Home > Romance > SHOOTER: RED SIN MC > Page 1

by Alexa Rynn



  Copyright 2016 Alexa Rynn, all rights reserved.

  No part of this work may be reproduced without written consent of the author. This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for a mature audience only due to strong language and strong sexual conduct.

  Chapter One


  He came into the bar like a bat out of hell, like he was running from something so close that if he stopped for one second it would catch up with him. The way he moved was captivating, he screamed danger, but in a somehow appealing away.

  My voice caught in my throat, and I wasn’t the only one.

  Every girl in the room had stopped to take in the view. The tight jeans and toned arms covered in deep colors and designs of ink. His chest looked as rigid as a cutting board, his blue eyes as sharp as the ocean in its purest form, and his black tousled hair fell into his face in an effortlessly sexy way. In a town as small as ours, a man like him was a rare diamond that everyone had been digging for their entire life.

  Which meant he wouldn’t give me the time of day.

  Not that I was trying to sound like this whole insecure head-case because the truth was that most of the time I didn’t care, why should I be worked up about a bunch of guys who judge off of how nice of a rack you had or how nice your ass looked in a pair of jeans?

  But tonight, tonight it bothered me.

  And not just because he was so beautiful, it was this damn time of year; it made me so emotional. Mother’s day had been my least favorite holiday ever since I was a little kid and the teacher’s made us make those corny little crafts to bring home to our mothers. Of course, they wouldn’t be so corny if I actually had a mother to give them to, but I didn’t.

  I hadn’t seen my mom since I was four years old. I could barely even remember what she looked like. Not that my dad wasn’t a great guy, he was, and he always looked out for me but… it wasn’t the same. Most of the time I didn’t think about it but this time of year it always came to the surface.

  “Bella,” Amber said from next to me, giving me a hard shove. “Earth to Bella, are you in there?” She pulled her shirt down lower so that her boobs popped out more in her little red top. “Do you see that guy over there? My lord, he’s so hot and… and dirty, I just want to lick him clean.”

  I frowned. “He doesn’t look dirty to me.”

  Amber rolled her green eyes at me. “I don’t mean he’s literally dirty, I mean he’s a bad boy so that means he’s probably really dirty in the bedroom.” She raised her eyebrows at me, challenging me to act like I knew anything about what she was talking about.

  And of course I didn’t, I’d only had one boyfriend my entire life, and our sex life was almost non-existent. I looked away guiltily, not wanting to have to deal with one of Amber’s stories about her crazy sex antics. I loved Amber, we had been friends since we were kids, but sometimes it felt like she had grown up and I had stayed this little girl stuck in silly ways that she wanted nothing to do with. “Are you going to talk to him?”

  “Of course, I’m going to talk to him!” She glanced across the bar. “Look at those basic vultures all over him like he’s some kind of meat.” She grabbed her lipstick out of her purse and started to reapply it for the tenth time that night. “He clearly needs to be saved.”

  I followed her eyes to the crowd of girls around him.

  Yeah, he really looked in desperate need to saving.

  “How do I look?” She asked, turning to look at me.

  “Perfect,” I told her, and I meant it. Amber always looked perfect and pulled together. She could have her pick of any guy in our small town but she barely wasted her time with anyone, Amber wanted someone extraordinary because that was how she viewed herself. And the guy across the bar; well, he was definitely extraordinary.

  “Okay,” Amber said, flipping her hair behind her back. “Here I go.”

  I watched her walk across the bar and push her way through the crowd of girls all over the handsome stranger until she was right next to him. She placed her hand on the sleeve of his leather jacket and leaned in close, whispering something inside his ear. I would have never been able to do something like that, just walk up to someone who looked that good and put myself out there, letting him and everyone else in the room know that I was interested.

  The handsome stranger grabbed a shot off the bar in front of him and downed it in one long gulp, slamming the glass down hard on the surface in front of him. When he looked up, his eyes locked on mine straight across the bar. I wanted to look away, to do something, anything, but I was paralyzed; stuck in a stance of nothing.

  He raised his eyebrows and let a small smirk come across his face.

  Was he making fun of me?

  Before I could decide I was being shoved hard from the back, lunging forward into the front of the bar. “Bella!” A deep voice said into my ear as whoever had me in their grasp swung me around to face them. “Where the fuck is your whore of a friend?”

  I cringed and moved my hand out of Carl’s grasp. “How should I know?”

  Carl Fuller stood in front of me, almost falling over. “Don’t play that, you always know,” he slurred out at me as he stumbled from one foot to the other. He was clearly wasted, as always. Carl and Amber had this whole on and off again thing going on. He wasn’t even that good-looking, and he was a pompous asshole but Amber put up with him because he came from one of the richest families in town. The problem was he cheated on Amber left and right and treated her like absolute dirt. They were currently on break number twenty million.

  “Look, Carl, I really don’t know, she was here, but she said she was heading home when you didn’t show up.” It was a flat out lie, but I knew the best way to get rid of Carl was to stroke his ego and if Carl saw Amber all over the guy across the bar Carl was sure to cause a huge scene.

