Acquired: A Billionaire Auction Romance

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Acquired: A Billionaire Auction Romance Page 9

by Charlotte Byrd

  “Blake, I’ve got a great idea.” Trevor suddenly brightens. “You come and drive the boat! It’ll be great. We are going to pick up some girls on our way out.”

  I hesitate for a moment. I’m not exactly looking forward to spending the day with these guys, especially as they start drinking. But at the same time, it is a day out on the water, which is generally better than a day ashore. And this boat is gorgeous with classic, clean lines. It would be good inspiration as I get ready to start on my J-class project.

  I get everyone out of the way and get to work. Once I drop the sails and get the old diesel running, I pull the vessel out of the slip and point her to the open Bay. Trevor and his friends have already started drinking. I enjoy a drink and have, on occasion, gotten well and truly drunk, but this early in the morning? That is the sign of a pathology.

  But I do my best to ignore the passengers and take on the role of charter boat captain. I’ve never liked taking people sailing. I prefer to sail alone or with a handful of experienced salts, the kind of people who know what to do without being told. With this crowd, I will be lucky if I keep them from screwing anything up too severely. I don’t want to see anything happen to a boat this attractive.

  We motor along until we reach another dock where Trevor’s female contingent is waiting to board. They are all beautiful and well-dressed. They are carrying a cooler and several bottles of wine. Whether they have already started imbibing or they are just naturally loud, I cannot tell. I try to block out all the noise and focus on sailing, but it is a challenge. Once we are out in the Bay, the wind picks up a bit and I raise up the sails and shut down the engine. We glide forward, gracefully cutting through the choppy, wind-driven waves.

  The wind keeps steady as the sun rises higher, warming the air and encouraging the passengers to start stripping off layers of clothing. Someone takes out a set of portable speakers and puts on music. Soon there is a half-naked dance party on deck. I check the trim of the mizzen sail; a ketch has two masts – main in front and mizzen behind – and keep my eyes on the horizon.

  “Hey, man, thanks for taking us out. Do you want a beer or something?” Trevor asks, standing above me on the top of the cabin. He is leaning against the mizzen boom, the horizontal piece that holds the bottom of the sail.

  “No thanks, I don’t drink when we’re underway.”

  Trevor blows a raspberry. “Lame. It’s not like there is a bunch of traffic out here. You can have one beer. Come on.”

  I have never understood why drunk people find it so difficult to be around sober people. I have no problem understanding why it is annoying for a sober person to be around a bunch of drunks, though.

  “No, it’s a rule of mine.”

  “You know, Blake, you can be fun if you try. You don’t have to be such a buttoned-up tight-ass all the time. Like the other night, you were a fucking boss at the auction.”

  I look up sharply at him.

  “Let’s not talk about that, ok? I would prefer that stay just between us.”

  “Whatever, dude, whatever you say,” Trevor says, as if it is of no consequence if that kind of thing were to be common knowledge. I suppose for him it would be no consequence. Nothing ever is.

  “By the way,” he continues, “how was that girl? She was pretty hot, in a kind of conventional sort of way. Did you ever see her afterward?”

  I arch my eyebrow at him. “Are you serious? You know I was going out with her again. You went to tell her I had to miss our date.”

  Trevor’s face is blank. It is like I can see one of those spinning icons on a computer when it is stuck in a loop.

  “I had to come to the marina to fix Ted Gordon’s boat, I dropped my phone in the water, and didn’t have her number. You said you would go explain the situation to her.” My voice gets tighter as I start to realize what happened, or rather, what didn’t.

  “Oh, yeah, sorry, dude. I was going to go, but something came up.”

  “Are you kidding me? Trevor, I ask you for one thing, to be reliable for one hour, tops. And you can’t even tell me that you screwed up?” The rest of the party has started to look over to see what is going on.

  “Come on, bro. What’s the big deal? Oh, is she mad at you? Who gives a shit? Tell you what, I will go halfsies with you on another girl next month.”

