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by Alexa Rynn

  Shooter cleared his throat from behind me. “That was harsh.”

  I turned around and smiled. “Ah, I didn’t like her that much anyway.”

  He flashed me his perfect grin and closed the distance between us. “Hey, you aren’t the only one who had to have conversations with old friends…. Cutter says I can stay, at least for now.”

  “And then?” I asked.

  “And then…” he ran his hands up and down the back of my legs and smacked my ass. “And then we figure it out. I’ll find a way to stay or…” he trailed off and raised his eyebrows.

  “Or I’ll find a way to come,” I finished.

  Shooter smirked and grabbed my butt again, kissing me hard on the lips. “She’s wrong, you know?” he whispered into my hair. “You, Bella, are the exact definition of extraordinary.”

  And for the first time in my life… I felt like it.






  Copyright 2016 Alexa Rynn, all rights reserved.

  No part of this work may be reproduced without written consent of the author. This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for a mature audience only due to strong language and strong sexual conduct.



  For my readers: because at this time last year I didn’t have you. And now that I do & I’m so thankful. Stay Bad, xoxo Alexa

  Chapter One


  The best kind of cunt to take was the kind you didn’t have to try for. Not that I tried for much of anything, but with this girl I didn’t even have to say hello. She knew exactly what she was here for and that was the way I liked it. She shook her round ass back and forth, looking over her shoulder with parted red lips. “Oh, yeah, daddy, you like that pussy?”

  I dug my fingers into the side of her stomach even harder, allowing my cock to get lost so far up inside of her that everything else seemed to fade away. Her pussy was average, but it still felt good.

  People thought being in the Marines meant that you got pussy whenever you wanted, and sometimes you did, but missions, where woman were involved, could be far between, sometimes months apart. The truth was that I’d gotten more pussy as a brother than I ever had as a member of the Military.

  “Oh, yeah, baby, you’re fucking that pussy so good.”

  I moved my hands down and grabbed her by the butt cheeks, pulling them apart as far as I could and emerging my pipe completely inside of her. She jolted forward a little in shock, a look of pain on her face, but she kept moaning anyway. This wasn’t her first rodeo, she knew why she was here, and she knew that I had the right to do whatever the fuck I wanted to her.

  Club whores didn’t get a voice to complain.

  They existed for one reason and one reason alone.

  To please the brother’s every desire, no matter what it took.

  “Uh huh,” she gasped. “Yeah, yeah, right there.”

  I gave one final jolt then let my load loose, releasing the cum I’d been holding in for three long plane rides. I gave her ass one final slap then pulled out of her, discarding of the sticky condom. I preferred going raw but I knew better than to fuck around with shit like that these days. Girls were just dying to get knocked up so you’d be stuck with them forever. Plus, who knew where half of these girls had been? They were dirtier than the money I carried around with my everyday.

  And Red Sin money was pretty damn dirty; let me tell you.

  “So glad to have you back, Blade, baby.” The blonde walked over to her purse and pulled out a cigarette, lighting up right in the middle of the hotel room. “Just in time for Easter.”

  She said it like it should have meant something to me.

  It didn’t. Easter was a stupid holiday meant for people who had nothing better to do than sit around a huge table full of food and stuff their faces with some commercialized idea of what a real family should be.

  I didn’t like any of it.

  I didn’t have any of it.

  I’d grown up in foster care before I’d met Cutter and the rest of the Red Sins, and before I’d ran off to the Military to help work out some of my deep embedded issues. My brothers were the only family I’d ever known, they were the only ones I’d be seeing this Easter.

  “Are you doing anything fun?” She asked me.

  I grabbed a towel from the side of the bed and started to head toward the bathroom. I had to shower if I wanted to make my last flight back to the city, back to my brothers. And once I was there I still had a long drive ahead of me before I would be back toward the club.

  “Are you happy?” She pulled her thong up her legs. “I mean that your tour is over and that you get to stay a while? It must be… it must be really scary over there, especially right now.”

  I hated when people asked me about being overseas. Like it was something I wanted to talk about at fucking Sunday brunch. “It’s scary everywhere in the world these days,” I growled. “You don’t need to go anywhere to see how fucked up the world is, just turn on the news or look outside your fucking bedroom window.” I pulled my suitcase up onto the bed and pulled our a pair of fresh boxers and a black t-shirt.

  She looked uncomfortable but that wasn’t my problem. She came thousands of miles away to fuck a brother she’d only meant a handful of times and now she wanted to act awkward? The whole point of Cutter, Red Sin’s Vice President, and my good buddy, sending a club whore to take care of me was so I wouldn’t have to deal with weird exchanges exactly like this one.

  “Anyway,” I told her. “Thanks. Cutter gave you money for travel and all that, right?” Not that I really cared, I’d give her a thousand dollars if it meant she’d stop looking at me the way she was, like I was damaged or something.