  Just as I suspected Carl grinned and moved closer to me. “That makes sense, I knew she would show up here looking for me, she can’t stay away from me for long,” he paused, “not that I can blame her.”

  “Yeah, well, I was just about to get going.” I grabbed my bag off the bar and tried to make my way around Carl’s drunken mess of a body but he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

  “Ah, don’t go anywhere,” he slurred into my ear. “Let’s hang out for a while. We never hang out… just the two of us.” He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear and licked his lips. “I mean; you aren’t exactly my type, but what the hell? I’ll throw you a bone.”

  A sting shot through my body, not that I wanted Carl to be interested in me, but still… way to kick a girl when she’s already down. “As flattering as that is,” I said sarcastically. “I really have to go.”

  I tried to move past him again but he shoved me back into the bar. “What the hell is your problem, Bella? You think you’re too good for me or something, huh?” He pushed himself into me and grabbed me by the neck. “Come on, you know you’ve wanted my attention for years.”

  “Carl,” I whispered, trying to get away from him. “You’re drunk, please, stop!”

  He kissed me on the side of the face. “Shh, it’s okay, come on, let’s go outside.”

  “No, I…”

  Suddenly Carl was being pulled off of me and lunged to the other side of the bar. His body went flying into a row of glasses and they fell down onto the floor, causing a huge mess. I gasped and locked eyes with the mystery man from the other side of the bar. What the hell was he doing? Had he… he had saved me!

  Carl stood up, startled. “What the fuck is your problem, bro?”

  The stranger
’s eyes went dark, looking Carl up and down like he was a piece of garbage. “I’m not your brother,” he hissed. “And this,” he nodded toward me, “isn’t your girl, so get the fuck out of here.”

  My Lord, even his voice was sexy.

  My whole body felt like it was on fire. I’d never had anyone defend me before. He was standing tall, looking at me like I was his property; like it was his duty to look after me and if anyone tried to come anywhere near me he would pound their head into the ground. The whole thing was… exciting and thrilling.

  Carl looked at me like he’d never met me before then back at the guy in front of him. He should have walked away, Carl was nowhere near as big as the guy he was up against, but his ego wouldn’t let him. He wasn’t used to anyone telling him what he could or couldn’t do.

  “The only person who needs to get the fuck out of here is you,” Carl said, laughing loudly, putting on a front for everyone else in the room that had stopped to watch the show. “Do you even know who I am?”

  The guy groaned. “I don’t give a fuck who you are, I just know that I don’t want you touching her,” he paused, “ever again.” He sounded like he was on the edge of something crazy, something Carl shouldn’t push.

  Who the fuck was this guy? I didn’t even know him and he was acting like I was his girl or something. It might have been creepy if he wasn’t so… so…. so fucking perfect.

  “Who the fuck is this guy, Bella?” Carl accused me, reading my thoughts. “You have some damn boyfriend you’ve been hiding from us?” He raised his eyebrows at me, annoyed. “He’s a real asshole.”

  The stranger closed the distance between the two of them and grabbed Carl by the collar of his shirt, pushing him into the bar hard. “You don’t talk to her, if you have something to say, you say it to me.”

  I could tell Carl was nervous but he was too proud to show it. “Fuck you and your little bitch,” he said loudly enough for everyone to hear. “And you should know if you land another hand on me, my father will make sure you don’t do anything else for a very long time that doesn’t involve a prison cell.”

  The sexy stranger smirked and released Carl, backing a few steps away from him. Carl grinned and straightened out the collar of his shirt. “That’s what I thought, guys like you are all talk.”

  The stranger cracked his knuckles and then punched Carl in the center of his face, causing him to fall straight to the ground. I winced, I heard the crack of his nose and saw the blood starting to fall from his face, it was definitely broken.

  “Ahhh,” Carl started screaming from the floor. “He broke it, he broke my nose! You all saw it! Call the sheriff! Call the sheriff! Get the sheriff down here right away!” He held his nose in his hand, letting the blood fall down on the floor around him.

  Everyone was pulling out their phones now, suddenly panicked. What was wrong with this guy? He couldn’t just show up here and punch someone like Carl Fuller in the face! Did he want to get run out of here by the locals? Around here, money was power, and Carl had a lot of it.

  The man looked at me one last time, struggling with what he should do but then he looked around one last time and took in all the cell phones and people looking at him like he was some criminal and shook his head, shooting me one last look before he headed toward the door.

  “Go home,” he called over his shoulder like he had the right to boss me. “Now.” And then he was gone just as fast as he had come, almost like I had imagined the entire scene.

  “I still can’t believe that happened!” Amber said fifteen minutes on the drive back to my house, reminding me that it was, indeed, very real. “Like, I’ve never had two guys fight over me like that before! It was so friggin cool!”

  I tried to not get annoyed with her. “I don’t know if they were fighting over you…” I trailed off, trying to choose my next words carefully. “I mean, didn’t you just meet that other guy a few seconds before all that drama went down?”

  “Well, yeah,” she said, taking the turn onto my street. “But it’s a small town, I’m sure he heard all about me and Carl’s drama and was crazy with jealousy once he saw him across the room.” She sighed deeply. “It’s so romantic.”

