Home > Romance > SHOOTER: RED SIN MC > Page 4

by Alexa Rynn

  Besides, it wasn’t like I could really blame her…

  Hell, I’d gone to town last night and this morning after our little run in in the hallway. If she could make me cum that hard just thinking about her, I could only imagine what would happen once I actually had her for real.

  Bella glanced at my hands; suspicious of me, but a second later she just rolled her eyes and pressed her phone harder into her ear. She was on the phone with some girl, fighting with her about why she couldn’t make it to their shopping trip today. Bella was trying to explain what was going on to her but it sounded like whoever was on the other end didn’t want to hear it.

  Probably that skank who had pretty much offered to suck me off in the bathroom at the bar last night. Bella didn’t seem like the type to be hanging out with a girl like that. She also didn’t seem like the type to not stick up for herself but so far I hadn’t heard her put the bitch on the other end in her place once and they’d been going at it for at least twenty minutes.

  “I know,” Bella said, practically whispering as she tilted her head closer to the window. “You don’t need me there, Amber, you’re way better at picking out presents than I am anyway. Besides, this is something I’ve been wanting to do forever, you know that.”

  The bird kept chirping from the other end, her voice growing louder. I groaned and reached over, flicking on the stereo so loud that it filled speakers of the car and started to make the windows shake.

  Bella snapped forward and hit the off button, shoving me in the shoulder.

  “No, I’m sorry about that… I don’t know, I don’t know what happened.” She shot me a dirty look. “Well… I really don’t think it’s a mistake.” Bella paused and bit down on her lip as she leaned back into the passenger seat. “You don’t have to worry about me, I’ll be fine. Besides, I’m not alone. I’m with…”

  “The sexiest man I’ve ever seen,” I offered up helpfully.

  “..A friend,” she finished, shoving her fingers down her throat like she was gagging as she looked at me. “I do to have other friends!” She spat into the receiver, but she sounded unsure.

  Jesus, who the fuck was this bitch?

  I reached over and grabbed Bella’s phone away from her ear and hit the red button, ending the call once and for all. I’d had enough of that shit for one trip. I shoved her phone into my front pocket and reached over to flip the radio on again. “Enough of that bullshit.”

  Bella’s mouth hung open. “What is your problem?” She reached over and tried to grab her phone out of my pocket. It was already starting to vibrate again. "You can't just hang up on Amber like that!"

  “My problem is that I don’t feel like listening to come annoying hoe cut you down for the rest of the fucking drive while you sit there and just take it.” I turned the radio down to a reasonable volume, letting the bass fill my body.

  “She wasn’t cutting me down!” Bella yelled, reaching for her phone again. “Nor is she a hoe! And you have no right to take my phone away from me! NO RIGHT!”

  I pushed her hand off my leg, even though it felt nice there, and continued ignoring the vibrating from the inside of my pocket. “Oh, sure, she’s not a hoe alright, that’s why she offered to suck my dick inside the bathroom of the bar last night, right?”

  Bella’s mouth hung open, stunned. “Amber… Amber wouldn’t…”

  “Amber wouldn’t what?” I challenged. Bella backed away from me, stillness suddenly coming over her features. “Sounds to me like you don’t know your girl as well as you think you do, Bella.”

  Bella looked out the window, unable to meet my eyes. “Can I have my phone, please?” Her voice was distant and low; like it was hard for her to even form the words properly.

  “No,” I told her.

  She spun her head around. “What do you mean, no?”

  I shrugged. “Just what I said, no. You don’t need your phone, Bella. The only person you need to be in contact with is right in front of you.” I looked at her out of the corner of my eyes and let my eyes travel down the front of her shirt. God, she didn’t even know how good she looked, which only made me want to pull over and have my way in the backseat of this car with her even more.

  She rolled her eyes. “Oh, you're all I need, huh?”