  I am so angry I can’t even form words.

  “Dude, are you mad? She wasn’t even that hot.”

  In an instant, I lose my temper. I spin the wheel to the right, pulling the boat quickly around so the wind shifts across the stern in a gybe. The boom whips from left to right as the wind fills it quickly from the other side. It launches Trevor clear off of the boat and into the water. Without looking, I throw the floatation ring overboard and start to turn around to pick him up.

  Chapter 22 - Emma

  I had the whole day off after my sail with Blake and I took full advantage. I napped for most of the day and spent the rest in my pajamas, binge watching Outlander. I went to sleep early and woke up late. Now, it is mid-morning and I’m lying in bed, stretching out my sore muscles. I didn’t realize how much sailing takes out of you. All of the little muscles, the ones that help keep you stable, were working overtime the whole time I was on the water. Of course, I am sore elsewhere, too, but that has nothing to do with sailing.

  I haven’t heard from Blake since I left the dock. I already miss him. I know I wanted to take it slow, but at the same time, I am drawn to him like an iron filing to a magnet. Did I make the right decision to not go on the trip with him? Yes, I am sure I did. When he comes back, we can start building something real, something solid. Starting a relationship with such a breakneck pace is not the way to something that lasts. I don’t know if Blake is the kind of guy to have that kind of long-lasting relationship. Will he just get bored or distracted the way that Trevor said he would? I am going to find out, I guess.

  I am working this afternoon, so I can’t stay in bed forever. I get up and hop in the shower, taking an extra-long, extra-hot one. After just one night on the yacht, I feel like I could very easily get used to a life of luxury. But I have to be careful. It’s like flying first class – I don’t want to do it unless I can do it all the time. Because you don’t want to go back to coach once you have experienced life up at the front.

  As I am getting dressed, I hear a knock at the door. With a towel still wrapped around my head, I walk out to the main room. I don’t remember ordering anything and I’m not expecting any guests. Maybe Blake has sent another bouquet of flowers?

  I open the door to find Trevor standing in the hallway. He looks bedraggled, ragged. His hair is a mess. It looks like he has been swimming and hasn’t bothered to fix himself up.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, too surprised to be polite.

  “You know, I really don’t see it.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “I don’t see what he sees in you.” He runs his eyes up and down my body. I recoil slightly, as if I can feel his gaze on my skin. “I guess you are ok, but…I just don’t get it.”

  “Why are you here?” I ask again.

  “You know, your boyfriend almost killed me today. Knocked me off a boat.” Trevor gives a short, ugly laugh. “He was defending your honor or some such bullshit. As if a whore like you would have honor.”

  I move to close the door on him, but he sticks his foot in before I can get it closed. Then he slams his shoulder into the door, knocking me backward, and steps into my apartment.

  “I get it, of course, from your perspective. I mean, look at this place.”

  I back away, trying to keep large pieces of furniture between us as he wanders around my apartment.

  “Blake has been my friend since we were little, you know. Best friends. And today, he attacks me over some little piece of ass. I don’t understand.” He leans onto the kitchen counter. He seems unsteady, like he is drunk. “I only got you the invitation to the auction because he looked like he wanted to fuck you. I wanted to do someth
ing nice for him.”

  “Trevor, I would like you to leave, please.” I try to be as polite and non-confrontational as I can. He is clearly upset and unstable, I don’t want to do anything to set him off.

  He acts like he doesn’t hear me, walks over to the couch, and flops down. He looks like he might start crying. I can’t help but start to feel a little sorry for him, he seems so pathetic.

  “I don’t know what has gotten into him recently. He’s changed. I feel like I don’t even know him anymore.”

  Trevor just sits there, leaning back on my couch. I circle back around to the kitchen, again, trying to keep as much space between him and me as possible. Suddenly, he slaps both hands on the couch and stands up.

  “I got it,” he says. “I figured it out. You’ve got Blake so riled up, maybe there is something about you. Maybe I should give it a shot.”

