctor congratulated me on delivering the baby.

  Despite the lingering pain being there as proof, I couldn't believe everything that had happened over the past nine months. To my relief, Bastian and I had settled nicely in Pylos, a city far away from his mother in Volos. We'd decided to venture into international business law, and managed to have our entire immigration ordeal in the States sealed. It made things easier for us, plus international law paid better.

  We also got to travel a lot, though Bastian had done the majority of it over the last three months thanks to my pregnancy. I was fine with that, as it gave me time to explore the city and build a small group of friends.

  It took a while for me to get cleaned up before I was rolled into a recovery room filled with flowers, balloons, and gifts for both me and the baby. When I was settled, Bastian joined me and was accompanied by a nurse who set the newborn down in a small bassinet. I was eager to hold our boy, even though I was exhausted from the delivery.

  “And here's mama,” Bastian spoke softly as he gently picked up our son. His delicate nature was adorable, and how good he was with the baby melted my heart. “I know you missed mama, didn't you?”

  Bastian carefully handed me our tiny boy, wrapped snugly in another blue blanket, and I eagerly cradled him in my arms. I could already tell from his little face that he would grow to look almost exactly like his father. He had fine wisps of dark hair on his head, and his skin tone was just as light as Bastian's, though I saw my lips and maybe a hint of my ears there, too. He truly was beautiful, and I couldn't stop staring at him in awe.

  “He's like your twin,” I remarked with a smile.

  “I'm sure he'll wind up looking more like the both of us,” Bastian chuckled. I smiled down at the baby, though his eyes were closed and he seemed to be on the verge of sleep. “We have to name him,” Bastian reminded me, and I looked up at him with a raised brow.

  “Nick?” I threw out as an option.

  Bastian laughed at my suggestion. With deportation inevitable, he'd had to disclose the immigration debacle to Nick since the firm was on the line. Thankfully, Nick took the revelation better than my own family did, and had even flown to visit us several times.

  “I love the man like a brother, but…no,” Bastian replied after a moment of deliberation.

  “Okay. How about Bastian?” I smiled. “Bastian Junior.”

  To my surprise, his face lit up in excitement at the idea. I'd tossed it out there half-jokingly, but a big grin stretched across his face as he looked down at the boy.

  “Seriously?” he asked, looking at me with a hint of skepticism.

  “Yes, of course,” I answered sincerely.

  “I was named after my father, and I'd love to keep that tradition alive. I didn't say anything because I didn't think you'd go for it,” he confessed.

  “That's silly,” I chuckled. “I love your name! And I love our new little Bastian Junior,” I added as I looked down at our gorgeous baby boy.

  “Are you messing with me right now?” he questioned with an arched eyebrow.

  “No, not at all,” I laughed. “Your name is unique, and I know he'll always look up to you.”

  “I love you so much, Jessica,” he beamed. “You've made me the happiest man in the world.”

  “I love you, too,” I giggled as he leaned in to kiss my lips softly.

  “Just in time!” Nick's voice sounded quietly as he stepped into the room wearing his work suit. He held a smiling stuffed dog with its tongue hanging out in one hand, and a wrapped gift along with several cards in the other. “Surprise, surprise!”

  “Nick, how…” I gasped, completely taken aback by his presence. I glanced at Bastian who looked every bit as shocked as me.

  “When Bastian texted me to say you were in labor, I hopped on the company jet and got my ass here as fast as humanly possible,” he smiled.

  “And he even comes with gifts,” Bastian joked and stood to give Nick a warm hug. “Thank you for being here.”

  “Wouldn't miss it for the world,” Nick winked as he set the gifts down by my side and took a peek at the baby.

  “I have to admit, I'm kind of jealous,” Nick admitted with a nod. “I kind of want one now.”

  “Someday,” I smiled up at him.

  “Well, congratulations,” he said as he bent down to kiss my forehead. “He's absolutely gorgeous. You two do good work.”

  “Thank you,” Bastian laughed.

  “I brought you a surprise,” Nick announced and scurried towards the door. “I think you're going to like this one,” he grinned.

  I glanced at Bastian and he returned my bewildered look with a confused shrug. Nick opened the door, and my heart fluttered as Jay and Tasha entered the room with JJ. My emotions got the better of me, and I almost burst out in tears at the sight of them.

  “Nick invited us along,” Jay glowed as he quickly crossed the room to see his new nephew, his eyes dampening at the sight of his new family member.

  JJ, who had grown considerably, was just as excited to see me as he was the baby. Tasha lifted him up to see us both, and he stared in fascination at his new cousin while Jay offered his congratulations to Bastian with a handshake.

  “He's perfect,” Tasha smiled down at me and the baby.

  “So, did you name him Nick or what?” Nick blurted, humorously interrupting the tender moment. “At least tell me his middle name is Nick, right?”

  The room erupted with laughter, even JJ chuckling now that he was old enough to understand the humor, but I'd become distracted by one of the cards Nick had set down by my side. It appeared to be from Jeannie, whom I hadn't heard from since moving to Greece. I'd messaged her several times via text message, Facebook, and even e-mail…but she hadn't responded. My calls had gone unanswered and unreturned as well.

  “Jeannie gave you this, Nick?” I asked him, the surprise on my face quite obvious. Nine months had passed since I'd last spoken to her, so I found it odd that she'd given him a card to deliver to me.

  “Yeah, and the stuffed animal is from her too,” he replied, the
n turned his attention back to Bastian while I opened the card and read what Jessica had written inside:

  'Wish you happiness and love. Hope you continue to get everything you want out of life. -Jeannie.'

  I blinked at the short note, then glanced at the stuffed dog. Its expression seemed almost mocking, but perhaps I was reading too much into it. I looked at the card again and laughed, shaking my head in amusement. Letting suspicion get the better of me would be a waste of time and energy, and in realizing this I chose to simply let it go. Maybe Jeannie had been the one who'd ratted us out to immigration, as Bastian later confessed he suspected, but maybe she hadn't. Either way, it didn't matter in the end since she was right: I'd gotten everything I ever wanted out of life, and there was still more to come.

  I looked up, smiling at the sight of my family and enjoying the playful bickering between Bastian and his best friend. Tasha and JJ had taken a seat next to me on the bed, and I couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

  “Jess, what's wrong?” Tasha asked in concern while JJ adorably tried to wipe my tears away with the corner of my blanket.

  “Nothing,” I sniffled. “It's just…there's so much love in the room,” I smiled, and through my tears could see everyone smiling back at me.

  “Of course there is,” Bastian said as he returned to my side by the bed. “That's how it's supposed to be,” he told me as he bent down to kiss me softly.

  I couldn't be happier.



  I hope you enjoyed this story.

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  Also from Tiana Cole:

  The Billionaire's Super Nanny

  The Doctor's Fake Nanny

  Billionaire by Design

  Which Baby for the Billionaire?

  A Gambling Heart

  Love Games


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