  “Something like that.” I forced my eyes away from her smooth skin. “Besides, this trip isn’t about Amber, it’s about you, and if she can’t understand that then she can go fuck herself.”

  “You don’t understand, you know nothing about our friendship. We’ve known each other forever, Amber has always been there for me, even when no one else was.”

  I tried to stop myself from groaning. It was all just so typical. Come on, that bitch didn’t give a fuck about Bella, it was pretty clear from the way she walked all over her and tried to control her. She liked the idea of using her as a punching bag in order to make herself feel like hot shit. I’d been dealing with broads just like her my entire life.

  “Yeah?” I asked her, switching lanes and speeding up on the highway. “Are you sure it’s not you who’s always there for her?” I dug my foot harder into the floor and let the engine kick into the next gear. “It sounds like all she does is use you to make her feel better about herself, even if it means pushing you further and further down until you feel like the smallest person in the fucking world.”

  Bella laughed but I could tell it was forced. “You know nothing.”

  “I know everything,” I corrected her, continuing to speed up.

  “Can you slow down? Please?” She dug her hand into the side of the door handle and looked at me like I was on the verge of killing her. “You’re going way too fast!”

  I hated driving cars, I preferred to be on my bike, cruising along however the fuck fast I felt like going, but it wasn’t like I could head on a road trip with Bella on the back of my bike. She would have never gone for it. Although; the idea of her riding pressed up against the back of me with her arms wrapped my waist did sound pretty intriguing.

  This time, I couldn’t hold my groan back and I slammed on the breaks, sending the car jerking down in speed and Bella to go flying forward in her seat. I reached over off impulse and held her back, not letting her body go anywhere. Bella let out a small gasp and looked down at my arm with wide eyes.

  I didn’t move, tightening my grip on her skin. “You okay?”

  Bella gulped and nodded, letting her soft eyes lock on mine.

  The vibrating of a phone snapped me out of my daze and I pulled back from her abruptly, trying to regain my composure. Something told me my cock wasn’t going to calm the fuck down until it had Bella’s pussy once and for all. I didn’t know what the fuck was wrong with me; I never acted this way around bitches. And I wasn’t that horny, I could have some pussy anytime I wanted it, I didn’t give a fuck what state I was in.

  But still, something about Bella was different.

  I didn’t want just any pussy, I wanted her pussy.

  I wanted to devour every inch of it until she begged for more.

  “Aren’t you going to answer that?” Bella whispered, nodding toward my phone sitting in the center council. She crossed one leg over the other, revealing a silky thigh underneath her jean shorts.

  Up until then, I hadn’t noticed that it had been my phone that was going off and not hers. I glanced down and saw my brother Blaze’s name across the screen. I grabbed my phone and slid the lock key over to answer.

  “It’s about fucking time,” I joked into the receiver, speeding up again.

  Blaze chuckled from the other end. “Bro, you have no idea what the fuck I’ve been dealing with back here, I got back to you as soon as I could.” Loud voices filled the air around him.

  “Yeah, yeah, I guess four days later is the best a busy guy like you could do.” Bella shot me a dirty look and I slowed down a half of an inch. “Of course, I just think it’s a little fucked up I wasn’t invited to the wedding.”

  Blaze groaned. “I see you’ve been talking t
o Cutter.”

  “I’m just pissed off I had to hear it from him in the first place.” Blaze and Cutter were so close that they might as well have been real brothers, so it made sense that Cutter would know exactly what was going on with Blaze and why, but still; there was some shit that I should have heard right from the horse's mouth. And Blaze getting married was definitely one of those things.

  Even if the marriage was supposedly a scam. See, I wasn’t the only Red Sin brother who had gotten himself into some trouble recently. Of course, at least, mine wasn’t the kind that would land me behind bars. Blaze had snapped and beat the shit out of some kid and then took it upon himself to end his life altogether. Cutter’s little sister, Heather, had been present at the time and Cutter had insisted on the two of them getting married so that neither of them could testify against the other.

