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9781631054631ChoiceAffairsSalisbury Page 3

by Jamie Salisbury

  “I have to agree with you there, girlfriend. Where’s Apolo?”

  “Locked in his office, I’m sure. His parents went out in search of something, and my father went along with them. I’m sure everyone’s making themselves scarce since mother will be arriving any time.”

  Izzie laughed. “Yes, and knowing Susan, she’s going to be wide open.”

  “Yes, but Apolo said he intended to have a little sit down with her when she arrives. You know? Remind her of her place. To leave the details to the wedding planner. Let the help alone. Stay away from the press. That sort of thing. Not that she’ll listen.”

  “He could lock her in a bedroom.” Izzie giggled as she filled a plate and brought it, along with a steaming hot cup of coffee, to the small table.

  “That’s his backup plan.”

  Izzie snorted, staring at me. “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack. She’s done enough damage with her meddling. Just wait until she finds out she—”

  And there she was, voice larger than life. I couldn’t make out the words, but I knew she’d been to see Apolo. The door opened and in she came. Quiet time over. She glared at me, and then Izzie, before slamming the door shut behind her. I looked at Izzie out of the corner of my eye. Show time.

  “Caitlyn, thank God! Here you are! Do you know your fiancé kidnapped me? I was forced to wear an ankle monitor and not allowed my cell phone or anything else,” she ranted, without taking a breath. “Do you know he just demanded I stay in my room until the ceremony? And that I’m to choose one of two dresses to wear? Said my gown upstaged yours?”

  “Mother, calm down and sit. Considering what you’ve done, you should be thankful you’re even getting to attend.”

  “Calm down? The man is trying to ruin my day.”

  Wrong choice of words. “Your day? Your day? What in the hell do you mean—your day? Today is my wedding day. Mine and Apolo’s. You’ve done nothing but try and upstage us at every move. Going to the press when you were asked not to. Whatever you can do to put yourself in the limelight. Well, he’s right. You need to stay in your room until the ceremony. You’re nothing but a self-centered bitch, Mother.”

  As usual, nothing I said seemed to phase her in the least. “Caitlyn, I’m the mother of the bride. I have certain roles I’m supposed to play. But Apolo is trying to take that all away from me. I won’t stand for it.”

  “Mother, you lost all claim to your roles when you went behind our backs and did that talk show. I stand behind everything Apolo is doing to try to bring you under control.”

  “Well, I’m not wearing either of those dresses. I’ll wear my Vera Wang. End of subject.”

  “No, you won’t, Mother. That dress is over the top, and you know it. Now, either choose one of the two, or stay in your room during the ceremony and reception. Your choice.”

  “Izzie? Are you going to sit there and let your best friend talk to her mother this way?”

  Izzie eyed her carefully. “Not being disrespectful, Susan, but yes. Yes, I am. I back whatever means Apolo had to take to silence you. This is Caitlyn’s day, not yours. Now, behave like a mother of a bride and not some reality show trailer trash.”

  Mother stood there, speechless for a moment. A moment that was too short. “Izzie? Not you, too?”

  “Yes, me too, Susan. Now, I suggest you suck it up, shut up, and make some vain attempt to enjoy the day as a secondary player. I know it’ll be hard, but somehow I know you have it in you.”


  “And if you don’t, I’ll help Apolo lock you in that bedroom myself. You’ve caused enough damage as it is. I’ll not see you ruin my bestie’s most important day.”

  Exasperated, Mother glanced from me to Izzie and back before storming out of the room. Again, the door slammed behind her.

  “Sorry, Caitlyn. I had to do that. She was out of control. Besides, it’s your day, not hers.”

  “No need to apologize, Iz. She had it coming. I suppose when we finish here, we should start getting ready. We have about two hours. I thought we could use the master bedroom.”

  “Where’d you run him off to?”

  “He volunteered actually. He’s put his stuff in a guest room. You know men—they don’t need as much space.”

  “Is Anthony helping him out, or is his brother being best man all for show?”

