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9781631054631ChoiceAffairsSalisbury Page 19

by Jamie Salisbury

  “I don’t know why I didn’t think of her until now.”

  “Subconsciously, I imagine you wanted to use someone locally, as did I. That’s not going to work right now. From what I read online this afternoon, she’s quite sought after.”

  “So, you won’t have a problem using her services, if she has the time and agrees to take us on as clients?”

  “None in the least, though I would like to speak with her first.” I grinned at him, a futile attempt to get him to relax.

  “I expect we’ll all touch base before the weekend’s out. Perhaps if she’s receptive to the idea, I’ll suggest either she fly here for a visit, or that you go out there and meet with her.”

  “Or just start online, Apolo.” I tried to stifle a laugh. Sometimes, he amazed me by how he could forget something so commonplace as a teleconference. He’d done them thousands of time at Choice Enterprises. No, Apolo was still a bit old fashioned, preferring face to face contact over the internet.

  “Yes, we could do that too.”

  “I’ve written down some notes of questions I’d like to ask her. Would you care to see them, senator?”

  He sighed, trying to look dejected. It wasn’t working. “It doesn’t appear you’re going to give me any other choice.”

  “And while you’re doing that, I’ll clean up this mess.”

  He grabbed my wrist as I passed him. “After which, I have other plans for us. Plans that don’t include business or housework.”

  Leaning over him, I kissed him on the forehead. “I’m all yours, husband.”

  * * * *


  I was fast learning that being a politician is far more complicated in these days and times. Far more complex than running my businesses. Here, people held grudges, were vindictive behind your back. All while smiling and saying glowing things to your face.

  Jacob has discovered a reporter snooping around. That young pup from Atlanta. The one Caitlyn caught parked outside the gates of our home. What exactly he’s up to is unclear. He was granted a transfer to the paper’s Washington bureau, with me being his primary interest.

  I knew going in that the previous occupant of this seat had many enemies. Jacob was concerned that some of it might carry on to me.

  While my staff was effective in diverting attention off the Susan Pickett-White—Senator affair and the other drama’s that seemed determined to try and grow legs of their own, I still worried for Caitlyn. Now, she was having to deal with people not wanting to work with her because of things attached to me. She’s a trooper, determined.

  This reporter, however, did push alarm bells for me. I wasn’t about to let Caiti know, but instead, decided to invite him to my office. If he accepted, see if I could figure out what he was up to.

  My deputy chief-of-staff, Ethan, initiated the conversation on my behalf. He invited the reporter to a one on one, sit down interview, giving me the perimeters of questions that could or could not be asked. To Ethan’s utter shock, he declined. That raised red flags.

  “I’m sorry, Senator Choice, I’ve never had a reporter refuse a chance for a private interview before.”

  “Don’t fret, Ethan. That’s a huge warning sign to me. The man is obviously fishing for something. Get with Jacob. Find out what you can on him. Then report back to me.”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll check with a few other reporters, see if anyone knows him. If they do, find out what they think of him.”

  “Good idea. Just be discreet when you do it. I don’t need anything thing else biting me in the ass.”

  “I will, sir. And I’ll check with Jacob to see what he’s learned.”

  My cell phone chirped, and Ethan turned and walked out of the room. One thing was for sure, I had a very competent staff. I peered down at the phone. Tina, my cousin.

  “Tina, thanks for returning my call.”

  “What can I do for you, cuz? I mean, Senator Cousin. I got your text messages. Just tell me in your own words.”

  “You always were straight and to the point, Tina.”

  “Well, you won’t succeed in business if you beat around the bush, now will you?”

  “No, you won’t.”

  I explained to her the condensed version of what Caitlyn was encountering. Told her a bit about what we were looking at doing and what purpose we wanted the foundation to have. Then, I took a deep breath and waited for her response.

  “I’d be happy to help her get things set up. It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea if I came out there in a few weeks. First though, I think Caitlyn and I can work back and forth using email and things. She can give me a feel for what you two are after.”

  “Excellent. Here’s her number, but I’ll let her know you’re going to be calling.”

  “Yes, please, do. After we speak, I’ll do some research and get a package put together. I’m really looking forward to seeing you and meeting your bride. It’s been too long, cuz.”

  “Yes, it has. I’ll let Caitlyn know to expect your call. Thanks again, Tina.”

  “No problem, senator. I look forward to working with you both.”

  I ended the call feeling at least someone was on my side. Our side. Tina would do an excellent job for us, and I know she and Caitlyn will hit it off in a big way.

  As I waited on Caitlyn to answer, I thumbed through the draft of a bill I was to introduce along with two other colleagues. This was my first honest to goodness piece of legislation. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t give me goose bumps.

  “Good afternoon, senator,” she answered, seductively. “What can I help you with?”

  The sound of the cadence and sweet lilt of her voice instantly made me aroused. By sheer will, I fought the urge in my head. The one telling me to go home and fuck her. That would have to wait. Things were different now. No longer was she just down the hall from me.