  The whole thing sounded way too complicated for my taste.

  At least I was on the run from a situation that would be resolved eventually.

  Blaze? Blaze might have to deal with this bullshit for months before he knew his fate. I felt bad for my brother, Blaze was good people, and it bothered me that I couldn’t be there for him right not because of my own stupidity.

  “I know, I know, don’t hit me with the guilt trip, I wanted to call you… I’ve just been trying to process all this shit.” A girl giggled in the background and Blaze huffed, trying to get away from her. “How about you? How you holding up?”

  I glanced at Bella; I hadn’t exactly been honest with her about the real reason I was here. “I’m fine, I’m always fine. Is that Heather?” I asked him, hoping to distract him with the topic switch. The last thing I wanted to do was vent about how unreasonable Cutter’s dad was being by making me hide out here like some pussy in the first place. “Put her on, let me say hi.”

  Blaze grunted. “Come on, if that was Heather you know she would be a hell of a lot louder than that.” Blaze’s breathing grew heavier; like he was moving further away from someone who was chasing him.

  “Already stepping out on the misses, huh?”

  Bella grunted in disapproval next to me.

  “Trust me, I’m on my best behavior,” Blaze said, sounding serious for the first time since I picked up the phone. “Heather is more than enough of a woman for me to handle.”

  I chuckled because it was true. Heather could be pretty intense at times but she was a good person who cared about Blaze so much that she would take a bullet for him. Plus, she wasn’t soft on the eyes either if you know what I mean. Not that I would ever tell Cutter or Blaze that. Heather was off limits to any brother in the club, it was a common respect among the Red Sin to not mess with the boss’s baby sister. Still, it had been obvious to me for years that the rule would slip out of Blaze’s control sooner or later. A blind man could have seen that the two of them belonged together.

  “Yeah, the right woman to handle, too.” I glanced at Bella, wondering if maybe she was the type of girl who could be handled by me. She sure looked like it. The image of her toned legs wrapped around my waist popped into my head and I forced it away.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Blaze asked. The background noise around him had suddenly drowned out and I could hear Blaze loud and clear. And it could have just been me but I could have sworn there was more of an edge in his voice than usual.

  “Heather and you have been destined to be together since you were ten years old, is what that’s supposed to mean, and if you getting arrested is the push that both of you needed to get your shit into gear then I guess everything happens for a reason.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Blaze told me, his tone even more clipped than before. “I don’t look at Heather like that. She’s… she’s like my kid sister.”

  “Right, the kid sister you just can't seem to let any other guy get a piece of, right?” I knew I was pushing it; that if I wasn’t careful Blaze would hang up in my face. I knew he had enough going on but I couldn’t stop myself. Something about helping Bella handle her shit had made me want to help other people handle theirs, too. And Heather was definitely something that Blaze needed to handle, even if he wasn’t ready to admit it yet.

  “Fuck you,” Blaze growled. “I care about her that doesn’t mean I’m meant to be with her or whatever other fairy tale bullshit you’re trying to throw around. That type of shit doesn’t happen for guys like me.” He inhaled deeply. “What the fuck happened to you down there man? You don’t even sound like yourself, the Shooter I know would never be talking about two people that were destined to be together. Did you drop your balls somewhere on the ride out there?”

  “I don’t know, man.” I glanced at Bella. “Maybe I’m starting to see things differently.” Bella locked eyes with me and bit down on her lip, a slight blush creeping into her cheeks. God, she was so fucking delicious.

  “Well, don’t,” Blaze said. “Love doesn’t exist, not for guys like us.”

  And then the line went dead.

  But, somehow, I wasn’t convinced.

  Chapter Five


  “Are you sure this is okay?” I asked nervously, glancing around the big room that Shooter and me were standing in. The hotel we were staying in was nicer than some houses that my friends owned. “This looks really expensive.”

  “Don’t worry about the money,” Shooter told me, waving it off.