  “Like my mother, it’s what he can get out of this event to benefit himself. I think Anthony’s a little put out because Apolo chose not to use his restaurant or let him cater the reception.”

  “But I’m sure, like your mother, he’ll make sure he gets his name mentioned at every turn.”

  “You’re learning, Izzie.” I laughed. Amazing, since I’d been under such stress.

  “Come on. Why don’t we grab a plate and some coffee and head to your room?”

  “Yes, we should. It’ll give us some privacy, and I won’t be rushed.”

  We both fixed a plate of food and grabbed the cups of coffee we’d poured before my mother’s grand entrance. Heading down the hall, I could hear her somewhere, speaking with some poor, unsuspecting soul. I shook my head and continued to the closed door.

  Izzie and I had no more than sat down at a small table overlooking the back courtyard where the reception would be held when someone knocked on the door. We looked at each other, and I glanced at the clock.

  “It could be either Lisa to do our hair, or Maria, for our makeup.”

  “I can’t believe you have girls coming in to do our hair and makeup, Caitlyn. It’s so cool. I’ve never had anyone do my makeup before.”

  “Well,” I replied as I walked toward the door. “Enjoy it. You know how much of a perfectionist Apolo is, so I figured this way we’d be set for the photos and the day.”

  Eloise had arranged for two stylists and two makeup artists. That way, one could attend to Izzie and me, and the other could be on hand for our mothers. It was one decision I did not fuss about, as it helped me relax and not stress about the small stuff.

  Chapter Three


  I stood in front of the mirror in awe. I had to fight back tears as I looked at the woman staring back at me. This was it. The moment every woman dreams of from the time she’s a little girl. I was a bride, marrying my prince charming. And Apolo truly was a prince in every aspect of the word. He was a God-send, my knight in shining armor, my hero. I was blessed, and I knew it. Fate had brought us together, and now today, we would begin the rest of our lives as man and wife.

  “You look breathtakingly beautiful, Caitlyn,” I heard Izzie say in the distance.

  “Thank you,” I replied. “I feel as though I’m in a dream, Iz. You look beautiful yourself, by the way.”

  “Thanks. It’s time. Everyone is in place, and your father is nervously waiting in the hall.”

  I nodded my head. “Have him come in.”

  She opened the door, and the next thing I saw was my pop walking into the room. “You look beautiful, Caitlyn,” he said, teary eyed. “You’re no longer the little girl who once chased through the mud puddles in Ireland. You’ve turned into the sort of woman any man would be proud to call his daughter.”

  “Pop, stop, or you’ll have us both bawling. You look very handsome yourself. Thank you for everything. I mean that.”

  “Well, if you’re ready, my dear, I believe you have a most anxious groom awaiting at the bottom of that huge staircase.”

  “Yes, I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  Izzie was waiting in the hall, along with Eloise, who was there to make sure everything got started on time and on cue. They turned and smiled in our direction.

  A photographer was also there to get some images of this moment, which he discreetly did. Finally, it was time. My father and I held back as Izzie poised herself at the top of the stairs before descending.

  Next, I descended the staircase on my father’s arm. I tried not to think. The only thing I saw was Apolo standing there, not fifteen feet from th
e bottom. Our eyes locked, and I felt myself relax. Nothing else mattered at that instant. It was as though the universe evolved around just the two of us.

  I gazed down at the charcoal grey suit he was wearing. Elegant. I had to smile, as he had decided to wear a pale pink tie to compliment my dress. Looking to his left, I noted Anthony standing to one side with the same style, but in a lighter grey. His tie, however, was a darker shade of pink to match Izzie’s dress. My stare was quickly back on Apolo’s face, as though he were willing me to focus on him and him alone.

  We approached. My father took my hand, patted it, and relinquished me to Apolo. I noted that his eyes were glistening with tears, but the smile on his face glowed with pride and love. Somehow, Izzie had taken my bouquet from me, smiling one last time before joining my father to one side.