  He takes a few steps toward me. His eyes have a feverish gleam in them. For the first time, I get really scared.

  “Tell you what,” he says, taking on an affected casualness. “I will make you a deal. I understand you have a student loan to pay off? Well, I will take care of the balance, whatever your deal with Blake didn’t cover.” He takes out his phone and waves it at me. “I can do it right now, if you want. I just want a taste of what has Blake so fucking nuts.”

  “Look, Trevor, I am…”

  “I promise, you’ll enjoy it.”

  “I’m sorry, no, I can’t.” I don’t want to upset him, but I can’t say yes. I just want him to leave, but he doesn’t seem to be interested in going anywhere. I circle around the kitchen, keeping the sofa between us.

  “Why are you running away from me? What are you, scared? You think I’m some kind of monster? Come here.”

  “Trevor, I want you to go.”

  “You slut! Who do you think you are? You think you can just say no to me? You let yourself be bought by the highest bidder and you are refusing me?” His voice keeps rising in pitch and intensity. I back away into my bedroom and try to close the door. Trevor is too fast. He knocks the door open. I let out a little scream as I trip backward onto the bed.

  Trevor is looming over me. I try to prepare myself for what is about to happen when I hear the front door to my apartment open. Trevor looks over his shoulder and I crane my head to see who is there. My heart jumps. It is Blake.

  Chapter 23 - Blake

  The sail back to the marina was nearly silent. After I fished Trevor out of the water, the festive mood had faded. Trevor sat moping near the bow, wrapped in a blanket, and being comforted by one of the girls we had picked up. The rest of his buddies, who had initially thought the whole thing a huge laugh, had quieted down once they realized the mood he was in.

  I wasn’t upset.

  Honestly, the break between Trevor and I was a long time coming. We have been growing apart for years. Well, I’ve been growing, Trevor has been mostly staying still for the better part of a decade.

  As soon as we pull into the slip, Trevor leaps off the boat and storms away. Off to sulk somewhere, no doubt. I find it amazing how you can look past a person’s problems and annoying habits when you have been friends for a long time. All of Trevor’s friends leave as well, so I am the only one to secure the boat and get everything stowed properly. It isn’t even my boat! But out of respect for the vessel, I take the time to make certain it is no worse for the wear that this group put on it, even in such a short amount of time.

  By the time I finish cleaning up the beer bottles, I have almost let go of my anger.

  I am more upset with myself than with Trevor now, as I drive toward Emma’s apartment. I was an idiot for trusting Trevor to do something as simple as go to a restaurant and deliver a message. But I guess I am still not past the point of being shocked by his selfishness.

  I’m honestly surprised by the fact that Emma has continued to see me. She must think that I just stood her up for no reason. And it is no wonder that she decided not to come with me to Greece. I am pissed, not only that she must have such a bad image of me, but also that she was sitting there in that restaurant for who knows how long and never got an explanation as to why.

  I am glad that I finally have seen the truth about Trevor and I can put him out of my life entirely.

  I pull up to Emma’s apartment building and take the steps up to her floor two at a time.

  At the sound of raised voices, I pick up my pace even more.

  The door is unlocked.

  I hear a scream. Emma.

  I burst through the door and tear into the apartment.

  “Trevor! What the hell are you doing here?”

  Not waiting for a response, I cross the floor in a few long strides and grab him by his collar. He takes a wild swing at me, but he is drunk and slow. I duck under his arm and let his momentum carry him into the wall. I push him against the wall and take his other arm behind his back, pulling it up hard.

  I hear a squeal of pain and Trevor stops resisting. Keeping his arm twisted behind his back, I march him to the front door.

  “If you ever, ever come near this apartment or Emma again, I will break this arm. Do you hear me?”

  “Fuck you, Blake.”

  I apply a little more pressure to his wrist.

  “Ahh! Fine, fine. I hear you.”

  “Now get out of here.”