  He had waved off every expense possible so far when it came to the trip. Normally, I probably would have put up more of a fight since I didn’t want anything to do with Red Sin money but I had too much other crap on my mind to stress about it too much.

  Starting with the fact that I still wasn’t sure what I was doing here in the first place. Had I really just packed a bag and got into the car with a guy that I barely knew to confront my birth mother who I hadn’t seen since I was barely old enough to wear a training bra? This was so unlike me. It was so reckless, so dangerous. Only… it didn’t feel that reckless and Shooter didn’t feel like a stranger. He felt safe and familiar; like I had known him for as long as I could remember.

  And maybe Amber was wrong, maybe this wouldn’t blow up in my face the way she thought. Maybe this was the best thing for me. It seemed weird that someone who I had just met believed in me more than my best friend did who I had known for years but I was trying to push the thought out of my mind. I didn’t want Shooter to be right about Amber and my friendship because if he was right about that then that meant he might be right about other things, too. Things that I wasn’t ready to admit to myself let alone other people.

  Besides, all of that was insignificant to the real problem that I was facing. And that was the fact that every time Shooter looked at me all I could think about was what it would be like to have him taste me, to have him put his hands on my body and take me to places I had never been before. And, sometimes, when I let my crazy mind go there, I could swear that Shooter was looking at me the same way. But he couldn’t be, it wasn’t possible. Someone like him would never look at a girl like me.

  No, it was just his personality, he was a flirt. He was like that with everyone.

  Wasn’t he?

  “What are you thinking about?” Shooter asked me, looking me up and down.

  “Nothing,” I stuttered. “I mean; my dad. Or my mom.”

  He chuckled. “Well, which is it? Your dad or your mom?”

  “My mom and my dad together,” I tried to recover quickly.

  He took his leather jacket off and tossed it onto one of the twin beds against the other side of the wall. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re a horrible liar, Bella?”

  “I’m not lying.” I crossed my arms over my chest and averted my gaze from his eyes. I hated the way he looked at me; it was like he could read my thoughts without me saying them aloud.

  “Yeah?” Shooter said, moving closer to me again. “Lie to me again, Bella.”

  I took a step backward and hit the wall on the other side of the room. “I’m…�

  “You’re what?” He asked, coming even closer to me.

  I opened my mouth but no words would come out, Shooter was standing right in front of me now, so close that it would have taken little effort to reach out and crush my lips against his. But I couldn’t do that; I knew I couldn’t. Shooter didn’t look at me that way and he stood for everything I hated, everything I had worked so hard to get my father away from.

  He reached out and traced over the corners of my lips with his fingers. “You’re lying to me, Bella, you want to know how I know you’re lying? Because I can read you, I can read you even better than you can read yourself.” He leaned in and inhaled my hair, running his lips back and forth over the nap of my neck.

  I let out a deep breath I didn’t know I was holding and prayed he couldn’t hear how fast my heart was racing. “I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Yes you do,” he whispered. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”

  And he was right, I did.

  “I do?” I asked, playing along.

  I could feel his tongue tracing back and forth over my neck. “Stop trying to play me, Bella, you know what I’m talking about. You know what you want… you want me. You’ve been thinking about it all day, haven’t you?” He slipped one of his strong hands behind the nape of my neck and pulled me closer to him.

  I didn’t want to admit it, I didn’t want to give in to the power that he had over me but I could already feel my body slipping away, begging for more of his touch. The thought of him taking his hands off me was enough to make me cringe. The fact that I didn’t want him to stop touching me, not ever, terrified me but not enough to lie, not enough to control myself.

  “You’ve been thinking about how you want me all day, haven’t you, Bella?” His voice was filled with control and need; he was telling me what he wanted. He wanted me to admit how bad I wanted him, he wanted me to let my guard completely down and admit everything that I had been feeling since the second I first laid eyes on him at the bar last night.


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