  “Yeah, I’m all set.” She forced a smile, inhaling on her cigarette deeply. “I’m not offended, you know?” She called out to me as I neared the doorway of the bathroom. “It’s not a big deal, some brothers don’t like to kiss me, because of the smoke and all.” She glanced at her cigarette knowingly.

  I paused, staring at her for a second before shaking my head. “No, it’s… it’s not that. Don’t take it personally, I don’t kiss anyone, ever.” And then I closed the door on her stunned expression and turned the water on.

  She was gone by the time I got out of the shower, thank God. I didn’t want to have to answer a million questions when I got out. It was none of her damn business why I didn’t kiss any of them on the lips. It was too personal for me; none of them deserved it.

  I pulled out my phone as I walked through the lobby, the hotel was right inside of the airport so it hadn’t taken me long to get to one side of the building to the other. I guess all those years of training had been good for something. A long walk to a normal person seemed like nothing to me.

  I hit the answer button and a new video chat popped up on my screen.

  It was my brother, Blaze.

  Only instead of his face popping up on the screen, another brother’s did. Shutter. I wasn't sure I’d call him a brother, exactly, more like Cutter’s project but I humored him. I knew him from the neighborhood I had lived in toward the end of my time in the system so I knew he needed the brotherhood even more than I did.

  At least, I had been mentally strong. Shutter was… well, Shutter was Shutter. His real name was actually Ronald, but he’d named himself Shutter in honor of Cutter. He worshiped the ground he walked on. Not that that was unusual, most people who met Cutter ended up worshipping him.

  “I told you I knew how to make a face call!” Shutter cried happily. “There he is!” He started waving at the camera widely. “Hi, Blade! Where are you?” He glanced at the background I was walking throug
h. “That doesn’t look like Iraq to me. Wow, they’ve really come a long way over there, huh?”

  “You fool,” Blaze’s voice came blaring from through the speaker. “He’s on his way home!” He slapped Shutter in the back of the head and grabbed the phone away from him, allowing his own face to appear on the screen.

  “Brother!” I called, really smiling for the first time since I left my camp.

  “How was your flight?” Blaze asked me, shoving Shutter out of the shot completely. I could see the bar Blaze’s dad owned in the background, everyone in the club hung out there on the regular.

  “You mean my flights?” I groaned. “Long, but only one left.”

  “Will you be here for Easter dinner?” Shutter called somewhere off the frame.

  “Would you shut up about Easter dinner?” Blaze barked. “We get it, you’re excited.” He rolled his eyes at me, the way he always did when Shutter was annoying him. “And how was Candy?”

  I made a gagging noise and shook my head.

  “I thought blondes were your type?”

  “Oh, they are.” I stepped onto an escalator and started winding down to the bottom floor. “But not ones who ask a million questions and won't shut up after I nut. What the hell was Cutter thinking sending her out of all the girls he could have picked for me?”

  The smile falters from Blaze’s face and he glances around the room, probably making sure Cutter is nowhere to be found. He leaned into the screen and lowered his voice. “Yeah, about that, things have changed since the last time you’ve been home. Cutter is… a little distracted now.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Distractions are never a good thing.”

  Blaze chuckled. “Yeah, well, this one might be the best thing for him.”

  I wanted to know more but I knew better than to push it. Blaze was Cutter’s best friend and had known him since he was old enough to walk. He wasn’t going to gossip much about him and he definitely wasn’t going to ever imply that he didn’t have his back or agree with everything he decided to do.

  They were the closest things to leaders I’d ever seen up close.

  They were good people.

  Shutter popped back into the frame. “Do you want to sit next to me at Easter dinner?” He looked really excited, probably because neither one of us ever had any of that shit growing up. Difference was Shutter cared and I didn’t. “I wanted to sit next to Cutter,” Shutter kept going. “But I don’t think it’s going to work out, he’ll probably sit next to Blaze and his fiancé.”

  I almost tripped off the landing as I stepped off the moving surface.

  Blaze shoved him away again.

  “What did he just say to me?”

  “Can’t you ever just shut up?” He barked at Shutter before turning his eyes back to the screen. “Cutter isn’t engaged,” he said like the idea was ridiculous. “Not yet anyway,” he paused. “Huh, I guess it probably is headed there, I never really thought about it seriously.”

  The small sense of relief I felt washed away from my body. Shutter wasn’t joking, Cutter had a girlfriend? That didn’t even make sense; he was one of the most ruthless people I’d ever met in my life.

  And that included the men I was at war with.

  I couldn’t exactly imagine him being tender with anyone.

  “Why the hell would he go and do a thing like that?” I asked, shocked. I stopped at the bottom of the terminal and stepped off to the side to avoid the busy people zooming in and out around me. “That was the worst thing he could have done!”

  Blaze tried to keep the smile on his face. “She’s actually pretty cool, not that I would ever tell her that.” He shrugged and took a sip out of the bottle of beer he had been nursing since he called. “I think… I think it’s been good for him.”

  “Of course, it hasn’t been good for him!” I scowled.