  “Unfortunately, you can’t do what I’d really like. Not even over the phone, darling.” I heard her laugh at my referral to phone sex. I continued, “I was calling to let you know I spoke with Tina. She’s very interested and will be calling you shortly.”

  “Good. That’s a huge load off my mind.”

  “Mine too, but I knew Tina would be interested. I’d be helping her, as the politician on her resume. Cousin or not.”

  “Well, no one has to know you’re cousins, do they?”

  “No, not at all. Anyway, work with her. She said once she’s got things put together, she’d probably come visit and go over everything in person.”

  “Great, I’ll be on pins and needles, awaiting her call.”

  “I need to go, sweet. I shouldn’t be late, so go ahead and fix dinner if you want.”

  “Okay. See you in a few hours. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” I peered up, across my office, and noticed both Renee and Jacob standing there. Placing the phone down on my desk, I beckoned the pair in. “This must be serious, if the two of you are tag teaming me. What’s up?”

  I watched warily as they eased in, Jacob closing the door behind him. Something was going on. I knew them both well enough after all these years to recognize almost their every movement. Renee certainly was not her usually collected self. She kept eyeing Jacob and avoiding eye contact with me. This had better not be bad news. I don’t need anything else throwing me a curve. They both sat down in the leather chairs in front of my desk.

  “By the look on your faces, I certainly hope this isn’t bad news,” I half joked.

  “No, no, it isn’t Apolo. We, I mean, Renee and I, wanted to ask you something.”

  “But of course. Anything.”

  “Would you and Caitlyn stand up for us? We’re planning to get married.”

  I sat there, not sure if I’d heard them right. How did this one slip by me? I usually pick up on these sort of things. “Did I just hear you right, Renee? Did you say married? You and Jacob?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “Married. We’d like to do it when you break for Christmas. That way things here wi
ll be pretty much closed down.”

  “Of course. I’m sure Caitlyn would be delighted, as well. You’ll have to forgive me. I’m in a state of shock.” I sat up a little straighter. “Tell me one thing, though, will you?”

  “Yes, of course,” Jacob said.

  “How long has this been going on? You know what I mean. How long have you two been seeing each other?”

  “A while,” Renee replied, a coy grin on her face. “Part of the reason I agreed to join you here, Senator, and part of the reason I didn’t need to find a place to live.”

  “We did have one question, however. This, our getting married, won’t put our jobs in jeopardy, will it?”

  “No, Jacob. You two of all people should know that. Nothing will change.” I assured them. “By the way, do you two have plans for a honeymoon?”

  “Well, no. Jacob wanted to speak with you first before we went off making plans.”

  “My island is at your disposal, if you’d like to use it. I’ll even see to your transportation.”

  They were looking between themselves. I’d shocked them.

  “You don’t have to do that, Apolo. Renee and I aren’t a couple of teenagers. We were sort of thinking of something quieter.”

  “I don’t see how it could get any quieter. Caitlyn and I are planning on going to Atlanta, so the island will be unused. It’s a gift, a wedding present. You don’t want to hurt my feelings, do you?”

  “No, of course not. Thank you, Apolo. That’s most generous.” Jacob shifted in his seat. I caught him winking at Renee.

  “Yes, thank you, Apolo. I’ll get with you or Caitlyn on details as soon as we work them out.”

  “That’s fine. Jacob, just make sure things are in place and in order for you to be away.”

  He knew what I was speaking of. I sprung to my feet and made my way around the desk to hug Renee and shake Jacob’s hand. These two had been with me for a long time and were like family.

  “Congratulations, both of you. I mean that. Though I will say you could have given me some warning.”

  “No,” Jacob replied. “The look on your face was priceless.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Did I hear you right? Because I could have sworn you just said Renee and Jacob are getting married.”

  “You heard me right. It seems the two of them have been quietly having an affair right under our noses.”

  “When do they plan on getting married? Where?”

  “The only thing I know for sure is it will be right around the Christmas recess. I don’t think they know. In fact, I believe they wanted my blessing before they made plans.”

  “Why?” I asked, as I tried not to giggle. The thought of the two of them carrying on right under Apolo’s so-called super-observant nose was funny.

  “What, may I ask, is so funny?”

  “Just you. I’ll give Renee a call tomorrow, see if I can get anything out of her.”

  “Good luck with that. Has Tina called you, yet?”

  “Changing the subject? Yes, as a matter of fact.”

  “I’m not changing the subject. I’m curious.” He shook his head. “By the way, I did offer Renee and Jacob the island for a honeymoon. I told them we were planning on being in Atlanta for the holidays.”

  “That’s fine, sweetie. I already planned on us being in Atlanta. I’ve been in touch with staff about decorating. And not to change the subject, either, but I really like Tina. We spent about an hour on the phone. I think we’re going to work well together.”

  “Good, I knew you and Tina would hit it off,” he replied, swooping in for a kiss. “Thank you for taking care of things at home.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, husband. Quite frankly, I’m looking forward to spending the holidays anywhere away from here.”

  “As am I. So, what did you and Tina decide?”