  I found all the gazes on us unnerving, even though they were family. Something stirred in the corner of my eye as I was starting to turn back toward Apolo. It was a flutter of off white.

  Slowly, I paused to look. Incredibly, there sat my mother, in the very Vera Wang dress both Apolo and I had expressly told her not to wear. I pretended I hadn’t seen, turning to my moments-away-from-being husband instead. I knew he had to be seething with anger, but he wasn’t about to give her the satisfaction. One of these days, she would learn not to spar with Apolo.

  For now, however, he had won. Mother just didn’t know it, yet. The look on Apolo’s face was wicked and cunning.

  “Don’t be so smug with yourself,” I whispered as he took my hand.

  His answer was a grin.

  The ceremony was far too short. Soon, I found myself saying my vows, ones we had written together. They had all the usual wording, just our spin on them. Such as that I would give myself entirely to Apolo, letting him worship my body, in sickness and in health, forever. Apolo’s expression when he cupped my face to kiss me the first time as his wife was one of triumph.

  Our eyes locked as he ended the kiss, and we turned to face our guests. I heard sniveling. Mother, no doubt. Izzie would be more discreet, as would Apolo’s mother.

  Apolo’s parents approached and hugged us both, while Anthony kept his distance. Finally, he did walk up and shake our hands, giving me a kiss on the cheek. Pop shook Apolo’s hand before he hugged me, not saying a word. None were needed. Mother, of course, made her usual scene, as though she were the only one with feelings. I saw Izzie rolling her eyes as she awaited her turn to congratulate us.

  “Congratulations, you two,” she murmured. I saw her eyes glistening with tears as she hugged Apolo then me. She looked over at my husband. “You better take care of her. I’ll hunt you down if you don’t.”

  “She’s in good hands. You know that, Izzie.”

  Of course, Mother was still standing close enough to pick up on all the conversations. She had to have the last say. “We’ll see about that.”

  Izzie rolled her eyes again.

  * * * *

  The next couple of hours were like a blur. There had been little time between the actual wedding ceremony and the reception. While we were all gathered in one of the many formal rooms of the house to have pictures taken, guests were arriving and being led outside to the terrace and gardens.

  Apolo had discreetly managed to keep my mother a safe distance away from me. She was performing as always. To whoever would listen. Having defied our request that she not wear the Vera Wang dress she had made for the occasion, my husband took her off to one side after the ceremony and reminded her that there were consequences for her actions. If she’d thought he was kidding, she quickly found out she’d met her match.

  The next thing any of us knew, she was swooshing out of the room with a “Well, I never!” for anyone who might be listening. The look on his face said it all. He’d gotten his point across, at least for now. Then, Apolo was at my side, guiding me toward the photographer who was anxiously waiting to begin.

  “What did you say to her?” I innocently inquired.

  “Would you like the actual conversation, or the watered down version?” he replied smugly.

  “Watered down is fine. I can fill in the blanks.”

  “I reprimanded her for wearing that dress and told her if she wanted to appear in any of the official wedding photos that she’d go change into one of the two dresses you selected for her. After that, I told her I didn’t care if she walked around naked the remainder of it, but she wasn’t ruining your day.”

  I desperately attempted not to giggle. “Well, let’s hope she doesn’t take you up on that. What I want to know is—how did she get that dress into this house?”

  “I would like to know the same thing.”

  The photographer worked around any and all shots that would require Mother. Finally, she arrived, dressed in the rose-colored suit. Frankly, it looked far more attractive on her than her earlier choice, but I’d never let her know that. Just let sleeping dogs lie, as they say.

  We finished up the photo session as, one by one, everyone made their way outside and to the reception. There was a good crowd by the time Apolo and I made our entrance as husband and wife. We were surrounded by well-wishers. People from both Apolo’s business and political arenas.

  Apolo had put out a blanket invitation to all Choice Enterprises employees. Not surprisingly, I noted a huge number of people had shown up. He was a decent and fair boss, and today just reinforced that.