  It would be if it were true.

  “Totally,” I agreed because it was easier than arguing with her.

  “But, like, what should I do? Carl and me have all this history but this new guy… he’s so… so… amazing, you know?” She bit down on her lip as we hit my driveway. “I have to see him again, I just have to.”

  I opened the car door, desperate to get out of there. “I’m sure you will. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, drive safe.” I jumped out of the car, the last thing I wanted to do was get in a big back and forth with her over the mystery man in town when I was pretty sure he could be less than interested in her.

  “Wow, hello, earth to Bella, I was in the middle of talking here!”

  I leaned down and peered at her through the side of the car. “Sorry, I’m just really tired and that was kind of intense back there, you know? Do you think we could talk tomorrow?”

  Amber nodded knowingly. “Yeah, that must have been pretty crazy for you, I know you don’t get out much. Anyway, you’re still coming with me to shop for my mom tomorrow, right?”

  I cringed at both comments, but especially the second one. Sometimes Amber could be really insensitive when it came to the situation with my mom. Not that I expected her to understand, her mom and her had always been super close. “Sure, see you tomorrow.” I slammed the door shut and watched her back her new jeep out of the driveway.

  I turned around and headed toward the door, relieved to be alone. Without Amber talking away or being there to judge my facial expressions I was free to get lost in my thoughts. Which, let’s face it, were entirely consumed by the stranger who had just punched someone in the face in my honor back at the bar.

  Who was he? Where the hell had he come from? I’d lived here forever, and it was a small town, almost too small. He couldn’t have been local; he must have just been passing through. But if that was true then why did he feel like he had to have my back in there?

  His chest flashed through my mind, and those eyes. Suddenly my panties felt moist. I blushed, uncomfortable with the fact that he made me want to touch myself while I thought about him. No man had ever had that effect on me before. I put my key in the door and pushed it open, trying to push the stranger’s arms out of my mind. My father was sure to be awake since he worked crazy hours and the last thing I wanted was to be turned on while I was having a conversation with him.

  But the task was impossible.

  Because when I turned the corner and walked into the kitchen the mystery drop dead gorgeous stranger from the bar was standing in the middle of my kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips, revealing his perfect set of abs and flawless pecks.

  He had a toothbrush in his mouth and he took it out of his mouth when he saw me, spitting the excess paste into our kitchen sink. He frowned and looked me up and down. “I thought I told you to come right home, it’s been like twenty minutes.”

  I dropped my purse in the middle of the floor, too stunned to speak.

  Chapter Two


  Bella dropped her purse all over the floor and tried to take her eyes away from my chest. I smirked, not to sound like an asshole, but it was a reaction I was used to. Somehow it was more appealing on her, though. I felt like she was doing it less for show and more out of genuine shock.

  “What’s wrong?” I teased. “You’ve never seen a man’s chest before?”

  Her mouth hung open, revealing a set of perfectly white teeth. Yeah, she looked like the type who never missed a flossing. Typical good girl; polished and put together. Not in a fake way the way some girls were, more in a way that proved she was too scared to break any rules; even ones that involved her teeth routine.

  “Get back!” She told me, finding words. “I have pepper spray and I’m not afraid to
use it!” She kneeled down, letting the black skirt she had on ride up her creamy thighs. “I know it’s here somewhere,” she mumbled, searching through the pile of crap that had fallen out of her purse and landed in the middle of the wood floor.

  I forced my eyes away from her silky skin. “You realize that if I really wanted to I could have got a good hold of you by now and made it so that you were unable to stop me from doing whatever I wanted to you?”

  She looked up, startled. “What?”

  Max walked into the kitchen and looked back and forth between the two of us. “Bella, what are you doing? Get up off the floor, would you?” He glanced at the pepper spray in her hand and shook his head. “Jesus, Bella, put that away, would you? You’re going to give Shooter a bad impression of us.”

  “Little late for that,” I said under my breath.

  Bella gave me a nasty look, clearly hearing me. Well, what did she expect? Going out in a skirt like that and letting guys manhandle her? She was lucky I was there to deal with that douchebag or she might have ended up in a really different situation. If she belonged to me I’d never let her out of my house like that.

  Not that I wanted her to belong to me.

  Well, maybe a little.

  She looked like she had a nice little body under those clothes.

  “You know this man?” Bella looked at her father like he had six heads.

  “Of course, I know him, you remember Shooter, don’t you?” Max reached down and helped his daughter up off the ground. “Well, I suppose not, the last time you saw him you were about twelve… that was just around the time you started to develop the boobs, no?”

  “Dad!” Bella hissed, starting to turn a shade of crimson.

  I shoved my toothbrush back into my mouth and chuckled.

  “Never mind.” Max shook his head, waving her off. “You two used to play together when you were kids, this is Ghost’s nephew. You remember Ghost don’t you, darling?”

  Bella narrowed her eyes at me. “You're in Red Sin?”

  I took my toothbrush out and grabbed my bottle of water off the counter, whooshing the paste around my mouth before spitting into the sink again. “You don’t miss a thing.”


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