  I slam the door on his back.

  When I turn to Emma, she is wiping tears from her eyes. I flip the deadbolt, walk quickly over to her, and envelop her in a long hug. We don’t speak for minutes as she cries against my shoulder.

  “Emma,” I say finally, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks,” she says quietly. “Thanks for being there.”

  Chapter 24 - Emma

  Blake holds me for a long while. I hadn’t realized just how scared and upset I had been until it was all over and I was safe. When I am done crying, Blake explains what happened on the boat and how Trevor was such an asshole.

  “I am so sorry you had to wait there at the restaurant all alone,” he says, pushing a loose strand of hair away from my face. “And I can’t imagine what you thought of me, just asking you out again with no explanation.” He laughs lightly.

  I laugh with him. I am relieved beyond measure. My gut was right about him.

  He places his hand on my thigh and I cover it with my own. He reaches over with his other hand and lifts my chin with his finger, turning my face toward his. He leans in to kiss me. Our lips meet softly, pressing gently against each other. As if we are in each other’s heads, we both lean to the side, falling over onto the bed. His free hand runs through my hair while his other remains entangled with mine, crushed under our bodies.

  His kisses become more passionate, more forceful.

  “Emma,” he says, catching breaths between kisses, “I want you to know, I will never let anyone hurt you.”

  “You don’t have to say that, I know it already.” I kiss him back just as hard, just as desperately.

  His hand breaks free of mine and finds its way to my pants, swiftly undoing the button and zipper. I reach over myself and start stroking him on top of his shorts. His hips rock forward in response. Not taking a moment from kissing me, Blake uses his free hand to yank my pants down a few inches. He reaches around and runs his fingers around my backside, working his way forward until he finds what he is looking for. His arm keeps my legs locked down, tight together, while his hand softly traces back and forth along my exposed flesh. The light touch makes me want to squirm, like I am being tickled but infinitely more pleasurable.

  He works one of his fingers along my slit, which, by this time, is soaking wet, and slides inside. I accidentally bite his lip, causing him to grip me a little more tightly. Meanwhile, I have freed his erection from his shorts and am pulling on it with both hands.

  He shifts himself over a bit and pulls me closer to him. Then slowly but inexorably, I feel the head of his cock push inside me. With my legs together, it feels even thicker. I open my mouth to moan,
but he kisses me deeply, so I moan into his mouth. He pushes deeper, holding my shoulders, and pulling me down at the same time. We are entwined completely, both still partially clothed, but completely naked to each other. Our eyes lock onto one another’s as he begins to thrust in and out. A little whimper escapes my lips as he pulls almost all the way out and then slams back in again. I feel my orgasm building. All of my emotions are pooling together, swirling around my head as my body begins to spasm and convulse. I look deeply into his eyes as the pleasure crashes into me, rippling through my body in an unending wave.

  His face tightens as his rhythm picks up for a few final strokes. I feel him quiver inside me as his body goes slack. We lie like that, wrapped in each other, until we both fall asleep.

  Chapter 25 - Emma

  The water of the Aegean is just as blue as I imagined it. I wake up late to find the sun already high above the horizon, casting bright light through the crystal-clear water and illuminating the sandy bottom thirty feet under the hull of Blake’s yacht. We’ve been sailing for three days, skipping from island to island, free-diving, drinking wine, and making love by day and night.

  I make myself a cup of coffee and head to the deck. Blake woke up early and now is nowhere to be seen. I stretch out on one of the lounging seats on the rear of the boat and sip my coffee, taking in the view – the craggy cliffs of white stone, the short, tough trees that cling to the rugged landscape. Off in the distance, a patch of green in dense, regular rows indicates an olive orchard.

  A splash of water draws my eyes to the swim step. Blake is back. He pulls himself out of the water, his well-tanned muscles rippling and shining as the rivulets of seawater run along every curve and bulge.

  “Morning, babe,” he says, only slightly out of breath. “Sleep well?”


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