  “Come sit with me in the kitchen and keep me company while I finish dinner.” I took his hand and pulled him in that direction. I led him to a stool on one side of a counter. I pushed a bottle of white wine in his direction.

  “Smells wonderful.”

  “Veal parmesan with red sauce and linguini.”

  “You didn’t.”

  I knew it was a favorite of his and had his cook show me how to prepare it. This was the first time I was making it on my own. “Yes, I did,” I replied. “Tina and I went over what we want to accomplish, what we feel we need to run a foundation, that sort of thing. I gave her the budget we had set, how much you were donating to get it off the ground, etcetera.”

  “Good, it sounds like you two made some headway.”

  “Yes, we did. She’s also going to begin to look around for people seeking such a position. She’ll do some stats for us, and with any luck, get back to me the first of next week.”

  “Did you talk about her coming to visit?” he asked, inserting the cork screw into the top of the bottle.

  “We’ll discuss that in more detail once she’s had a chance to do some research. She also asked some questions about what’s been going on with you. The stuff concerning Choice Enterprises. I hope you don’t mind, but I was pretty honest with her.”

  “No, I have no problem at all with that. She’d find out, anyway, in her research, I’m sure. That’s one thing I do know—Tina’s thorough.”

  “Well, that’s partially why I did it. I didn’t want her flying all this way and being blindsided and backing out.”

  “Good.” He handed me a glass before picking up his own. “Here’s to the Choice Foundation.”

  “To the Choice Foundation. I really feel like I’m finally getting something accomplished, Apolo.”

  “That’s what I want to hear.”

  “By the way, has anyone heard from anyone? What’s the status with my brother?”

  “No change. So far as I know, he’s laying low. At least that’s what Jacob’s been able to find out. I take it your mother hasn’t called.”

  “I think she finally got the idea. She’s chosen her path, now she must deal with it. If Tom does flee, it’ll be the good senator she’s chosen that’ll feel the pinch.” I giggled at the thought.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Just imagining if Tom skipped, the mess, not to mention financial ruin, it’s going to cause someone.”

  “Well, we can always hope,” Apolo replied, the side of his mouth curling up.


  “What? I have no sympathy for anyone who is ruined trying to bring me down. I built Choice Enterprises from the ground, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let anyone, anyone at all, disintegrate it.”

  “I know. It’s just strange to hear those sort of words spew from your mouth.” I walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out the salad I’d made earlier, along with dressing. I walked them out to the dining room table, Apolo following me with our wine.

  “Anything else I can help you with?” he smirked.

  “Um, no, I think I have it covered. You just sit down and relax while I dish up our plates.” I started back to the kitchen when he grabbed my wrist, pulling me down for a mind blowing kiss. “What was that for?”

  “Do I need a reason to kiss my wife? Just call it a pre-thank you for taking such good care of me.”

  “A pre-thank you?” I giggled. “I’ve never heard of that before. Is that an Apoloism?”

  “I suppose. Just a little taste for what’s in store for later.”

  “Perhaps we need to write these Apoloisms down.”

  “I don’t think the world is ready.”

  I turned to walk into the kitchen again. “Well if you want your dinner hot and not burned, you’d better let me finish what I was leaving to do.”

  He said nothing, playfully slapping me on the bottom as I walked away.

  * * * *

  I joined Apolo in the living room after cleaning up. He was seated on one of the sofas that looked out at the nighttime Washington skyline. He appeared to be deep in thought. I had brought along the rem
ains of the bottle of wine, but noticed he had poured himself a brandy.

  “What are you thinking about, babe?”

  “Just playing things back in my head. Stuff that’s happened since we moved up here.”

  “Sorry you accepted the position?”

  “Not in the least. What I can’t get over is the undercurrent, the underbelly if you want to call it that, of our political system. It’s new to me, that’s all.”

  “You mean all the games people play?”

  “Exactly. It’s all about who you know, and who can help you succeed, while at the same time, you destroy or attempt to destroy anyone who gets in your way.”

  “You’ve never had to deal with that, have you?”

  “No. I’ve always been respected and believe I’ve respected others. If I go after something, I don’t try to ruin people to get it.”

  “No, everyone just knew to stay out of your way. But remember, you’re the new kid on the block. You didn’t get your seat the old fashioned way. Someone had to die for you to get the appointment.”

  “I know. I have to continually remind myself of that. I also have to tell myself that Rome wasn’t built in a day, so I shouldn’t expect I can perform miracles in the short time I have here.”

  “You don’t want to go up for reelection?”

  “I don’t know yet. I’ve got some people looking into some things. When I see what comes of it, we’ll sit down and talk about it.”

  “Whatever you decide, you know I’m with your one hundred percent.”

  “I know and appreciate that.”

  “Do you have any idea who might go up against you, if you did decide to run for reelection?”

  “I’ve heard some chatter about it. But at this point, that’s all it is, rumors and innuendos.”

  “Like I said, whatever you decide.”

  “You’re part of this, too, Caitlyn. Your input is very important. So far, our life here has been anything but normal.”

  “Apolo, life with you is not normal. Whether it be in Atlanta or here. Which is how I like it by the way.”


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