  Standing by my side, he introduced me to politicians and business moguls alike, many whom I’d never met. I glanced around and found my father catching up with friends. Mother, of course, was nowhere near him. Typical. Izzie was holding court, it seemed, to a group of admiring young men. I was amazed to note she was enjoying being fawned over.

  Apolo passed me a flute of champagne. “I’m going to make a toast, we’re going to cut the cake, dance a couple of numbers, and then get the hell out of here.”

  “We can’t just leave like that, Apolo. That would be rude.”

  “We can, and we will, darling. We still have a good ways to go this evening to get to our honeymoon destination.”

  “You’re certain you don’t want to spend the night somewhere close and leave in the morning? It’s not like we haven’t already consummated our relationship, you know.” I grinned naughtily at him.

  “But not our marriage, and I have no intention of doing it anywhere but where we’re going to spend our honeymoon.”

  I knew it was futile to try and argue, or even get him to change his plans. Once he made up his mind, that was the end of all discussion. “Where we’re going…you’re not going to share…?”

  “No, I’m not. You’ll find out when we get there. Now, come.”

  I let him lead me by the hand to an area that had the cake set up. He stood us in front of the table, and I heard someone clanking their glass with a piece of silverware to get people’s attention.

  “Thank you, everyone. Thank you for coming to this very special day. First off, I would like to toast my bride.” He turned to me, glass in one hand. “Caitlyn, it has taken many years to get me to this point. I never thought I’d marry. Until I met you, that is. I knew from that very first day that we were meant to be together. I love you with all my heart. Thank you.”

  I caught Izzie standing in my line of sight, discreetly motioning off to one side. Glancing to my right, I was flabbergasted to see my mother and Apolo’s old flame, Delpheine, standing side by side, commiserating. The two of them deserved each other. I gave her an I-told-you-you’d-never-get-him-back-in-your-life-bitch smile

  Next, we cut the magnificent wedding cake. Though the trend might be for untraditional cakes, Apolo and I stayed pretty much old school. I had chosen a chocolate fudge cake with chocolate ganache filling and a white chocolate icing topped with fondant. It was elegant and looked every part of belonging to a gazillionaire and his bride.

  After the first dance, I watched Apolo ask my mother for a spin and knew they had some things to discuss. What I didn’t expect was what came nex

  I had no sooner taken a sip off my champagne when I turned and saw that bitch leading Apolo back onto the dance floor. I was utterly naked, with no one to support me. It was so obvious what she was attempting to do. Even Izzie shot me a look. I merely held my ground until my mother came up to my side.

  “You still have competition, Caitlyn. Don’t ever forget it. She’s not going to go away quietly.”

  “Trust me, Mother. If she knows Apolo at all, she’ll go back to whatever pathetic place she came from and forget all this nonsense. Apolo doesn’t play nice when it comes to people who don’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

  “Hmmm, I wonder how well you really know your husband.”

  “And what’s that supposed to mean? I know him far better than you or anyone else does.”

  “Just keep your eyes open, that’s all, Caitlyn.”

  “What? Are you on her side all of a sudden?”

  Whatever had been unfolding suddenly ceased. Apolo was at my side, taking me by the elbow. “Susan, I see you managed to make sure the scum of the earth got invited. While I’d love to stand here and find out how you managed that and how you managed to smuggle your dress in, I won’t. My bride and I have a plane to catch and a honeymoon to start. So, if you’ll excuse us.”

  He turned, guiding me toward my father and his parents, who’d gotten their cues from Izzie.

  “Caitlyn,” Helen began. “Welcome to the family. Finally, I won’t be the odd woman out.” She leaned over and wrapped her arms around me.

  “Thank you,” I replied. “Once we get back, I’ll make sure one of us lets you know.”

  “Yes, please do. We’ll have to make sure to get together before we go on our next adventure.”

  “We will, I promise.” I turned to my father, who’d been quietly standing there with Apolo’s dad. Only now my mother had decided to join the small gathering.

  “I wish we’d had more time to visit, Pop.”


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