  What the hell was wrong with everyone? Didn’t Cutter know getting involved with a girl seriously was always a mistake in our line of work? The thought of seeing a girl and falling all over myself for her made me sick. I had never been that guy and I never would be.

  “What’s she like?” I asked before Blaze could respond to my prior comment.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Blaze paused, pretending to rack his brain. “Oh, you know who she kind of reminds me of a little bit?” He glanced at the sign above my head in the background of the shot. “Heather.”

  I almost dropped my phone on the floor. “HEATHER?” I practically screamed. This whole situation was just getting worse and worse. “As in, Cutter’s little sister, Heather? As in the intense one who’s always poking her head around in club business and getting Cutter and you all worked up?”

  “Oh, come on.” Blaze pulled the phone closer to his face. “Heather isn’t bad.”

  Heather wasn’t bad? Was he joking? Don’t get me wrong, she was a nice kid and all but how could he say she wasn’t that bad? Had he completely forgotten about the time Heather had hidden inside of a barrel of water because she was convinced our shipments of drugs had a bomb in them? She had scared the Italians away from doing any more business with us for months!

  Or what about the time she was positive her brother had been kidnapped so she went and filled a missing person report to the cops! Even though we had told her over and over again he was just out of state on business! They had picked Cutter up on the thruway with a massacre of stolen weapons on him.

  Not too long ago, I’d even heard she was messing around with the little brother of some Misfit member, a rival bike gang of ours. No, being like Heather definitely wasn’t a good thing. The less drama the club had the better.

  I shook my head. “Blaze? Buddy, what can we do about this?”

  I didn’t get shocked easily; but this, this was shocking.

  “There’s nothing to do. You should see the two of them together, it’s like watching a movie play out in real life or some shit…” Blaze kept going, babbling on and on but I had tuned out.

  My eyes were glued to the other side of the airport where a girl was being hassled by a group of guys. The first thing that struck me was how tall she was, she had legs for days, and long blonde hair that hung down her back in long waves. A jean skirt, white sneakers, and a pink tank top were the only things covering her body. She couldn’t have been older than 22 or 23, and she looked scared, really scared.

  I shook my head and turned my attention back to the phone.

  “So then Cutter insisted on coming with us, even though his father told him he wasn’t allowed to go under any circumstances. I mean, the committee even voted on it,” he paused. “I voted in Cutter’s favor, naturally.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about but it sounded crazy.

  “So, then we get to the warehouse and we try to find Stone but…”

  I glanced at the girl again.

  None of your business, Blade, none of your business.

  She would be fine, I was sure of it.

  Only, she didn’t look fine. She looked like she was about two seconds away from being sexually assaulted. I could see her trying to back away from them, shaking her head no.

  “So, now, he’s here! Hanging out with us! Like it’s normal! What should I do?”

  I glanced down at the phone. What the hell was he talking about? I looked over again, the men were moving in on her now, checking out their surroundings to make sure no one was watching. Fuck, I needed to catch my plane. I didn’t have time to worry about some girl who’d pissed off the wrong group of guys in the middle of the airport. I was sure someone else would stop to help her.

  Although, so far it seemed unlikely since no one was even looking at her except for me. Ah, fuck, I clicked the end button on my screen without saying bye and shoved the phone into my pocket then started to stride over to where the girl was standing with the group of guys.

  That was my problem; I’d never been good at minding my own business.

  Chapter Two


  They were pissed,
clearly, they were pissed, I just wasn’t exactly sure what got them all worked up. Yes, I’d taken their parking spot but they didn’t have a blinker on! Plus, I was going to miss my plane and if I didn’t make it home for Easter my family would never forgive me. It was my mom’s favorite holiday. Okay, if I was being honest it was mine, too.

  I didn’t know they would follow me all the way inside! Or start hollering things at me! Who the heck got so worked up about a parking spot anyway? It’s not like they had any trouble finding another one since they had managed to catch up with me so quickly.

  “I’m sorry,” I told them for about the tenth time while I tried backing away from them. “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. You found another spot just fine, no harm was done, right?” I giggled nervously.

  “It’s not about the spot, girl,” the oldest one of the bunch said, snarling. “It’s about showing a level of respect. We don’t like to be disrespected, do we, men?” He puffed his top lip up into the air, revealing a set of lopsided yellow teeth.

  Chants and grunts of no erupted.

  “I didn’t… I didn’t mean to disrespect anyone.”

  “They never do,” the leader growled. “I don’t feel bad for you, you should have thought about that before.” He moved in closer to me, an action that the rest of his friends followed suit in. “Now you have to be taught a lesson.”

  I shook my head and backed away but only ended up crashing into one of their chests. The guy I backed into grabbed me by the wrists and yanked me harder into him. “Just relax, as long as you don’t fight it’ll be faster than you think.”

  Their leader was so close now that I could still smell his lunch on his breath. Grilled cheese and tomato soup. I shuttered and tried to break away but it was little use, there was too many of them, and I wasn’t strong enough to take on one of them let alone all five of them.


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